The latest edition of 40K added a powerful new weapon to the Space Marine armoury: graviton firearms. These rare weapons cause gravity to increase at the target area, crushing enemies under the weight of their own armour. Their tabletop stats are as follows:
GRAV-PISTOL Range: 12”; Strength:*; AP: 2; Special: Concussive, Graviton
GRAV-GUN Range: 18”; Strength:*; AP: 2; Special: Concussive, Graviton
‘Concussive’ reduces the target’s Initiative to 1 for a round, while ‘Graviton’ means that the ‘to wound’ roll needed equals the target’s armour save, while vehicles suffer a ‘glancing hit’ on a roll of ‘6’.
So, these are fairly short-ranged weapons, incredibly deadly against heavily-armoured opponents, but a trivial threat against lightly-armoured foes. The ‘concussive’ effect is obviously intended to represent the target being slowed to a crawl by the effects of drastically increased gravity- this can potentially be quite colorful in an rpg. Grav-Cannons are vehicle-mounted weapons which simply have loner range and higher rate of fire. I’m a little surprised that these weapons haven’t appeared in Deathwatch yet (or, if they have, I must have missed them). Here’s my attempt at adapting ‘grav’ weapons to Deathwatch :
GRAV-PISTOL Class: Exotic (Grav), Pistol; Range: 20m; RoF: 1/2/-; Damage:* I; Pen: *; Clip: 6; Rld: Full; Special: Graviton*; Wt: 6; Req: 30; Renown: Distinguished
GRAV-GUN Class: Exotic (Grav), Basic; Range: 50; RoF: 1/3/-; Damage:* I; Pen: *; Clip: 9; Rld: 2 Full; Special: Graviton*; Wt: 28; Req: 35; Renown: Famed
* Graviton- This weapon inflicts damage by increasing the effect of gravity upon the target. On a successful hit, the target takes 1d10 damage, +1d10 per Size category above Average (so, 2d10 for Hulking targets, 3d10 for Enormous, and 4d10 for Massive), up to a maximum of 4d10, plus 1 per point of Armour on the target’s Body location (therefore, a Tyranid Warrior [Enormous, 8 Armour] would take 3d10+8 damage from being hit by a graviton weapon). This damage is not reduced by armour or effected by forcefields, but Toughness applies normally.
In addition, the increased gravity has effects beyond inflicting damage. The target has a chance of dropping anything being held, as objects drastically increase in weight. An Ordinary (+10) Strength Test is required to avoid dropping an object up to 10kg, with the test difficulty increasing one step for each additional increment of10kg (hence, a 27kg Astartes plasmagun would require a Difficult [-10] Strength Test to avoid dropping). Also, the target is slowed as they struggle against the increased pull of gravity- the target suffers the effects of a ‘High Gravity World’ from the Deathwatch Rulebook , page 210, until the start of the shooter’s next turn. Finally, Flying and Hovering targets drop 1d10 meters upon being hit; if this brings them into contact with the ground, they take Falling damage as normal.
I haven’t figured out how these weapons should effect vehicles yet- I’m leaning toward some type of ‘movement damage’…