What!?!?!? No Dark Angels?

By MechaBri.Zilla, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Seriously! Who wants to play smurfs. I'm so sick of those damned Ultramarines.

Ok... I'm trolling a little bit here.

Why are we all up in arms about a game we know almost nothing about?

We barely understand the basic game, let alone what will happen with expansions and such down the road.

No matter what, in order to make a fully playable card game, FFG was going to have to leave something out of this starter box. Especially when making a game like this with all of the history and factions that the 40k franchise has built up over the last 20 years. They have shown time and again, that they are willing to add more to their games as time goes on, in fact that's what keeps these games fresh and good. Sometimes they do that well i.e: Diskwars, Call of Cthulhu, Invasion (High and Dark Elves), and sometimes they do it poorly i.e: Invasion (Vampire Counts, Skaven, Wood Elves, and Lizardmen.)

Personally, I am cautiously optimistic about this game. I'm not going to go too crazy about any part of it until I know a little more about what they are going to do with it.

Do we know that it's an Ultramarine faction, or could it be just Space Marines in general, leaving the possibility of Dark Angels in the core and a future DA warlord?

Do we know that it's an Ultramarine faction, or could it be just Space Marines in general, leaving the possibility of Dark Angels in the core and a future DA warlord?

We don't know. I guess that was sort of the point of my post, we know very little about this game and people are already chewing it up with complaints.

I'm not saying it will be an awesome game, but I'm suprised how many people have already vocally thrown their hands up and decided they don't like it.

Do we know that it's an Ultramarine faction, or could it be just Space Marines in general, leaving the possibility of Dark Angels in the core and a future DA warlord?

Space Marines, that is what it says on the Alignment wheel.

Someday I am sure we will see all of the major chapters. Bring on my Space Wolves!

This game if it catches on has a very large potential for deluxe expansions. So many chapters, so many armies, so many options i cant wait for news on the Biel Tan craftworld.

Guy's, read the post.

It's a joke.

Although, I'm glad you pointed that out. I for one would like to see all the major chapter's.

cant wait for more info!!!!!

I'm not saying it will be an awesome game, but I'm suprised how many people have already vocally thrown their hands up and decided they don't like it.

I'm with you on this. I'm not convinced that I'll love the game and I'm pretty sure that Star Wars will remain my primary game, but I'm certainly going to at least wait for the full rules before rushing to judgement. I still miss my Tyranids, but hopefully I'll see them later.

I'm not saying it will be an awesome game, but I'm suprised how many people have already vocally thrown their hands up and decided they don't like it.

They're doing that simply based on faction X or Y not being in the core set. Which is I agree quite silly.

I can't believe they didn't include my awesome homebrewed faction I made by cutting the heads off of my Tyranids and gluing them to my Space Marines!!*

*I have not actually done this... though now that I think about it, it sounds awesome.

Edited by dbmeboy

While I realize this topic was meant as a sort of mockery one thing people should note is not all the Space Marines we've seen are Ultramarines. There is a Blood Angels unit in the game in progress picture.

Edited by Toqtamish

I think having a specific space marines factions is a bad idea.. to my loyalty between fans. FFG should have made their own chapter for this game, kind of like Raven Software did with "Blood Ravens".

This is why we will see a mix of chapters among the factions.. not just ultra-marines or 1000 Sons (chaos) or w/e. We have already seen non ultramarine pics... so yeah.. I would suspect that there will be dark Angels, Space Wolves and the like over time.

I agree with the OP 100%, while it does suck that not all the factions are present, it makes sense and it will not have too big of an impact whether the game is good or not. I also don't understand why people think that having cards in the middle of the table in a line makes this game exactly like CoC in every perceivable way....

FFG should have made their own chapter for this game, kind of like Raven Software did with "Blood Ravens".

Actually, it's Relic (or Relic Entertainment?) and not Raven Software who made Dawn of War.

no it was raven software that invented the blood ravens.. before relic become the goto 40K guys.

no it was raven software that invented the blood ravens.. before relic become the goto 40K guys.

Actually, the Blood Ravens were invented for the original Dawn of War game, and have been the focus ever since. Raven Software has never worked on a Warhammer 40K game (according to their develoment list, found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_Software ).

More on mock-topic, I think it will be interesting to see how sub-factions (Space Marine Chapters, Ork clans, Eldar Craftworlds and so on) will work in the game. It's possible they'll build in the ability to construct sub-faction specific decks as an optional system, which I think would be pretty neat (imagine two different Chapters going head to head, for example). Then again, it could be just flavor text and have no real bearing on mechanics, which would be pretty cool, as well.

Of course, this is all just speculation until we can get our hands on the actual product, so we'll have to see. But I, for one, am excited.

Based on other FFG LCG's I think we will get other Warlord cards as part of the data pack/adventure pack/what ever they are going to be called and the deluxe expansion boxes. I would bet the space marine faction would get other chapter captains as warlords, orcs would get different warband warlords,medlar different craft worlds, chaos different chapters, ect....

I think we'll see chapter (and other races faction) themed decks together with the currently missing major forces (necrons, tyranids etc) in expansions in due course, as suggested by others I reckon these are likely to be tied to themed expansion packs (Tyraninds versus Iyanden, Necrons versus a marine faction etc).

FFG have been quite clever with the allies and factions. They've got all the necessary information sub-faction info on the cards ("Ultramarines" for instance) to split up different space marine chapters as individual sub factions even if that isn't happeneing in the core box, and by keeping the alliance wheel off of the cards themselves its already incredibly easy to revise / refresh the allies system as the game expands.

I'm super excited about this game!

  • Pls FFG give us more info We can't wait ! :D