Here's a two that came up last night:
Can a Sacked character's attachments trigger? Specifically can I trigger Goblin Cleaver if it is attached to a Sacked character. I would think that the intent of the game seems to say no - but I suppose an argument can be made that the character isn't doing the triggering. Since my wife was getting frustrated after several losses to this deck we let it trigger.
After that...
End of the game approaches and success in sight. We have 2 cards left in the encounter deck. Troll Cave is the current location. We quest like mad; well enough to defeat the 5 threat that is already in the staging area already (3 times over in fact!) Problem is we stage the two cards and now the encounter deck is empty. Do we even finish resolving the last card? Or get to successfully finish questing and finish exploring Troll Cave?
Roast Mutton 2B says Forced: If there are no Troll enemies left in play, or if there are no cards left in the encounter deck, advance to the next stage.
Does the fact that we had a active location get in the way of the quest stage advancing? If not, what happens to a active location if the quest it is on advances?
We look forward to your insights!