Power dice upgrade in RtL

By toolbox75, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quick question...can the heroes upgrade any black dice to silver or gold by spending fatigue? Even dice that weren't added, like the ones that come with the hero traits? I just wanted to make sure I was playing right. Thanks:)

Yes, they can..........

Yes. The heroes may use one fatigue point to gain a power boost. Each boost may be spent to either add a black power die or upgrade one power die to the next level (black->silver or silver->gold). A hero may never roll more than five power dice for a single attack roll. Note that in RtL power potions give the hero five power boosts that may be spent as above.

ok, is it legal to turn a black power die into a gold power die by spending 2 fatigue? 1 to turn the black to silver, then 1 more to turn the silver to gold and then roll it?

Yeaup. When our guys drink a Power Potion, they usually bump 2 of their black dice to gold and one to silver. Same thing can be done by burning 4 fatigue.
