Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game


Once again, I made a couple of changes from the last scenario (notable taking Faramir out of deck #2 and cutting both decks back to 50 cards).



Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Cirdan The Ship-Wright and Eowyn (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 33.

Starting Hand: Arwen Undomiel, Desperate Alliance, Galadhrim Minstrel, Hasty Stroke, The Galadhrim's Greeting and Windfolk.

Mulligan: Ethir Swordsman, Gandalf (Core), Ranger of Cardolan x2, Silver Harp and Unexpected Courage.


Heroes: Beregond (Tactics), Boromir (Tactics) and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 31.

Starting Hand: Armoured Destrier, Errand-Rider, Gondorian Shield x2, Nalth Guide and Steed of the North.


Added the Crossroads and Black Numenorean to the staging area.

Attached Faramir and Lord Alcaron to the first player.

Drew Eastern Road and added it to the staging area.

Drew Orc Rabble, adding it to the staging area.

Made deck #1 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Beregond +1 (1), Boromir +1 (1), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1)].

Deck #1 drew Desperate Alliance and Wingfoot, then discarded Wingfoot.

Deck #2 drew Gondorian Discipline.


Deck #1 played Silver Harp on Cirdan [Cirdan -1 (0), Eowyn -1 (0)].

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Beregond [Beregond -1 (0)].

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Boromir [Boromir -1 (0)].


Added 1 hidden card to each deck.

Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Cirdan (for 4), Eowyn (for 4) and Halbarad (for 2).

Drew Evil Crow, adding it to the staging area.

Drew Lying In Wait. Deck #1 flipped Lying Wait for no effect.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 11.

Added 1 progress to Stage 1B.


Travelled to Eastern Road, deck #1 took 2 hidden cards.


Deck #2 engaged Evil Crow (adding a hidden card to deck #2) and Orc Rabble.


Deck #1 revealed and discarded Conflict At the Crossroads.

Deck #1 revealed and discarded Mordor Looms.

Deck #2 revealed and discarded Southern Road.

Deck #2 revealed and discarded Lying In Wait.

Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Orc Rabble attacked Beregond (the shadow card was Scourge of Mordor for +1 attack and drew another shadow card, Northern Road for no effect), doing no damage.

Evil Crow attacked Boromir (the shadow card was The Dark Woods for no effect) doing no damage.

Deck #2 refreshed Boromir [deck #2 threat: 32] and used him to kill the Evil Crow.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 34.

Deck #2 threat: 33.

Made deck #2 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (2), Beregond +1 (1), Boromir +1 (1), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (2)].

Deck #2 drew Feint.

Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing and A Test Of Will, then exhausted Silver Harp to avoid discarding Warden of Healing.


Deck #2 played Armoured Destrier on Beregond [Halbarad -2 (0)].

Deck #1 played Ethir Swordsman [Cirdan -1 (0), Eowyn -1 (0)].

Deck #1 played Warden of Healing [Aragorn -2 (0)].


Added 1 hidden card to each deck.

Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Cirdan (for 4), Eowyn (for 4), Ethir Swordsman (for 2) and Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting).

Drew Orc Arsonist, adding it to the staging area.

Drew Conflict At The Crossroads, adding +1 threat.

Total Willpower: 14.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 2 progress to Eastern Road, exploring it.

Added 3 progress to stage 1B.


Travelled to The Crossroads. Deck #2 took a hidden card.


Deck #2 engaged Orc Arsonist (adding a shadow card to Orc Arsonist and Orc Rabble) and Black Numenorean.


Both decks took a hidden card.

Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Orc Arsonist attacked Boromir (the shadow cards were The Dark Woods and Brutal Uruk, for no effect), doing no damage before deck#2 refreshed Boromir [deck #2 threat: 34].

Orc Rabble attacked Beregond (the shadow cards were Orc Ambusher for +1 attack, and Orc Rabble, which added 2 more shadow cards, Lying In Wait and The Dark Woods, for no effect, doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to ready Beregond and discard the shadow card on Black Numenorean.

Black Numenorean attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Boromir, Faramir and Halbarad attacked and killed the Black Numenorean, sending it to the victory display [Total VP: 3], then refreshed Boromir [Deck #2 threat: 35].

Boromir and Lord Alcaron attacked and killed the Orc Rabble.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 35.

Deck #2 threat: 36.

Made deck #1 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Beregond +1 (2), Boromir +1 (2), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1)].

Deck #1 drew Hasty Stroke and Northern Tracker, then exhausted Silver Harp to avoid discarding one of them.

Deck #2 drew Gondorian Discipline.


No planning.


Added 1 hidden card to each deck.

Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Cirdan (for 4), Eowyn (for 4), Ethir Swordsman (for 2) and Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting).

Drew Brutal Uruk, adding it to the staging area.

Drew Orc Ambusher.

Total Willpower: 14.

Total Threat: 5.

Added 2 progress to The Crossroads, exploring it and sending it to the victory display [Total VP: 6].

Added 7 progress to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 forced me to put Faramir and Lord Alcaron under stage 2.

Deck #1 revealed Orc Rabble, putting it into play engaged with deck #1.

Deck #1 revealed and discarded The Dark Woods.

Deck #2 revealed and discarded 2 copies of Mordor Looms.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Brutal Uruk and Orc Ambusher


Each deck took a hidden card.

Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Beregond sentinel defended the Orc Rabble engaged with deck #1 (the shadow card was Scourge of Mordor for +1 attack), doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on Brurtal Uruk.

Brutal Uruk attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Orc Arsonist attacked Boromir (the shadow card was Orc Arsonist for +1 attack and I drew another shadow card, Orc Ambusher for another +1 attack), doing 1 damage. Deck #2 refreshed Boromir [Deck #2 threat: 37].

Orc Ambusher attacked Boromir (the shadow card was Orc Arsonist for +1 attack and, due to not having any cards in the encounter deck, drew no more shadow cards), doing no damage. Deck #2 refreshed Boromir [Deck #2 threat: 38].

Boromir and Halbarad attacked and killed the Orc Arsonist.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 36.

Deck #2 threat: 39.

Made deck #2 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (2), Beregond +1 (3), Boromir +1 (3), Cirdan +1 (2), Eowyn +1 (2), Halbarad +1 (2)].

Deck #2 drew Dunedain Hunter.

Deck #1 drew Northern Tracker and Ethir Swordsman, then exhausted Silver Harp to avoid discarding 1 of them.


Deck #2 played Dunedain Hunter (shuffling the encounter deck and drawing Orc Rabble, Orc Ambusher, Lying In Wait, Orc Arsonist and Evil Crow, then putting Evil Crow into play engaged with deck #2 (adding a hidden card) and shuffling the rest back into the encounter deck).

Deck #2 played Nalth Guide [Halbarad -2 (0)] (Boromir quests without exhausting this turn).

Deck #1 played Gandalf [Aragorn -1 (1), Cirdan -2 (0), Eowyn -2 (0)], killing the Orc Rabble engaged with deck #1.


Added 1 hidden card to each deck.

Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Beregond (for 1), Boromir (for 3, without exhausting), Cirdan (for 2), Dunedain Hunter (for 3), Eowyn (for 1), Ethir Swordsman (for 1), Gandalf (for 4), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Nalth Guide (For 1).

Drew The Dark Woods, adding it to the staging area.

Drew Orc Ambusher, adding it to the staging area.

Total Attack: 21.

Total Threat: 4.

Added 17 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and winning the game.

In the end my score was:

Completed rounds (3): 30.

Total Threat: 75.

Wounds on heroes: 1.

Total VP: 6.

Final Score: 100


This quest was a bloodbath. After 8 tries I finally ground out a win with the same decks as the above game.

By the end Aragorn, Boromir and Halbarad managed to finally kill the Nazgul of Minas Morgul with deck #2 on 49 threat. Unfortunately I had quit the game and deleted my writeup before I rememebered that deck #1 had a Desperate Alliance in hand so I moved Aragorn over to deck #2 to provide the needed attack strength to kill the Nazgul.


For this saga run through I decided to go with as many members of the canon Fellowship as possible.

Deck #1 was Aragorn (Leadership), Pippin (Lore) and Sam Gamgee, with 26 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Faramir, Fast Hitch, Gandalf (Core), Hobbit Cloak and Sword That Was Broken.

Deck #2 was Boromir (Tactics), Legolas (Tactics) and Merry (Spirit), with 26 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Arwen Undomiel, Dagger of Westernesse, Ethir Swordsman, Honour Guard and Rivendell Blade.

Setup for the quest comprised making Bag End the active location, adding a Black Rider to the staging area, attaching Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) to the first player, putting Gandalf's Delay into play and making deck #1 first player.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Steward of Gondor and deck #2 drew Feint.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn and Sam to play Steward of Gondor on Aragorn, exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Hobbit Cloak on Sam.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Boromir and Legolas to play Honour Guard.

I committed Aragorn (paying 1 to refresh him), Frodo, Pippin and Sam.

Deck #1 drew Woody End and added it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Evil Crow (deck #2 exhausted Merry to lower their threat to 24).

I committed 9 willpower against 7 threat so added 2 progress to Bag End.

Deck #2 engaged the Evil Crow.

After adding a shadow card the Evil Crow attacked Boromir (shadow card: Hunting For The Ring for no effect), doing no damage.

Legolas attacked and killed the Evil Crow, adding 1 progress to Bag End, exploring it (deck #1 drew Miner of the Iron Hills, Roheryn and Lindon Navigator. Deck #2 drew another Honour Guard) and added 1 progress to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 added another Black Rider to the staging area.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 27 and deck #2's to 25 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Song of Battle and deck #1 drew Staff of Lebethron.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Merry to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Legolas to play Rivendell Blade on himself.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, paid 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Sam to play Sword That Was Broken on him and paid 2 from Pippin to play Lindon Navigator.

I committed Aragorn (with Sword buff, paying 1 to refresh), Arwen (adding +1 defence and Sentinel to Boromir), Frodo, Pippin (with Sword buff) and Sam (with Sword buff).

Deck #2 drew Green Hill Country, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Lure of the Ring (deck #2 increased their threat to 28), which surged to Stock-Brook (which immediately became the active location).

I committed 14 willpower against 11 threat so added 3 progress to Stock-Brook.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 29 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Fast Hitch and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, paid 3 from Aragorn and 1 from Sam to play Faramir and paid 1 from Pippin to play Fast Hitch on Merry.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Boromir to play another Honour Guard and paid 1 from Legolas to play Gondorian Shield on Boromir.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1, then committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buffs), Arwen (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Frodo (with Faramir and Sword buffs), Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buffs) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buffs).

Deck #1 drew Black Rider, then paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to shuffle it back into the encounter deck and draw Pathless Country, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Evil Crow, adding it to the staging area (deck #2 exhausted Merry to lower their threat to 27).

I committed 21 willpower against 15 threat so added 2 progress to Stock-Brook, exploring it, and added 4 progress to stage 2B.

The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country.

Deck #2 engaged the Evil Crow.

After adding a shadow card the Evil Crow attacked Boromir (shadow card: Black Steed, for no effect), doing no damage.

Legolas attacked and killed the Evil Crow, adding 2 progress to Green Hill Country.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's to 28 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Ring Mail and deck #1 drew Ranger Summons.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 to Aragorn, paid 1 from Sam to play Ranger Summons (adding a Ranger of the North to the encounter deck) and paid 2 from Aragorn to play Roheryn on him.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 and committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buff, paying 1 to refresh), Arwen (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Frodo, Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #2 drew Gildor Inglorion, who was attached to the current first player.

Deck #1 drew another Pathless Country, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 19 willpower against 13 threat so added 1 progress to Green Hill Country, exploring it and adding 5 progress to stage 2B.

The Fellowship travelled to Woody End.

Deck #2 optionally engaged one of the Black Riders.

After adding a shadow card the Black Rider attacked Boromir (shadow card: Stock Road, for no effect), doing no damage.

Deck #2 increased their threat to 29 to refresh Boromir, then Boromir, Gildor Inglorion, Legolas and Merry attacked and killed the Black Rider, triggering Legolas's ability to add 1 progress to Woody-End, exploring it, and adding 1 progress to stage 2B.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased both deck's threat to 30, paid 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor in play and made deck #1 first player.

Round Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Hobbit Cloak and deck #2 drew Fireside Song.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, paid 1 from Aragorn to play Staff of Lebethron on Boromir and paid 1 to play Hobbit Cloak on Frodo.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Boromir to play Ring Mail on Frodo.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1, then committed Aragorn (paying 1 to refresh himself and with Faramir and Sword buff), Arwen (adding +1 defence and Sentinel to Boromir), Frodo (with Faramir and Sword buff), Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #1 drew The Ring Draws Them, which will trigger at the end of the phase and surged to Ranger Of The North (who was attached to deck #1 and inflicted 2 damage on the Black Rider in the staging area), who surged to another Pathless Country.

Deck #2 drew Evil Crow (Merry exhausted to lower deck #2's threat to 29), which was added to the staging area.

I committed 21 willpower against 12 threat so added 9 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 added Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.

At the end of the phase The Ring Draws Them triggered and all the enemies in the staging area gained a shadow card.

The wounded Black Rider made a attack on Boromir (shadow card: Black Steed, for no effect), doing no damage.

After deck #2 increased their threat to 30 to refresh Boromir, he defended against the second Black Rider (shadow card: The Marish for +1 attack), doing 1 damage. Deck #2 exhausted a Honour Guard to cancel the damage.

After deck #2 increased their threat to 31 to refresh Boromir, he defended against the Evil Crow (shadow card: Black Rider for no effect), doing no damage before deck #2 increased their threat to 32 to refresh Boromir again. As a aside, Boromir is certainly showing his quality.

The Fellowship travelled to a Pathless Country.

Deck #2 optionally engaged the wounded Black Rider and engaged the Evil Crow.

After adding a shadow card to each engaged enemy the wounded Black Rider attacked Boromir (shadow card: Black Rider for no effect), doing no damage.

After deck #2 increased their threat to 33 to refresh Boromir the Evil Crow attacked Boromir (shadow card: Bamfurlong for no effect), doing no damage.

After increasing deck #2's threat to 34 to refresh Boromir again (like I said, he's quality) Boromir and Legolas killed the wounded Black Rider, adding 2 progress to the active Pathless Country, then increased deck #2's threat to 35 to refresh Boromir so that he could kill the Evil Crow.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's to 36, paid 1 from Frodo and made deck #2 first player.

Round Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Northern Tracker and deck #1 drew Gimli.

Deck #2 paid 4 from Merry to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add resources to Aragorn, then paid 2 each from Aragorn and Sam to play Gimli and paid 1 from Pippin to play Fast Hitch on himself.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1. then committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buff), Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Frodo, Gimli (with Faramir and Sword buff), Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff, refreshing with Fast Hitch), Ranger of the North (with Faramir and Sword buff) and Sam Gamgee (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #2 drew Ride Like A Gale, which surged to Hunting For The Ring (which increased deck #1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 38. deck #1 exhausted Lindon Navigator for 3 willpower and I drew Black Steed and Piercing Cry for no effect. Deck #2 exhausted Merry for 2 willpower and drew Green Hill Country and Ride Like The Wind so both decks passed their hide tests).

Deck #1 drew Crawling Towards Him (exhausting Pippin for 3 willpower and drawing Green Hill Country and Piercing Cry for 2 threat so passing the hide test).

I committed 27 willpower against 11 threat so added 1 progress to Pathless Country, exploring it.

The Fellowship travelled to another Pathless Country (with 1 progress).

Deck #2 was forced to engage the Black Rider.

After adding a shadow card the Black Rider attacked Boromir (shadow card: Have You Seen Baggins, for no effect), doing no damage.

After increasing deck #2's threat to 39 to refresh Boromir, he, Gildor and Legolas attacked and killed the Black Rider, adding 2 progress to the active Pathless Country, exploring it.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards, increased deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 40, paid 1 from Frodo and made deck #1 first player.

Round Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Miner of the Iron Hills and deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, then paid 3 from Aragorn and 1 from Pippin and Sam to play Gandalf (Core), drawing Armoured Destrier, Sneak Attack and Ranger Summons.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1. then committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buff and paying 1 to refresh), Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Frodo (with Faramir and Sword buff), Gandalf (with Faramir and Sword buff), Gimli (with Faramir and Sword buff), Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff, refreshing with Fast Hitch) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #1 drew Have You Seen Baggins, which was added to Pippin, which surged to Crawling Towards Him (deck #1 exhausted Aragorn, Ranger of the North and Pippin for 9 willpower and I drew 2 copies of Stock Road for 6 threat so the hide test was passed).

Deck #2 drew Lure Of The Ring. Deck

#1 increased their threat to 37 before it surged to Crawling Towards Him (deck #2 exhausted Boromir, Legolas and Merry for 4 willpower before I drew The Marish and Lure Of The Ring for 3 threat so the Hide test was passed).

I committed 27 willpower against 5 threat so would have made a bucket load of progress if the stage would have let me.

The Fellowship travelled to the final Pathless Country.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, discarded Gandalf, increased deck #1's threat to 38 and deck #2's to 41, paid 1 from Frodo and made deck #2 first player.

Round Eight began with each hero getting a resource before deck #2 drew Hasty Stroke and deck #1 drew Faramir.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Merry to play Ethir Swordsman.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn and paid 2 from Pippin to play Miner of the Iron Hills (discarding Have You Seen Baggins from Pippin).

I exhausted Faramir, then committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buff, paying 1 to refresh), Arwen (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Frodo, Gimli (with Faramir and Sword buff), Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Miner of the Iron Hills (with Faramir and Sword buff), Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Buckleberry Ferry), Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff, exhausting Fast Hitch to refresh) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #2 drew Hunting For The Ring (increasing deck #1's threat to 40 and deck #2's to 43. Deck #1 exhausted Lindon Navigator and Ranger of the North for 6, then drew Piercing Cry, shuffled the encounter discard pile into the new encounter deck and drew Lure For The Ring for 0 so passed the Hide test. Deck #1 exhausted Merry and Ethir Swordsman for 4 and discarded Green Hill Country for 4 so passed the Hide test).

Deck #1 drew Have You Seen Baggins and attached it to Pippin (again) before it surged to The Ring Draws Them, which surged to Evil Crow.

I committed 26 willpower against 5 threat so explored Pathless Country.

Thanks to The Ring Draws Them the Evil Crow attacked Boromir (shadow card: Crawling Towards Him for no effect), doing no damage.

The Fellowship exhausted Merry for 2 willpower and drew Evil Crow, Ride Like The Wind and Hunting for the Ring, so passed the hide test and moved to Buckleberry Ferry.

Deck #2 engaged the Evil Crow, who after getting a shadow card, attacked Boromir (shadow card: Stock Road for no effect), doing no damage.

Legolas killed the Evil Crow, adding 2 progress to Buckleberry Ferry.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 41 and deck #2's to 44, paying 1 resource from Frodo and making deck#1 first player.

Round Nine began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Hobbit Cloak and deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn and paid 2 from Pippin to play another Miner of the Iron Hills (discarding the Have You Seen Baggins on Pippin).

Deck #2 paid 5 from Legolas to play Gandalf (drawing 2 copies of A Test Of Will and Song of Travel).

I exhausted Faramir, then committed Aragorn (with Faramir and Sword buff), Arwen (adding +1 defence and sentinel to Boromir), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (with Faramir and Sword buff), Gimli (with Faramir and Sword buff), Merry (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Miner of the Iron Hills x2), (with Faramir and Sword buff), Northern Tracker, Pippin (with Faramir and Sword buff, refreshing with Fast Hitch) and Sam (with Faramir and Sword buff).

Deck #1 drew Pathless Country, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Stock Road, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 28 willpower against 5 threat, making 23 progress, exploring Buckleberry Ferry and winning the game.

In the end I opted to keep the boon Mr. Underhill and the burden The Ring Draws Them.

My final score was:

Completed Rounds (8): 80.

Total Threat: 85.

Total VP: 3.

Final Score: 162.


For this quest I retained the boon Mr. Underhill and the burden The Ring Draws Them.

Deck #1 contained Aragorn (Leadership), Pippin (Lore) and Sam Gamgee, with 26 threat and a opening hand containing Dunedain Pipe, Galadriel, Henamarth Riversong, Sneak Attack, Song of Wisdom and Wingfoot. I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Dunedain Signal, Errand-Rider, Steward of Gondor, Warden of Healing x2 and Weather-Stained Cloak.

Deck #2 contained Boromir (Tactics), Legolas (Tactics) and Merry (Spirit), with 26 threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Gondorian Shield, Halfling Determination, Northern Tracker x2 and Song of Travel.

In addition Frodo Baggins (TBR, with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) entered play under the control of the first player.

In order to set up the quest I added Deep Gulley and Misleading Path to the staging area, deck #1 drew Errand-Rider and deck #2 drew Defender of Rammas, moving onto a random stage 2B “Choked With Brambles”, attached Old Bogey-Stories to Pippin and made deck #1 first player.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Weather-Stained Cloak and deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn and Sam to play Steward of Gondor on Aragorn, exhausted the SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, played Weather-Stained Cloak on Aragorn and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dunedain Signal on Boromir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Boromir to play Gondorian Shield on himself and paid 1 from Legolas to play Song of Travel on himself.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, paying 1 to refresh), Frodo Baggins (for 2), Merry (for 2), Pippin (for 2) and Sam Gamgee (for 3).

Deck #1 drew Deep Gulley, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew another Deep Gulley, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 11 willpower against 7 threat, adding 4 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and replacing it with “Closing In Around Them”.

The Fellowship travelled to Misleading Path before I ended the round by refreshing everything, raising both decks threat to 27 and making deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Fireside Song and deck #1 drew Weather Hills Watchman.

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Boromir and Legolas to play Defender of Rammas.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, paid 2 from Aragorn to play Weather Hills Watchman (adding Ranger Summons to their hand and shuffling their deck), paid 1 from Sam to play Ranger Summons (shuffling a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck) and paid 2 from Pippin to play Warden of Healing.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, paying 1 to refresh), Frodo (for 2), Merry (for 2), Pippin (for 2), Sam (for 3) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Deck #2 drew Long Trailer, adding it to the staging area, and Oppressive Forest, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Grasping Root, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 12 willpower against 13 threat so increased both decks threat to 28 before I ended the round by refreshing all cards, increasing both decks threat to 29 and made deck#1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Faramir and deck #2 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, paid 1 from Aragorn to play Errand-Rider and exhausted Errand-Rider to move 1 resource from Aragorn to Merry.

Deck #2 paid 4 from Merry to play Northern Tracker.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Boromir (for 1), Frodo (for 2), Legolas (for 1),

Merry (for 2), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area), Pippin (for 2), Sam (for 3), Warden of Healing (for 1) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Deck #1 drew Long Trailer, adding it to the staging area, and Wall Of Trees, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Grasping Root, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 16 willpower against 20 threat so increased both deck's threat to 33.

Deck #2 was forced to engage both of the Grasping Roots.

Deck #2 increased their threat to 34 to refresh Boromir before the first Grasping Root attacked the Defender of Rammas (shadow card: Grasping Root for no effect), doing no damage.

The second Grasping Root attacked Boromir (shadow card: Long Trailer for no effect), doing no damage before I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 35 and making deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Ethir Swordsman and deck #1 drew Armoured Destrier.

Deck #1 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Aragorn, then exhausted Errand-Rider to move 1 resource from Aragorn to Merry.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Legolas and Merry to play another Northern Tracker.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn and Sam to play Faramir.

I exhausted Faramir to add 1 willpower to all deck #1's characters, then committed Aragorn (for 3), Boromir (for 1), Frodo (for 2), Legolas (for 1), Merry (for 2), Northern Tracker x2 (for 1 each, adding 2 total progress to each location in the staging area), Pippin (for 3), Sam (for 4), Warden of Healing (for 2) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 2).

Deck #2 drew Lost And Witless, which removed all the progress from all the locations in the staging area and replaced the active Misleading Path with the Oppressive Forest in the staging area, then surged to Army of Flies, which was added to the staging area before I drew another Wall Of Trees and added it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Falling Branches, which deck #2 paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to shuffle back into the encounter deck before drawing Strange Woods, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 22 willpower against 19 threat so added 3 progress to a Wall of Trees in the staging area.

At this point in the game I guessed that the odds of winning the quest were low to non-existent so decided to call it quits.


This quest was a real mess. Four attempts with 3 different decks met with no success until I switched to a deck containing Eowyn (Spirit, for card discarding), Gandalf (for questing and defending in a pinch) and Haldir (questing and sniping enemies in the staging area) and a deck containing Tactics Aragorn (for fighting), Tactics Beregond (for defending) and Leadership Faramir (for questing, ally readying and fighting). This combo finally ground out a win but after 4 tries I really couldn't build up the impetus to write up another failed attempt.

With any luck the next quest might be less of a pain in the rear.




Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Arwen Undomiel and Eowyn (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Desperate Alliance, Dunedain Pathfinder, Elven-Light, Hasty Stroke, Light of Valinor and The Galadhrim's Greeting.


Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Defender of Rammas, Gandalf (Core), Gimli, Rivendell Blade, Song of Battle and Steed of the North.

Mulligan: Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Signal, Roheryn, Song of Battle, Song of Kings and Weather Hills Watchman.


Created the set-aside decks.

Added 2 copies of Methedras to the staging area.

Shuffled the encounter deck.

Moved to stage 2.

Added 2 progress to stage 2B.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Weather-Stained Cloak.

Deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).


Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen to play Light of Valinor on Arwen.

Deck #1 played Dunedain Pathfinder (drawing Orc Hound, Methedras, Methedras Orc, Prowling Warg and Orc Skirmisher, adding Methedras to the staging area and shuffling the rest into the staging area).

Deck #1 discarded Elven-Light to add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Deck #1 played Weather-Stained Cloak on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Signal on Elrohir.

Deck #2 played Dunedain Hunter (drawing Orc Skirmisher, Mugash's Lair, Broken Lands, Methedras Orc and Orc Hunter, put Orc Hunter into play engaged with deck #2 and shuffled the rest back into the encounter deck.


Committed: Aragorn, Arwen (without exhausting), Dunedain Pathfinder, Eowyn and Halbarad (without exhausting).

Draw #1: Broken Lands, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2: Take Cover!, I opted to remove a time counter from stage 2A.

Surge: Methedras, adding it to the staging area.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 10.

Added a time counter to stage 2B.


Travelled to Broken Lands.


No engagements.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Orc Hunter attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Prowling Warg, deck #2 exhausted Dunedain Hunter), doing no damage.

Elladan and Halbarad attacked and killed Orc Hunter.


Refreshed all cards.

Increased both decks threat to 31.

Made deck #2 first player.

Removed Time counter from stage 2B.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Celebrian's Stone.

Deck #1 drew Elrond's Counsel.


Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.


Committed: Aragorn, Arwen (without exhausting), Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Pathfinder, Eowyn and Halbarad.

Draw #1: Broken Lands, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2: Orc Hound, adding it to the staging area.

Surge: Orc Hunting Party, adding a shadow card to Orc Hound and lowering it's engagement cost.

Total Willpower: 16.

Total Threat: 11.

Added 5 progress to Broken Lands.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Orc Hound.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Orc Hound attacked Elrohir (shadow cards: Mugash ''s Lair (deck #2 discarded Weather-Stained Cloak) and Take Cover (for no effect)), doing no damage.

Elladan attacked and killed the Orc Hound.


Refreshed all cards.

Increased both decks threat to 32.

Made deck #2 first player.

Removed the final time counter from stage 2B.

Draw #1: Methedras Orc, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2: Prowling Wargs, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #3: Orc Territory, drawing Orc Hunting Party (which added a shadow card to Methedras Orc and Prowling Orc) and Broken Lands, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #4: another Prowling Warg, adding it to the staging area.

Adding 2 time counters to stage 2B.

With 18 threat in the staging area I decided that the odds of winning the game was low to non-existent so decided to call it a game.


After another two failed attempts with the same two decks (with some changes) I managed to eke out a win.


Deck #1 was Elrond, Eowyn (Tactics) and Gandalf, with 33 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dunedain Hunter, Henamarth Riversong, Miner of the Iron Hills, Protector of Lorien, Song of Battle and Warden of Healing (Top card: Vilya).

Deck #2 was Aragorn (Leadership), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Armoured Destrier, Galadriel, Northern Tracker, Roheryn, Sneak Attack and Unlikely Friendship.

In order to set up the quest I added Edge of Fangorn (with Mugash attached) to the staging area, shuffled the encounter deck, drew Tangled Woods (adding it to the staging area), added 4 time counters to stage 1B and made deck #1 first player.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Vilya (Top card: Defender of Rammas) and deck #2 drew Snowmane.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Defender of Rammas (Top card: Nenya) and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Protector of Lorien on Gimli.

Deck #2 played Unlikely Friendship to draw Dwarven Shield and add 1 resource to Gimli, paid 1 from Legolas to play Snowmane on Eowyn and paid 1 each from Aragorn and Gimli to play Dwarven Shield on Gimli.

I committed Elrond, Eowyn, Gandalf, Gimli (with +1 willpower from Legolas) and Legolas (discarding Galadriel to refresh Gimli).

Draw #1 was Turned Around (which removed a time counter from stage 1B).

Draw #2 was also Turned Around (removing another time counter from stage 1B).

I committed 14 willpower against 4 threat so added 10 willpower to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to Edge of Fangorn (exhausting Gimli).

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 33, removed a time counter from stage 1B and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Sneak Attack and deck #1 drew Nenya (Top card: Gandalf's Staff).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Gimli to play Armoured Destrier on Gimli.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Eowyn and Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf (top card: Elven Mail), exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Elrond and paid 2 from Elrond to play Warden of Healing.

I committed Elrond, Eowyn, Gandalf, Gimli (with +1 willpower from Legolas) and Legolas (discarding Roheryn to refresh Gimli).

Draw #1 was Heart of Fangorn (which was added to the staging area).

Draw #2 was Tangled Roots (which was added to the staging area).

I committed 14 willpower against 7 threat so added 2 progress to Edge of Fangorn, exploring it (refreshing Eowyn) and adding it to the victory display.

Deck #2 exhausted Aragorn to attach him to Aragorn and explore stage 1B.

Stage 2 added 2 Dark-Hearted Huorn to the staging area and 4 time counters to stage 2B.

I opted to exhaust Eowyn to travel to Heart of Fangorn.

In the encounter phase each deck engaged a Dark-Hearted Huorn .

After adding a shadow card to each engaged enemy the frist Dark-Hearted Huorn attacked the Defender of Rammas doing no damage.

The second Dark-Hearted Huorn attacked Gimli, doing 1 damage (deck #2 exhausted the Dwarven Shield to add 1 resource to Gimli).

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the wound on Gimli.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, inreased deck #1's threat to 35 and deck #2's to 34, removed a time counter from stage 2B and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with increasing deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's threat to 36 and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Elven Mail (top card: Protector of Lorien) and deck #2 drew Faramir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond to play Henamarth Riversong and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Protector of Lorien on Elrond before playing Dunedain Hunter (putting another Dark-Hearted Huorn into play engaged with deck #1).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and 3 from Gimli to play Faramir.

I exhausted Faramir and committed Aragorn, Defender of Rammas (with Faramir buff), Dunedain Hunter (with Faramir buff), Elrond (with Faramir buff and +3 willpower after discarding Elven Mail, Miner of the Iron Hills and Song of Battle), Eowyn (with Faramir buff), Gandalf (with Faramir buff), Gimli (with +3 willpower after discarding Northern Tracker and 2 copies of Sneak Attack), Henamarth Riversong (with Faramir buff), Legolas and Warden of Healing (with Faramir buff).

Draw #1 was Tangled Woods (adding it to the staging area).

Draw #2 was Low On Provisions (adding 2 damage to Elrond, Eowyn and Legolas and 3 damage to Gandalf and Gimli).

I committed 25 willpower against 6 threat so added 3 progress to Heart of Fangorn, exploring it, and added 16 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and winning the game.

This was easier than I expected. The two decks seem to work well together but they didn't seem to be pushed to hard.

In the end my score was:

Completed Rounds (2): 20.

Total Threat: 73.

Total Damage on heroes: 12.

Total VP: 1.

Total Score: 104

Edited by silverthorn


After eight failed attempts with a variety of deck types I finally managed to grind out a win using a version of these: . This quest is ridiculous and I'm glad to finally win it so I can go on to something less infuriating.


After three failed attempts I managed to pull off a win with one deck containing Aragorn (Tactics), Beregond (Tactics) and Halbarad and another containing Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit),

Playing catch up thanks to some internet issues.


Switching to a pair of decks featuring Elrond, Gandalf and spirit Glorfindel on one deck and Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli (Leadershio) and Legolas (Spirit) allowed me to get through this in two attempts.


Completed in three attempts with the same decks as above (although I lost Elrond and Gimli on the successful attempt).


I managed to complete the quest in one go (due, I suspect, to getting some good encounter deck draws).


My string of good luck continued (getting two copies of Protector of Lorien into play on round one allowed me to keep my hands suitably svelte and sylph like to avoid the worst effects from the Dunlandings).


Deck #1 was Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing A Test Of Will, Daughter of the Nimrodel, Elrond's Counsel, Flame of Arnor, Northern Tracker and Ring of Barahir, making Light of Valinor top card.

Deck #2 was Aragorn (Tactics), Beregond (Tactics) and Halbarad, with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Armoured Destrier, Gondorian Shield x2, Sneak Attack and Steed of the North x2.

Setup for the quest comprised putting Iarion into play and adding Orc War Party, Rugged Country and Shrouded Hills before making deck #1 first player.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Light Of Valinor (top card: Bilbo Baggins) and deck #2 drew another Armoured Destrier.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on Glorfindel and paid 1 each from Elrond and Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins, who added Wizard Pipe to their hand (top card: Dunedain Pathfinder).

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Beregond.

In the quest phase I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Iarion (for 1).

Draw #1 was Surprising Speed, which increased both decks threat to 33 and surged to another Orc War Party.

Draw #2 was Orc Rearguard, which refreshed and buffed Iarion .

I committed 13 willpower against 10 threat so added 3 progress to stage 1B.

In the travel phase I travelled to the Rugged Country.

Deck #2 opted to engage one of the Orc War Party's .

The Orc War Party attacked Beregond (shadow card: Outlying Homestead for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn and Halbarad attacked the Orc War Party, doing 3 damage.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards, increased both decks threat to 35 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse and deck #1 drew Dunedain Pathfinder (top card: Vilya).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on Aragorn and paid 2 from Halbarad to play Armoured Destrier on Beregond.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Vilya on Elrond (top card: Unexpected Courage) before exhausting Elrond and Vilya to play Unexpected Courage on Elrond (top card: Dunedain Pathfinder) and exhausted Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

In the quest phase I opted to attempt Orc Rearguard and committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Iarion (for 2).

Draw #1 was Angmar Captain.

Draw #2 was Chetwood Forest.

Draw #3 was Lost In The Wilderness (both hands were placed under it), which refreshed and buffed Iarion .

I committed 16 willpower against 12 threat so added 3 progress to Rugged Country (exploring it) and added 1 progress to Orc Rearguard.

In the travel phase I travelled to Shrouded Hills.

The Orc War Party attacked Beregond (shadow card: Rescue Iarion , for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked the Orc War Party, killing it. Aragorn's ability triggered to force the Angmar Captain to engage deck #2. Halbarad attacked the Angmar Captain, doing 1 damage.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards, increased both decks threat to 37 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Dunedain Pathfinder (top card: Warden of Healing) and deck #2 drew Elven Mail.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Elrond to play Warden of Healing (top card: Dunedain Pathfinder) and played Dunedain Pathfinder from hand (adding Rugged Country to the staging area and shuffling the encounter deck).

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Aragorn and Beregond to play Elven Mail on Elrond.

In the quest phase I opted to attempt Orc Rearguard and committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 2), Elrond (for 3, refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Iarion (for 3).

Draw #1 was Outlying Homestead, which increased both decks threat to 38.

Draw #2 was Surprising Speed, which returned the Angmar Marauder to the staging area.

Draw #3 was Sudden Assault. The Orc War Party attacked Beregond (shadow card: Chetwood Forest, deck #2 exhausted Halbarad), doing no damage. Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and remove the shadow card on Angmar Captain. The Angmar Captain attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

I committed 18 willpower against 15 threat so added 3 progress to the active Shrouded Hills.

Deck #2 engaged the Angmar Captain.

Elrond sentinel defended the Angmar Captain (shadow card: Angmar Orc, for +1 attack) doing 3 damage. Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 2 of the damage.

Aragorn attacked the Angmar Captain, doing 2 more damage.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased both decks threat to 40 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #1 drew Dunedain Pathfinder (top card: The Galadhrim's Greeting).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad to play Weather Hills Watchman (which added Ranger Summons to hand).

Deck #1 exhausted Vilya and Unexpected Courage to play Wingfoot on Aragorn (top card: Nenya) and played Dunedain Pathfinder (then discarded it and shuffled the encounter deck).

Once again, I opted to attempt Orc Rearguard and committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2, wihtout exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest card) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Draw #1 was Angmar Orc, who forced me to draw another card.

Draw #2 was Weight of Responsibility, which forces me to draw another 3 cards (this is not good).

Draw #3 was Outlying Homestead (which increased both decks threat to 41.

Draw #4 was Pressing Needs, which increased both decks threat to 43 and forced me to switch my current quest to Lost In The Wilderness.

Draw #5 was Angmar Marauder.

Draw #6 was Shrouded Hills.

I committed 17 willpower against 22 threat so increased both decks threat to 48. Since the odds of my pulling off a win were little to none I opted to call it since I was so far behind the curve. For the next game I'm making some changes.

With the year almost over, have you reached two hundred?

I managed the 200 games challenge a couple of years ago but kept writing up my games since there was a audience of sorts for the idea. I don't want to think how many games I've played since I started this thread.


After the rousing (un)success of my last game I decided to try out two different decks.

Deck #1 was Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Bilbo Baggins, Elrond's Counsel, Flame of Arnor, Ring of Barahir, Silver Harp and Warden of Healing (top card: Vilya).

Deck #2 was Aragorn (Tactics), Beregond (Tactics) and Elfhelm, with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Galadriel x2, Hunting Party, Ranger of Cardolan, Sneak Attack and Steward of Gondor.

In order to set up the quest I made deck #1 first player, put Iarion into play under the first players control and added Orc War Party, Rugged Country and Shrouded Hills to the staging area.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Vilya (top card: A Burning Brand) and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Vilya on Elrond.

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Beregond.

I played Elrond's Counsel to lower deck #1's threat to 29 and buff Gandalf, then committed Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 4), Glorfindel (for 3, increasing deck #1's threat to 30) and Iarion (for 1), then paid 1 from Elfhelm to play Hunting Party, discard the Orc War Party from the staging area and drew Borders of Bree-Land, which I added to the staging area.

Draw #1 was another Shrouded Hills, which was added to the staging area and surged to Outlying Homestead, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Angmar Marauder, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 10 willpower against 11 threat so increased deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's threat to 33.

I opted to travel to Rugged Country.

Deck #2 engaged the Angmar Marauder.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Beregond (shadow card: Angmar Captain, for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn and Elfhelm attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 32 and deck #2's to 34 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Defender of Rammas and deck #1 drew A Burning Brand (top card: Westfold Horse-Breeder).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (pulling Asfaloth, Flame of Arnor. Arwen Undomiel, Gandalf's Staff, Unexpected Courage, Miner of the Iron Hills, Elrond's Counsel, another Arwen Undomiel, Wingfoot and another Asfaloth, put Asfaloth into hand and shuffled the rest back into their deck. Top card: Arwen Undomiel) and paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins (adding Wizard Pipe to hand and shuffling their deck. Top card: Hasty Stroke).

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, increasing deck #1's threat to 33), Iarion (for 1 per side quest in play) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1 was Chetwood Forest, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Rugged Country, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 13 willpower against 11 threat so added 2 progress to the active Rugged Country.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 35 and making deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Hasty Stroke (top card: Arwen Undomiel) and deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel (top card: Dunedain Pipe) and paid 2 from Elrond to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel, then exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the Outlying Homestead in the staging area.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elfhelm to play Steward of Gondor on him, exhausted the SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on Aragorn.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elfhelm to play Sneak Attack, bring Galadriel into play (pulling Gondorian Shield, Ranger Summons, Rohan Warhorse, Steward of Gondor and Honour Guard from deck, putting Rohan Warhorse into play on Aragorn and shuffling the rest back into the deck) before I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Galadriel (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 4, increasing deck #1's threat to 35), Iarion (for 1 per side quest) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1 was Angmar Orc, who discarded the Westfold Horse-Breeder and was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Weight of Responsibility, which forced me to draw another card.

Draw #3 was Lost In The Wilderness, which was added to the staging area with both decks hands under it but refreshed and buffed Iarion .

I committed 19 willpower against 14 threat so added 1 progress to Rugged Country, exploring it, and 4 progress to stage 1B before returning Galadriel to deck #2's hand.

I opted to travel to Chetwood Forest (deck #2 engaged the Angmar Orc).

The Angmar Orc attacked Beregond (shadow card: Chetwood Forest, deck #2 exhausted Elfhelm), doing no damage.

Aragorn and Defender of Rammas attacked and killed the Angmar Orc.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased both decks threat to 36 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Dunedain Pipe (top card: Arwen Undomiel) and deck #2 drew Faramir.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm before paying 4 from Elfhelm to play Faramir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond to play Dunedain Pipe on Aragorn, then exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the Outlying Homestead in the staging area).

Deck #2 exhausted Dunedain Pipe to put Galadriel from hand onto the bottom of their deck and draw Honour Guard.

I opted to attempt Lost In The Wilderness and deck #2 exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 before I committed Arwen (for 3, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 3), Elrond (for 4), Gandalf (for 4), Glorfindel (for 5, increasing deck #1's threat to 37) and Iarion (for 1 per side quest in play).

Draw #1 was Rugged Country, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Borders of Bree-Land, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 20 willpower against 16 threat so added 3 progress to Chetwood Forest, exploring it, and added 1 progress to Lost In The Wilderness.

The Fellowship travelled to a Rugged Country.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 38 and deck #2's to 37 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel (top card: Flame of Arnor) and deck #2 drew Sword That Was Broken.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm, paid 3 from Elfhelm to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn, then paid 2 from Beregond to play Honour Guard.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 resources to the Outlying Homestead in the staging area.

After opting to attempt Lost In The Wilderness deck #2 exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 before committing Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 3), Elfhelm (for 3), Elrond (for 4), Gandalf (for 4), Glorfindel (for 4, increasing deck #1's threat to 39) and Iarion (for 1 per side quest +1).

Draw #1 was Angmar Captain, who was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Surprising Speed, which increased deck #1's threat to 40 and deck #2's to 38 and surged to Chetwood Forest, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 24 willpower against 20 threat so added 3 progress to the Rugged Country, exploring it and added 1 progress to Lost In The Wilderness.

I opted to travel to Chetwood Forest. Deck #2 engaged the Angmar Captain.

The Angmar Captain attacked Beregond (shadow card: Sudden Assault for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn and the Defender of Rammas attacked the Angmar Captain, doing 4 damage.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 41 and deck #2's to 39 before making deck #2 first player.

Round Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Roheryn and deck #1 drew Flame of Arnor (top card: Light of Valinor).

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm before paying them to play Roheryn on Aragorn.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to explore the Outlying Homestead in the staging area, paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on Glorfindel (top card: Shadowfax) and exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Shadowfax on Gandalf (top card: Northern Tracker).

I opted to attempt Lost In The Wilderness, exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 and committed Arwen (for 3, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 3), Elfhelm (for 3), Gandalf (for 4, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting) and Iarion (for 1 per quest card +1).

Draw #1 was Weight of Responsibility, so I would have to face 2 more cards this round.

Draw #2 was Angmar Orc, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #3 was Surprising Speed, which returned a Angmar Captain to the staging area.

Draw #4 was Angmar Marauder, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 19 willpower against 18 threat so added 1 progress to the active Chetwood Forest.

Deck #2 engaged the Angmar Captain, triggering Roheryn so that Aragorn killed the Angmar Captain, triggering Aragorn's ability so that the Angmar Orc engaged deck #2 and Rohan Warhorse refreshed Aragorn.

Aragorn and Defender of Rammas attacked and killed the Angmar Orc so that Aragorn's ability triggered again to force the Angmar Marauder to engage deck #2.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 42 and deck #2's to 40 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Northern Tracker (top card: Warden of Healing) and deck #2 drew Open The Armoury.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Gandalf to play Warden of Healing (top card: Gandalf's Staff) and paid 2 each from Elrond and Glorfindel to play Northern Tracker before exhausting Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the Rugged Country in the staging area, exploring it.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm before paying 1 from Beregond to play Open the Armoury (pulling Hunting Party, Sneak Attack, Honour Guard, Dagger of Westernesse, Marksman of Lorien, Ranger Summons, Faramir, Celebrian's Stone, Weather Hills Watchman and another Marksman of Lorien, adding Dagger of Westernesse to hand and shuffling the rest back into their deck) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on Elfhelm.

I opted to attempt stage 1B, exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 and committed Arwen (for 3, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 3), Elrond (for 4), Gandalf (for 4, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 5, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per side quest +1), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Draw #1 was Angmar Marauder, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Surprising Speed, which returned the Angmar Marauder to the staging area.

I committed 26 willpower against 14 threat so added 2 progress to Chetwood Forest, exploring it and added 10 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to Borders of Bree-Land.

Deck #2 engaged a Angmar Marauder.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Beregond (shadow card: Orc War Party, for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn and Elfhelm attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder, triggering Aragorn's ability and forcing the other Angmar Marauder to engage deck #2 and exhaust Rohan Warhorse to refresh Aragorn.

Aragorn and Gandalf attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 42 and deck #2's to 40 before making deck #2 first player.

Round Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Galadriel and deck #1 drew Gandalf's Staff (top card: Warden of Arnor).

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elfhelm, paid 3 from Elfhelm to play Galadriel (pulling Honour Guard, Weather Hills Watchman, Ranger of Cardolan, Hunting Party and Marksman of Lorien, then shuffled them back into their deck).

Deck #1 paid 2 from Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Warden of Arnor on Elfhelm (top card: The Galadhrim's Greeting).

I opted to attempt stage 1B, exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Border of Bree-Land, exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 and committed Aragorn (for 3), Arwen (for 3, adding +1 defence to Halbarad), Bilbo Baggins (for 3), Elfhelm (for 3), Elrond (for 4), Galadriel (for 4), Gandalf (for 4, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 5, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest +1), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Draw #1 was Outlying Homestead, which increased deck #1's threat to 43 and deck #2's to 41 before adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Angmar Orc, which discarded deck #2's Defender of Rammas.

I committed 35 willpower against 10 threat so added 1 progress to Borders of Bree-Land, exploring it, and adding 24 progress to stage 1B, exploring it and winning the game.

This was a bit of a slog but at least this quest is over and done with.

In the end my score was:

Completed Rounds (7): 70.

Total Threat: 84.

Total Score: 154.

Edited by silverthorn


I opted to continue with the same decks.

Deck #1 was Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dunedain Pipe, Elrond's Counsel, Hasty Stroke, Light of Valinor, Vilya and Warden of Healing (top card: Bilbo Baggins).

Deck #2 was Aragorn (Tactics), Beregond (Tactics) and Elfhelm, with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Defender of Rammas, Galadriel, Hunting Party, Roheryn, Sword That Was Broken and Weather Hills Watchman.

In order to set up the quest I made deck #1 first player, created the Orc deck, made Exposed Ridge the active location and added Hunting The Orcs and Weathered Hilltop to the staging area before shuffling the encounter deck.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Bilbo Baggins (top card: Asfaloth) and deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him and paid 1 each from Elrond and Gandalf to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel (top card: Henamarth Riversong) before exhausting Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Exposed Ridge.

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Aragorn and Beregond to play Defender of Rammas.

I committed Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting).

Draw #1 was Ice Storm, which added 1 damage to Glorfindel and Elfhelm and exhausted them (as well as adding a resource to Weathered Hilltop before surging to Ruins of Arnor, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Sheltered Valley, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 10 willpower against 6 threat so added 1 progress to the active Exposed Ridge, exploring it, and added 3 progress to stage 1B. I drew Concealed Orc Camp from the Orc deck and added it to the staging area.

I travelled to Ruins of Arnor.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything and increased both decks threat to 33 before making deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Defender of Rammas and deck #1 drew Henamarth Riversong (top card: Warden of Healing).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elfhelm to play Roheryn on Aragorn and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on himself.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Warden of Healing (top card: Flame of Arnor).

I committed Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting).

Draw #1 was another Sheltered Valley, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Cornered Orc, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 10 willpower against 10 threat so made no progress.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Ruins of Arnor.

Deck #2 engaged the Cornered Orc, who was killed by Aragorn (thanks to Roheryn), adding 1 resource to Hunting The Orcs.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the damage on Elfhelm and Glorfindel.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased both decks threat to 34 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Flame of Arnor (top card: Ring of Barahir) and deck #2 drew Marksman of Lorien.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins (who pulled Wizard Pipe into hand and shuffled their deck. Top card: Vilya) and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Wizard Pipe on him.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play another Defender of Rammas.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting).

Draw #1 was Cornered Orc, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Cold From Angmar, which was attached to stage 1B and added 1 damage to Gandalf and Beregond (as well as increasing both decks threat to 35) before surging to another Weathered Hilltop, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 12 willpower against 11 threat so added 1 progress to the active Ruins of Arnor, investigating it. I drew Angmar Captain from the Orc deck.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the damage on Gandalf and Beregond and exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the just-revealed Weathered Hilltop.

I travelled to the Weathered Hilltop with the resource on it.

Deck #2 optionally engaged the Cornered Orc (who was immediately killed by Aragorn thanks to Roheryn, adding a second resource to Hunting The Orcs) and Angmar Captain.

The Angmar Captain attacked Beregond, drawing Biting Wind for a total of 2 damage inflicted on Beregond.

Elfhelm and both Defenders of Rammas attacked the Angmar Captain, doing 3 damage.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards, increased both decks threat to 36 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Hunting Party and deck #1 drew Vilya (top card: Northern Tracker).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Beregond and 1 from Aragorn to play Marksman of Lorien (who gave the Angmar Captain's another -2 defence) and paid 2 from Elfhelm to play Weather Hills Watchman (whose ability did nothing but shuffle their deck).

Deck #1 paid 2 from Elrond and 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Northern Tracker (top card: Gandalf's Staff).

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Draw #1 was Ancient Causeway, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2 was another Ancient Causeway, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 14 willpower against 13 threat so added 1 progress to the active Weathered Hilltop.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Weathered Hilltop, exploring it. I drew a Angmar Marauder from the Orc deck.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the damage on Beregond.

I opted to travel to a Ancient Causeway.

Deck #2 engaged the Angmar Marauder, who was immediately attacked by Aragorn, doing 3 damage.

The Angmar Captain attacked Beregond, doing 1 damage.

The Angmar Marauder attacked a Defender of Rammas, drawing Ruins of Arnor for +1 attack but doing no damage.

The Marksman of Lorien killed the Angmar Captain and Elfhelm and a Defender of Rammas killed the Angmar Marauder, adding 2 more resources to Hunting The Orcs.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increased both decks threat to 37 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Five began with adding resources before deck #1 drew Gandalf's Staff (top card: Arwen Undomiel) and deck #2 drew Ranger Summons.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Elrond and Glorfindel to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf, exhausts Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf and paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel (top card: Warden of Arnor).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elfhelm to play Ranger Summons (shuffling a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck).

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area, exploring the Concealed Orc Camp. I drew Angmar Orc from the Orc deck, added it to the staging area and discarded the Weather Hills Watchman).

Draw #1 was Freezing Blast (which increased both decks threat to 39 and added a resource to each Weathered Hilltop) and surged to Ruins of Arnor, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Weathered Hilltop, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 15 willpower against 14 threat so added 1 progress to the active Ancient Causeway.

The Angmar Orc engaged deck #2, who took a attack from Aragorn and took 2 damage.

The Angmar Orc attacked a Defender of Rammas, doing no damage.

The Marksman of Lorien attacked and killed the Angmar Orc, which added the final resource to Hunting The Orcs. I flipped Hunting The Orcs to it's Savage Counter-Attack side and advanced to stage 2 (which discarded Cold From Angmar).

Stage 2 shuffled the discard deck and Orc deck into the encounter deck, added Amon and Orc Ambush to the staging area and put a Angmar Orc into play engaged with each deck.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the damage on Beregond.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything and increased both decks threat to 38 before making deck #2 first player.

Round Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew another Ranger Summons and deck #1 drew Warden of Arnor (top card: Shadowfax).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elfhelm to play Ranger Summons (shuffling a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck).

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I opted to attempt Orc Ambush and committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 4 without exhausting) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area and exploring Ancient Causeway, increasing both decks threat to 39, and Weathered Hilltop) before exhausting Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the Ruins of Arnor in the staging area, exploring it.

Draw #1 was Ranger Of The North, which attached to deck #1 and added 2 damage to the Angmar Orc engaged with deck #1 before surging to a Angmar Marauder, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was another Concealed Orc Camp, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 15 willpower against 14 threat so added 1 progress to the Ancient Causeway, exploring it and increasing both deck's threat to 41.

I opted to travel to the Weathered Hilltop.

The Angmar Marauder engaged deck #2, taking 3 damage from Aragorn and Roheryn.

The Angmar Orc engaged with deck #1 attacked Gandalf for no damage.

The Angmar Orc engaged with deck #2 attacked a Defender of Rammas, drawing Corned Orc for +1 and doing no damage.

The Angmar Marauder engaged with deck #2 attacked Beregond, drawing Exposed Ridge for +1 and doing no damage.

Glorfindel and the Ranger of the North attacked and killed the Angmar Orc engaged with deck #1.

Elfhelm attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder.

The Marksman of Lorien attacked the Angmar Orc, doing 1 damage.

Deck #1 exhausted the Warden of Healing to heal the damage on Beregond and exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Elrond.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased both decks threat to 42 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Seven began with adding resources before deck #1 drew Light of Valinor (top card: Warden of Healing) and deck #2 drew Open The Armoury.

Deck #1 exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf, paid 2 from Gandalf to play Warden of Arnor (top card: Arwen Undomiel) and paid 2 from Elrond to play the last Warden of Healing before paying 1 from Glorfindel to play Warden of Arnor on Elfhelm.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Open The Armoury (attaching Dagger of Westernesse on Elfhelm).

I decided to attempt stage 1B and committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elrond (for 3), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area, exploring both Sheltered Valleys).

Draw #1 drew Weathered Hilltop, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2 drew Ice Storm, which added added 1 resource to each Weathered Hilltop and 2 damage to Glorfindel (giving him -1 willpower) and Beregond and exhausting them.

I committed 15 willpower against 6 threat so added 4 progress to the active Weathered Hilltop and 5 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to the Weathered Hilltop, then exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to it.

The Angmar Orc attacked one of the Defenders of Rammas, drawing Ruins of Arnor for +1 attack and doing no damage.

Aragorn and Elfhelm attacked and killed the Angmar Orc.

Deck #1 exhausted one of the Wardens of Healing to heal the damage on Glorfindel and Beregond.

The round ended with my refreshing my cards, increasing both decks threat to 43 and making deck #2 first player.

Round Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew another Defender of Rammas and deck #1 drew Arwen (top card: Westfold Horse-Breeder).

Deck #1 exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Elfhelm.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Galadriel (attaching Sword That Was Broken to Aragorn and shuffling their deck) and paying 2 from Beregond to play another Defender of Rammas.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (which did nothing but shuffle their deck. Top card: Northern Tracker), paid 1 from Elrond and Glorfindel to play Vilya on Elrond and exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Northern Tracker (top card: A Burning Brand).

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Amon Forn.

I decided to attempt stage 1B, then committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to a Defender of Rammas), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Elfhelm (for 3), Elrond (for 3), Galadriel (for 4), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting), Marksman of Lorien (for 1), Northern Tracker x2 (for 1 each, adding 2 progress to each location in the staging area, exploring Amon Forn (adding it to the victory display. Total VP: 3) and Concealed Orc Camp), Ranger of the North (for 2), Warden of Healing x3 (for 1 each) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1 was Angmar Marauder, adding it to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Cornered Orc, adding it to the staging area.

I committed 30 willpower against 5 threat so added 3 progress to Weathered Hilltop, exploring it, and added 22 progress to stage 1B, exploring it and winning the game.

This went better than the last game, the decks seem to work pretty well together.

The final score was:

Completed Rounds (7): 70

Total Threat: 86.

Total VP: 3.

Final Score: 153.


Attempts 1 through 6 went really wrong (attempt 6 took long enough for me to figure out that hero Arwen is not ideal for a quest where running out of cards is a bad idea) quickly so I changed to a new pair of decks.

Deck #1 was Aragorn (Lore), Glorfindel (Spirit) and Lanwyn, with 26 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing A Test of Will, Ethir Swordsman, Northern Tracker, Self-Preservation x2 and Warden of Healing.

Deck #2 was Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad, with 30 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Celebrian's Stone, Feint, Open The Armoury, Secret Vigil, Steed of the North and Weather Hills Watchman.

In order to setup the quest I made deck #1 first player, put Iarion into play, added Fornost Square to the staging area, put a Baleful Shade into play engaged with each deck, shuffled the encounter deck, drew Seal The Tomb (buffing Iarion), which was added to the staging area and surged to Norbury Tombs, which was added to the staging area before I drew Dark Sorcery, which increased deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 32.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Elrond's Counsel and deck #2 drew Open The Armoury.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Lanwyn to play Ethir Swordsman.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Open The Armoury (pulling Elven Mail into hand and shuffling their deck).

I opted to attempt Seal The Tomb before deck #1 played Elrond's Counsel to buff Lanwyn and lower deck #1's threat to 25 before committing Ethir Swordsman (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, increasing deck #1's threat to 26), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest in play) and Lanwyn (for 2).

Draw #1 was Heavy Curse, which was attached to Seal The Tomb, buffed Lanwyn but surged to Cursed Dead, which was placed into the staging area.

Draw #2 was another Dark Sorcery, which increased deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 34.

I committed 12 willpower against 4 threat so added 8 progress to Seal The Tomb, exploring it and giving me a total 10 VP.

In the travel phase I opted to travel to Fornost Square.

Deck #2 optionally engaged the Cursed Dead.

The Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1 attacked Aragorn. I discarded Cloak of Lorien (adding a resource to each Fornost Square in play) for no effect. The shadow card was Deadman's Gate, for no effect so the attack did no damage.

The Baleful Shade engaged with deck #2 attacked Elrohir. Deck #2 discarded Rohan Warhorse for no effect. The attack did no damage.

After paying a resource from Elrohir to refresh him, the Cursed Dead attacked Elrohir, doing no damage.

Elladan attacked and killed the Cursed Dead before Halbarad attacked the Baleful Shade, doing 1 damage.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's to 35 before deck #1 discarded Tale of Tinuviel (adding a resource to each Fornost Square) and deck #2 discarded Steward of Gondor and making deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Armoured Destrier and deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elladan and 1 from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Armoured Destrier and Elven Mail on Elrohir.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

I committed Ethir Swordsman (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, increasing deck #1's threat to 29), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest card) and Lanwyn (for 2).

Draw #1 was Fornost Square, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Haunted Keep, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 10 willpower against 6 threat so added 4 progress to the active Fornost Square, exploring it.

I opted to travel to the next Fornost Square.

Elrohir sentinel defended the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1, discarding Armoured Destrier for no effect (adding 1 resource to the Fornost Square), doing no damage.

After exhausting Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir and discard the shadow card on the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #2, that shade attacked Elrohir, discarding Galadriel for +2 attack (adding another resource to the Fornost Square) so Elrohir took 1 damage, which deck #1 exhausted the Warden of Healing to heal.

Aragorn attacked the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1, doing 2 damage.

Elladan and Halbarad attacked the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #2, killing it.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 35 before deck #1 discarded Arwen Undomiel and deck #2 discarded Faramir (adding another resource to each Fornost Square) and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Ethir Swordsman and deck #2 drew Ranger Summons.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Glorfindel and Lanwyn to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.

I committed Aragorn (for 4), Ethir Swordsman (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, increasing deck #1's threat to 31), Iarion (for 1 per quest card in play), Lanwyn (for 2) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area).

Draw #1 was Terror Of The North, forcing deck #1 discarded Warden of Healing, Miner of the Iron Hills and Silver Harp (adding another resource to the Fornost Square) and deck #2 discarded Sword That Was Broken, Rivendell Bow and Elven Mail so add 4 threat to the total this round.

Draw #2 was The Shadow World, which buffed Iarion before it surged (refreshing Lanwyn) to Heavy Curse, which was attached to stage 1B (and buffed Lanwyn).

I committed 13 willpower against 5 threat so added 4 progress to Fornost Square, exploring it, and 4 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to Norbury Tombs, returning a Baleful Shade to the staging area.

Deck #2 engaged the Baleful Shade.

The Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1 was sentinel defended by Elrohir, discarding Defender of Rammas for +2 attack, the shadow card was Terror From The North so deck #2 discarded Faramir, Galadriel and Steed of the North so the attack gained another +2 attack. The attack did 3 damage before deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir and discard the shadow card attached to the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #2 before the Baleful Shade attacked Elrohir. Deck #2 discarded Ered Luin Miner, which allowed deck #2 to put him into play but did +2 attack so Elrohir took another wound.

Lanwyn attacked the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1. doing 2 damage.

Elladan, Halbarad and the Ered Luin Miner attacked the Baleful Shade, killing it.

After refreshing everything I increased deck #1's threat to 32 and deck #2's to 36, deck #1 discarded Song of Travel and Henamarth Riversong and deck #2 discarded Sneak Attack before deck #2 became first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse and deck #1 drew Light of Valinor (finally!).

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Weather Hills Watchman (putting a Dunedain Warning into hand and shuffling their deck), paid 1 from Elladan to play Dagger of Westernesse on him before paying 1 from Elladan to play Secret Vigil on the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal another wound from Elrohir and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him.

I opted to attempt The Shadow World then committed Aragorn (for 4), Ered Luin Miner (for 1), Ethir Swordsman (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest), Lanwyn (for 2), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Draw #1 was Restless Evil, which buffed each Undead enemy in play.

Draw #2 was another Restless Evil, which buffed the Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1.

I committed 15 willpower against 3 threat so added 4 progress to Norbury Tombs, exploring it (which shuffled the top 5 card of each decks discard pile into their decks) and added 8 progress to The Shadow World, exploring it and giving me a total of 20 VP.

I opted not to travel.

The Baleful Shade engaged with deck #1 was Sentinel defended by Elrohir, who discarded Sneak Attack for no effect and took 1 damage.

Glorfindel attacked and killed the Baleful Shade, triggering Secret Vigil and lowering deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 34.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's to 35 before deck #1 discarded Warden of Healing and deck #2 discarded Ranger Summons before making deck #1 first player.

Round Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Cloak of Lorien and deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman.

Deck #1 paid 3 from Aragorn to play Self-Preservation on Elrohir and paid 1 each from Glorfindel and Lanwyn to play Ethir Swordsman.

Deck #2 exhausted Self-Preservation to completely heal Elrohir, paid 1 from Elrohir to play Dunedain Warning on him and paid 1 from Halbarad to play Steed of the North on Aragorn.

In the quest phase I committed Aragorn (for 4), Ered Luin Miner (for 1), Ethir Swordsman x2 (for 3 each), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 for each quest card in play), Lanwyn (for 2), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to the Haunted Keep, exploring it), Warden of Healing (for 1) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

Draw #1 was Fornost Square, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was Baleful Shade, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 20 willpower against 3 threat so added 17 willpower to stage 1B, exploring it (and refreshing Aragorn) and moving to stage 2, which added Thaurdir to the staging area and drew Unnatural Fog, which increased deck #1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 37, and drew Norbury Tombs, adding it to the staging area.

I travelled to Fornost Square.

Deck #2 engaged Thaurdir and the Baleful Shade.

Baleful Shade was Sentinel defended by Aragorn, discarding Will Of The West for no effect so the attack did no damage.

Thaurdir attacked Elrohir, doing 2 damage.

After exhausting Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir. Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad attacked and killed the Baleful Shade.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's deck to 34 and deck #2's to 38 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Defender of Rammas and deck #1 drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elladan to play Defender of Rammas and paid 1 each from Elrohir and Halbarad to play another Weather Hills Watchman (who added Dunedain Warning to their hand and shuffled their deck) before exhausting Self-Preservation to heal Elrohir.

Deck #1 paid 3 from Lanwyn and 2 from Glorfindel to play Gandalf, who inflicted 4 damage on Thaurdir.

I committed Aragorn (for 4), Ethir Swordsman x2 (for 3 each), Gandalf (for 4), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest in play), Lanwyn (for 2) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to Norbury Tombs) and Warden of Healing.

Draw #1 was Deadman's Gate.

Draw #2 was Haunter Keep.

I committed 22 willpower against 9 threat so added 4 progress Fornost Square, exploring it and added 9 progress to stage 2B.

I travelled to Norbury Tombs.

Thaurdir attacked the Ered Luin Miner. The shadow card was Terror From The North (deck #2 discarded Steed of the North, Defender of Rammas and Feint, adding +2 attack so the attack overkilled the Miner deck #2 discarded Rivendell Blade, Elven Mail and Galadriel.

Elladan, Elrohir, Halbarad and 2 copies of Weather Hills Watchman attacked Thaurdir, doing 5 damage and leaving Thaurdir with 0 wounds.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, discarded Gandalf, increased deck #1's threat to 35 and deck #2's to 39 before making deck #1 first player.

Round Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Arwen and deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Lanwyn to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Cloak of Lorien on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Elrohir and Halbarad to play the last Weather Hills Watchman (whose ability did nothing but shuffle their deck).

I committed Aragorn (for 4), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Elrohir), Ethir Swordsman x2 (for 3 each), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Iarion (for 1 per quest in play), Lanwyn (for 2), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding +1 progress to each location in the staging area), Warden of Healing (for 1) and Weather Hills Watchman x2 (for 1 each).

Draw #1 was Baleful Shade.

Draw #2 was Thaurdir's Damned.

I committed 25 willpower against 12 threat so added 4 progres to Norbury Tombs, exploring it and allowing each deck to shuffle the top 5 cards of their discard piles into their decks) and added 9 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and finally winning the quest.

This quest was a massive pain, I've probably made mistakes on this playthrough but after the amount of attempts a win is win.

In the end my score was:

Completed Rounds (6): 60.

Total Threat: 74.

Total VP: 20.

Final Score: 114.


Thanks to forgetting to copy the write-up for this I will have to just do a short write-up. I played solo using Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit) and the quest was a massive slog. It took 10 rounds and I lost Elrond on the last turn before I killed the Pack Leader.


This was a major slog playing it solo. I managed to scrape a win with the Elrond Gandalf Spirit Glorfindel deck but I'm starting to think that going back to two-handed is a good idea.


I opted to change to two decks, one containing Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit) and another containing Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit). The game took 7 turns but I managed to scrape a win.


The new versio of deck #1, the Seekers, contained Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 32 threat. The opening hand was Asfaloth, Cloak of Lorien, Miner of the Iron Hills, Narya, Northern Tracker and Shadowfax (top card: Vilya).

Deck #2, the Hunters, contained Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat. The opening hand was Elven Mail, Feint x2, Honour Guard, Rohan Warhorse and Weather Hills Watchman. I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Armoured Destrier, Elven Mail, Honour Guard x2, Silver Harp and Unlikely Friendship.

In order to setup the quest I made deck #1 first player, made The Great Hall the active location, added Decipher Ancient Texts, Sift Through the Debris, Quiet The Spirits and Ancient Causeway into the staging area and putting Amarthiul into play attached to deck #1 and added 5 time counters to stage 1B.

Round One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Vilya (top card: Unexpected Courage) and deck #2 drew another Silver Harp.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Vilya, exhausted Vilya to play Unexpected Courage on Elrond (top card: The Galadhrim's Greeting) before exhausting Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

Deck #2 played Unlikely Friendship to draw Weather Hills Watchman and add 1 resource to Legolas before paying 2 from Legolas to play Silver Harp on Legolas.

I opted to attempt Decipher Ancient Texts and committed Elrond, Gandalf, Gimli (with Legolas buff), Glorfindel (increasing deck #1's threat to 33) and Legolas (discarding Silver Harp and returning it to hand with Silver Harp to refresh and buff Gimli).

Draw #1 was Cursed Dead, which was added to the staging area.

Draw #2 was another Ancient Causeway, which was added to the staging area.

I committed 13 willpower against 7 threat so added 6 progress to The Great Hall.

Deck #2 engaged the Cursed Dead.

Amarthiul was attached to deck #2.

The Cursed Dead attacked Amarthiul (shadow card: Dark Covenant, for no effect), doing no damage.

Aragorn and Gimli attacked and killed the Cursed Dead.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 33, removing a time counter from stage 1B and making deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with adding resources before deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting (top card: Ethir Swordsman).

Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Elven Mail on Elrond.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman (top card: Wingfoot), exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Wingfoot on Aragorn (top card: Gandalf's Staff), exhausted Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

I opted to attempt Decipher Ancient Texts and committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Elrond, Ethir Swordsman, Gandalf, Gimli (with Legolas buff), Glorfindel (increasing deck #1's threat to 35) and Legolas (discarding Silver Harp, then exhausting Silver Harp to return it, to refresh and buff Gimli).

Draw #1 was Dead Lord, adding it to the staging area and refreshing Aragorn.

Draw #2 was Dark Covenant, which discarded Cursed Dead, Tragic Discovery and Countries of Sorrow so deck #2 added 1 damage to Aragorn).

I committed 17 willpower against 9 threat so added 2 progress to The Great Hall, exploring it (deck #1 discarded Cursed Dead, Haunting Fog, Traitorous Wight, Curse of the Years and Eerie Halls and put Cursed Dead into play engaged with them. Deck #2 discarded Wight of Rhudaur, Dead Lord, Seal The Tomb, Tragic Discovery and Ghostly Ruins and put Wight of Rhudaur into play engaged with them) and adding it to the victory display (total VP: 2) and added 6 progress to Decipher Ancient Texts.

I travelled to a Ancient Causeway.

Deck #2 engaged a Dead Lord, who put another Dead Lord into play engaged with them.

The Cursed Dead made a undefended attack on Gandalf (shadow card: Curse Of The Years for +3 attack so the attack killed Elrond).

The Wight of Rhudaur attacked Anarthiul (shadow card: Forbidden Descent, for no effect), doing no damage.

The first Dead Lord attacked Gimli (shadow card: Wight of Rhudaur for no effect), doing 2 damage. Gimli paid 1 to refresh and buff Legolas.

The second Dead Lord attacked Aragorn (Shadow card: Decrepit Ruins, removing 2 progress from Decipher Ancient Texts), doing 2 damage.

Legolas attacked and killed a Dead Lord.

At this point in the proceedings, with three enemies in play and down 1 hero I decided to call it a game.

Edited by silverthorn


After another 3 attempts with essentially the same decks I finally managed to eke out a win (but only after losing Gandalf, Elrond and Legolas and using half of the questing allies as meat shields in order to pull off a win. I'm really not looking forward to seeing how bad the last two quests are going to be.

Worse, much worse.

I've tried Battte of Carn Dum twice and it's been a massive pain in the bottom.

After playing 14 or 15 games of Battle of Carn Dum with a wide variety of decks and not getting past stage 1 I've decided to skip the quest (because I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to feel like I'm getting sick of the whole game (it might be trauma from figuratively banging my head up against a wall trying to beat the quest) I'm going to skip Battle of Carn Dum and proceed to The Dread Ream.

I mean, it can't be as bad as BoCA.