Westfold Outrider

By -nebur-, in Rules questions & answers


if I´m right (and i think so), this ally is amazing.


The Action isn`t limited to any phase...so you can use him, when you want.

In Quest-Phase and also in Combat-Phase...doesn`t sound very great?...read on.

If you engage an enemy after all your engaged enemies have attacked, the chosen enemy won`t attack in this phase...so this ally has 1 feint inclusive . ;)

If you are not the last player you also can engage an enemy from other players to "feint" their attack.

I don`t know, why this shouldn`t work so...do you agree to this?

Edited by -nebur-

Good idea, I hadn't thought of that. Do all of your attack resolutions, then when it is the next player's turn, trigger Westfold Outrider to engage their enemy, and he just won't have a window to attack.

My brother did just that in our last game.

Well, 1 feint, that cost 2... so i'm not quite fond of him yet... but he saved my ass, can't deny that.

My brother did just that in our last game.

Well, 1 feint, that cost 2... so i'm not quite fond of him yet... but he saved my ass, can't deny that.

But as opposed to feint he still has a use for a bit of combat damage until you need to sacrifice him.

- he can attack before you use his effect

- you can have 3x feint and 3x outrider in deck

- he can be used for hailf of stones, a very good tale...

- he is a rohan ally (ride to ruin, astonishing speed, mustering the rohirrim)

- he can also engage enemies in quest-phase

- the tactic-player (best in combat) engages more enemies to defeat them


I will use him a lot. :)

Now I just need to remember the feint trick with this guy... Very useful...

This guy is great even without the mentioned feint stuff*. His synergy with Eomer is just too good to be true.

* says the solo player

He's great.

I've tried him in multi player last week, and I love this card.T

This guy is here to stay, as he can be a life saver.

That's a very good point about this guy. I've had him in a deck for a while, and still haven't drawn him (some cards just feel cursed like that), but when I do...!


if I´m right (and i think so), this ally is amazing.


The Action isn`t limited to any phase...so you can use him, when you want.

In Quest-Phase and also in Combat-Phase...doesn`t sound very great?...read on.

If you engage an enemy after all your engaged enemies have attacked, the chosen enemy won`t attack in this phase...so this ally has 1 feint inclusive . ;)

If you are not the last player you also can engage an enemy from other players to "feint" their attack.

I don`t know, why this shouldn`t work so...do you agree to this?

Mmm .. in a two-player-game this should not work, because if you use the action after last enemy attack (after 6.4) the target enemy is now engaged with you and you have to choose him as attacker before player two begins his enemy attacks (there is no action window before step 6.1)

In a game of 3 or 4 players with player 1 using the action while player 2/3/4 is beeing attacked .. this should work because all enemy attacks for player 1 are done.

I think you're right JanB, but I'll link you to a current and ongoing discussion of this issue in the thread here .

Edited by GrandSpleen

@GrandSpleen: thanks for linking.

Because no one asks Caleb .. i did it:


Dear Caleb,
thank you for your latest answer to my questions. After playing with tactic-Aragorn and some stuff which let me engage enemies during their attacks some questions came up i hope that you can help and answer them. First .. Combat Phase .. the enemies will attack first in their "Resolving Enemy Attacks"-Step. In the rule it is described that the players could do action after each of the four steps. Is their an action window before an enemy attack which is not the same action window after Determine Combat Damage? There are 3 threads in your forum which discuss about this "potenial" action window.


Hi Jan,
There is no mystery action window hidden in the combat phase. There is an action window after shadow cards are dealt, and then the first enemy attacks. Once the first enemy attacks, the only action windows are the ones that follow each step of resolving those attacks.