re release HeroQuest/Warhammer Quest

By Ragnar1981, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Well, rumours are circulating, Games Workshop is thought to be re releasing HeroQuest or Warhammer Quest in a new form. What do you guys think about that?

I spent a great part of the 90's playing WHQ :) I would very much like to see that game on the shelves again, but I hope they don't just rerelease it but try to amend some of the problems you got at higher levels though.

BTW.. where didi you hear this rumour?

angel1977 said:

I spent a great part of the 90's playing WHQ :) I would very much like to see that game on the shelves again, but I hope they don't just rerelease it but try to amend some of the problems you got at higher levels though.

BTW.. where didi you hear this rumour?

ah pardon me, I forgot to post the link ;-). Here it is:

Given what I know from when I used to work for GW, HeroQuest is unlikele, Warhammer Quest would be more likeley, though thge samew rumour has been used as backup to so many different fan wants it's unreal (Demurge/Squats, Chaos Dwarfs, Man O War, Cathayan/Nipponese/Arabyan/DoW armies, Dark Future...).

That said, check out:

is that the same rumor for the Space Hulk remake?


The Space Hulk rumour has always been specifically Space Hulk.

shnar said:

is that the same rumor for the Space Hulk remake?


That's cool and all, but I've got my hands full with Descent. :)

Forgive my bitterness, but Games Workshop will never get my money ever again. There support for their games is absolute garbage!!! They will come out with a game as a "test model" to further expand upon future prospects and leave the "prototypes " in the dust. As a company that I have spent thousands with in the past including WQ, they will no longer get my money.

shnar said:

is that the same rumor for the Space Hulk remake?

Space Hulk has been reprinted at least once already since it's initial launch, so the idea that they might reprint it again is more likely I think. I believe that there is a new edition of SH coming down the pipe. I haven't heard any timeframe, but I do believe its coming. WHQ/HQ I'm less sure about, especially if someone who used to be inside the company is skeptical. That's okay though, I have Descent to scratch that itch now.

Yeah, but it's been almost 20 years since the 2nd Edition, so a 3rd printing would be warmly recieved by us geeks :D


Since you seem to be putting store in my position, I'll explain a little: I'd not see them doing HeroQuest for a variety of practical reasons (mostly copyright & trademak), although WHQ could be a possibility if they do well with a SpaceHulk re-launch. Doing both at once would be stretching resources overly thin on products that target core markets that overlap too much.

I know enough of how they work to spot things that are unlikely.

Steve-O said:

shnar said:

is that the same rumor for the Space Hulk remake?

Space Hulk has been reprinted at least once already since it's initial launch, so the idea that they might reprint it again is more likely I think. I believe that there is a new edition of SH coming down the pipe. I haven't heard any timeframe, but I do believe its coming. WHQ/HQ I'm less sure about, especially if someone who used to be inside the company is skeptical. That's okay though, I have Descent to scratch that itch now.

Efidim: It's closer to 15 years, but I agree.

Royaldoy: I appreciate your sentiment , but in my experiences, games that where shelved or went mail-order-only had effectively stopped selling. I never expect any company to support a product noone buys. People complain when GW acts as a business in my experience, even when they have no complain on parallell practices by other companies. (No oppinion on your possition included in that BTW).