Organized Play in Western Michigan?

By Old Man, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

First time poster. Anyone know of a store doing Descent Organized Play in Western Michigan?

Thanks in advance,

Old Man

There is a store in Zeeland that hosts stuff like that. It's called Out of the Box. Half the store is used to sell games while the other half is devoted to playing games. I asked the owner about starting a Descent night "organized play" thing and he sounded pretty optimistic about it. (They already have some organized play for other games). I would recommend checking it out.

I'd be very interested in this as well as I'm in the Kalamazoo area. Please let me know if you hear anything.

Here is the links to website and FB page of Out of the Box.

I think that to start a Descent night we would have to take the initiative. Maybe by all of us writing an email to the owner about the idea or something along those lines to show that there is some interest. The owner of Out of the Box is not likely to start an organized play night without people asking him to. As of now there is not an organized play for Descent yet...but we could easily make one there.

Edited by thelostsoldier