Is there any spoilers in the game?

By arizonamills, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Hi, I'm aware that this question might have been asked before, but I looked through the topics and couldn't find it.

I'm planning on giving the game as a birthday present to my boyfriend, he is a huge fan of the HBO TV series but when it comes to the books he has only read half of the first one. So before I give him the game I need to know for sure that there are no spoilers in the game. From what I have read the game focuses on the war between the five kings, is that correct?

It is possible, but none that I know/can think of.

It's kind of the War of the Five Kings -- but maybe in an alternate history. All 6 of the great Houses (Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Martell) are vying for the Iron Throne. There are cards that refer the events in the books/series, but they are so out of context that they are not really spoilers. I played the game for two years before I read the books, and nothing was spoiled for me.

Okay, so no spoilers about who dies, allies, betrayals or anything like that? What about the cards, will all of it actually happen in the books or are some made up?

Okay, so no spoilers about who dies, allies, betrayals or anything like that? What about the cards, will all of it actually happen in the books or are some made up?

Every character and event that has a card is from the books, but they are not in any order, and not connected with a storyline. Players make up their own alliances (and betrayals) in the course of the game.

Okay, are the events from all the books or just the first, second and third? Thank you for your answers :)

I don't know.

The books kind of blend together making it hard to recount which is when certain events took place. The cards themselves do not give anything away from the books or the show, the expansion A Dance with Dragons will have some potential for spoilers as it moves the starting positions of players to match where they are at at that time of the series.

The base game has no spoilers that I can think of.

The only spoilers in the core set are the names of characters up to the middle of Storm of Swords - the 3rd book (in fact, after this season of the TV series there will be no spoilers at all).

However, the existence of all the Houses has already been attested to all the way from Book 1, so I wouldn't consider them major spoilers in any case; it's simply a bit of advance knowledge on the name and possibly age/gender of certain House members