So, as the name implies, I have a lame idea, lame mostly in that I'm sure many other people have already had it, but whatever. So, for the premises of this idea, a force of vanguard Tau have come into the Expanse, and are contemplating making it part of their ever farther-flung empire, and the players, should I ever do anything with this, might be among the first people to discover their presence. So, some points, and then some questions from me to you.
Someone might be saying "how do the Tau get there?" Well, while the Tau Empire is, I believe, very far away, and their warp travel is inferior to anyone else who CAN warp travel, I am saying that somewhere, maybe in the space of the Third Sphere Expansion, maybe in the Reach (but I like that one less), the Tau discovered a stable warp gate, and while their understanding of it is a bit wanked, they did figure out what it does, and found themselves in the Koronus Expanse, possibly near Undred Undred Teef, or way out in some wilderness space, not sure. Since then, they have been slowly coming in, and learning what's up in that neck of the galaxy. Were I to run it as a game, the players would get a chance to learn of them, perhaps without the Tau's knowledge. This could be a golden opportunity to chat the Tau up, and gain some interesting trading partners, or, if it burns their Imperial sensibilities, they could try to warn the Imperium. I figure such a close xenos presence would galvanize the Imperium, at least in the Calixis Sector, to action. All of this could endanger the autonomy of many other Rogue Traders, who would have to decide where their loyalties lie. I have some thoughts on the Ethereal in charge, stationed on the cloaked station nearby the gate's terminus, and the FC Commander in charge of the military forces. In a short while, the people of the Expanse could start to see Water Caste in Footfall. As for the greater imperium, it's hard to tell what response they might launch. Jericho and the Severan Dominate each eat up numerous resources, even in that area, so they might be hard-pressed to quickly defend their borders, and parts of the Expanse aren't quite the Imperium, except in the Imperium's monologue, so they might not have the biggest care right away.
Now, for my questions:
- In the event of boarding actions, what would be the ideal Tau set-up? In my mind, Terminators would make great boarders, but Tau Broadsides, and even Crisis Suits are big, so I was thinking of Stealth Suits, maybe occasionally led by a Shadowsun knockoff. Their tech, carried environment, and stealth tech could make for vicious boarders, maybe with Kroot support. Might there be something better? Would they have other weapons on the Suits better kitted to NOT breaching hulls?
- I have an idea of how the various xenos of the Expanse might behave toward the Tau; Stryxis would trade, Orks would fight, Rak'Gol are douches, etc, and then there's the Eldar. Officially , do we know how these two races act toward each other, now? At one point, maybe back when the Tau seemed good in a sea of evil, the Eldar were depicted as cajoling the Tau, perhaps having helped them form, maybe looking at them as a successor race even, or something. Since then, they have done more of the "everyone sucks, forget them all" Ynnead Plan, and I don't know. Certainly, being ancient, and former rulers of everything, the Eldar would not take on the Greater Good as a creed, but would they aide the Tau, fight them, or just ignore them? Tau forces, coupled with some Farseer advisers could be truly terrifying, as the few Farseers would have many Tau soldiers to alleviate their normal quantity problems, and I don't see the Tau picking through Eldar ruins as much as Humans do. Or, they could battle, because it's 40K, if no other reason.
- The Kroot are also an issue. Some stuff seems to say that the Kroot in the Expanse are there without the knowledge of their masters. Were the Tau to appear, would they suddenly start taking orders, giving the Tau some decent standing forces, while they muster more through the gate, or would they disappear, and try to avoid the Tau?
- Air Caste Tau man their vessels, if I am right, but do they keep Fire Caste warriors aboard for defense and boarding actions? I don't know if their slighter frames and possibly limited movement would be hindrances, if the gravity might be weaker, hindering boarders, or if they would have Fire Caste to protect them. Might they use some sort of Crisis Suit, or are those purely Fire Caste? Sort of wish an Ethereal could go Crisis.
I think that'll cover everything for now. I'll see if anyone has stuff to say on it. Thanks for reading.
Edited by venkelos