Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game


My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dwarven Shield, Errand-Rider, Gandalf (Core), Northern Tracker and Ranger of Cardolan x2.

Quest set-up consisted of making Ithilien Road the active location and added Celador and Southron Company to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Wingfoot.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on him.

I committed Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Celardor, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Gandalf to refresh Gimli).

I drew Secluded Glade (refreshing Aragorn).

I committed 10 against 6 threat so added 4 progress to Ithilien Road, exploring it.

After travelling to Secluded Glade, I opted to engage the Southron Company, then paid 1 from Legolas to play Ranger of Cardolan.

The Southron Company attacked the Ranger of Cardolan, killing him.

Aragorn and Gimli attacked the Southron Company, inflicting 4 damage.

After refreshing my cards I raised my threat to 33.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Steward of Gondor.

I paid 2 from Gimli to play Steward of Gondor on Gimli, then exhausted it to put the 2 resources back.

I committed Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Celardor, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Errand-Rider to refresh Gimli).

I drew Watcher In The Woods, which raised my threat to 36 and surged to Blocking Wargs, which added 1 damage to Aragorn, Celador, Gimli and Legolas and surged to Ithilien Guardian (which came into play committed to the quest) which surged to Blocking Wargs (which added 1 more damage to Aragorn, Celador, Gimli, Ithilien Guardsman and Legolas), which surged to Lost Companion (which removed Gimli from the quest).

After all that I committed 10 against 0 threat so 3 progress explored Secluded Glade and 7 progress was added to stage 1B.

Looking at the numbers and realizing that whichever hero I decided to defend with was guaranteed to die I decided to quit the game on turn two.


My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Errand-Rider, Gandalf (Core), Ring Of Barahir, Unexpected Courage and Unlikely Friendship.

Quest set-up consisted of making Ithilien Road the active location and added Celador and Southron Company to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Errand-Rider.

I played Unlikely Friendship to draw another Unlikely Friendship and add 1 resource to Legolas, then played the new Unlikely Friendship to draw Northern Tracker and add another resource to Legolas.

I committed Aragorn, Celador, Gimli and Legolas, then drew Secluded Glade. I committed 10 against 6 threat so added 4 progress to Ithilien Road, exploring it.

I travelled to Secluded Glade.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Wingfoot.

I played Wingfoot on Aragorn and put a Errand-Rider and a Northern Tracker into play.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Celador, Gimli, Legolas and Northern Tracker, then drew Ithilien Guardian, who entered play committed to the quest and surged to Lost Companion, which removed Gimli from the quest. I committed 12 attack against so 3 progress explored Secluded Glade and 6 progress was added to stage 1B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Three began with adding resources before I drew Sneak Attack.

I paid 1 from Gimli to play another Errand-Rider.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Gimli, Legolas (discarding Errand-Rider to refresh Gimli) and Northern Tracker then paid 1 from Gimli to play Sneak Attack and put Gandalf into play, adding 4 damage to the Southron Company and committing him to the quest before I drew Overgrown Trail. I committed 18 attack against 7 threat so added 11 progress to stage 1B, completing it and moving to stage 3.

Stage 3 moved Celador and Ithilien Guardian to my side of the board, where I exhausted them to discard the |overgrown Trail before returning Gandalf to my hand.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Four began with adding resources before I drew Steward of Gondor.

I played Steward of Gondor and Unexpected Courage on Gimli, then exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Celador, Gimli (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Ithilien Guardian, Legolas and Northern Tracker before I drew Morgul Spider (which refreshed Aragorn). I committed 10 against 4 threat so added 6 progress to stage 3B.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 36.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Dwarven Shield.

I exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli, then played Dwarven Shield on Gimli and played Gandalf (who killed the Southron Company in the staging area).

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Celador, Gimli (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Ithilien Guardian, Legolas and Northern Tracker, then drew Watcher In The Woods, which raised my threat to 42. I committed 10 willpower against 3 threat so added 7 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and moving to stage 4.

The Morgul Spider attacked Gimli, drawing Southron Mercenaries and inflicting 2 damage (I exhausted Dwarven Shield to add 1 resource to Gimli, then paid 1 from Gimli to refresh Legolas) before Legolas and Gandalf attacked and killed the Morgul Spider.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 43 before using Aragorn's ability to drop it back to 32.

Turn Six began with adding resources before I drew Gandalf (Core).

I exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli, then paid Gandalf and Arwen Undomiel.

I committed everyone before drawing Ithilien Guardian (which committed to the quest and surged to Secluded Glade. I committed 18 willpower against 3 threat so added 15 progress to stage 4B and won the quest.

This try ran a lot better than the last one. Waiting to engage the Southron Company was a good idea since it gave me a chance to quest to the point where the Company couldn't engage me.

My final score was:

Completed rounds (5): 50.

Total Threat: 32.

Total VP: 1,

Total Score: 81.


Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 32.

Starting Hand: Galadriel x2, Gandalf (Core), Mirkwood Long-Knife, Narvi's Belt and Northern Tracker.

Mulligan: Armoured Destrier, Celebrian's Stone, Dwarven Shield, Gandalf (Core), Henamarth Riversong and Silver Harp.


Added The Approach, The Citadel and The Banks to the staging area.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew: Steward of Gondor.


Paid 1 from Aragorn to play Henamarth Riversong.

Exhausted Henamarth Riversong to scry top card of encounter deck.


Committed: Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Celebrian's Stone to refresh Gimli).

Drew: Orc Arsonists.

Total Defence: 5.

Total Threat: 9.

Increased my threat to 36.


Travelled to The Citadel.


Engaged the Orc Arsonists (adding a shadow card to it).


Orc Arsonists attacked Gimli.

Shadow draw #1: Scourge of Mordor, +1 attack and adds another shadow card.

Shadow draw #2: adds 2 damage to The Approach.

Shadow draw #3: draws another 2 shadow cards.

Shadow draw #4: The Power of Mordor, no effect.

Shadow draw #5: Siege Raft, adds 2 damage to The Banks.

4 attack – 3 defence = 1 damage inflicted on Gimli.


Refreshed all cards.

Increased threat to 37.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew: Unlikely Friendship.


Played Unlikely Friendship to draw Sword That Was Broken and add 1 resource to Gimli.

Paid 2 from Legolas to play Silver Harp on himself.

Paid 2 from Gimli to play Steward of Gondor on himself.

Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 2 from Gimli to play Dwarven Shield on himself.

Exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck.


Committed: Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Gandalf and undiscarding him to refresh Gimli).

Drew: The Masters Malice, added 3 wounds to Aragorn and Legolas and killed Henamarth Riversong.

Total Defence: 5.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 2 progress to The Citadel.


No travel.


No engagements.


Orc Arsonists attacked Gimli.

Shadow draw #1: Orc Arsonist (adds +1 attack and draws another Shadow card).

Shadow draw #2: Orc Assault (adds 2 damage to The Citadel, The Banks and The Approach, removing the Banks from play).

4 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.


Refreshed all cards.

Increased threat to 38.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew: Ring of Barahir.


Exhausred Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 2 from Gimli to play Armoured Destrier on him.


Committed: Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Gandalf and undiscarding him to refresh Gimli).

Drew: Battering Ram (adds 3 damage to The Citadel).

Increased my threat to 39.

Total Defence: 5.

Total Threat: 4.

Added 1 progress to the Citadel.


No travel.


No engagements.


Orc Arsonists attacked Gimli.

Shadow draw #1: Orc Arbalesters (adds +2 attack).

5 attack – 4 defence = 1 damage added to Gimli.

Exhausted Dwarven Shield to add 1 resource to Gimli.

Gimli paid 1 to refresh and buff Legolas.

4 attack – 2 defence = 2 damage added to Orc Arsonists.


Refreshed all cards.

Increased threat to 40.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew: Warden of Healing.


Paid 2 to play Warden of Healing.

Exhausted Warden of Healing to remove 1 wound from Aragorn and Legolas.


Committed: Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas (discarding Gandalf and undiscarding it o refresh Gimli).

Drew: The Masters Malice.

With whatever option I took leading to two dead heroes I opted to give up.

I have no idea of how to beat this quest with the limited hero pool I'm planning to use.


After going over the quests I have attempted I noticed that there are a lot of the last couple of cycles which I haven't attempted. In a effort to combat that I decided to skip a few quests.

Deck #1 contained Aragorn (Leadership), Celeborn and Galadriel, with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Mirror Of Galadriel, Nalth Guide, O Lorien! and Sword That Was Broken.

Deck #2 contained Haldir of Lorien, Legolas (Tactics) and Mirlonde, with 24 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Cloak Of Lorien, Daughter of the Nimrodel x2, Galadhrim Minstrel, ,Gandalf (Core) and Weather-Stained Cloak.

Quest set-up consisted of putting Iarion into play with deck #1 and adding Orc War Party, Rugged Country and Shrouded Hills to the staging area before making deck #1 the first player.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Nenya and deck #2 drew Wingfoot.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Nenya on Galadriel, paid 1 from Celeborn to play O Lorien! on himself and paid 1 from Galadriel to play Mirror of Galadriel on herself, then exhausted Mirror of Galadriel to add Unexpected Courage to hand and discard Galadtriel's Handmaiden before exhausting O Lorien!.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Mirlonde to play Galadhrim Minstrel (who put The Tree People into hand), paid 1 from Haldir to play Wingfoot on himself and played Weather-Stained Cloak on Aragorn.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Celeborn (for 7 with Galadriel and Nenya buffing him), Galadhrim Minstrel (for 2), Haldir of Lorien (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Iarion (for 1) and Mirlonde (for 2).

I drew Lost In The Wilderness (which I placed both hands under but buffed Iarion) and Pressing Needs (which raised deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 26 and made Lost In The Wilderness the active quest).

I committed 16 willpower against 9 threat so added 4 progress to Lost In The Wilderness, exploring it and putting both hands back into play).

I opted to travel to Rugged Country.

At the end of the rurn I refreshed everything, raised deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2's to 28 and made deck #2 the first player.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Galadhon Archer and deck #1 drew Greenwood Archer.

Deck #1 exhausted Mirror of Galadriel to put Light of Valinor into hand and discard Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Legolas to play Galadhon Archer.

Deck #1 exhausted Galadriel to draw Feigned Voices and lower their threat to 35, exhausted O Lorien! and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Greenwood Archer (who refreshed Galadriel) and paid 1 from Galadriel to play Light of Valinor on Celeborn.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Celeborn (for 7 with Galadriel and Nenya's buff and without exhausting), Galadhon Archer (for 1), Galadhrim Minstrel (for 1), Greenwood Archer (for 1, without exhausting), Haldir (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Iarion (for 1) and Mirlonde (for 2).

I drew Shrouded Hills and Angmar Marauder (refreshing Haldir).

I committed 17 willpower against 8 threat so added 3 progress to Rugged Country, exploring it and added 6 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to one of the Shrouded Hills.

The Angmar Marauder engaged deck #1 and made a undefended attack on Aragorn, drawing Orc War Party for no effect and (after I exhausted Weather-Stained Cloak) doing 2 damage.

Greenwood Archer, Haldir and Legolas attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder, adding 2 progress to the active Shrouded Hills,

I ended the turn by refreshing everything, raising deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's to 30 and making deck #1 the first player.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Nalth Guide and deck #2 drew Marksman of Lorien.

Deck #1 exhausted Mirror of Galadriel to put Galadriel's Handmaiden into play and discard Nalth Guide, then paid 2 from Celeborn and 1 from Aragorn to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn and exhausted O Lotien!.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Haldir to play Daughter of Nimrodel, then discarded The Tree People (to put Galadhrim Minstrel into hand and put Marksman of Lorien from deck into play, who reduced the Orc War Party's defence by 2) and paid 2 from Mirlonde to play Galadhrim Minstrel (who put Feint into hand).

I committed Aragorn (for 3), Celeborn (for 9 with Galadriel and Nenya and without exhausting), Galadhrim Minstrel (for 2), Greenwood Archer (for 1), Iarion (for 2) and Mirlonde (for 2).

I drew Outlying Homestead (which raised deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2's to 31) and Chetwood Forest.

I committed 19 willpower against 9 threat so added 3 progress to Shrouded Hills, exploring it, and added 7 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Outlying Homestead, putting Borders of Bree-Land into the staging area.

Deck #1 engaged the Orc War Party, then discarded Feigned Voices and returned Greenwood Archer to hand to stop it attacking.

Galadhon Archer, Haldir of Lorien, Legolas and Marksman of Lorien attacked and killed the Orc War Party and added 2 progress to Outlying Homestead.

After deck #2 exhausted Daughter of the Nimrodel to heal 2 damage from Aragorn I ended the turn by refreshing everything, raising deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's to 32 and making deck #2 the first player.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Rumil and deck #1 drew Woodland Courier.,

After deck #1 exhausted O Lorien!, deck #2 paid paid 2 from Legolas to play Marksman of Lorien and paid 1 from Haldir and Mirlonde to play Daughter of the Nimrodel.

Deck #1 exhausted Galadriel to draw Send For Aid and lower deck #1's threat to 36, then paid 1 from Aragorn and Celeborn to play Greenwood Archer, who refreshed Galadriel, who exhausted to draw Lorien Guide and lower deck #1's threat to 35 before paying 2 from Galadriel to playUnexpected Courage on her and exhaust it to refresh her.

I committed Aragorn (for 3), Celeborn (for 9 with Galadriel and without exhausting), Daughter of the Nimrodel (for 1), Daughter of the Nimrodel (for 2), Galadhrim Minstrel (for 1), Greenwood Archer (for 1 without exhausting), Haldir (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Iarion (for 1) and Mirlonde (for 2).

I drew Rescue Iarion (and placed Iarion under it) and Angmar Orc (deck #2 discarded the Galadhon Archer but refreshed Haldir)

I committed 21 willpower against 9 threat so added 6 progress to Outlying Homestead, exploring it, and added 6 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Chetwood Forest, engaging the Angmar Orc.

The Angmar Orc made a undefended attack on Aragorn, inflicting 2 damage before Haldir and Legolas killed it, adding 2 progress to Chetwood Forest.

I ended the turn by refreshing everyhing, removing a time counter from Rescue Iarion, raising deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2's to 33 and making deck #1 the first player.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Greenwood Archer and deck #2 drew Galadhrim Healer.

Deck #1 exhausted O Lorien and paid 1 from Galadriel to play Woodland Courier (who added 2 progress to Chetwood Forest, exploring it) and paid 1 from Aragorn and Celeborn to play Nalth Guide (who ensured that Aragorn didn't exhaust to quest this turn).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Haldir and Mirlonde to play Galadhrim Healer (who healed 1 wound from Aragorn).

After indulging in some mental arythmetic, I committed everything with 1 or more willpower after buffs to the quest for a total of 28 willpower.

I drew Orc Ambush (putting a Angmar Marauder in play engaged with each player) and Rugged Country.

With 28 willpower against 7 threat I added 21 progress to stage 1B and won the quest.

The final score was.

Completed rounds (4): 40.

Total Threat: 69.

Total Wouds on heroes; 1.

Total VP: 10 (Lost In The Woods).

Total Score: 100.


I opted to go with a revised version of the original deck I used way back when I first bought the game. My heroes were old school Denethor, Eowyn and Gimli. They worked as well as I hoped since letting Gimli take a undefended hit on turn 1 left me without getting swamped. The game took 11 turns (due to having to drastically slow down my questing in order to get a Ranger of Ithilien before stage 3) but I never seemed to have any troubles.

Fun to look at the first few pages of this thread and see how many of those mamber don't post here anymore, and silverthorn is still going strong ^_^

A Shadow Of The Past.

For this saga run through I decided to try another retro pair of hero line-ups. The first couple of practice attempts were notable for the complete inability of Deck #1 to draw Light of Valinor, making Spirit Glorfindel somewhat useless. After due consideration I swapped him out for a hero who could provide much-needed resource smoothing.

Deck #1's heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Arwen Undomiel and Eowyn (Spirit) and Deck #2's heroes were Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas (Tactics).

The two decks seemed to work well together, Arwen's ability (combined with a Silver Harp in the opening hand) made for a far smoother game than I was expecting (although most of the extra resources were going onto Elrohir).

On turn six I played a second Northern Tracker and discarded 5 locations, leaving a Black Rider in the staging area for deck #2 to deal with and blow through stage 2.

All in al, the game took eight turns to complete, with Mr. Underhill and Gandalf's Delay being added to the Campaign Pool.

A Shadow Of The Past.

I decided to redo Shadow of the Past since I had made a few mistakes and wanted to go back to full write-ups.

DECK #1.

Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Arwen Undomiel and Eoyn (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Elrond's Counsel, Gandalf (Core), Northern Tracker, Sam Gamgee and Warden of Healing.

DECK #2.

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas (Tactics).

Starting Threat: 29.

Starting Hand: Faramir, Honour Guard, Rivendell Blade, Send For Aid and Sword That Was Broken.


Put Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) into play.

Put Gandalf's Delay into play.

Made Bag-End the active location.

Added a Black Rider to staging area.

Made deck #1 the first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Silver Harp.

Deck #2 drew Rune-Master.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen and Eowyn to play Silver Harp on Arwen.

Deck #1 discarded Elrond's Counsel to add 1 resource to Elrohir, then exhausted Silver Harp to return it to hand.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan and Legolas to play Honour Guard.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Arwen (for 3) and Eowyn (for 4).

Deck #1 played Elrond's Counsel, adding 1 willpower to Aragorn and lowering deck #1's threat to 27.

Deck #1 drew The Marish, adding it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Gildor Inglorion, putting it into play with deck #2.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 7.

Added 3 progress to Bag End, exploring it and sending it to the victory display. Deck #1 drew Ethir Swordsman.

Total VP: 1.


The Fellowship travelled to The Marish.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed all cards.

Paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor Inglorion.

Increased deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 30.

Deck #2 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Deck #1 drew A Test of Will.


Deck #2 paid 3 from Elrohir to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Rivendell Blade on himself.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Legolas to play Gondorian Shield on Elrohir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen and Eowyn to play Ethir Swordsman.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

Deck #2 discarded A Test of Will to add 1 resource to Arwen, then exhausted Silver Harp to return it to hand.


Committed: Arwen (for 4), Eowyn (for 5), Ethir Swordsman (for 3) and Frodo Baggins (for 2).

Deck #2 drew Woody-End and added it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Pathless Country and added it to the staging area.

Total Willpower: 14.

Total Threat: 7.

Added 4 progress to The Marish, exploring it.

Added 3 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2B added another Black Rider to the staging area.


The Fellowship travelled to Pathless Country.


Deck #2 engaged one of the Black Riders.


The Black Rider attacked Elrohir. The shadow draw was Stock-Brook, for no effect so the attack did 1 damage.

Deck #2 exhausted The Honour Guard to cancel the damage on Elrohir.

Elladan, Gildor Inglorion and Legolas attacked and killed the Black Rider.

Legolas's ability triggered, adding 2 progress to Pathless Country.


Refreshed all cards.

Paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor Inglorion.

Increased deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's to 31.

Deck #1 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).


Deck #1 discarded A Test Of Will to add 1 resource to Eowyn, then exhausted Silver Harp to return it to hand.

Deck #1 paid 2 each from Arwen and Eowyn to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Send For Aid and add it to the staging area.


I opted to attempt Send For Aid.

Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Arwen (for 4), Eowyn (for 5), Ethir Swordsman (for 2), Frodo Baggins (for 3), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to Woody-End and exploring it and sending it to the victory display) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Total VP: 2.

Deck #1 drew Stock Road and added it to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew another Stock Road and added it to the staging area.

Total Willpower: 21.

Total Threat: 10.

Added 1 progress to Pathless Country, exploring it.

Added 6 progress to Send For Aid, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Total VP: 3.

Deck #1 put another Northern Tracker into play from deck.

Deck #2 put Galadriel into play from deck, whose ability put a Armoured Destrier into play attached to Elrohir.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged the Black Rider.


The Black Rider attacked Galadriel. The Shadow draw was Piercing Cry so the Black Rider would attack again after the attack killed Galadriel (she would have been discarded at the end of the turn anyway).

The Black Rider's second attack targeted Elrohir. The shadow card was Have You Seen Baggins, for no effect so the attack did 1 damage. Which deck #2 cancelled with Honour Guard.

Elladan, Gildor and Legolas attacked and killed the Black Rider.

Legolas's ability triggered and added 2 progress to stage 2B.


Refreshed all cards.

Paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor Inglorion.

Increased deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 32.

Deck #2 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Blade of Gondolin.

Deck #1 drew Elven-Light.


Deck #2 paid 1 from Legolas to play Blade of Gondolin on Legolas.

Deck #1 discarded Elven-Light to add 1 resource to Arwen.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Eowyn and 2 from Arwen to play The Galadhrim's Greeting, lowering deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 30.


Committed: Arwen (for 4), Eowyn (for 5), Ethir Swordsman (for 3), Frodo Baggins (for 2), Northern Tracker x2 (for 2 each, adding 2 progress to each location in the staging area) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Deck #2 drew Evil Crow and added it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Green Hill Country and added it to the staging area.

Total Willpower: 18.

Total Threat: 10.

Added 8 progress to stage 2B.


The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country.


Deck #2 engaged the Evil Crow.


The Evil Crow attacked Elrohir. The shadow draw was Lure Of The Ring for +1 attack and did no damage.

Legolas attacked the Evil Crow, killing it.

Legolas's ability triggered to add 3 progress to Green Hill Country, exploring it.


Refreshed all cards.

Paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor Inglorion.

Increased deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's to 31.

Deck #1 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Tale Of Tinuviel.

Deck #2 drew Defender of Rammas.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen to play Sam Gamgee.


Committed: Ethir Swordsman (for 3), Frodo Baggins (for 3), Northern Tracker x2 (for 2 each, adding 2 progress to each location in the staging area and exploring both Stock Roads), Sam Gamgee (for 3) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Deck #1 drew Crawling Towards Them. Deck #1 was forced to take a Hide 2 test, exhausting Aragorn for 3 willpower and drawing and discarding The Ring Draws Them and Have You Seen Baggins for 0 threat so the Hide test was passed.

Deck #2 drew Piercing Cry and opted to put a Black Rider into play engaged with them.

Total Willpower: 15.

Total Threat: 0.

Added 15 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 added Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.


The Fellowship opted to travel to Buckleberry Ferry, which entailed making a Hide 3 test. I exhausted Aragorn, Arwen and Eowyn for 12 willpower and drew 2 Evil Crows and Crawling Towards Him for 4 threat. I passed the Hide test and the Fellowship travelled to Buckleberry Ferry.


No engagements.


The Black Rider attacked Elrohir. The shadow draw was Stock Road for no effect and the 1 damage inflicted was cancelled by exhausting Honour Guard.

Elladan, Legolas and Gildor attacked and killed the Black Rider.

Legolas's ability triggered and added 3 progress to Buckleberry Ferry.


Refreshed all cards.

Paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor Inglorion.

Increased deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 32.

Deck #2 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Black Arrow.

Deck #1 drew Cloak OF Lorien.


Deck #1 discarded Cloak Of Lorien to add 1 resource to Elrohir, then exhausted Silver Harp to return it to hand.

Deck #2 paid 4 from Elrohir to play Faramir.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elladan and 3 from Legolas to play Gandalf.

Deck #2 drew Heir of Mardil, Raven-Winged Helm and Sneak Attack.


Deck #2 exhausted Faramir to give deck #1's cards +1 willpower each.

Committed: Aragorn (for 4), Arwen (for 5), Elladan (for 2), Elrohir (for 2), Eowyn (for 6), Ethir Swordsman (for 4), Frodo Baggins (for 2), Gandalf (for 4), Gildor (for 3), Legolas (for 1), Northern Tracker (for 3 each), Sam Gamgee (for 4) and Warden of Healing (for 3).

Deck #2 drew Pathless Country and added it to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Bamfurlong and added it to the staging area.

Total Willpower: 46.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 37 progress to Buckleberry Ferry, exploring it and winning the quest.

This game went well. I didn't make the mistake I always do (forgetting to take the Hide test on Buckleberry Ferry) so this stays.

Deck #1 is a monster quester and deck #2 works remarkably well. Heresy as it may be Arwen works a lot better than Glorfindel and the two decks seem to work well.

At the end of the quest I opted to add Gildor Inglorion and Gandalf's Delay to the campaign pool.

In the end my final score was:

Completed Rounds (5): 50.

Combined Threat: 62.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 119.


After realizing the amount of quests I haven't attempted yet I decided to go back to basics.

My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dunedain Warning, Mirkwood Long-Knife, Sneak Attack, Warden of Healing x2 and Wingfoot.

Setup for the quest consisted of putting a Snaga Scouts, Wainriders and Wolves From Mordor into the staging area.

Turn One began with adding a resource to each of my heroes before I drew Dunedain Warning.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on him and paid 1 from Gimli to play Dunedain Warning on him.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, naming Location for Wingfoot), Gimli (for 2) and Legolas (for 1, discarding a Warden of Healing to refresh Gimli and give him +1 willpower) before drawing Captured Watchtower (refreshing Aragorn). I committed 6 willpower against 5 threat and added 1 progress to stage 1B.

I engaged the Snaga Scouts and Wolves From Mordor.

The Snaga Scouts made a undefended attack on Aragorn, drawing Massing At Osgiliath for no effect and inflicting 1 damage.

The Wolves From Mordor attacked Gimli, drawing Wainriders for no effect and doing 1 damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed the Snaga Scouts before I refreshed my cards, raised my threat to 33 and ended the turn.

Turn Three began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Unlikely Friendship.

I immediately played Unlikely Friendship and drew Arwen Undomiel before adding 1 resource to Aragorn.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing, then exhausted him to heal 1 damage from Aragorn and Gimli before paying 2 from Legolas to play Arwen Undomiel.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gimli (for 2) and Legolas (for 1, discarding Mirkwood Long-Knife to refresh and add +1 willpower to Gimli).

I drew Dark Pursuit, which gave the staging area +1 threat for a total of 4 threat against 8 threat so 4 progress was added to stage 1B.

The Wolves From Mordor attacked Gimli (who paid 1 to refresh and add +1 attack to Legolas), drawing Pelennor Fields for no effect and doing no damage.

Legolas attacked and killed the Wolves From Mordor before I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 34 to end the turn.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Armoured Destrier.

With no planning I proceeded to commit Aragorn (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gimli (for 2), Legolas (for 1, discarding Sneak Attack to refresh and add +1 willpower to Gimli) and Warden of Arnor (for 1) before drawing Ranger of Ithilien, which I put into play under my control, exhausted and committed (for 2) before surging to Ruins Of Osgilath.

I committed 9 willpower against 6 threat so added 2 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

I opted to travel to Ruins of Osgiliath before I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 35 to end the turn.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Silver Harp.

I paid 2 from Legolas to play Silver Harp on him.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gimli (for 2), Legolas (for 1, discarding Dunedain Warning to refresh and add +1 willpower to Gimli, then exhausting Silver Harp to return the Dunedain Warning to hand) and Warden of Healing (for 1) before I drew Uruk Vanguard (which refreshed Aragorn).

I committed 9 willpower against 5 threat so added 2 progress to Ruins of Osgiliath, exploring it and added 2 progress to stage 2B.

I was forced to engage the Wainriders.

The Wainriders attacked Gimli (I paid 1 from Gimli to refresh and add +1 attack to Legolas), drawing Massing At Osgiliath for no effect and doing no damage.

Aragorn and Legolas attacked and killed the Wainriders before I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 36 to end the turn.

Turn Five began with adding a resource my heroes before I drew Steward of Gondor.

I paid 2 from Gimli to play Steward of Gondor on Gimli, then exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli and paid them to play Armoured Destrier on Gimli.

I committed Aragorn (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gimli (for 3 after buff), Legolas (for 1, discarding Armoured Destrier to add +1 willpower and refresh Gimli, then exhausting Silver Harp to return Armoured Destrier to hand) and Warden of Healing (for 1) before drawing Wainriders (which refreshed Aragorn).

I committed 8 willpower against 5 threat so added 3 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and moving to stage 3,

I engaged the Wainriders, who attacked Gimli (who paid 1 to refresh and give +1 attack to Legolas), drawing Wainrider Captain for no effect and doing no damage.

Aragorn and Legolas attacked and killed the Wainriders before I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 36 and ended the turn.

Turn Six began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Unlikely Friendship.

I played Unlikely Friendship to draw Sword That Was Broken and add 1 resource to Gimli.

After exhausting Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli I paid 2 from Gimli to play Armoured Destrier and paid 3 from Gimli to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

I started the quest phase by discarding the Ranger of Ithilien, then committed Aragorn (for 3), Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding +1 defence to Gimli) and Warden of Healing (for 2) before I drew Morgulduin.

I committed 8 willpower against 4 threat so added 4 progress to stage 3B, exploring it.

Stage 4 added the Witch King to the staging area.

I travelled to Captured Watchtower.

I opted to engage the Witch King, who attacked Gimli, drawing Snaga Scout for no effect and inflicting 2 damage.

I opted to keep the Witch King engaged with me and raised my threat to 39 before I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 40 to end the turn.

Turn Seven began with adding a resource to each of my heroes before I drew Gandalf (Core).

After exhausting Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli I paid 3 from Aragorn and 2 from Legolas to play Gandalf, then used his ability to draw Mirkwood Long-Knife, Warden of Healing and Galadriel. I then paid 3 from Gimli to play Galadriel (who put Celebrian's Stone into play attached to Aragorn) and paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

I committed Aragorn (for 5, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding +1 defence to Gimli), Galadriel (for 4), Gandalf (for 5), Gimli (for 3 after buff), Legolas (for 2, discarding Mirkwood Long-Knife to refresh and add +1 willpower to Gimli, then return the Mirkwood Long-Knife to hand with Silver Harp) and Warden of Healing x2 (for 2 each) before I drew Ruins of Osgiliath.

I committed 26 willpower against 4 threat, adding 2 progress to Captured Watchtower, exploring it and another 20 progress to stage 4B, exploring it and winning the game.

The deck seemed to work well. I'm thinking that some cards may need to be dumped (Mirkwood Long-Knife fir example which did nothing but be discarded and take up room in my hand) but the deck held up well.

My final score was: Completed Rounds (6): 60 + Total Threat: 39 + Wounds on Heroes: 2 = Total Score: 101.


Continuing with a somewhat different hero mix.

Heroes: Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Tactics).

Starting Threat: 32.

Starting Hand: Black Arrow, Citadel Plate, Gandalf (Core), Honour Guard, Steward of Gondor and Unlikely Friendship.


Made The Leaping Fish the active location.

Attached Alcaron's Scroll to Gimli.

Added Harbour Thug to staging area.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Defender of Rammas.


Played Unlikely Friendship to draw Boromir and add 1 resource to Gimli.

Played Black Arrow on Legolas.

Paid 1 from Aragorn and Legolas to play Honour Guard.

Paid 2 from Gimli to play Steward of Gondor on Gimli.

Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.


Drew and discarded Harbour Storehouse.

Committed: Aragorn (for 3) and Legolas (for 3).

Drew Collateral Damage and discarded Local Trouble and City Streets before raising my threat to 34.

Total Attack: 6.

Total threat: 2.

Added 4 progress to The Leaping Fish.


No travel.


I engaged the Harbour Thug.


Harbour Thug attacked Gimli (I paid 1 from Gimli to refresh and add +1 attack to Legolas).

Shadow card: Harbour Storehouse, which forced me to draw another shadow card, Umbar Assassin for no effect.

I exhausted the Honor Guard to remove the damage that would have been inflicted on Gimli.

Legolas attacked killed the Harbour Thug. His ability added 2 progress to The Leaping Fish, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (for 1 total VP).


Refreshed my cards.

Raised my threat to 35.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Galadriel.


Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 3 from Gimli to play Galadriel (who put Spear of the Citadel into play attached to Gimli).


Committed: Aragorn (for 3) and Legolas (for 3).

Drew Local Trouble and attached it to Aragorn.

Total Attack: 6.

Total threat: 0.

Added 6 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 moved Alcaron's Scroll to staging area.

Exhausted Gimli to attach Alcaron's Scroll to Gimli.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed my cards.

Raised my threat to 37

Discarded Galadriel.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Armoured Destrier.

Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.


Paid 2 from Gimli to play Armoured Destrier on him.

Paid 2 from Aragorn and Legolas to play Boromir.


Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Boromir (for 3) and Legolas (for 3).

Drew Market Square.

Total Attack: 9.

Total threat: 3.

Added 6 progress to stage 2B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed my cards.

Raised my threat to 39.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Sneak Attack.


Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 1 from Aragorn and Legolas to play Defender of Rammas.


Paid 1 from Gimli to play Sneak Attack, playing Gandalf and using his ability to lower my threat to 34.

Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Boromir (for 3), Gandalf (for 4) and Legolas (for 3).

Drew City Streets, which surged to Collateral Damage. I drew and discarded Harbour Thug, another Harbour Thug, Collateral Damage and Lurking In Shadows.

Total Attack: 13.

Total threat: 5.

Added 8 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 forced me to add a Harbour Thug to the staging area.

Returned Gandalf to hand.


Travelled to City Streets.


I engaged the Harbour Thug.


Harbour Thug attacked Gimli (I paid 1 from Gimli to refresh and add +1 attack to Legolas).

Spear of the Citadel does 1 damage to Harbour Thug.

Shadow card: Zealous Traitor for no effect.

I exhausted the Honour Guard to remove the damage that would have been inflicted on Gimli.

Legolas attacked and killed the Harbour Thug. His ability added 2 progress to City Streets, exploring it.


Refreshed my cards.

Raised my threat to 36.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Unlikely Friendship.


Played Unlikely Friendship to draw Bo fur and add 1 resource to Legolas.

Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 2 from Legolas and 1 from Aragorn to play Bofur (Tactics).


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Bofur (for 2), Boromir (for 1) and Legolas (for 1).

Drew Pickpocket who immediately attacked Gimli (taking 1 damage from Spear of the Citadel).

Shadow card: Zealous Traitor for no effect.

Attack did no damage.

I exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Gimli.

Total Willpower: 6.

Total threat: 6.


No travel.


I engaged the Pickpocket.


The Pickpocket attacked Gimli and immediately died from the wound inflicted by Spear of the Citadel.


Refreshed my cards.

Raised my threat to 38.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Gimli.

Added 1 resource to Legolas.

Drew Faramir.


Exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli.

Paid 4 from Gimli to play Faramir.

Paid 3 from Gimli and 1 from Aragorn and Legolas to play Gandalf (using his ability to lower my threat to 33).


Exhausted Faramir to butt all my characters,

Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Bofur (for 3), Boromir (for 2), Defender of Rammas (for 1), Gandalf (for 5), Gimli (for 3), Honour Guard (for 1) and Legolas (for 2).

Drew Collateral Damage and discarded Lossarnach Bandit, Pelargir Docks, Lost In The City, Pickpocket, Market Square, another Pelargir Docks, City Streets and another Pickpocket before I raised my threat to 41

Total Attack: 20

Total threat: 3.

Added 17 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game.

The new deck seemed to work fairly well, although I think I'll be making some changes in the next couple of games.

At the end of the game my score was:

Completed Rounds (5): 50.

Total Threat: 33.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 80.

After playing 4 games of Into Ithilien I was starting to think that the quest was unbeatable. Then I noticed that I've beaten Into Ithilien with a Aragorn/Gimli/Legolas deck already (it's the second post on this page) so I'll merrily skip banging my head against it again and proceed to Siege of Cair Andros. I'm also considering going back to playing two-handed again.

Edited by silverthorn

The Three Hunters: Siege of Cair Andros.

For this game I decided to switch to a deck using the Tactics versions of Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. This gave me a threat of 32 and a opening hand containing Azain Silverbeard, Black Arrow, Defender of Rammas, Dunedain Hunter, Knight of Minas Tirith and Soldier of Dol Amroth.

Quest setup consisted of adding The Approach, The Banks and The Citadel to the staging area.

Turn One began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Raven-Winged Helm.

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Legolas to play Soldier of Dol Amroth, before paying 1 from Gimli to play Defender of Rammas.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Defender of Rammas (for 4) and Gimli (for 2).

I drew The Masters Malice, which did nothing (thanks to going mono-sphere).

I committed 8 defence against 6 threat so added 2 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to The Banks then ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raised my threat to 33.

Turn Two began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Honour Guard.

I played Dunedain Hunter (who put a Orc Scramblers into play engaged with me), then paid 1 from each of my heroes to play Knight of Minas Tirith, who immediately attacked and killed the Orc Scramblers.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Defender of Rammas (for 4), Dunedain Hunter (for 1) and Gimli (for 2).

I drew Scourge of Modor, which forced me to discard Dunedain Hunter from the top of my deck and add nothing to the total threat in play.

I committed 9 defence against 5 threat so added 3 progress to The Banks (sending it to the victory display and putting stage 2B out of play) and added 1 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to The Approach before ending the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Defender of Rammas.

I paid 1 from Legolas and Gimli to play Defender of Rammas and played Black Arrow on Legolas.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Defender of Rammas x2 (for 4 each) and Gimli (for 2).

I drew Battering Ram, which raised my threat to 36 and added 3 damage to The Approach.

I committed 12 defence versus 5 threat so added 7 progress to The Approach (which moved it to the victory display and removed stage 3B from play).

I travelled to The Citadel.

I engaged the Battering Ram, who attacked Defender of Dol Amroth. The shadow card was Orc Arsonist, which added 1 attack and forced me to draw Siege Raft, which added another 2 attack. The final attack really, really killed the Defender of Dol Amroth.

Dunedain Hunter, Knight of Minas Tirith and Legolas attacked and killed the Battering Ram. Legolas's ability added 2 progress to The Citadel before I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 37.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Deorwine.

I paid 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Gimli and Legolas to play Deorwine.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Defender of Rammas x2 (for 4 each), Deorwine (for 3) and Gimli (for 2).

I drew Scourge of Mordor and discarded Gather Information for no additional threat.

I committed 15 defence against 0 threat so added 9 progress to The Citadel, exploring it (sending it to the victory display and removing stage 4 from the game) and added 6 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 5 is a Battle stage (dammit, this deck is built for siege) and forced me to draw Orc Ambush, which did nothing.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 38.

Turn Five began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Knight of Minas Tirith.

I paid 1 from Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to play Knight of Minas Tirith.

Knowing that I'm 15 progress away from winning the quest I committed Aragorn (for 3), Defender of Rammas x2 (for 1 each), Deorwine (for 1), Dunedain Hunter (for 3), Gimli (for 2), Knight of Minas Tirith x2 (for 3 each) and Legolas (for 3) for 20 attack.

I drew a Mumak for 4 threat so added 16 progress to stage 5B, exploring it and winning the game.

This was less of a struggle than I though it would be. I'm guessing I was really lucky getting so few enemies and the 2 early game Defenders of Rammas got me a fast enough start to win the game.

My final score was: Completed Rouds (4): 40 + Total Threat: 38 – VP: 6 = 72

The Grey Compnay: The Steward's Fear.

Going back to two-handed play (I tried to get away but they drag me back in), using variations on a pair of old decks.

Deck #1.

Heroes; Aragorn (Lore), Arwen Undomiel and Idraen.

Starting Threat: 32.

Starting Hand: Cloak Of Lorien, Elven-Light, Henamarth Riversong, Lorien Guide, Northern Tracker and Ring of Barahir.

Deck #2.

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Celebrian's Stone, Defender of Rammas, Secret Vigil x2 and Sneak Attack x2.

Mulligan: Armoured Destrier x2, Ranger Summons, Rivendell Blade, Secret Vigil and Send For Aid.

Quest Setup.

Created the Underworld deck.

Put a randomly selected Plot and Villain aside.

Made The Fourth Star (with 2 Underworld cards under it) the active location.

Made deck #1 the first player.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Elven-Light.

Deck #2 drew Son Of Arnor.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 discarded Elven-Light to use Arwen's ability to add 1 resource to Ellrohir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Cloak of Lorien on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Armoured Destrier on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Rivendell Bow on himself.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel, Halbarad and Idraen.

Drew #1: Lurking In Shadows, does nothing.

Surge: Market Square.

Draw #2: Storehouse (with 1 Underworld card under it).

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 5.

Added 4 progress to The Fourth Star.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards.

Raised deck #1's threat to 33.

Raised deck #2's threat to 31.

Made deck #2 the first player.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Honour Guard.

Deck #1 drew Tale of Tinuviel.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 discarded another Elven-Light to use Arwen's ability to add 1 resource to Elladan.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elladan to play Honour Guard.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Send For Aid.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Arwen and Idraen to play Northern Tracker.

Quest Phase.

Quest Attempted: Send For Aid.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen, Halbarad, Idraen and Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area, exploring Market Square and refreshing Idraen),

Drew #1: Storehouse (with 1 Underworld card under it).

Draw #2: City Streets, surges.

Surge: A Knife In The Dark, Honour Guard attacks Elrohir for 0 damage and is discarded.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 6.

Added 1 progress to The Fourth Star, exploring it and adding 1 resource to stage 1B.

Underworld card #1: Zealous Traitor.

Underwold card #2: A Prisoner.

Added 3 progress to Send For Aid.

Travel Phase.

Travel to City Streets.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged Zealous Traitor (who, in a rare case of bad effects balancing out, does nothing thanks to the Knife In The Dark).

Combat Phase.

Zealous Traitor attacked Elrohir, drawing Sewers for no effect and doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Elrohir to refresh him

Elladan and Elrohir attacked and killed the Zealous Traitor.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards.

Raised deck #1's threat to 34.

Raised deck #2's threat to 32.

Made deck #1 the first player.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Deck #2 drew Revealed In Wrath.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen and Idraen to play Galadriel's Handmaiden and lower deck #1's threat to 33.

Quest Phase.

Quest Attempted: Send For Aid.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Halbarad, Idraen and Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area, exploring a Storehouse and refreshing Idraen).

Underworld #1: Zealous Traitor.

Drew #1: Underworld Dissident.

Draw #2: City Streets.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 2 progress to City Streets, exploring it and adding 1 resource to stage 1B.

Added 1 progress to Send For Aid.

Travel Phase.

Travelled to City Streets.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged Zealous Traitor and Underworld Dissident.

Combat Phase.

Zealous Traitor attacked Elrohir, drawing Underwold Dissident for no effect and doing no damage.

Exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir and discarding the shadow card from Underworld Dissident.

Underworld Dissident attacked Elrohir, doing no damage.

Elrohir attacked and killed the Underworld Dissident.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards.

Raised deck #1's threat to 34.

Raised deck #2's threat to 33.

Made deck #2 the first player.

Turn Four.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Armoured Destrier.

Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Secret Vigil on the Zealous Traitor engaged with deck #2.

Deck #1 discarded Henamarth Riversong and used Arwen's ability to add 1 resource to herself.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Arwen and 1 from Idraen to play Lorien Guide.

Quest Phase.

Quest Attempted: Send For Aid.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Halbarad (without exhausting), Idraen, Lorien Guide (adding 1 progress to the active location) and Northern Tracker (adding 1 progres to each location in the staging area, exploring Storehouse and refreshing Idraen).

Underworld: Lossarnach Bandit.

Drew #1: Underworld Dissident.

Draw #2: Ranger Of The North, enters play under control of deck #2 and adds 2 damage to Underworld Dissident, killing him. Surged.

Surge: Knife In The Dark, Ranger of the North attacked Halbarad, doing 2 damage, then was discarded.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 1 progress to City Streets, adding 1 resource to stage 1B.

Added 9 progress to Send For Aid, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Deck #1 drew Silver Harp, Elven-Light, Tale Of Tinuviel, Galadhrim Minstrel, another Tale of Tinuviel, Light of Valinor, Miner of the Iron Hills, Wingfoot and Athelas and opted to put Ethir Swordsman into play and shuffle the rest back into the deck.

Deck #2 drew Sword That Was Broken, Dunedain Hunter, another Dunedain Hunter, Celebrian's Stone. Elven Mail, Ranger Summons, Honour Guard, Feint, Boromir and another Elven Mail and opted to put Boromir into play and shuffle the rest back into the deck.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged Lossarnach Bandit, discarding 1 resource from Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad.

Combat Phase.

Zealous Traitor attacked Elrohir, drawing Local Trouble for no effect and doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir and discard the shadow card on Lossarnach Bandit (happily another Local Trouble).

Lossarnach Bandit attacked Elrohir, doing no damage.

Elladan and Elrohir attacked and killed the Lossarnach Bandit.

Paid 1 from Elladan to refresh him.

Elladan killed the Zealous Traitor.

Secret Vigil triggered, lowering deck #1's threat to 32 and deck #2's to 31.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 damage from Halbarad.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards.

Raised deck #1's threat to 33.

Raised deck #2's threat to 32.

Made deck #1 the first player.

Turn Five.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Weather-Stained Cloak.

Deck #2 drew Celebrian's Stone.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 played Weather-Stained Cloak on Elrohir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Arwen to play Ring of Barahir on Aragorn.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elladan to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the last damage on Halbarad.

Deck #1 exhausted Idraen to claim A Prisoner, add it to the victory display and add 2 resources to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 revealed the Plot, Poisoned Counsels and made Roots of Mindolluin the active location (with 1 Underworld card under it).

Quest Phase.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen, Ethir Swordsman, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Halbarad, Lorien Guide (adding 1 progress to the active location) and Northern Tracker.

Drew #1: Sewers (with 1 Underworld card under it).

Draw #2: Lurking In Shadows, surges.

Surge: Underworld Dissident.

Total Willpower: 15.

Total Threat: 6.

Added 4 progress to Roots of Mindolluin, exploring it and adding 1 resource to stage 2B as well as refreshing Idraen.

Underworld draw: Secret Map.

Exhausted Idraen to attach Secret Map to her, then sent it to the victory display to add 3 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 revealed the villain, Telemnar's Bane.

Travel Phase.

Travelled to Sewers.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged Telemnar's Bane and Underworld Dissident.

Combat Phase.

Telemnar's Bane attacked Elrohir (forcing both decks to discard the top 3 cards of their decks), drawing Pickpocket and forcing me to discard Weather-Stained Cloak but doing no damage.

Exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Elrohir and discard the shadow card on Underworld Dissident.

Underworld Dissident attacked Elrohir (who paid 1 to refresh), doing no damage.

Boromir, Elladan and Elrohir attacked and killed Telemnar's Bane.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards.

Raised deck #1's threat to 36.

Raised deck #2's threat to 35.

Made deck #2 the first player.

Turn Six.

Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Galadriel.

Deck #1 drew Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Halbarad to play Galadriel, who drew Rivendell Bow, Elven Mail, Sword That Was Broken, Rivendell Blade and Nalth Guide, attached Sword That Was Broken to Aragorn and shuffled the rest back into their deck.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn and Idraen and 1 from Arwen to play Gandalf, who killed the Underworld Dissident.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Aragorn, Arwen, Boromir, Elladan, Elrohir, Ethir Swordsman, Galadriel, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf, Halbarad, Idraen, Lorien Guide (adding 1 progress to Sewers. Northern Tracker and Warden of Healing.

Drew #1: Pickpocket.

Draw #2: Zealous Traitor.

Total Willpower: 39.

Total Threat: 5.

Added 1 progress to Sewers, exploring it and refreshing Idraen.

Underworld draw: A Scrap Of History.

Added 33 progress to stage 3B, hideously over-exploring and winning the game.

I now remember why I liked this hero line-up so much. Deck #1 is a high-grade quester and deck #2 covers combat exceedingly well.

In the end my final score was:

Completed Rounds (5): 50.

Total Threat: 71.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 118.


I was invited to another multi-player game and after finding out that all the Fellowship were taken (opted to bring a deck with Arwen Undomiel, Elladan and Elrohir).

The hero line-ups were:

Merry, Pippin and Sam Gamgee (all from Black Riders).

Aragorn (Lore) and the new versions of Gimli and Legolas.

Boromir (Leadership), new Prince Imrahil and Beregond.

Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir.

The game went well, nobody died and I soon discovered that everyone had packed enough copies of Elf-Friend to go around so that they could try and get the bonus resources from Arwen after I played a first turn Silver Harp).


This went better than I expected. Having 3 Northern Trackers in play early on (thanks to a mixture of Boromir shipping resources via Errand-Rider to Arwen and Legolas) meant that the locations were little or no problem and all that was left to do was beat on Old-Man Willow and quest for the finish line (despite Beregond winding up on one wound on the last turn).

The Grey Company: The Druadan Forest.

DECK #1.

Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Arwen and Idraen.

Starting Threat: 32.

Starting Hand: Cloak of Lorien, Elrond's Counsel x2, Galadhrim Minstrel, Lorien Guide and Weather-Stained Cloak.

Mulligan: Athelas, Cloak of Lorien, Light of Valinor, Ring Of Barahir x2 and Tale Of Tinuviel.

DECK #2.

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Dunedain Hunter x2, Galadriel, Gandalf (Core), Ranger Summons and Secret Vigil.

Mulligan: Ranger Summons x2, Rohan Warhorse, Secret Vigil, Son of Arnor and Steward of Gondor.


Revealed Overgrown Trail and added it to the staging area.

Revealed Secluded Glade and added it to the staging area.

Made deck #1 the first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Northern Tracker.

Deck #2 drew Rivendell Blade.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Cloak of Lorien on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Rohan Warhorse on himself.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Steward of Gondor on Elrohir, then exhausted it to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Ranger Summons, shuffling a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Arwen (for 3), Halbarad (for 2) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw 1: Druadan Thief, deck #2 discarded 1 resource from Elrohir.

Surge: Glade of Cleansing.

Draw 2: Secluded Glade.

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 13.

Deck #1 threat: 36.

Deck #2 threat: 34.


Travelled to Overgrown Trail.


Deck #2 engaged Druadan Thief.


Aragorn took 1 archery damage.

Druadan Thief attacked Elrohir (Shadow card: Leaves On Tree, deck #2 discarded Cloak of Lorien from Elrohir). Attack did no damage.

Elladan attacked and killed Druadan Thief.


All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 threat: 37.

Deck #2 threat: 35.

deck #2 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Rivendell Bow.

Deck #1 drew Wingfoot.


Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Ranger Summons, shuffling another Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Rivendell Bow on Aragorn.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Arwen and Idraen to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #1 discarded a Ring of Barahir to add 1 resource to Arwen, then paid it to play Light of Valinor on Arwen.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on himself.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen (for 3 without exhausting), Halbarad (for 2), Idraen (for 2) and Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to Glade of Cleansing).

Draw 1: Overgrown Trail.

Draw 2: Druadan Drummer (refreshing Aragorn).

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 15.

Deck #1 threat: 42.

Deck #2 threat: 40.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Druadan Drummer.


Arwen took 1 archery damage.

Druadan Drummer attacked Elrohir (Shadow card: Druadan Drummer for +1 artack). Attack did no damage.

Aragorn and Elladan attacked and killed Druadan Drummer.


All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 threat: 43.

Deck #2 threat: 41.

deck #1 became first player.



Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Galadhrim Minstrel.

Deck #2 drew Galadriel.


Deck #1 discarded Ring of Barahir to add 1 resource to Aragorn, then paid 2 from him to play Galadhrim Minstrel, who pulled Elrond's Counsel out of deck and into hand.

Deck #2 exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Elrohir, then paid 3 from Elrohir to play Galadriel, who pulled Sword That Was Broken out of deck and played it on Aragorn.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elrohir and 1 from Halbarad to play Son of Arnor.


Committed: Aragorn (for 3, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen (for 4, without exhausting), Galadhrim Minstrel (for 3), Galadriel (for 3), Halbarad (for 2), Idraen (for 3) and Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to Glade of Cleansing and Overgrown Trail).

Draw 1: Druadan Drummer (refreshing Aragorn).

Draw 2: Overgrown Trail.

Total Willpower: 20.

Total Threat: 20.

At this point in the game I decided that the odds of me getting out of the location lock was next to impossible so I decided to quit.

The Druadan Forest.

After some consideration I decided to go back to playing solo.

My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 31 threat and a opening hand containing Defender of Rammas, Flame of Arnor. Gandalf's Staff, Rivendell Blade, Straight Shot and Unexpected Courage. I opted to risk taking a mulligan, drawing Dunedain Hunter, Flame of Arnor. Light of Valinor, Quick Strike, Shadowfax and Westfold Horse-Breeder, with Honour Guard as the top card of the deck.

Setup for the quest consisted of drawing Lost Companion, which did nothing (which was nice).

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Honour Guard, making Straight Shot the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him, then played Dunedain Hunter (who pulled a Druadan Drummer from the encounter deck and put it into play engaged with me).

I committed Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Garden of Poisons. I committed 6 willpower against 2 threat so added 4 progress to stage 1B.

I paid 1 from Gandalf to travel to Garden of Poisons.

The Druadan Drummer attacked the Dunedain Hunter, drawing Garden of Poisons for no effect and doing no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel killed the Dunedain Drummer.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything before I raised my threat to 32.

Turn Two began with adding a resource to each of my heroes before I drew Straight Shot, making Arwen Undomiel the top card of my deck.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel from the top of my deck making Silvan Refugee the top card of my deck, then paid 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before drawing Men In The Dark, which added 1 damage to Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel. I committed 8 willpower against 0 threat so added 3 progress to Garden of Poisons, exploring it and added 5 progress to stage 1B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resources before I drew Silvan Refugee, making Honour Guard the top card of the deck.

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Honour Guard from the top of my deck, making Elrond's Counsel the top card, and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing but shuffle my deck, making Honour Guard the top card of the deck).

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding 1 defence to Gandalf), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Overgrown Trail. I decided to exhaust Aragorn and Dunedain Hunter to add 6 progress to Overgrown Trail, exploring it and clearing the staging area. I committed 9 willpower against 0 threat so added 9 progress to stage 1B, more than exploring it and moving to stage 2.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Honour Guard, making Rivendell Blade the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Silvan Refugee.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding 1 defence to Gandalf), Dunedain Hunter (for 1), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Leaves Of Tree (which forced me to discard a resource from Aragorn and Gandalf), which surged to Glade of Cleansing. I committed 12 willpower against 0 threat so added 12 progress to stage 2B.

I travelled to Glade of Cleansing.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Rivendell Blade, making Galadriel's Handmaiden the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (lowering my threat to 34) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivndell Blade on Glorfindel from the top of the deck, making Westfold Horse-Breeder the top card.

I committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Druadan Thief, who surged to Glade of Cleansing. I committed 13 willpower against 3 threat so added 5 progress to the active Galade of Cleansing, exploring it before I added 5 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and moving to stage 3, which added Dru-Buri-Dru to the staging area.

I travelled to Glade of Cleansing.

I engaged Dru-Buri-Dru and Druadan Thief.

I added 2 archery damage to Glorfindel before the Druadan Thief attacked Dunedain Hunter, drawing Leaves On Tree for no effect and inflicting 1 damage. Dru-Buri-Dru attacked Gandalf, drawing Stars In Sky for no effect and (after I exhausted a Honour Guard) inflicting no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked Dru-Buri-Dru, adding 5 progress on Dru-Buri-Dru.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Six began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Westfold Horse-Breeder, making Gandalf's Staff the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Quick Strike, exhausting Aragorn to attack Dru-Buri-Dru, inflicting 1 progress and adding him to the victory dispay and adding 6 progress to stage 3B.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf from the top of my deck, making Rohan Warhorse the top card of the deck, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Glorfindel and paid the resource to play Westfold Horse-Breeder, whose ability added the Rohan Warhorse to hand and shuffled my deck making Bilbo Baggins the top card of my deck.

I opted to throw caution to the wind and commit Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Dunedain Hunter (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 5, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 2, without exhausting), Honour Guard (for 1), Silvan Refugee (for 1) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Lost Companion and removed the Silvan Refrugee from the quest. I committed 15 willpower against 0 threat so added 5 progress to Glade of Cleansing, exploring it and adding 10 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the quest.

I had forgotten how good this deck is.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (5): 50.

Total Threat: 35.

Total Wounds On Heroes: 5.

Total VP: 0.

Total Score: 90.


Using the same decks as the games from last Sunday, namely Merry, Pippin and Sam Gamgee (all from Black Riders), Aragorn (Lore) and the new versions of Gimli and Legolas and Boromir (Leadership), new Prince Imrahil and Beregond as well as my heroes, Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir.

This took two attempts due to (thanks to a bad error) Gimli dying while stuck in a Great Barrow, attempt two worked much better and the whole Fellowship made it through the game.


Continuing on with a slight change to her hero line up (namely replacing the Lore Aragorn with the Tactics version), which proved to be handy with Bill Ferny. After a somewhat harrowing run the Fellowship completed the quest and Elladan gained the Valient Warrior boon.

Forging The Fellowship: Intruders In Chetwood.

Since I know I'm going to do another saga run through eventually I decided to rebuild a old favourite deck of mine.

My heroes were Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Asfaloth x2, Flame of Arnor, Galadriel's Handmaiden and Shadowfax with Light of Valinor as the top card of the deck.

Quest setup consisted of putting Iarion into play under my control and adding Orc War Party and Shrouded Hills to the staging area.

Turn One began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Light of Valinor (making Galadriel's Handmaiden the top card of my deck).

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on himself and paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Galadriel's Handmaiden, lowering my threat to 31 and making A Test Of Will the top card of my deck.

I committed Elrond, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I revealed Angmar Marauder. I committed 9 willpower against 7 threat so added 2 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Shrouded Hills.

I opted to engage the Angmar Marauder.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Gandalf, drawing Sudden Assault for no effect and doing no damage before Glorfindel attacked the Angmar Marauder, doing 1 damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards before raising my threat to 33.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew A Test of Will, making Elrond's Counsel the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I committed Elrond, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before playing Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower to Gandalf and lower my threat to 30, making Northern Tracker the top card of my deck. I revealed Surprising Speed and returned the Angmar Marauder to the staging area. I committed 12 willpower against 6 threat so added 5 progress to Shrouded Hills, exploring it, and 1 progress to stage 1B.

Once again I engaged Angmar Marauder.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Gandalf, drawing Sudden Assault for no effect and doing no damage before Glorfindel attacked the Angmar Marauder doing another damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 32.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Northern Tracker, making Bilbo Baggins the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins, who pulled Wizard Pipe into hand and made Shadowfax the top card of the deck before I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf.

I committed Bilbo Baggins, Elrond, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion. I revealed Rugged Country. I committed 14 willpower against 5 threat so added 9 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Rugged Country.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Gandalf, drawing Outlying Homestead for no effect and doing no damage before Glorfindel hit back, inflicting 1 more damage on the Angmar Marauder.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Shadowfax, making Unexpected Courage the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Vilya on Elrond, then exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Unexpected Courage from the top of my deck onto Elrond (making Narya the top card of my deck) and exhausted Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

I committed Bilbo Baggins, Elrond, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion, then revealed Outlying Homestead, which raised my threat to 35. I committed 14 willpower against 5 threat so added 3 progress to Rugged Country, exploring it and 6 progress to stage 1B.

I risked travelling to Outlying Homestead, revealing Borders of Bree-Land and adding it to the staging area.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Gandalf, drawing Angmar Captain and doing no damage before Glorfindel finally killed the Angmar Marauder.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 37.

I started Turn Five by adding a resource to each of my heroes before I drew Narya, making Miner of the Iron Hills the top card of my deck.

I exhausted Wizard Pipe to move Asfaloth to the top of my deck and move Miner of the Iron Hills to my hand, then paid 1 from Gandalf and 1 from Elrond to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel, paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel and exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Warden of Healing from the top of my deck, making Miner of the Iron Hills the top card of my deck, and exhausted Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Outlying Homestead.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo Baggins, Elrond, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I revealed Rescue Iarion (putting Iarion under it and 4 time counters on it).

I committed 15 willpower against 5 threat so added 6 progress to Outlying Homestead, exploring it and added 4 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Borders of Bree-Land.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 39 before removing a Time counter from Rescue Iarion.

Turn Six kicked off with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Miner of the Iron Hills, making Ethir Swordsman the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Ethir Swordsman (making Arwen Undomiel the top card of my deck), then paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden, lowering my threat to 38 before I exhausted Wizard Pipe to put Northern Ranger onto the top of my deck and put Arwen Undomiel into my hand and exhausted Elrond and Vilya to play Northern Tracker from the top of my deck (making the other Northern Tracker the top card of my deck) before exhausting Unexpected Courage to refresh Elrond.

I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Border of Bree-Land and opted to attempt Rescue Iarion before committing Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Elrond), Bilbo Baggins, Ethir Swordsman, Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Northern Tracker and Warden of Healing and revealing another Borders of Bree-Land. I committed 12 willpower against 5 threat so added 2 progress to Borders of Bree-Land, exploring it, and 5 progress to Rescue Iarion.

I travelled to Borders of Bree-Land.

I opted to take the plunge and engage the Orc War Party.

The Orc War Party attacked Gandalf, drawing another Orc War Party for no effect and doing 2 damage before I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Flame of Arnor and discard the Northern Tracker from the top of my deck, making Light of Valinor the top card, to refresh Gandalf and give him +4 attack before Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Orc War Party.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything and raising my threat to 39 before I removed another Time counter from Rescue Iarion.

Turn Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Light of Valinor, making Narya the top card of my deck.

I paid 1 from Elrond and Gandalf to play Narya on Gandalf.

I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Borders of Bree-Land, then committed every character I could in a last ditch attempt to win the quest, then drew Angmar Captain. I committed 21 willpower against 3 threat so added 2 progress to Borders of Bree-Land and 16 progress to stage 1B, completing it and winning the quest.

The deck is strong as is but I think I may have to make some changes as I proceeed.

My final score was:

Completed turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 39.

Wounds on heroes: 2.

Total VP: 1.

Final Score: 100.


I opted to go back to the decks from this article: . After a slow start (losing by 4 on round 1 I was on the verge of quitting) the decks came together quickly (getting 2 Northern Trackers into play by turn 4 was handy) I managed to complete the quest just in time to not threat out. My plan is to alter the decks as I go (priority being to find a replacement for Frodo since the plan is to go as far as the saga quests).


Continuing with minimal changes to the decks (putting 3 copies of Armoured Destrier into the Aragorn/Halbarad/Sam deck was a top choice since it let Halbarad defend against the inevitable Cornered Orcs) and winning after a slog.


After not having time to play many games I decided to get back into the game by building two decks and playing through (pretty much) all the post Khazad-Dum quests in order (playing the POD quests between cycles), making changes as needs must.



Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Eowyn and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 26.

Starting Hand: Coney In A Trap x2, Ranger of Cardolan, Song of Travel, Warden of Healing and Wingfoot.

Mulligan: A Test of Will, Galadhrim Healer x2, Light of Valinor, Warden of Healing and Westfold Horse-Breeder.


Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas (Tactics).

Starting Threat: 29.

Starting Hand: Elven Mail, Gondorian Shield, Honour Guard, Rohan Warhorse, Song of Kings and Steward of Gondor.


Added 2 copies of Snaga Scouts, Wainriders and Wolves From Mordor to the staging area.

Made deck #1 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #1 drew Coney In A Trap.

Deck #2 drew Galadriel.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on himself.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Eowyn to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (pulling Dunedain Pipe, Elrond's Counsel, Ethir Swordsman, Light of Valinor, Miner of the Iron Hills, Renewed Friendship, Song of Travel, Song of Wisdom, The Galadhrim's Greeting and Westfold Horse-Breeder and shuffled them back into their deck).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan and Legolas to play Elven Mail on Elrohir.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Eowyn (for 4), Glorfindel (for 2, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Pellenor Fields.

Draw #2: Captured Watchtower.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 10.


No travel.


Deck #1 engaged both Snaga Scouts.

Deck #2 engaged both Wolves From Mordor.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

First Snaga Scouts made a undefended attack on Aragorn (shadow card: Ranger of Ithilien, killing the Snaga Scout).

Deck #1 exhausted Glorfindel to take control of Ranger of Ithilien, exhausted.

Second Snaga Scout made a undefended attack on Aragorn (Shadow card: Snaga Scouts for no effect. Attack does 1 damage).

First Wolves From Mordor attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Uruk Vanguard for +1 attack. Attack does 2 damage).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to refresh Elrohir.

Second Wolves From Mordor attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Wainriders for no effect. Attack did 1 damage).

Elladan and Legolas attacked first Wolves From Mordor, killing it and adding 2 progress to stage 1B.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 27.

Deck #2 threat: 30.

Made deck #2 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #2 drew Sneak Attack.

Deck #1 drew Song of Travel.


Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan to play Gondorian Shield on Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Legolas to play Rohan Warhorse on himself.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 wound from Aragorn and Elrohir.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Eowyn (for 4), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Ranger of Ithilien (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Ruins of Osgiliath.

Draw #2: Morgulduin.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 11.

Added 1 progress to stage 1B.


Travelled to Ruins of Osgiliath.


No engagements.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Snaga Scouts made a undefended attack on Aragorn (shadow card: Wolves From Mordor. Attack did 3 damage).

Wolves From Mordor attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Ruins of Osgiliath for no effect. Attack does no damage).

Legolas attacked Snaga Scouts, killing them and adding 2 progress to Ruins of Osgiliath, exploring it.

Deck #2 exhausted Rohan Warhorse to refresh Legolas.

Elladan and Legolas attacked and killed the Wolves From Mordor, adding 2 progress to Stage 1B.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 28.

Deck #2 threat: 31.

Made deck #1 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #1 drew Northern Tracker.

Deck #2 drew Steed of the North.


Deck #1 paid 2 from Eowyn and Glorfindel to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 damage from Aragorn and Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan and Legolas to play Honour Guard.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Elrohir to play Steward of Gondor on himself.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Steed of the North on Elladan.


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Eowyn (for 4), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to Captured Watchtower, Morgulduin and Pelennor Fields), Ranger of Ithilien (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Ranger of Ithilien (attached to deck #1, exhausted and committed (for 2).

Surge: Wolves From Mordor.

Draw #2: Morgulduin.

Total Willpower: 14.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 5 progress to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Wolves From Mordor.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Wolves From Mordor attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Massing At Osgiliath for no effect. Attack did no damage).

Elladan and Legolas killed Wolves From Mordor, adding 2 progress to stage 2B.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 29.

Deck #2 threat: 32.

Made deck #2 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #2 drew Celebrian's Stone.

Deck #1 drew Snowmane.


Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Elrohir to play Galadriel (drawing Armoured Destrier, Arod, Defender of the Nalth, Gondorian Shield and Song of Kings, attaching Armoured Destrier to Elrohir (discarding Gondorian Shield) and shuffling the rest back into their deck).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Legolas to play Song of Kings on Elladan.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Elladan and Elrohir to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Eowyn to play Snowmane on herself.


Committed: Aragorn (for 4), Elladan (for 2), Eowyn (for 4), Galadriel (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to Captured Watchtower, Morgulduin x2 and Pelennor Fields. The Captured Watchtower was explored), Ranger of Ithilien x2 (for 2 each) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Emyn Arnen Overlook.

Draw #2: Cut Off. Deck #1 discard 2 copies of Galadhrim Healer.

Deck #1 threat: 30.

Deck #2 threat: 33.

Total Willpower: 22.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 13 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 wound on Aragorn.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 31.

Deck #2 threat: 34.

Deck #2 discarded Galadriel.

Made deck #1 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #2 drew Rivendell Blade.


Deck #1 paid 2 from Glorfindel and 1 from Eowyn to play The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #1 threat: 29.

Deck #2 threat: 32.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Legolas to play Rivendell Blade on himself.


Deck #1 discarded a Ranger of Ithilien.

Committed: Aragorn (for 4), Elladan (for 2), Eowyn (for 4), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Northern Tracker (for 1, adding 1 progress to Emyn Arnen Overlook, Morgulduin x2 and Pelennor Fields and exploring a Morgulduin), Ranger of Ithilien (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Uruk Vanguard.

Draw #2: Dark Pursuit, adding +2 threat.

Total Willpower: 17.

Total Threat: 12.

Added 5 progress to stage 3B, exploring it.

Stage 4 added The Witch King to the staging area.


Travelled to Pellenor Fields.


Deck #2 engaged the Witch King, refreshing Elladan.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

The Witch King attacked Elrohir (shadow card: Massing At Osgiliath for no effect. Attack did 2 damage (after exhausting Honour Guard).

Deck #2 increased their threat to 35.

Deck #1 paid 1 to refresh Elrohir.

Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas attacked the Witch King, doing 4 damage).

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal 1 damage from Aragorn and Elladan.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 30.

Deck #2 threat: 36.

Made deck #2 first player.



Each hero gained a resource.

Deck #2 drew Sword That Was Broken.

Deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel.


Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Elrohir to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Eowyn and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.


Committed: Aragorn (for 5), Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding +1 defence and Sentinel to Elrohir), Elladan (for 2), Eowyn (for 5), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to Emyn Arnen Overlook and Morgulduin, exploring Morgulduin), Ranger of Ithilien (for 3), Warden of Healing (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 2).

Draw #1: Cut Off.

Deck #1 threat: 31.

Deck #2 threat: 37.

Draw #2: Cut Off.

Deck #1 threat: 32.

Deck #2 threat: 38.

Total Willpower: 28.

Total Threat: 8.

Added 4 progress to Pellenor Fields, exploring it and sending it to the staging area.

Total VP: 1.

Added 16 progress to stage 4B, exploring it and winning the game.

In the end my final score was:

Total Threat: 70.

Completed Turns (5): 50.

Wounds on heroes: 1.

Total VP: 1.

Total Score: 120.

Edited by silverthorn


After Massing At Osgiliath I changed the decks to a more Grey Company-related line-up

Deck #1's heroes were Beravor, Damrod and Idraen, with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Entangling Nets, Ithilien Pit, Poisoned Stakes, Ranger Bow, Song of Wisdom and The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Deck #2's heroes were Aragorn (Tactics) Beregond (Tactics) and Halbarad, with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Armoured Destrier, Faramir, Steward of Gondor, Sword That Was Broken, The Red Arrow and Wealth of Gondor.

Setup for the quest consisted of making The Leaping Fish the active location, attaching Alcaron's Scroll to Elrohir and adding 2 copies of Harbour Thug to the staging area before making deck #1 the first player.

Round One began with adding a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Forest Patrol and deck #2 drew Dagger of Westernesse.

Deck #1 played Entangling Net into the staging area and paid 1 from Beravor and Damrod to play Poisoned Stakes into the staging area.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on himself and played Wealth of Gondor to add 1 resource to Damrod.

I started the quest phase by discarding Harbour Storehouse and discarded Collateral Damage.

I committed Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Collateral Damage (I discarded City Streets, Market Square, Local Trouble and Pickpocket and increased deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2 to 36. Both Harbour Thugs engaged deck #2).

Draw #2 was Harbour Storehouse.

I committed 7 attack against 1 threat so added 6 progress to The Leaping Fish, exploring it and sending it to the victory display as well as refreshing Idraen.

I travelled to Harbour Storehouse.

I added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

The first Harbour Thug attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Pelargir Docks for no effect so the attack did no damage.

The second Harbour Thug attacked Halbarad. The shadow card was Lossarnach Bandt for no effect so the attack did 1 damage.

Aragorn attacked the first Harbour Thug, killing it.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increased deck #1's threat to 35 and deck #2's to 37 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Honour Guard and deck #1 drew Forest Patrol.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad to play Steward of Gondor on Halbarad, exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Halbarad, paid 2 from Halbarad to play Armoured Destrier on Beregond and paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play Honour Guard.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Damrod to play Ranger Bow on Idraen and played Ithilien Pit into the staging area.

I committed Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Harbour Thug (I attached Ithilien Pit to him. Deck #1 drew Gandalf (Core).

Draw #2 was Zealous Traitor (I attached Poisoned Stakes to him. Deck #1 drew Anborn).

I committed 9 attack vs 4 threat so added 4 progress to Harbour Storehouse, exploring it and refreshing Idraen, and added 1 progress to stage 1B.

Deck #2 engaged Harbour Thug and deck #1 engaged Zealous Traitor.

I added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

The Zealous Traitor attacked Idraen. The shadow card was Local Trouble, for no effect so (after deck #2 exhausted Honour Guard) the attack did no damage.

The first Honour Guard attacked Beregon. The shadow card was Pickpocket, so deck #2 discarded Dagger of Westernesse before the attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on the other Harbour Thug.

The second Harbour Thug (with Ithilien Pit attached) attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed the Harbour Thug with Ithilien Pit, triggering his ability to make the Zealous Traitor engage deck #2.

Halbarad attacked the Harbour Thug, doing 2 damage.

At the end of the round the Zealous Traitor was killed by the Poisoned Stakes, I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2's to 38 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Ranger Spikes and deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck #1 paid 2 each from Beravor and Damrod to play Anborn, exhausted him to pull Ithilien Pit from the discard pile into hand then play it into the staging area and paid 3 from Idraen to play The Galadhrim's Greeting and reduce deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 36.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Halbarad, then paid 3 from Halbarad to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

I committed Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Halbarad (for 2 without exhausting) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Lurking In Shadows, which surged to another Lurking In Shadows, which surged to Zealous Traitor (Ithilien Pit was attached. Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing).

Draw #2 was Pelargir Docks.

I committed 9 attack against 6 threat and added 3 progress to stage 1B.

I travelled to Pelargir Docks.

The Zealous Traitor engaged deck #2 (the Honour Guard exhausted to cancel the damage it was going to take).

I added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

The Harbour Thug attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Collateral Damage, for no effect so no damage was done.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on Zealous Traitor.

The Zealous Traitor attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed the Zealous Traitor.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 35 and deck #2's to 37 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Dunedain Hunter and deck #1 drew another Warden of Healing.

Deck #2 risked playing Dunedain Hunter (pulling City Streets, Harbour Thug, Pickpocket, another City Streets and Market Square, put Pickpocket into play engaged with deck #2 and shuffled the rest back into the encounter deck).exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Halbarad, paid 3 from Halbarad and 1 each from Aragorn and Beregond to play Gandalf (Core) (killing the Pickpocket).

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Damrod and Beravor to play Warden of Healing.

I committed Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Damrod (for 3), Gandalf (for 4), Halbarad (for 2 without exhausting) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Market Square.

Draw #2 was Lost In The City, I added 2 copies of City Streets from the encounter deck and shuffled it.

I committed 16 attack against 8 threat so added 3 progress to Pelargir Docks, exploring it and refreshing Idraen before adding 5 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 moved Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area.

I paid 1 from Idraen and Beregond to travel to Market Square.

I added a shadow card to Harbour Thug before it attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Lossarnach Bandit for no effect so Beregond took no damage.

Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal the wounds on Idraen and Halbarad.

At the end of the round I discarded Gandalf (Core), increased deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2's to 38 and made deck #1 first player.

Round Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Song Of Travel and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Damrod to play Ranger Spikes into the staging area.

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Beregond and paid 1 from Beregond to play The Red Arrow on Halbarad before exhausting SoG to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

I committed Anborn (for 3), Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Dunedain Hunter (for 3), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Harbour Thug (which had Ranger Spikes attached to it, deck #1 drew Ranger Bow).

Draw #2 was another Habour Thug (which had Entangling Nets attached to it. Deck #1 drew Gandalf (Core).

I committed 15 attack against 6 threat so added 1 progress to Market Square, exploring it and added 8 progress to stage 2B.

I travelled to one of the City Streets.

Deck #2 engaged the Harbour Thug with Entangling Nets.

I added a shadow card to the Harbour Thug with no attachment before the encounter deck ran out of cards.

The Harbour Thug with no attachments attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Zealous Traitor for no effect and the attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond.

The Harbour Thug with Entangling Nets attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn killed the Harbour Thug with Entangling Nets, using his ability to make the Harbour Thug with Ranger Spikes engage deck #2.

Halbarad killed the Harbour Thug with no attachments, killing it.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything, increased deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's to 39 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #1 drew Northern Tracker.

Deck #2 exhausted SoG to add 2 resources to Halbarad, then paid 2 to play Weather Hills Watchman (drawing Steward of Gondor, Citadel Plate, Dunedain Hunter, Honour Guard and Galadriel and shuffling them back into their deck) and paid 4 from Halbarad to play Faramir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Damrod to play Song of Travel on Beravor and paid 2 from Beravor and Idraen to play Northern Tracker before exhausting Anborn to return Entangling Nets to their hand before playing Entangling Nets to the staging area.

I committed Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Dunedain Hunter (for 3), Faramir (for 1), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Idraen (for 3), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area) and Weather Hills Watchman (for 1).

I shuffled the encounter discard pile into the new encounter deck.

Draw #1 was Lurking In Shadows, which surged to Market Square.

Draw #2 was Collateral Damage (I discarded Harbour Thug and another Collateral Damage).

I committed 16 attack against 5 threat so added 2 progress to City Streets, exploring it and refreshing Idraen and added 9 progress to stage 2B.

I exhausted Idraen to take possession of Alcaron's Scroll attached to her and complete stage 2B and proceed to stage 3. Stage 3 put a Harbour Thug into play engaged with each deck.

Deck #2 placed The Red Arrow into the victory display to draw Citadel Plate, Sneak Attack, Weather Hills Watchman, Dunedain Hunter and Feint, put Weather Hills Watchman into play (drawing Steward of Gondor, Celebrian's Stone, Steed of the North, Spear of the Citadel and Faramir and shuffling their deck).

I was forced to travel to City Streets.

I added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Beregond sentinel defended the Harbour Thug engaged with deck #1. The shadow card was Zealous Traitor, for no effect so the attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on the Harbour Thug with Ranger Spikes attached.

The Harbor Thug with Ranger Spikes attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

The Harbour Thug with no attachments attacked Halbarad. The shadow card was Zealous Traitor, for no effect so the attack's damage was nullified by exhausting Honour Guard.

Aragorn attacked and killed the Harbour Thug with Ranger Spikes attached, using his ability to make the Harbour Thug engaged with deck #1 engage deck#2.

Halbarad and a Weather Hills Watchman killed one of the Harbour Thugs engaged with deck #2.

I ended the round by refreshing everything, increasing deck #1's threat to 38 and deck #2's to 40 before I made deck #1 first player.

Round Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Ithilien Pit and deck #2 drew Spear of the Citadel.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Beravor and Damrod to play Warden of Healing and played Ithilien Pit into the staging area.

I exhausted Faramir to add +1 willpower to deck #1's characters, then committed Anborn (for 2), Aragorn (for 3), Beravor (for 3), Damrod (for 3), Dunedain Hunter (for 2), Halbarad (for 3, without exhausting), Idraen (for 3), Northern Tracker (for 2, adding 1 progress to each location in the staging area, discarding Market Square), Warden of Healing x2 (for 2 each) and Weather Hills Watchman x2 (for 2 each).

Draw #1 was Market Square,

Draw #2 was Harbour Thug.

I committed 29 willpower against 5 threat so added 1 progress to City Streets, exploring it and refreshing Idraen, and added 23 progress to Stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game.

These decks seemed to work well together (the question of why I've never tried a Dunedain traps deck is puzzling).

My final score was:

Completed Rounds (6): 60.

Total Threat: 78.

Total VP: 3.

Final Score: 145.


Since I've recently played half of this cycle I decided to skip to quests which I haven't done recently (the six times I failed to get past stage 1 of Into Ithilien are entirely unconnected).

In order to save time I will only mention the shadow card if it has a effect .

Deck #1's heroes were Beravor, Damrod and Idraen, with 30 threat and a opening hand containing A Test Of Will, Ambush, Anborn, Arwen Undomiel, Dunedain Pathfinder and Ithilien Pit.

Deck #2's heroes were Aragorn (Tactics) Beregond (Tactics) and Halbarad, with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Defender of Rammas x2, Errand-Rider, Faramir, Feint and Steed of the North.

Setup for the quest consisted of putting Lord Alcaron into play attached to the first player, making Burning Farmhouse the active location (with 4 resources attached), added Dead Villagers and Rescued Villagers to the staging area and shuffled the encounter deck before I drew Orc Ravager (which moved a Villager token from Burning Farmhouse to Dead Villagers before the Ravager was added to the staging area) and Scourge of Mordor (which forced deck #1 to discard Ithilien Pit and deck #2 to discard Armoured Warhorse) before I added 5 resources to stage 1B and made deck #1 the first player.

Round One began with adding a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Ambush and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Deck #1 played Ithilien Pit into the staging area and played Dunedain Pathfinder (drawing Marauding Orc, Burnt Homestead, Secluded Farmhouse, Orc Rabble and Scourge of Mordor, added Secluded Farmhouse (with 2 resources) to the staging area and shuffled the rest back into the encounter deck).

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Bergond to play Defender of Rammas and paid 1 from Halbarad to play Steed of the North on Aragorn.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 2) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Gondorian Hamlet (with 3 villagers attached).

Draw #2 was Orc Rabbled (Ithilien Pit was attached. Deck #1 drew Miner of the Iron Hills).

I committed 10 willpower against 10 threat so no progress was made.

Deck #2 engaged the Orc Ravager and the Orc Rabble (refreshing Aragorn).

I added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

The Orc Ravager attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

The Orc Rabble attacked Defender of Rammas, doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked the Orc Ravager, killing it.

Halbarad attacked the Orc Rabble, doing 1 damage.

I ended the round by refreshing my cards, exhausting Lord Alcaron to move a villager from Burning Homestead to Gondorian Hamlet, increasing deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's to 33 before I made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Sneak Attack and deck #1 drew Song of Travel.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Beregond to play Gondorian Shield on himself.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor and Damrod to play Anborn, paid 2 from Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel, exhausted Anborn to put Ithilien Pit into hand from their discard pile and played Ithilien Pit into the staging area.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to the Defender of Rammas), Beravor (for 2), Damrod (for 2), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 2), Halbarad (for 2 without exhausting) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Burning Farmhouse (with 4 villagers).

Draw #2 was Orc Rabble ( ithilien Pit was attached and deck #1 drew Dunedain Pathfinder.

I committed 14 willpower against 8 threat so added 5 progress to Burning Farmhouse (exploring it and sending it to the victory display and moving 2 villagers to Rescued Villagers, as well as moving 1 villager token from stage 1B to Rescued Villagers.

The Fellowship travelled to Secluded Farmhouse, drawing Burning Farmhouse (with 4 villagers).

Deck #2 engaged the Orc Rabble (with Ithilien Pit), refreshing Aragorn.

The first Orc Rabble attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Marauding Orc for no effect so the attack did no damage.

The second Orc Rabble attacked Defender of Rammas. The shadow card was Panicked for +1 attack so the attack did no damage.

Aragorn attacked the unwounded Orc Rabble, killing it.

I ended the round by refreshing my cards, moving a villager from one Burning Homstead to Dead Villagers (and exhausting Lord Alcaron to prevent another), increasing deck #1's threat to 32 and deck #2's to 34 and making deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Warden of Healing and deck #2 drew Song of Kings.

Deck #1 exhausted Anborn to put Ithilien Pit into hand for their discard pile, played Ithilien Pit into the staging area and paid 1 from Beravor and Damrod to play Warden of Healing.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Beregond to play Song of Kings on Aragorn and paid 2 from Aragorn and Halbarad to play Faramir.

I exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1, then committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding Sentinel and +1 defence to Defender of Rammas), Beravor (for 3), Damrod (for 3), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 3), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 3).

Draw #1 was Burnt Homestead (increasing deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2 to 36 and moving a villager from Gondorian Hamlet to Dead Villagers), which surged to Orc Ravager (which moved a villager from the active Secluded Homestead to Dead Villagers), which had Ithilien Pit attached to it. Deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Draw #2 was Trapped Inside (which moved to villagers from the active Secluded Farmhouse and 1 villager from Gondorian Hamlet to Dead Villagers and increased deck #1's threat to 36 and deck #2;s to 38).

I committed 19 willpower against 6 threat, so added 3 progress to Secluded Farmhouse (exploring it and refreshing Idraen) and moved 4 villagers from stage 1B to Rescued Villagers, exploring stage 1B. Stage 2 added Ghulat to the staging area.

The Fellowship travelled to the Burning Farmhose with 4 villagers.

Deck #1 engaged the Orc Rablle and Deck #2 engaged Ghulat (refreshing Aragorn).

Ghulat attacked the Defender of Rammas, adding a counter to Dead Villagers and killing the Defender of Rammas.

The Orc Rabble attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

The Orc Rabble engaged with deck #1 attacked Idraen, doing 1 damage. Deck #1 exhausted Warden of Healing to heal her.

Aragorn and Halbarad attacked Ghulat, doing 3 damage.

At the end of the round I exhausted Lord Alcaron, refreshed my cards, increased deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's to 39 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core) and deck #1 drew Hasty Stroke.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play Defender of Rammas.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Damrod to play Ambush into the staging area.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Sneak Attack and put Gandalf into play (killing Ghulat and moving him to the victory display) and exhausted Faramir to buff deck #1 before I committed Anborn (for 2), Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 3, adding +1 defence and sentinel to the Defender of Rammas), Beravor (for 3), Damrod (for 3), Dunedain Pathfinder (for 3), Gandalf (for 4), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Idraen (for 3) and Warden of Healing (for 2).

Draw #1 was Marauding Orc (Ambush was attached and deck #1 drew Ranger Spikes).

Draw #2 was Marauding Orc.

I committed 29 willpower against 7 threat so added 5 progress to the active Burning Homestead (adding it to the victory display and 3 villagers to Rescued Villagers) and 17 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

With 10 Rescued Villagers to 7 Dead Villagers I won the quest.

My final score was:

Completed rounds (3): 30.

Total Threat: 76.

Total VP: 5.

Final Score: 101.


In order to save time I will only mention the shadow card if it has a effect.

Deck #1's heroes were Beravor, Damrod and Idraen, with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Anborn x2, Ethir Swordsman, Forest Snare, Interrogation and Ranger Spear. I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Forest Patrol, Gandalf (Core), Hasty Stroke, Ithilien Pit, Song of Travel and Wingfoot.

Deck #2's heroes were Aragorn (Tactics) Beregond (Tactics) and Halbarad, with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Errand-Rider, Faramir, Gandalf (Core), Secret Vigil, Sneak Attack and Song of Battle. Again I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Armoured Destrier, Defender of Rammas, Dunedain Hunter, Errand-Rider, Staff of Lebethron and Sword That Was Broken.

Setup for the quest consisted of adding adding 2 copies of Uruk Soldier and 1 copy each of Ancient Harbour and The Old Bridge to the staging area before making deck #1 first player.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Warden of Healing and deck #2 drew Secret Vigil.

Deck #1 played Ithilien Pit into the staging area and paid 1 from Beravor to play Wingfoot on herself.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play Defender of Rammas.

I committed Beravor (for 2, naming Location for Wingfoot), Damrod (for 2), Halbarad (for 2) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Orc War Party.

Draw #2 was The King's Library, refreshing Beravor.

I committed 8 willpower against 11 threat so increased deck #1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 35.

The Fellowship travelled to Orc War Camp.

Both Uruk Soldiers engaged deck #2.

The first Uruk Soldier attacked the Defender of Rammas, doing no damage.

The second Uruk Soldier attacked Beregond, drawing Orc Vanguard, which forced me to draw Southron Support for no effect and West Quarter for no effect. The attack did no damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed the first Uruk Soldier.

Deck #1 exhausted Beravor to draw A Test of Will and Forest Snare.

At the end of the round I refreshed my cards, increased deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 36 and made deck #2 first player.

Round Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Ranger Summons and deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad to play Armoured Destrier on Beregond, paid 1 from Aragorn to play Secret Vigil on the Uruk Soldier engaged with deck #2 and played Dunedain Hunter (who pulled Orc War Camp, Southron Mercenaries, Orc Vanguard, Street Fighting and Uruk Lieutenant, put Uruk Lieutenant into play engaged with deck #2 and shuffled the rest back into the encounter deck).

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor to play Warden of Healing and paid 2 from Damrod to play Forest Snare on the Uruk Lieutenant engaged with deck #2. Deck #1 drew Poisoned Spikes.

I committed Beravor (for 2, naming Location for Wingfoot), Damrod (for 2), Dunedain Hunter (for 1), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Haradrim Elite (I attached Ithilien Pit. Deck #1 drew Forest Snare), who attacked Defender of Rammas, doing no damage.

Draw #2 was Street Fighting, which added East Quarter to the staging area.

I committed 9 willpower against 9 threat so no progress was added.

Deck #2 engaged the Haradrim Elite.

The Haradrim Elite attacked Beregond, drawing Orc Vanguard (then drawing Lieutenant of Mordor and Counter-Attack for no effect) so the attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on Uruk Soldier.

The Uruk Soldier attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn and Halbarad killed the Haradrim Elite.

Dunedain Hunter attacked and killed the Uruk Vanguard, discarding Secret Vigil and lowering deck#1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 35.

I ended the round by refreshing my cards, increasing deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's to 36 and making deck #1 first player.

Round Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Forest Patrol and deck #2 drew Steed of the North.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Steed of the North on Aragorn.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Beravor (for 2, naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Damrod (for 2), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Counter-Attack, which surged to Southron Commander (refreshing Beravor).

Draw #2 was Ruined Tower.

I committed 12 willpower against 11 threat so added 1 progress to Orc War Camp.

Deck #2 engaged the Southron Commander (Refreshing Aragorn).

The Southron Commander attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn, the Dunedain Hunter and Halbarad attacked and killed the Southron Commander.

I ended the round by refreshing my cards, increasing deck #1's threat to 35 and deck #2's to 37 before making deck #2 first player.

Round Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Steward of Gondor and deck #1 drew Poisoned Stakes.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Errand-Rider and exhausted the Errand-Rider to move a resource from Aragorn to Halbarad.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Damrod to play Poisoned Stakes into the staging area.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Beregond), Beravor (for 2, naming enemy for Wingfoot), Damrod (for 2), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting) and Idraen (for 2).

Draw #1 was Uruk Lieutenant, who pulled had Poisoned Stakes attached to him (deck #1 drew Anborn) but pulled a Uruk Soldier into the staging area from the encounter discard pile as well as refreshing Beravor.

Draw #2 was Orc War Camp.

I committed 12 willpower against 16 threat so increased deck #1's threat to 39 and deck #2's to 41.

At this point I took stock of the fact that in four turns I had managed to make 1 progress and decided that I needed to make some changes to the decks.


In order to save time I will only mention the shadow card if it has a effect .

After the problems I had with the last playthrough I decided to make some changes to my hero line-up.



Heroes: Aragorn (Lore), Cirdan The Ship-Wright and Eowyn (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 33.

Starting Hand: Cloak Of Lorien, Gandalf (Core), Lorien Guide, Renewed Friendship, Song of Wisdom and Warden of Healing.

Mulligan: A Test of Will, Narya, Renewed Friendship, West Road Traveller x2 and Westfold Horse-Breeder.


Heroes: Beregond (Tactics), Boromir (Tactics) and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 31.

Starting Hand: Armoured Destrier x2, Defender of Cair Andros, Ranger Summons, Song of Kings and Steward of Gondor.


Added 2 copies of Southron Phalanx to the staging area.

Added Ancient Harbour to the staging area.

Added The Old Bridge to the staging area.

Shuffled the encounter deck.

Made deck #1 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Beregond +1 (1), Boromir +1 (1), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1)].

Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing and Wingfoot and discarded Wingfoot.

Deck #2 drew Secret Vigil.


Deck #1 played Westfold Horse-Breeder (who pulled Windfolk into hand and shuffled their deck) [Cirdan -1 (0)].

Deck #2 played Song of Kings on Boromir [Beregond -1 (0)].

Deck #2 played Steward of Gondor on Boromir [Boromir -1 (0), Halbarad -1 (0)].

Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor [Boromir +2 (2)].

Deck #2 played Armoured Destrier on Beregond [Boromir -2 (0)].


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Cirdan (for 4) and Eowyn (for 4).

Draw #1: East Quarter.

Draw #2: Counter-Attack, no effect.

Surge: Pinned Down, no effect.

Surge: Ruined Square.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 7.


Travelled to East Quarter.


Deck #2 engaged both Southron Phalanx.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to add 1 progress on Ancient Harbour, then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 32].

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to add 1 progress on Ancient Harbour, then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 33].

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to add 1 progress on Ancient Harbour, then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 34].

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to add 1 progress on Ancient Harbour, then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 35].

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to add 1 progress on Ancient Harbour (exploring it), then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 36].

The first Southron Phalanx attacked Beregond (shadow card: Orc Arbalester for +2 attack), doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on the second Southron Phalanx.

The second Southron Phalanx attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Boromir and Halbarad attacked and killed a Southron Phalanx, adding 1 progress to Ruined Square.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 34.

Deck #2 threat: 37.

Made deck #2 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Beregond +1 (1), Boromir +1 (1), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1)].

Deck #2 drew Ranger Summons.

Deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting and Daughter of the Nimrodel and discarded Daughter of the Nimrodel.


Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor [Boromir +2 (3)].

Deck #2 played Defender of Cair Andros [Beregond -1 (0), Boromir -3 (0)].

Deck #2 played Ranger Summons (shuffling a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck) [Halbarad -1 (0)].

Deck #1 played Windfolk on Eowyn [Eowyn -1 (0)].

Deck #1 played Warden of Healing [Aragorn -2 (0)].


Committed: Aragorn (for 3), Boromir (for 3), Cirdan (for 2), Eowyn (for 1).

Deck #2 refreshed Boromir [Deck #2 threat: 38].

Draw #1: Uruk Soldier.

Draw #2: Street Fighting, discarded cards to get West Quarter.

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to take control of West Quarter, then refreshed Boromir [Deck #2 threat: 39].

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 6 progress to East Quarter, exploring it.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Uruk Soldier.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

Southron Phalanx attacked Beregond (shadow card: Ruined Tower for no effect), doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard the shadow card on Uruk Soldier.

Uruk Soldier attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Boromir and Halbarad attacked and killed the Southron Phalanx, adding a progress to Ruined Square, exploring it.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 35.

Deck #2 threat: 39.

Made deck #1 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Beregond +1 (1), Boromir +1 (1), Cirdan +1 (2), Eowyn +1 (2), Halbarad +1 (1)].

Deck #1 drew Daughter of the Nimrodel and Light of Valinor, then discarded Daughter of the Nimrodel.

Deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.


Deck #1 played Light of Valinor on Cirdan [Cirdan -1 (1)].

Deck #1 played Narya on Cirdan [Cirdan -1 (0), Eowyn -1 (1)].

Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor [Boromir +2 (3)].

Deck #2 played Gondorian Shield on Beregond.

Deck #2 played Ranger Summons (shuffling a Ranger of the North into the staging area) [Boromir -1 (2)].


Committed: Aragorn (for 2), Cirdan (for 4, without exhausting), Defender of Cair Andros (for 1), Eowyn (for 5), Halbarad (for 2, without exhausting), Warden of Healing (for 1) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1).

Draw #1: Street Fighting, discarded cards until I drew Orc War Camp.

Deck #2 exhausted Boromir to claim Orc War Camp, then refreshed him [Deck #2 threat: 40].

Draw #2: Uruk Soldier.

Total Willpower: 16.

Total Threat: 2.


No travel.


Deck #2 engaged Uruk Soldier.


Added a shadow card to each engaged enemy.

First Uruk Soldier attacked Beregond (shadow card: Haradrim Elite, he makes another attack this turn), doing no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Armoured Destrier to refresh Beregond and discard shadow card on second Uruk Soldier.

Cirdan and Narya exhausted to refresh and buff Warden of Healing and Defender of Cair Andros.

First Uruk Soldier attacked Defender of Cair Andros (shadow card: Ruined Square for no effect), doing no damage.

Second Uruk Soldier attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Boromir killed the first Uruk Soldier, then refreshed [Deck #2 threat: 41].

Boromir killed the second Uruk Soldier.


Refreshed all cards.

Deck #1 threat: 36.

Deck #2 threat: 41.

Made deck #2 first player.



Added resources [Aragorn +1 (2), Beregond +1 (2), Boromir +1 (3), Cirdan +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (2), Halbarad +1 (3)].

Deck #2 drew Galadriel.

Deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting and Hasty Stroke and discarded Hasty Stroke.


Paid resources to add 6 progress to The Old Bride, exploring it and winning the game [Aragorn -2 (0), Beregond -2 (0), Boromir -2 (0), Cirdan -1 (0), Eowyn -2 (0), Halbarad -3 (0)].

These decks went a lot better than I expected (although Boromir is a bit broken in this quest, he was picked more for thematic reasons).

In the end my score was:

Completed rounds (3): 30.

Total Threat: 77.

Final Score: 107.