What about that Behemoth?

By Bobby-Winky, in Mutant Chronicles

The first time I saw this guy's card I just focused on his hit points(20), his cost (2 gold slots) and his base size (4 hexes). However, last night was the first time I actually read through the entire Praetorian Behemoth text. I just don't see this guy as being all that balanced. The most difficult item I have with this guy is his ability to disregard terrain while moving. (Twenty life for only 2 gold is pretty bad too.) So I am thinking that we do not have the entire story on this guy... I would guess/hope (maybe I'm wrong) that FFG planned to package this guy like the Ice Golem or Karak complete with explanatory cards. Further, my hopes would be that those cards would include some liability or limiting design placed on the Behemoth.

To exemplify my last point, lets look at the Mercurian Spawn. Pretty tough nugget, (5 life, 2 hex unit that is bound by terrain movement, potential to heal 2 life per turn and grapple and can be grappled) but you yield 4 victory points when you kill this guy. The Behemoth has 15 more life with much less limits and gives you 6 victory points. I am thinking this can't be the whole story....

Has anyone played with this guy yet? If so, do you think he needs some re-design? Have you placed any restrictions on this guy?

I play this game with really only 2 other guys so we are limited to only 3 brains working on fitting this guy into our rosters. Our first thoughts are:

1) Behemoth is limited in movement just like all other units. If he gets stuck, well he's kind of like the Cave Troll that is after Frodo in the Fellowship of The Ring and can't quite catch Frodo until he has room to spear the little hobbit.

2) The Behemoth costs more. We were thinking 2 gold and 1 silver.

Please toss out any ideas you might have!!

Big Bob Watts has the ability kill that thing in one action and the ministry executioner can one shot that thing. Plus with all the hate Demon figs take (double base, brotherhood extra dice, capital rangor, bauhaus extra blue dice) i don;t mind them having an HP soak. Other then his life he really doesn't give you anything for your investment. You don't want to grapple with this guy anyway because then his 3 yellows will ick in (but if you stay away from him, his three yellows really don't hurt). i'd rather have golgatha and alahkai in my army for two gold over this guy. The only time he would be a problem is demon on demon action but then you both have access to him or ice golems (which you can summon around the battlefield ignoring terrian anyway).


Good points you toss out. We have not played the Behemoth (out of courtesy towards fellow players) so we may be premature in our judgement. But does Behemoth pose such a threat that during army creation you must include a Behemoth-stopper?

i dunno. I'd include BBW and the ME in most army builds. I think a focus of an army is a heavy damage combo at the least. And as coral beach said, there is always combined fire if you don't have a specific answer.

I agree he looks like a tough nugget but I think the brauhausian troops and the vulkans can bring it down. I think anyone who plops one down wont see the survivability they hoped for in that 20 wound beast. As already discussed, there are allot of equalizers out there. I am anxious to see what people are going to use to convert one. I am still trying to figure that one out for my stuff.


And for old Warzone players, the original Pretorian Behemoth is a perfect proxy for this unit (taller than Karak the Keeper).

Warzone Pretorian Behemoth

Coral Beach said:

And for old Warzone players, the original Pretorian Behemoth is a perfect proxy for this unit (taller than Karak the Keeper).

and it looks better!
(in fact, the Behemoth is the only figure of the second set I really don't like)

Coral Beach said:

And for old Warzone players, the original Pretorian Behemoth is a perfect proxy for this unit (taller than Karak the Keeper).

This is exactly what we had in mind... we also figure that one of those 4-hex pieces from Hero-scape should work as a base.

Another conversion idea we (me and fellow gamers) are working on is the Warzone Mecurian Maculator filling in for the Mercurian Spawn.


I know the old Praetorian is huge but how big are those old maculators are they 54mm or big 35mm/40mm. Warzone was dead when I came into the scene.

All the Warzone stuff was set to 28 mm but this guy is pretty big. I do not have him in front of me right now - but going on memory he is probably 100mm (or 4 inches) tall. If you need a more precise size I can find the fig (I need to find him for the conversion anyway.)

Here's some Warzone minis for scale. The MC CMG minis is about twice as tall (or more) than the 28mm minis. The warzone Mercurian Maculator is perfect IMO for use with the CMG. I'm also prolly going to use my converted (different pose) Ezoghoul (as in the pic) as the new Ezo type for Ilian.


Holy Cow sorpresa.gif ! Was that how big the FFG maculator was going to be because I was going to use a figure closer to the same size as a Vulkan. That thing is huge and that gun is awesome!!! I wish you could still get that stuff.


In Europe you can find it at www.warzone-chronopia.com

They still have the Maculator and Behemoth.

I really like that consortium figure. You replace one of those arms with a big gun and you got a mean figure. I guess I just never realized that is how big those beasties were supposed to be in the game. I may have to get the one from the old Warzone game, however, because it just looks so cool with that auto-cannon and I can get two for the price of the one from the consortium and when I have to ship to the USA that is a factor.


Thanks for the info guys

It might have already been mentioned but the easiest way to make a base for the Behemoth is to glue two of the double hex bases together and spray paint the whole thing black. I made a couple of these for playtesting and they work great. Plus there are plenty of slots to stick wound tokens into.

If you can pick up some double based units cheap I recommend it for proxies. Also the getting figures off the bases is easier when there are NOT on those transparent stands (like the Great Gray).