Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game


After finally getting enough time to get some questing under my belt I decided to try the two POD quests I bought a few weeks ago. I decided to build two decks with as much of the Fellowship that I could to play through many quests in the run up to a Saga run.

Deck #1 contains Merry (Spirit), Pippin (Lore) and Sam Gamgee for a low 20 threat and a opening hand containing Errand-Rider, Gandalf (Core), Hobbit Pony, Self-Preservation x2 and Sneak Attack.

Deck #2 contains Aragorn (Lore), Boromir (Tactics) and Legolas with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Black Arrow, Defender Of Rammas, Dunedain Hunter, Gondorian Shield, Secret Vigil and Skyward Volley.

Quest set-up consisted of putting a Suspect and Hideout aside, setting up a Investigation deck, making the Prancing Pony the active location and putting a Ramshackle Manor into the staging area.

Turn One began with deck #1 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Celebrian's Stone and deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck #1's planning consisted of playing Hobbit Pony on Merry and paying 1 from Sam to play Errand-Rider before deck #2 played Black Arrow on Legolas and paid 1 from Boromir to play Gondorian Shield on him before playing Dunedain Hunter (who pulled a Chetwood Outlaw out of the encounter deck and put it into play engaged with deck #2) and paid 1 from Legolas to play Secret Vigil on Chetwood Outlaw.

At the start of the quest phase deck #1 raised their threat to 22 before I committed Merry, Pippin and Sam Gamgee and drew Chetwood Outlaw, Bree-Land Informant and another Ramshackle Manor. I committed 7 willpower against 11 threat so deck #1's threat increased to 26 and deck #2's increased to 36.

With the situation taking a turn for the worst deck #2 was forced to engage the Bree-Land Informant before the Chetwood Outlaw attacked Dunedain Hunter. The shadow card was Greenwood Footpad, which added 2 attack and really, really killed the Dunedain Hunter. The Bree-Land Informant made a attack on Boromir. The shadow card was Bill Ferny, who forced deck #2 to take the attack undefended. Boromir took 2 damage before I raised deck #2's threat to 37 to ready him.

Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas attacked and killed the Chetwood Outlaw, which reduced deck #1's threat to 25 and deck #2s to 36 before adding 2 progress to the Prancing Pony, which explored it and sent it to the victory display. The investigation effect allowed me to draw Johnny Goblin-Fingers and Susie The Spider. Deck #1 ended the phase by exhausting Errand-Rider to move a resource from Merry to Pippin.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything then increased deck #1's threat to 26 and deck #2's to 37.

Turn Two began with deck #2 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Athelas and deck #1 drew Faramir.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Pippin to add Self-Preservation to Boromir before exhausting Errand-Rider to move a resource from Merry to Sam and paid 2 from Sam to play Celebrian's Stone on him. Deck #2 paid 1 each from Boromir and Legolas to play Defender Of Rammas.

At the start of the quest phase I raised deck #1's threat to 28 before committing Aragorn, Merry, Pippin and Sam. I drew Old Warehouse, Market Square and another Market Square. I committed 11 willpower against 15 threat so deck #1's threat increased to 41.

Faced with a bad selection the Fellowship travelled to Old Warehouse, drawing Village Stable and adding it to the staging area.

The Bree-Land Informant attacked Boromir, drawing Ramshackle Manor for no effect. I opted to pay 1 from Aragorn and raised deck #2's threat to 42 to look at the bottom card of the Investigation deck, Todd The Troll and discard the Bree-Land Informant. Deck #2 then exhausted Self-Preservation to heal 2 damage from Boromir.

I ended the turn by rrefreshing everything before I raised deck #1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 43.

Turn Three began with deck #1 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Errand-Rider and deck #2 drew Grappling Hook.

Knowing that even if I committed everyone with any willpower I was still 2 short of the current threat total I opted to quit the game.


For this run-through of the LOTR saga I opted to play two-handed.

Deck #1 comprised Beravor, Glorfindel (Spirit) and Idraen with 26 threat and a (post-mulligan) opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Elrond's Counsel, Fast Hitch, The Evening Star and The Favour Of The Lady.

Deck #2 comprised Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Errand-Rider, Feint, Ranger Summons, Secret Vigil and Steward Of Gondor.

Set-up for the quest consisted of adding Frodo Baggins (TBR, with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) into play attached to deck #1, putting Gandalf's Delay into play, making Bag End the active location and adding a Black Rider to the staging area.

Turn One began with deck #1 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Steed Of Imladris and deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Beravor to play Fast Hitch on Sam Gamgee.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam Gamgee to play Steward Of Gondor on Halbarad before exhausting it to add 2 resources to Halbarad and paying the 2 resources to play Weather Hills Watchman, whose ability put a Dunedain Warning into deck #2's hand.

In the quest phase I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 27), Idraen and Sam Gamgee before deck #1 drew Evil Crow and deck #2 drew Pathless Country. I committed 14 willpower against 8 threat. 3 progress explored Bag End, sending it to the victory display and allowing deck #1 to draw Gandalf (Core) and deck #2 to draw Dunedain Warning before 1 progress explored stage 1B. Stage 2B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

The Fellowship opted to travel to Pathless Country.

Deck #2 opted to engage the Evil Crow.

The Evil Crow made a undefended attack on Halbarad, drawing Mustering For The Ring for no effect. No damage is taken before Aragorn attacks and kills the Evil Crow. Aragorn's ability triggers and forces one of the Black Riders to engage deck #2, which readies and buffs Sam Gamgee. Halbarad, Sam Gamgee and Weather Hills Watchman attack the Black Rider, inflicting 1 damage.

At the end of the turn everything refreshed before deck #1's threat increased to 28 and deck #2's increased to 31.

Turn Two began with deck #2 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #1 drew The Long Defeat.

Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad before paying 2 from Halbarad to add 2 Dunedain Warnings to Halbarad and paying 1 each from Halbarad and Sam to play Weather Hills Watchman, who pulled another Ranger Summons into deck #2's hand.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Beravor to play The Long Defeat on stage 2B before paying 1 from Glorfindel to play Steed Of Imladris on Idraen.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 29), Halbarad (without exhausting), Idraen (exhausting Steed Of Imladris and discarding The Evening Star to add 2 progress to Pathless Country) and Sam Gamgee. Deck #2 drew Have You Seen Baggins?, which I immediately paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to reshuffle into the encounter deck. Deck #2 drew Green Hill Country and deck #1 drew Gildor Inglorion, which was attached to deck #2. I committed 16 willpower against 6 threat so 1 progress explored Pathless Country and 9 progress was added to stage 2B.

The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country.

The Black Rider attacked Halbarad, drawing Green Hill Country for +1 attack and inflicting 1 damage. After exhausting Fast Hitch to refresh Sam Gamgee Aragorn, Gildor Inglorion, Sam Gamgee and both Weather Hills Watchmen attacked and killed the Black Rider. Aragorn's ability triggered and forced the remaining Black Rider to engage deck #2, which refreshed and buffed Sam Gamgee, who unfortunately could do nothing.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything and raised deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 32 before discarding Gildor Inglorion.

Turn Three began with deck #1 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Miner Of The Iron Hills and deck #2 drew Galadriel.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Favour Of The Lady on Glorfindel.

Deck #2 exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Halbarad before paying 3 from Halbarad to play Galadriel, who attached Sword That Was Broken to Aragorn, who then paid 2 to play 2 copies of Ranger Summons and shuffled 2 Rangers Of The North into the encounter deck.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel on Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Galadriel (with Sword buff), Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 31), Halbarad (without exhausting and with Sword buff), Idraen and Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff). Deck #1 drew Stock Road and deck #2 drew Lure Of The Ring, which forced deck #1 to exhaust the One Ring before deck #2 drew another Stock Road. Deck #1 played Elrond's Counsel on Idraen to add 1 willpower and reduce deck #1's threat to 28. I committed 22 willpower versus 6 threat so 3 progress explored Green Hill Country and 13 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it. The Long Defeat triggered, allowing deck #1 to draw Light Of Valinor on The Riddermark's Finest and deck #2 to draw Dagger Of Westernesse and Honour Guard. Stage 3 added the Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to Feint the Black Rider's attack before attacking it with Aragorn, Halbarad, Sam Gamgee and Weather Hills Watchman x2, inflicting 5 damage.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything, discarded Galadriel and raised deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's threat to 33.

Turn Four began with deck #2 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Dunedain Hunter and deck #1 drew Evening Star.

Deck #2 exhausted the Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad, then paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger Of Westernesse on him and paid 1 from Halbarad to play Errand-Rider.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Glorfindel and Idraen to play The Riddermark's Finest and paid 2 from Beravor to play The Evening Star, adding 2 progress to each of the Stock Roads in the staging area, then exhausted and discarded The Riddermark's Finest to add 2 progress to one of the Stock Roads, exploring it before paying 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on him.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Halbarad (without exhausting and with Sword buff), Idraen (discarding Miner Of The Iron Hills to add 1 progress to Pathless County with Steed of Imladris, exploring it and refreshing Idraen) and Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff). Deck #2 drew Evil Crow and deck #1 drew Ranger Of The North, which was attached to deck #2 and added 2 damage to the Black Rider in the staging area. I committed 14 willpower against 8 threat so successfully quested.

Deck #2 committed Frodo and the Ranger Of The North before taking a Hide 3 test, drawing 2x Have You Seen Baggins and Ride Like A Gale, passing the test so that the Fellowship could travel to Buckleberry Ferry.

Deck #2 engaged the Evil Crow.

The Black Rider attacked Halbarad, drawing Black Steed for no effect so the attack did no damage. The Evil Crow made a undefended attack on Aragorn, drawing Hunting For The Ring for no effect so the attack did no damage. Aragorn and one of the Weather Hills Watchmen killed the Black Rider and used Aragorn's ability to engage the other Black Rider (which refreshed and buffed Sam Gamgee). Sam proceeded to kill the Evil Crow.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything before raising deck #1's threat to 30 and deck #2's threat to 34.

Turn Five began with deck #1 becoming first player and each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Henamarth Riversong and deck #2 drew Errand-Rider.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Beravor, Glorfindel and Idraen and 2 from Frodo to play Gandalf, which added 4 damage to the last remaining Black Rider, killing it.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Boromir to play Errand-Rider.

I committed Aragorn (with Sword buff), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Errand-Rider x2 (with Sword buff), Frodo Baggins, Gandalf, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Halbarad (with Sword buff), Idraen, Ranger Of The North (with Sword buff), Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff) and Weather Hills Watchman x2(with Sword buff). Deck #1 drew Black Steed, which surged to Pathless Country before deck #2 drew Woody End. With 3 threat in the staging area I committed a somewhat impressive 34 willpower so 31 progress was added to Buckleberry Ferry, exploring it and winning the game.

Loading deck #1 with more than the average number of anti-location cards seemed to work since I think the average length of this quest has been 10+ turns.

At the end of the quest I opted to add The Ring Draws Them and Mr. Underhill to the quest log.


DECK #1.

Heroes: Beravor, Glorfindel (Spirit) and Idraen.

Starting Threat: 26.

Starting Hand: A Test Of Will, Asfaloth, Gather Information. Steed Of Imladris and The Evening Star.

DECK #2.

Heroes: Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee..

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Bill The Pony, Blade Of Gondolin, Ranger Summons, Secret Vigil, Snowbourn Scout and Steward Of Gondor.

Boons: Mr. Underhill.

Burdens: The Ring Draws Them.


Put Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) into play attached to deck #1.

Added Old Bogey-Stories to Glorfindel.

Added Misleading Path and Strange Woods to the staging area.

Deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 drew Honour Guard.

Moved to stage 2B, “Choked With Brambles”.



Made deck #1 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Warden of Arnor.

Deck #2 drew Sneak Attack.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on Glorfindel.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen to play Warden Of Arnor on Idraen.

Deck #2 played Bill The Pony.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Steward Of Gondor on Halbarad.

Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Snowbourn Scout, adding 1 progress to Misleading Path.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons, shuffling a Ranger Of The North into the encounter deck.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Blade Of Gondolin on Aragorn.


Committed: Beravor, Bill The Pony, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Idraen and Sam Gamgee.

Deck #1 draw: Deep Gulley (adding 1 progress from Warden of Arnor).

Deck #2 draw: Wall Of Trees.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 8.

Added 4 progress to Wall of Trees, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Added 1 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Moved to Closing In Around Them.


The Fellowship travelled to Misleading Path.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed everything.

Deck #1 threat: 27.

Deck #2 threat: 31.



Made deck #2 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Galadriel.

Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing.


Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Halbarad to play Galadriel, putting Sword That Was Broken into play attached to Aragorn.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel.


Committed: Arwen Undomiel (adding sentinel and +1 defence to Halbarad), Beravor, Bill The Pony (with Sword buff). Frodo Baggins (with Sword buff), Galadriel (with Sword buff), Glorfindel (without exhausting), Idraen and Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff).

Deck #1 draw: Deep Gulley (adding 1 progress from Warden Of Arnor).

Deck #2 draw: Swaying Without Wind, returns Wall of Trees to staging area..

Total Willpower: 22.

Total Threat: 9.

Added 4 progress to Wall of Trees, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Added 1 progress to Misleading Path, exploring it (and readying Idraen).

Added 8 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Moved to “Choked With Brambles”.


The Fellowship travelled to one of the Deep Gulleys.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed everything.

Deck #1 threat: 28.

Deck #2 threat: 32.

Deck #2 discarded Galadriel.

Removed all progress from locations.



Made deck #1 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Light Of Valinor.

Deck #2 drew Ranger Summons.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen to play Steed Of Imladris on herself.

Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons, shuffling a Ranger of The North into the encounter deck.


Committed: Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Bill The Pony (with Sword buff), Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Idraen (discarding The Evening Star so that Steed of Imladris could add 2 progress to the active Deep Gulley) and Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff).

Deck #1 draw: Lost And Witless, moved Strange Woods to the active location and Deep Gulley to the staging area.

Surge: Deep Gulley (adding 1 progress from Warden of Arnor).

Deck #2 draw: Ranger Of The North, attaching to deck #2 and adding 2 progress to Strange Woods.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the Deep Gulley with 2 progress,exploring it and sending it to the victory display and readying Idraen).

Total Willpower: 17.

Total Threat: 4.

Added 1 progress to Strange Woods, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Adding 12 progress to Stage 2B, exploring it and moving to Dark, Bad Place.


The Fellowship travelled to the Deep Gulley with a progress on it.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed everything.

Deck #1 threat: 29.

Deck #2 threat: 33.



Made deck #2 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Blade Of Gondolin.

Deck #1 drew Ranger Bow.


Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Honour Guard.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor to play Warden of Healing.


Committed: Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Bill The Pony (with Sword buff), Frodo Baggins (with Sword buff), Glorfindel (without exhausting), Idraen (discarding Light Of Valinor with Steed of Imladris to add 2 progress to the active Deep Gulley) and Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff).

Deck #1 draw: Song Of Sleep. Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen to play A Test Of Will and cancel it.

Deck #2 draw: Wall of Trees.

Deck #1 exhausted Glorfindel.

Deck #2 exhausted Halbarad.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Wall of Trees.

Total Willpower: 18.

Total Threat: 4.

Added 2 progress to Wall Of Trees, exploring it and sending it to the victory display. Idraen readies.

Added 3 progress to Deep Gulley, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

Added 9 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and moving to Choked With Brambles.


The Fellowship travelled to Deep Gulley.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed everything.

Deck #1 threat: 30.

Deck #2 threat: 34.



Made deck #1 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #1 drew Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.


Deck #1 paid 1 Beravor to play Ranger Bow on Idraen.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen to play Westfold Horse-Breeder, who added Asfaloth to deck #1's hand.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Gondorian Shield on Halbarad.


Committed: Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Idraen (discarding Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Deep Gulley), Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff) and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #1 draw: Ranger Of The North, attached to deck #1 and added 2 progress to Deep Gulley, exploring it and sending it to the victory display as well as readying Idraen.

Deck #2 draw: Deep Gulley.

Total Willpower: 16.

Total Threat: 2.

Added 14 progress to stage 2B, exploring it. With 13 VP in the display I moved to stage 3, adding Withywindle and Old Man Willow to the staging area and drawing Tom Bombadil and adding him to deck #1.


The Fellowship travelled to Withywindle.


No engagements.


Old Man Willow attacks Tom Bombadil, inflicting 2 damage and raising deck #1's threat to 32.

Old Man Willow attacks Snowbourn Scout, killing him and raising deck #2's threat to 36.


Refreshed everything.

Deck #1 threat: 33.

Deck #2 threat: 37.

discarded Tom Bombadil and reshuffled discard pile into encounter deck.



Made deck #2 first player.

Added 1 resource to each hero.

Deck #2 drew Celebrian's Stone.

Deck #1 drew Gandalf (Core).


Deck #2 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Beravor and Idraen and 3 from Glorfindel to play Gandalf, deck #1 drew Elrond's Counsel, The Riddermark's Finest and Elrond's Counsel.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Glorfindel and Idraen to play The Riddermark's Finest.


Committed: Aragorn (with Sword buff), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence and sentinel to Halbarad), Beravor, Bill The Pony (with Sword buff), Frodo Baggins (with Sword buff), Gandalf, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Halbarad (with Sword buff), Honour Guard (with Sword buff), Idraen (discarding Gather Information to Steed of Imladris to add 2 progress to Withywindle), Ranger Of The North (with Sword buff), Ranger Of The North, Sam Gamgee (with Sword buff), The Riddermark's Finest, Warden of Healing and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #1 draw: Strange Woods.

Deck #2 draw: Misleading Path.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Withywindle.

Total Willpower: 39.

Total Threat: 10.

added 1 progress to Withywindle, exploring it.

Added 28 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the quest.

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to get Old Bogey-Stories (preferring to not push my luck since I don't think I drew a Enemy in planning all game).


I was half-way through stage 3 when my computer crashed and corrupted the text document I was typing up. Since I had been playing for 2 1/2 hours and was making good progress I opted to not start again Despite that I managed to win the quest with Halbarad on one round but nobody killed. I gained Ho! Tom Bombadil for the campaign log.

There has been a change of plans concerning the saga run-through. I typed up some course-work for a friend and he wound up surprising me by buying me the last three quest packs (Dread Realm, Stormcaller and Thing From The Depths). SInce I now have Hero Arwen I've gone with something like the deck I used all the time in the old Decipher LOTR card game, namely Arwen and a whole load of Rangers. I'm going to be restarting the saga run through with the new decks (one with Aragorn (Lore), Arwen Undomiel and Idraen and one with Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad).


Deck #1 contained Beravor, Glorfindel (Spirit, with Tireless Ranger) and Idraen for 26 threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Fast Hitch, Guardian Of Rivendell, Power Of Orthanc, Unexpected Courage and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #2 contained Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee (with Noble Hero) for 30 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dunedain Warning, Faramir, Gondorian Shield, Ranger Summons, Weather Hills Watchman x2.

In addition, I had picked up the boons Ho! Tom Bombadil, Mr. Underhill, Noble Hero (On Sam Gamgee) and Tireless Ranger (On Glorfindel) and the burden The Ring Draws Them.

Quest Set-Up.

I put Frodo Baggins (with Mr.Underhill and The One Ring) into play, added Ho! Tom Bombadil to deck #1's hand, created the Burden Deck, added An Evil Wound and 15 life to Frodo Baggins and added Ford Of Bruinen and 2 Fell Riders to the staging area.


Resource Phase.

I made deck #2 the first player and added a resource to each hero before deck #2 drew Honour Guard and deck #1 drew Song Of Wisdom.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Gondorian Shield on Halbarad, paid 1 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Warning on Halbarad then paid 1 from Sam to play Ranger Summons, shuffling a Ranger Of The North into the encounter deck.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Unexpected Courage on Halbarad.

Quest Phase.

I committed Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 27), Idraen and Sam Gamgee.

Deck #2 drew Ettenmoors and deck #1 drew Power In Their Terror, which thankfully did nothing.

I committed 13 willpower against 8 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Ettenmoors.

Encounter Phase.

Both Fell Riders engaged deck #2.

Combat Phase.

The first Fell Rider attacked Halbarad, inflicting no damage.

Unexpected Courage exhausted to refresh Halbarad.

The other Fell Rider attacked Halbarad, inflicting no damage.

Aragorn attacked one of the Fell Riders, inflicting 1 damage.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all cards then raised deck #1's threat to 28 and raised deck #2's threat to 31 before reducing Frodo's life to 14.


Resource Phase.

I made deck #1 the first player and added a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Song Of Wisdom and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Beravor to play Fast Hitch on Sam Gamgee.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Weather Hills Watchman, whose ability added Dunedain Warning to deck #2's hand.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 29), Idraen and Sam Gamgee.

Deck #1 drew Ringwraith.

Deck #2 drew Pain Assailed Him, which deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted the One Ring to reshuffle into the encounter deck.

Deck #2 drew Pathless Country.

I committed 15 willpower against 7 threat so 3 progress explored Ettenmoors (readying Idraen) and 5 progress was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to The Last Bridge. I drew Panicked, which raised deck #1's threat to 32 and moved the first player token to deck #2.

Deck #2 drew Ranger Of The North, attached it to deck #2 and added 2 damage to the wounded Fell Rider.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The wounded Fell Rider attacked Halbarad, drawing Ringwraith, which had no effect other than to be shuffled back into the encounter deck. The attack did no damage.

Unexpected Courage exhausted to refresh Halbarad.

The other Fell Rider attacked Halbarad, drawing Pain Assailed Him for no effect. The attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Fast Hitch to refresh Sam Gamgee.

Aragorn and Ranger Of The North attacked and killed the wounded Fell Rider.

Aragorn's ability forced the Ringwraith to engage deck #2 (buffing Sam Gamgee).

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all cards then raised deck #1's threat to 33 and raised deck #2's threat to 32 before lowering Frodo's life to 13.


Resource Phase.

I made deck #1 the first player and added a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Wingfoot and deck #2 drew Citadel Plate.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing) then paid 1 from Beravor to play Wingfoot on herself.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Honour Guard.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (buffing Halbarad), Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 34), Halbarad (without exhausting), Idraen, Sam Gamgee and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #1 drew The Old Road (which refreshed Beravor).

Deck #2 drew The Troll's Camp.

I committed 18 willpower against 6 threat. 4 progress was added to The Last Bridge, exploring it (and refreshing Idraen) and sending it to the victory display before 8 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 3 added The Witch King and Ford Of Bruinen to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Ford Of Bruinen, adding The Old Road to the staging area.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Ringwraith attacked Halbarad, drawing The Nine Are Abroad for no effect so the attack did no damage.

Unexpected Courage exhausted to refresh Halbarad.

Fell Rider attacked Halbarad, drawing Pain Assailed Him, for no effect since the attack did no damage.

Deck #2 exhausted Fast Hitch to refresh Sam.

Aragorn, Sam, Ranger of the North and Weather Hills Watchman attacked and killed the Fell Rider.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all cards then raised deck #1's threat to 34 and raised deck #2's threat to 33 before lowering Frodo's life to 12.


Resource Phase.

I made deck #2 the first player and added a resource to each hero before deck #2 drew Steward of GOndor and deck #1 drew Power Of Orthanc.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad to play Steward of Gondor on himself, then exhausted it to add 2 progress to himself and paid 2 each from Halbarad and Sam to play Faramir.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen and 2 from Glorfindel, then discarded 2 copies of Song Of Wisdom to play Guardian of Rivendell.

Quest Phase.

I exhausted Faramir to buff all deck #1's willpowers then committed Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (buffing Halbarad), Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 35), Guardian of Rivendell, Halbarad (without exhausting), Honour Guard, Idraen,

Ranger Of The North, Sam Gamgee, Weather Hills Watchman and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Deck #2 drew Pale Blade, which I added to the Ringwraith engaged with deck #2.

Deck #1 drew Ettenmoors (which refreshed Beravor).

I committed 32 willpower against 16 threat so 6 progress explored Ford Of Bruinen, and sent it to the victory display, refreshing Idraen and discarding all Nazgul in play. 10 progress was added to stage 2B.

Deck #1 exhausted Beravor to draw Song Of Travel and Warden Of Arnor.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to The Troll's Camp.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all cards then raised deck #1's threat to 35 and raised deck #2's threat to 34 before lowering Frodo's life to 11.


Resource Phase.

I made deck #1 the first player and added a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Northern Tracker and deck #2 drew Celebrian's Stone.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Warden Of Arnor on Idraen.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Weather Hills Watchman, whose ability did nothing.

Quest Phase.

I exhausted Faramir to buff all deck #2's characters before committing everyone to the quest.

Deck #1 drew Ringwraith.

Deck #2 drew Pathless Country (which refreshed Beravor)

I committed 38 willpower against 15 threat so 2 progress explored The Troll's Camp (refreshing Idraen) and 21 progress blew through stage 2B (by 1 after the extra required due to the Ringwraith) winning the game.

At the end of the game I added Panicked to the campaign pool.

Edited by silverthorn


I decided to go back to playing solo, using a variation on a old solo deck.

My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit), which gave me 24 starting threat and a opening hand containing A Test Of Will, Asfaloth, Light Of Valinor, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Unexpected Courage and Warden of Healing.

Quest Set-Up.

I made The Leaping Fish the active location, then attached Alcaron's Scroll to Frodo Baggins before adding a Harbour Thug to the staging area.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Warden Of Healing.

Planning Phase.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on himself.

Quest Phase.

I drew and discarded Market Square, then committed Aragorn and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Collateral Damage, which drew and discarded Zealous Traitor and Lossernach Bandit and didn't raise my threat. I committed 6 willpower against 2 threat so 4 progress was added to The Leaping Fish.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

I engaged the Harbour Thug.

Combat Phase.

The Harbour Thug made a undefended attack on Frodo Baggins, drawing another Collateral Damage and raising my threat to 27.

Frodo and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Harbour Thug.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 28.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Star Brooch.

Planning Phase.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel, then paid 1 each from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Unexpected Courage on Aragorn.

I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to The Leaping Fish, exploring it and adding it to the victory display.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage) and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Collateral Damage (I did shuffle the deck before I started playing), drawing City Streets and Pelargir Docks and raising my threat to 32.

I committed 6 willpower, all of which was added to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 added Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 33.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Ranger Of Cardolan.

Planning Phase.

I paid 2 from Frodo and 1 from Glorfindel to play The Galadhrim's Greeting, reducing my threat to 27.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage) and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Harbor Storehouse. I committed 6 willpower against 1 threat so added 5 progress to stage 2B before exhausting Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Harbor Storehouse.

Travel Phase.

I travelled to Harbor Storehouse.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 28.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Fast Hitch.

Planning Phase.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Fast Hitch on Frodo, then exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Harbor Storehouse, exploring it.

Quest Phase.

I Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Lurking In Shadows, which surged to Harbor Thug. I committed 7 willpower agaisnt 2 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

I engaged the Harbour Thug.

Combat Phase.

The Harbour Thug attacked Frodo Baggins, drawing Collateral Damage and raising my threat to 29.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Harbour Thug.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 30.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Ethir Swordsman.

Planning Phase.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Zealous Traitor. I committed 7 willpower against 2 threat, adding 5 progress to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

I engaged the Zealous Traitor, which added 1 wound to the Warden Of Healing (killing him).

Combat Phase.

The Zealous Traitor made a undefended attack on Frodo, drawing Harbor Thug for no effect and raising my threat to 33.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Zealous Traitor.

Frodo exhausted to add Alcaron's Scroll to himself, which completed stage 2B.

Stage 3 put a Harbor Thug into the staging area.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 34, which forced the Harbor Thug to engage me.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Elrond's Counsel.

Planning Phase.

I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman and paid 1 from Frodo to play Star Brooch on Aragorn.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Pelargir Docks. I committed 10 willpower against 4 threat so 6 progress was added to stage 3B.

I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Pelargir Docks.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Harbour Thug made a attack on Frodo Baggins, drawing Local Trouble for no effect and raising my threat to 35.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Harbor Thug.

Refresh Phase.

Refreshed all cards and raised my threat to 36.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to each hero before drawing Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

I paid 3 from Frodo and 2 from Glorfindel to play Gandalf, who lowered my threat to 31 before I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Pelargir Docks, exploring it.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Gandalf and Glorfindel (without exhausting) before drawing Pickpocket. I committed 13 willpower against 3 threat so 10 progress was added to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the quest.

At the end of the game I managed a final score of:

Completed Turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 31.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 88.


After reading the Denethor and Sons article I decided to try out the deck. My heroes were the leadership versions of Boromir, Denethor and Faramir, with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Captain's Wisdom, Envoy Of Pelargir, Gandalf (Core), Guard Of The Citadel, Heir Of Mardil and Squire Of The Citadel.

After some consideration I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Citadel Custodian, Envoy Of Pelargir, For Gondor, Gandalf (Core), Veteran of Osgiliath and Visionary Leadership.

Quest set-up comprised adding 2 resources to Denethor, making The Leaping Fish the active location, adding Alcaron's Scroll to Denethor and adding a Harbour Thug to the staging area.

I started turn one by adding a resource to each hero before drawing another Gandalf.

My planning consisted of paying 2 from Denethor to play Visionary Leadership on Boromir and paying 1 each from Denethor and Faramir to play Envoy Of Pelargir, who added a resource to Denethor.

At the start of the quest phase I drew and discarded Collateral Damage before committing Envoy Of Pelargir (for 2) and Faramir (for 2).

I drew Harbour Storehouse so committed 4 attack against 3 threat and added 1 progress to The Leaping Fish.

I was forced to engage the Harbour Thug, which allowed Faramir to refresh the Envoy Of Pelargir.

The Harbour Thug attacked Denethor, drawing Pelargir Docks and doing no damage.

Boromir and the Envoy of Pelargir attacked and killed the Harbour Thug.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 31.

Turn two began with adding a resource to each hero before I drew Heir of Mardil.

I paid 1 from Boromir to attach Heir of Mardil to him.

I started the quest phase by drawing and discarding Local Trouble before committing Boromir (for 3), Envoy Of Pelargir (for 2) and Faramir (for 2).

I drew Collateral Damage and drew and discarded Lossarnach Bandit, Harbour Thug, Pelargir Docks (raising my threat to 34) and another Collateral Damage.

I committed 7 attack against 1 threat so 5 progress explored The Leaping Fish (sending it to the victory display) and 1 progress was added to stage 1B.

I travelled to Harbour Storehouse before ending the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn three began with adding resources before I drew Steward of Gondor.

I paid 2 from Denehor to play Steward of Gondor on himself, then exhausted Steward to add 2 resources back to Denethor before paying 2 from Denethor and 1 from Faramir to play Veteran of Osgiliath.

I committed Boromir (for 3), Envoy Of Pelargir (for 2), Faramir (for 2) and Veteran Of Osgiliath (for 3) before I drew Lurking In Shadows, which surged to another Harbour Storehouse.

I committed 10 attack against 1 threat so 4 progress explored Harbour Storehouse and 5 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 moved Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area where I exhausted Denethor to reattach it onto him.

After travelling to the Harbour Storehouse I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 36.

Turn four began with adding resources before I drew Strength Of Arms.

After exhausting Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Denethor I paid 3 from Denethor to play Citadel Custodian.

I committed Boromir (for 3), Citadel Custodian (for 1), Envoy Of Pelargir (for 2), Faramir (for 2) and Veteran Of Osgiliath (for 3) before I drew Pickpocket.

I committed 11 attack against 3 threat so 4 progress explored Harbour Storehouse and 4 progress was added to stage 2B.

I engaged the Pickpocket, refreshing the Veteran of Osgiliath.

The Pickpocket attacked Denethor (forcing me to remove a resource from Boromir and discard a Gandalf from my hand), drawing City Streets for +2 attack and doing no damage before the bufffed Veteran of Osgiliath killed the Pickpocket.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 37.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew A Very Good Tale.

After exhausting Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Denethor I played A Very Good Tale, exhausting Envoy Of Pelargir and Citadel Custodian to put Pelargir Ship-Captain and Gandalf into play (using Gandalf's ability to draw Squire Of The Citadel, antoher Citadel Custodian and another Squire of The Citadel) before paying 2 from Denethor to play both Squires and the Citalde Custodian.

I committed Boromir (for 3), Citadel Custodian (for 1), Faramir (for 2), Gandalf (for 4), Pelargir Ship-Captain (for 2) and Squire of the Citadel x2 (for 2 total) before drawing Collateral Damage (drawing and discarding Pickpocket, Zealous Traitor, another Zealous Traitor, Lost In The City, Market Square (increasing my threat to 39), Harbour Thug, another Market Square (raising my threat to 41) and Umbar Assassin). I committed 14 against 0 threat so added all 14 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3 added a Harbour Thug to the staging area, who engaged me (refreshing Gandalf) and attacked Gandalf, drawing City Streets for +2 attack and inflicting 1 damage before Denethor transferred a resource to Boromir, refreshing him before Boromir and Denethor attacked and killed the Harbour Thug.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards before discarding Gandalf and increasing my threat to 40.

Turn Six began with adding resources before I drew Herald Of Anorion.

After exhausting Steward to add 2 resources to Denethor I paid 2 from Denethor to play Herald of Anorion and paid 2 from Denethor and 3 from Faramir to play Gandalf (who lowered my threat to 35)

I opted to go all in, committing Boromir (for 2), Citadel Custodian x2 (for 4 total), Denethor (for 2), Envoy Of Pelargir (for 2), Faramir (for 3), Gandalf (for 4), Herald Of Anorion (for 2), Pelargir Ship-Captain (for 2), Squire Of The Citadel x2 (for 2 total) and Veteran Of Osgiliath (for 2) before I drew Local Trouble, which I attached to Boromir. I committed 25 willpower against 0 threat so massively over-quested and won the quest.

This deck works well (and confounds all the complaints I've had in the past about playing all Gondor decks). I'm considering building another tri-sphere all-Gondor deck to use alongside this one.

In the end my score was:

Completed Rounds (5): 50.

Total Threat: 35.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 82.

Nice report .. i think that you sometimes misses the +1 WIL from Visionary Leadership on Faramir and perhaps on Boromir (last round).

I probably forgot that the WP buff is on heroes since Boromir's Attack buff is ally-only. I've got no real experience of playing a all-Gondor deck.

A Shadow of the Past

2 players

Total score of the campaign : 162

  • A Shadow of the Past: 162


The Ring-bearer

  • Frodo Baggins (Fellowship) - Mr Underhill


  • Aragorn (Leadership)
  • Celeborn (Leadership)
  • Galadriel (Spirit)

silverthorn ii

  • Legolas (Tactics)
  • Haldir of Lórien (Lore)
  • Mirlonde (Lore)


  • Gandalf's Delay

This was a slog, although both decks worked better than expected for two decks which were nor specifically built for the quest.

Generated by the Online Campaign Log by banania .

Edited by silverthorn


I opted to switch to a two-deck version of the Grey Company. The decks are available at .

Deck #1 comprised Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad with 30 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Envoy Of Pelargir, Faramir, Honour Guard, Rivendell Blade x2 and Steward of Gondor.

Deck #2's heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Bervor and Idraen, with 33 threat and a opening hand (after mulligan) containing Cloak Of Lorien, Gandalf (Core), Light Of Valinor, Northern Tracker, Ranger Of Cardolan and The Galadhrim's Greeting.

I made The Leaping Fish the active location, attached Alcaron's Scroll to Elrohir and added 2 Harbour Thugs to the staging area before making deck #1 the first player.

I started turn one by adding a resource to each hero before deck #1 drew Secret Vigil and deck #2 drew Ioreth.

Deck #1 paid 1 each from Elrohir and Halbarad to play Steward of Gondor on Elrohir, then exhausted it to add 2 resources to Elrohir before I paid 1 from Elladan to play Rivendell Blade on him.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Cloak Of Lorien on Elrohir.

I drew and discarded Collateral Damage and Lurking In Shadows then committed Aragorn, Beravor and Idraen and drew Market Square and Harbour Storehouse.

I committed 8 willpower against 8 threat so no progress was added.

Deck #1 opted to engage both Harbour Thugs.

The first Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir (who paid 1 to refresh), drawing Pelargir Docks for no effect and inflicting no damage.

The second Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir, drawing Harbour Storehouse and drawing Lossarnach Bandit for no effect and doing no damage.

Elladan attacked and killed one of the Harbour Thugs and Halbarad attacked the other, inflicting 1 damage.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all cards and raised deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's to 34 before making deck #2 the first player.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Galadhrim Minstrel and deck #1 drew Guardian Of Arnor.

Deck #2 paid 1 each from Aragorn and Idraen to play Galadhrim Minstrel (who added The Galadhrim's Greeting to hand) and played Ioreth.

Deck #1 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir and paid 3 from Elrohir and 1 from Halbarad to play Faramir.

I drew and discarded 2 copies of City Streets (raising deck #1's threat to 33 and deck #2's to 36) before committing Aragorn, Beravor, Faramir, Halbarad (without exhausting) and Idraen and drawing Harbour Thug and Collateral Damage (which discarded Pickpocket, Zealous Traitor, another Pickpocket and Lossarnach Bandit).

I committed 12 willpower against 6 threat so added 6 progress to The Leaping Fish, exploring it and sending it to the victory display (as well as refreshing Idraen).

I opted to travel to Harbour Storehouse.

Deck #1 optionally engaged the Harbour Thug.

The wounded Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir (who paid 1 to refresh). The shadow card was City Streets which added 2 attack so Elrohir took 1 damage.

The second Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir. The shadow card was Local Trouble so did no damage.

Halbarad attacked the unwounded Harbour Thug, inflicting 1 damage before Elladan attacked and killed the wounded Harbour Thug.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything and raising deck #1's threat to 34 and deck #2's threat to 37 before making deck #1 the first player.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #2 drew Weather-Stained Cloak.

Deck #1 exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Elrohir, then paid them to play Weather Hills Watchman (who added Ranger Summons to hand), then paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger Of The North into the encounter deck before paying 2 from Elladan to play Honour Guard.

Deck #2 played Weather-Stained Cloak on Elrohir.

I committed Aragorn, Beravor, Faramir, Halbarad (without exhausting) and Idraen before I drew Collateral Damage (which drew Zealous Traitor, Pelargir Docks, Harbour Thug, Local Trouble, Lurking In Shadows and another Zealous Traitor and raised deck #1's threat to 37 and deck #2's to 40) and Ranger Of The North, who entered play attached to deck #1 and added 1 progress to Market Square, discarding it and refreshing Idraen before surging to another Market Square.

I committed 11 against 3 threat so 4 progress explored Harbour Storehouse and 4 progress was added to stage 1B.

I paid 1 from Elrohir to travel to Market Square.

The Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir, drawing Pickpocket and discarding Elladan's Rivendell Blade, but doing no damage.

Elladan and Halbarad attacked and killed the Harbour Thug.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything, raising deck #1's threat to 38 and deck #2's to 41 and making deck #2 the first player.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew The Houses Of Healing and deck #1 drew Steward of Gondor.

Deck #2 paid 4 from Idraen to play Northern Tracker.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Elladan to play Rivendell Blade on himself, exhausted Steward to add 2 resource to Elrohir and paid 2 from Elrohir and 1 from Halbarad to play Guardian Of Arnor.

I committed Aragorn, Beravor, Faramir, Idraen, Northern Tracker, Ranger Of The North and Weather Hills Watchman and drew Umbar Assassin and another Collateral Damage (drawing and discarding Harbour Thug and Lost In The City, reshuffling the encounter deck and drawing and discarding Lossarnach Bandit, Pickpocket, Collateral Damage, Harbour Storehouse, Lurking In Shadows and another Collateral Damage and raising deck #1's threat to 40 and deck #2's threat to 43).

I committed 13 against 4 threat so added 1 progress to Market Square, exploring it and refreshing Idraen before I added 2 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 attached Alcaron's Scroll to the Umbar Assassin.

The Umbar Assassin engaged deck #1, inflicting 3 damage onto Halbarad.

The Umbar Assassin inflicted 2 archery damage on Elladan, then attacked Elrohir, drawing Lossarnach Bandit for no effect and inflicting 1 damage.

Elladan and Halbarad attacked and killed the Umbar Assassin, returning Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area where Deck #2 exhausted Idraen to attach it to her.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything and raising deck #1's threat to 41 and deck #2's to 44 (deck #2 used Aragorn's ability to drop their threat to 33) before making deck #1 the first player.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #1 drew Sword That Was Broken and deck #2 drew Miner Of The Iron Hills.

Deck #1 exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir, then paid 3 from Elrohir to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Idraen to play Light Of Valinor on Elladan.

I committed Aragorn, Beravor, Elladan (without exhausting), Faramir, Idraen, Northern Tracker, Ranger Of The North and Weather Hills Watchman, then drew Local Trouble (attaching it to Aragorn) and Lurking In Shadows, which surged to Harbour Thug.

I committed 17 against 2 threat so added 15 progress to stage 2, exploring it.

Stage 3 forced me to add 2 more Harbour Thugs to the staging area.

Deck #1 engaged all the Harbour Thugs.

The first Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir (who paid 1 to refresh), drawing Zealous Traitor and inflicting no damage.

The second Harbour Thug attacked Elrohir, drawing Collateral Damage and inflicting no damage.

The last Harbour Thug attacked Guardian Of Arnor, drawing Zealous Traitor for no effect and inflicting no damage.

Elladan attacked the first Harbour Thug, killing it and paid 1 to refresh before killing the second Harbour Thug before Halbarad attacked the remaining Harbour Thug, inflicting 1 damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing everything (which raised deck #2's threat to 34) and raising deck #1's threat to 42 and deck #2's to 35 before making deck #2 the first player.

Turn Six began with each hero gaining a resource before deck #2 drew another Northern Tracker and deck #1 drew Dagger Of Westernesse.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Beravor to play Miner Of The Iron Hills.

Deck #1 exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

I committed Aragorn (raising deck #2's threat to 36), Beravor, Elladan (without exhausting), Elrohir, Galadhrim Minstrel, Guardian Of Arnor, Halbarad (without exhausting), Idraen, Ioreth, Northern Tracker, Ranger Of The North and Weather Hills Watchman before exhausting Faramir to add 1 willpower to all deck #2's characters (in addition to the +1 from Sword That Was Broken) and drew Pickpocket and Harbour Storehouse.

I committed 32 willpower against 4 threat so made more than enough progress to complete the stage and win the quest.

These decks are probably going to need a bit of a polish. The fact that Deck #2 ended up a total of 8 resources tells me that I'll probably have to make some changes there. Deck #1 seemed to work better but I'm planning on running through a heck of a lot of quests so there's plenty of time for fine-tuning.

In the end my score was:

Completed rounds (5): 50.

Total Threat: 77.

Total damage on surviving heroes: 7.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 131.

Still alive?!!!

Yeah, I just haven't had much time to play recently, mixed with a lot of just deck building but I decided to go with building two decks and fine-tune them instead of just randomly building decks. I will be posting more games from now on.


I decided to give the saga another try (since I've never played past the end of box set 2). I opted to go for a solo attempt, using the deck from .

My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me a somewhat high 31 threat and a opening hand containing A Test Of Will, Light Of Valinor, Quick Strike, Rohan Warhorse and Tale Of Tanuviel.

Quest set-up consisted of putting Gandalf's Delay into play, making Bag End the active location and adding a Black Rider to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew A Test Of Will (making Silvan Refugee the top card).

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him, paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse on him and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Silvan Refugee (making Galadriel's Handmaiden the top card).

I committed Frodo Baggins (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before drawing Green Hill Country so I committed 7 willpower against 6 threat and added 1 progress to Bag End.

I opted to engage the Black Rider, then sent Mr. Underhill to the victory display to stop the Black Rider attacking this turn.

Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel joined forces to kill the Black Rider.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 32.

Turn Two began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Galadriel's Handmaiden (making Honor Guard the top card).

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Honor Guard (making Gandalf's Staff the top card).

I opted to commit Frodo Baggins (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Black Steed, which surged to The Ring Draws Them, which surged to The Marish. I committed 7 willpower against 5 threat so added 2 progress to Bag End, exploring it and sending it to the victory display before I drew Gandalf's Staff (making Rivendell Blade the top card).

After opting to travel to Green Hill Country I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Rivendell Blade (making Tale Of Tinuviel the top card).

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf, then exhausted it to add 1 resource to Aragorn and paid the resource to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Bamfurlong. I committed 7 willpower against 5 threat so added 2 progress to Green Hill Country.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Four began with my heroes gaining a resource each before I drew Tale Of Tinuvial (making Westfold Horse-Breeder the top card).

I paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (making Unexpected Courage the top card and adding Shadowfax to my hand, which made another Westfold Horse-Breeder the top card), exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Aragorn and paid 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Frodo to play Shadowfax on Gandalf. I ended a busy phase by paying 2 from Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (which lowered my threat to 33).

I committed Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Rode Like A Gale, which surged to Woody End. I committed 12 willpower against 6 threat so 1 progress explored Green Hill Country and 1 progress explored stage 1B. Stage 2 added another Black Rider to the staging area.

After travelling to The Marish, I engaged the Black Rider, who attacked the Westfold Horse-Breeder, drawing Stock-Brook for no effect and killing the Westfold Horse-Breeder before Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel teamed up to kill the Black Rider.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Five began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Westfold Horse-Breeder (making Straight Shot the top card).

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing but shuffle my deck, making Bilbo Baggins the top card), then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf and paid 2 from Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins (who searched my deck for Wizard Pipe, making Gandalf's Staff the top card) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Gildor Inglorion. I committed 14 willpower against 3 threat so 4 progress explored The Marish and 7 progress was added to stage 2B.

After travelling to Bamfurlong I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35 before I paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor.

Turn Six began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Gandalf's Staff (making Dunedain Hunter the top card).

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Evil Crow. I committed 14 willpower against 3 threat so 2 progress explored Bamfurlong and 9 progress explored stage 2B. Stage 3 added Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.

After travelling to Woody End I was forced to engage the Evil Crow and the Black Rider.

The Black Rider attacked the Westfold Horse-Breeder, killing her before the Evil Crow made a undefended attack on Aragorn, doing no damage. Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel team attacked the Black Rider, killing it before I exhausted the Rohan Warhorse to refresh Aragorn and used him to kill the Evil Crow.

After all that I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paying 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor and raising my threat to 36.

Turn Seven began with adding resources and drawing Dunedain Hunter (making Gandalf's Staff the top card).

I opted to risk playing the Dunedain Hunter, putting a Evil Crow into play engaged with myself.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew another Evil Crow. I committed 14 willpower against 5 threat so added 1 progress to Woody End, exploring it.

I made a Hide test, committing Dunedain Hunter, Gandalf, Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel for 10 willpower and drawing Black Rider, Green Hill Country and Stock Road for 10 threat so I passed the test and travelled to Buckleberry Ferry.

I engaged the Evil Crow in the staging area before both Evil Crows made undefended attacks on Aragorn, each inflicting no damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed one of the Evil Crows, then exhausted Rohan Warhorse to refresh himself and killed the other Evil Crow. I then exhausted Gandalf''s Staff to draw Gandalf's Staff (making Light Of Valinor the top card).

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything, paid 1 from Frodo and raised my threat to 37.

Turn Eight began with my heroes gaining resources before I drew Light Of Valinor.

After skipping planning I committed Aragorn (for 2), Bilbo (for 2), Dunedain Hunter (for 1), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) before I drew Pathless Country. I committed 20 willpower against 2 threat so added 18 progress to Buckleberry Ferry, more than exploring it and winning the game.

I opted to take the Boon Gildor Inglorion and the Burden The Ring Draws Them.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (7): 70.

Total Threat: 36.

Total VP: 2.

Final Score: 104.

Edited by silverthorn


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me a somewhat high 31 threat and a opening hand containing Bilbo Baggins, Light Of Valinor, Quick Strike, Tale Of Tinuviel and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo and adding Wall of Trees to the staging area before I drew Tale of Tinuviel and moved to a random stage 2, Shifting Trees.

I started Turn One by adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Rivendell Blade (making Elrond's Counsel the top card of the deck).

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on himself.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Frodo (for 2) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Lost And Witless, which did nothing but surge to Ending And Failing, which raised my threat to 33. I opted to play Elrond's Counsel (which added 1 willpower to Frodo and lowered my threat to 30) (making A Test Of Will the top card). I committed 7 willpower against 1 threat so 4 progress explored Wall of Trees and 2 progress explored Shifting Trees, moving onto Dark, Bad Place.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 31.

Turn Two kicked off with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew A Test Of Will (making another Light Of Valinor the top card).

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (which added Rohan Warhorse to my hand and made Gandalf's Staff the top card), paid 2 from Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf (making Light of Valinor the top card) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse on himself.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Wall Of Trees. I committed 6 willpower against 1 threat so 4 progress explored Wall Of Trees, sending it to the victory display, and 1 progress explored stage 2B. I travelled to Choked With Brambles.

After exhausting Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Glorfindel I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 32.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Light Of Valinor (making the other Light of Valinor the top card).

I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins (who searched my deck for Wizard Pipe, making Elrond's Counsel the top card) and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Wizard Pipe on himself.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Grasping Root. I committed 7 willpower against 3 threat so explored stage 2, moving to Dark, Bad Place.

I was forced to engage the Grasping Root, who inflicted 1 damage on Glorfindel and Bilbo.

The Grasping Root attacked Gandalf, doing no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Grasping Root.

After exhausting Gandalf's Staff to draw Elrond's Counsel (making Flame Of Arnor the top card) I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Flame Of Arnor (making Straight Shot the top card).

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo Baggins (for 2) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and exhausted Glorfindel before I drew Wall of Trees. I committed 7 willpower against 1 threat so 4 progress explored Wall Of Trees, sending it to the victory display and 2 progress explored Dark Bad Place. I moved to Closing In Around Them.

After exhausting Gandalf's Staff to draw Straight Shot (making Arwen Undomiel the top card) I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Five started with adding resources before I drew Arwen Undomiel (making Rivendell Blade the top card). I exhausted Wizard Pipe to move the Rivendell Blade to my hand and make Arwen Undomiel the top card.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel (making Gandalf's Staff the top card) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play another Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew 2 copies of Deep Gulley. I committed 9 willpower against 4 threat so explored stage 2, forcing me to move to Dark Bad Place.

After travelling to a Deep Gulley I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Gandalf's Staff (making Quick Strike the top card) and ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Six began with adding resources before I drew Quick Strike (making Unexpected Courage the top card).

I paid 1 resource each from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Unexpected Courage on Aragorn (making Elrond's Counsel the top card).

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Gildor Inglorion and exhausted Aragorn (who immediately refreshed thanks to Unexpected Courage). I committed 9 willpower against 2 threat so 4 progress explored Deep Gulley, sending it to the victory display, and the next 3 explored Dark Bad Place. Thanks to having 5 VP in the victory display I moved to stage 3. Stage 3 added Old Man Willow and Withywindle to the staging area.

I opted to travel to Withywindle.

Old Man Willow attacked Westfold Horse-Breeder, discarding a Wall of Trees and raising my threat to 36 and killing the Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Aragorn, Gandalf, Gildor and Glorfindel attacked Old Man Willow, inflicting 11 damage (thanks to Glorfindel and Aragorn knocking his defence down to 0).

After exhausting Gandalf's Staff to draw Elrond's Counsel (making Galadriel's Handmaiden the top card) I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 37 before I paid 1 from Frodo to retain the services of Gildor.

Turn Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Galadriel''s Handmaiden (making Bilbo Baggins the top card).

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (lowering my threat to 36).

I committed Aragorn (for 2 refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gildor (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Ending And Failing, which raised my threat to 38, and Tom Bombadil (who committed to the quest for 3). I then played 2 copies of Elrond's Counsel to add 2 willpower to Glorfindel and lower my threat to 32. I committed 19 willpower against 5 threat so 5 progress was added to Withywindle, exploring it and sending it to the victory display and adding 9 progress to stage 3B before raising my threat to 33.

Old Man Willow attacked Gandalf (although I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to discard the shadow card), inflicting 1 damage before Glorfindel hit back, inflicting 3 more damage.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything, paid 1 from Frodo and raised my threat to 34. I then discarded Tom Bombadil and reshuffled the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.

Turn Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Bilbo Baggins (making Legolas the top card).

I paid 5 from Aragorn to play Legolas (making Dunedain Hunter the top card).

At this point I opted to take a risk and commit everyone for a total of 20 willpower and drew Swaying Without Wind, which moved a Deep Gulley from the victory display back to the staging area. I committed 20 willpower against 7 threat so made 13 progress, more than enough to complete stage 3 and win the quest.

I did enough damage to Old Man Willow to gain Old Bogey-Stories for the campaign.

My final score was

Completed Rounds (7): 70.

Threat: 34.

Wounds on heroes: 1.

Total VP: 5.

Total Score: 100.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Elrond's Counsel x2, Gandalf's Staff, Light Of Valinor, Rohan Warhorse and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Shadowfax.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him and paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf.

At the end of the turn I exhausted Gandalfs Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf and raised my threat to 32 before adding 1 progress to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 added Hollow Circle to the staging area before I drew Ancient Barrow and added it to the staging area.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse on Aragorn and paid 2 from Gandalf and 1 from Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, exhausting Shadowfax to refresh) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before drawing I'm Waiting For You, which surged to Stone Ring. I committed 8 willpower against 7 threat so 1 progress was added to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to Stone Ring.

At the end of the turn I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Glorfindel, refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 34.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Rivendell Blade.

I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (who lowered my threat to 33) and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, exhausting Shadowfax to refresh) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before drawing North Downs. I committed 10 willpower against 6 threat so added 3 progress to Stone Circle, exploring it and added another progress to stage 2B.

I travelled to Hollow Circle, putting a Dark-Wight into play engaged with myself.

The Dark-Wight attacked Gandalf, inflicting no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel inflicted 6 damage on it.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Four began with my heroes gaining a resource each before I drew Straight Shot.

I paid 1 from Gandalf to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf (from the top of the deck) and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (who added another copy of Shadowfax to my hand).

I committed Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Gildor Inglorion. I committed 11 willpower against 3 threat so 3 progress explored Hollow Circle, sending it to the victory display, and 5 progress was added to stage 2B.

I opted to travel to North Downs.

I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to discard the shadow card before the Dark-Wight attacked Gandalf, inflicting no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Dark-Wight.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards, paid 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor in play and raised my threat to 37.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Bilbo Baggins.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins then paid 1 from Aragorn to play another Rivendell Blade (from the top of the deck) on Glorfindel.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor Inglorion (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) and played 2 copies of Elrond's Counsel on Glorfindel to give Gandalf +2 willpower and lower my threat to 31 before I drew North Downs. I committed 18 willpower against 3 threat so 5 progress explored North Downs and 10 progress blew through stage 2B. Stage 3 added Standing Stones to the staging area and shuffled the encounter discard pile and several Great Barrows into the encounter deck.

I opted to travel to Standing Stones, searching the encounter deck for a Great Barrow and putting it into the staging area. The Great Barrow removed my cards from the quest and moved me to a seperate stage 4, which ended the quest phase but forced me to add a Cold-Wight to the staging area and (unfortunately) discard all my Allies but Gildor.

I opted to engage the Cold-Wight, exhausting Gandalf's Staff to remove the shadow card so the attack did 1 damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Cold-Wight.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paying 1 from Frodo and raising my threat to 32.

Turn Six began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Dunedain Hunter.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas from the top of the deck.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Chill Fog, which I paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to reshuffle it into the encounter deck and draw Tom Bombadil, who entered play ready and committed for 3. I committed 14 willpower against 0 threat so made more than enough progress to explore stage 4B. I travelled back to stage 3B and added 1 threat to the Great Barrow in the staging area, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paid 1 from Frodo and raised my threat to 33 before I shuffled Tom Bombadil and the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.

Turn Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Rivendell Blade.

After skipping the planning phase I committed Aragorn (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Dreadful Song, which I attached to Aragorn (and reduced his threat to 0). I committed 11 willpower against 3 threat so 4 progress explored Standing Stones, sending it to the victory display, and 4 progress was added to stage 3B.

I travelled to North Downs, then ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paying 1 from Frodo and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Eight began with my heroes gaining a resource each before I drew Quick Strike.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel from the top of my deck.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf). Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Tom Bombadil, who entered play ready and committed for 3. I committed 16 willpower against 1 threat so 5 progress explored North Downs and 10 progress was added to stage 3B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paying 1 from Frodo and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Nine began with adding resources before I drew Light Of Valinor.

I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Silvan Refugee then committed everyone but Aragorn and the Defender of Rammas and drew North Downs. I committed 13 willpower against 3 threat, making more than enough progress to complete the stage and win the quest.

Completing the quest earned me the boon Ho! Tom Bombadil!.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (8): 80.

Final Threat: 35.

Wounds on Heroes: 1.

Total VP: 11.

Total Score: 105.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Defender of Rammas, Flame of Arnor, Gandalf's Staff, Honor Guard, Light Of Valinor and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo and adding Ho Tom Bombadil to my hand before adding The Prancing Pony and Bill Ferny to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Flame Of Arnor.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on himself and paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), then raised my threat to 33 and drew Power In Their Terror, which did nothing so I committed 8 willpower against 5 threat and added 3 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to the Prancing Pony, putting Defender of Rammas into play from my hand before I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add a resource to Aragorn.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 34.

I started Turn Two by adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Tale Of Tinuviel.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing) and paid 2 from Aragorn to play Honor Guard.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before playing Elrond's Counsel (from the top of the deck) to add +1 willpower to the Frodo and lower my threat to 31 before I raised my threat to 32 and drew Shady Bree-Lander. I committed 7 against 5 threat so 2 progress was added to The Prancing Pony.

I opted to engage the Shady Bree-Lander, who attacked the Defender of Rammas, doing no damage before Aragorn and Gandalf attacked and killed the Shady Bree-Lander. Aragorn's ability triggered to force Bill Ferny to engage me.

I ended the turn by exhausting Gandalf's Staff to add a resource to Aragorn, refreshing everything and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Legolas.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel (from the top of my deck).

I committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before raising my threat to 34 and drawing Pathless Country. I committed 6 willpower against 2 threat so added 2 progress to The Prancing Pony, exploring it and putting it into the victory display but putting a Shady Bree-Lander into play engaged with me before I added 2 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to Pathless Country.

The Shady Bree-Lander attacked the Defender of Rammas, drawing Lure of The Ring for +1 attack but still doing no damage.

Bill Ferny attacked Gandalf, doing no damage.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed Bill Ferny, sending him to the victory display before I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Aragorn.

As usual I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Four began with adding resources before I drew Gandalf's Staff.

I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Aragorn, then spent all 4 of his resources to play Legolas (from the top of my deck).

I committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1), then drew Pale Blade, which did nothing but surge to Weather Hills. I committed 6 willpower against 3 threat so added 3 progress to Pathless Country, exploring it.

The Shady Bree-Lander attacked the Defender of Rammas, doing no damage before Aragorn and Gandalf destroyed the Shady Bree-Lander.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 36.

Turn Five started with adding resources before I drew A Test Of Will.

I paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder from the top of my deck (putting Shadowfax into my hand), then paid 3 from Gandalf to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) before I drew Rider Of Mordor. I committed 10 willpower against 7 threat so added 3 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 3 added Midgewater to the staging area and added 1 progress to stage 2B.

I opted to travel to Weather Hills, placing the Rider From Mordor under it, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 37.

I started Turn Six by adding a resource to my heroes and removed 1 progress from Stage 2B before I drew Tale Of Tinuviel.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play another Defender of Rammas from the top of my deck.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) before I drew Gildor Inglorion. I committed 10 willpower against 3 threat so 2 progress explored Weather Hills and 5 progress was added to stage 2B. I moved the Rider of Mordor to the staging area.

I engaged the Rider of Mordor, who attacked one of the Defender of Rammas, doing no damage before Aragorn, Glorfindel and Legolas attacked and killed the Rider of Mordor. Legolas's ability triggered and drew Straight Shot.

I ended the turn by removing 1 progress from stage 2B, paying 1 from Frodo and refreshing my cards before I raised my threat to 38.

Turn Seven began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Shadowfax and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse on him from the top of the deck.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor Inglorion (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) before I drew Piercing Cry and added a Rider of Morder into play engaged with me. I committed 13 willpower against 3 threat and added 10 progress to stage 2B.

I opted to travel to Midgewater, which returned the Rider of Mordor to the staging area, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Silvan Refugee.

At the end of the turn I removed 1 progress from stage 2B, removed 1 resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 39.

Turn Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Light Of Valinor.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Silvan Refugee.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor Inglorion (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1 each) before I drew Chetwood. I committed 16 willpower against 6 threat so added 6 progress to Midgewater, exploring it and sending it to the victory display and 4 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3B added The Witch-King, Weathertop and another Rider of Mordor to the staging area.

I opted travel to Weathertop, exhausting the One Ring.

The Witch-King attacked Gandalf, inflicting 1 damage. The first Rider of Mordor attacked a Defender of Rammas, inflicting no damage. The second Rider of Mordor attacked the other Defender of Rammas, drawing Power In Their Terror and forcing me to discard Glorfindel's Light of Valinor.

Aragorn and Glorfindel's counter-attack killed one of the Riders of Mordor. Aragorn refreshed thanks to the Rohan Warhorse and attacked the Rider of Mordor, inflicting 4 damage.

At the end of the turn I paid 1 from Frodo, refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 39.

Turn Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Wizard Pipe.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) before I drew Chetwood. I committed 9 willpower against 4 threat so added 4 progress to Weathertop, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.

The Witch-King attacked Gandalf, inflicting another damage before Gandalf refreshed with Shadowfax and the Rider of Mordor attacked Gandalf, inflcting no damage.

Aragorn, Frodo, Glorfindel and Legolas attacked and killed the Witch-King. Rohan Warhorse refreshed Aragorn before Aragorn, Gildor Ingorion and the two Defender of Rammas killed the remaining Rider of Mordor and won the game.

I opted to take the boon Tireless Ranger and attach it to Gandalf.

My final score was:

Completed Rounds (7): 70.

Total Threat: 39.

Wounds on heroes: 2.

Total VP: 7.

Total Score: 104.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf (with Tireless Ranger) and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Defender of Rammas, Flame of Arnor, Galadriel's Handmaiden. Light Of Valinor, Silvan Refugee and Tale of Tinuviel.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo and adding Ho Tom Bombadil to my hand before making the Burden deck, attached An Evil Wound to Frodo (with 15 wounds) and added a Fell Rider and The Last Bridge to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Arwen Undomiel.

My planning comprised paying 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Defender of Rammas from the top of my deck and paying 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on himself.

Moving onto the quest phase I committed Frodo (for 1), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before playing Elrond's Counsel from the top of my deck on Glorfindel to give Gandalf +1 willpower and lower my threat to 28. I drew The Troll's Camp. I committed a total of 9 willpower against 4 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 1B.

In the travel phase I opted to risk travelling to the Last Bridge, drawing Weight Of The Ring which attached to Frodo and surged to Pain Assailed Him, which reduced Frodo wounds by 1.

The Fell Rider engaged me and attacked the Defender of Rammas, drawing Ringwraith (which had no effect other than reshuffling into the encounter deck) and doing no damage.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked the Fell Rider, inflicting 4 damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removing a wound from Frodo and raising my threat to 29.

I started Turn Two by adding a resource to each hero before I drew Straight Shot.

I paid 1 from Gandalf to play Silvan Refugee from the top of my deck and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play another Silvan Refugee.

I exhausted The One Ring and committed Frodo (for 2), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee x2 (for 2 each) before I drew Ettenmoors. I committed 9 willpower against 3 threat so 4 progress was added to The Last Bridge, exploring it and sending it to the victory display before I added 2 progress to stage 1B.

I opted to travel to The Troll Camp.

The Fell Rider attacked Gandalf, drawing Black Steed for no effect and inflicting no damage before Aragorn and Glorfindel killed the Fell Rider.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything, removed a wound from Frodo and raised my threat to 30.

Turn Three began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Tale Of Tinuviel.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins from the top of my deck, who added Wizard Pipe to my hand before I paid 1 from Frodo to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf and paid 2 from Aragorn to play another Defender of Rammas.

I exhausted the One Ring, then committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Gandalf (for 4), Glorfindel (for 4, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee x2 (for 2 each) before I drew Pale Blade, which surged to Gildor Inglorion.

I committed 17 will[pwer against 2 threat so 4 progress explored The Troll's Camp (sending it to the victory display) and 8 progress explored stage 1B. Stage 2 added Ford Of Bruinen and The Witch-King to the staging area.

I opted to travel to Ford of Bruinen, drawing Stricken Dumb, which raised my threat to 33.

The Witch-King engaged me but I cancelled his attack by shuffling Panicked into the encounter deck.

Aragorn, Defender of Rammas x2, Gildor Inglorion and Glorfindel attacked the Witch-King, inflicting 6 damage.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything, removed a wound and a resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 34.

I started Turn Four by adding a resource to each hero before I drew Defender of Rammas.

I exhausted Wizard Pipe to move Rohan Warhorse to my hand and move Arwen Undomiel to the top of my deck then paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3), Gildor (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee x2 (for 2 each) before I drew The Old Road. I committed 21 willpower against 5 threat so 6 progress explored Ford of Bruinen (discarding the Witch-King and sending Ford of Bruinen to the victory display) and 10 progress was added to stage 1B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removing 1 resource and 1 wound from Frodo and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew Bilbo Baggns.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play another Defender of Rammas, exhausted Wizard Pipe to move A Test Of Will to my hand and make Galadriel's Handmaiden to the top of my hand and paid 1 each from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (who lowered my threat to 34).

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to a Defender of Rammas), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo Bagggins (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3), Gildor (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee x2 (for 2 each) before I drew another Ettenmoors. I committed 23 willpower against 7 threat so added 16 progress to stage 2B, more than enough to complete the stage and win the quest.

In the end I added the burdens Panicked and Weight Of The Ring to the quest log.

My final score was:

Completed Rounds (4): 40.

Total Threat: 35.

Total VP: 9.

Total Score: 66.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf (with Tireless Ranger) and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Anduril, Arwen Undomiel, Defender of Rammas, Dunedain Hunter, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Rohan Warhorse, Silvan Refugee and Straight Shot. I opted to take a mulligan, getting A Test Of Will, Anduril, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Legolas, Quick Strike, Rohan Warhorse and Silvan Refugee.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Honor Guard.

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Glorfindel to play Gandalf's Staff (from the top of my deck) on Gandalf, exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Light Of Valinor and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on himself.

During the Council of Elrond I opted to play Snowmane on Gandalf, add A Test Of Will to my hand, shuffle Honor Guard into my deck and discard Quick Strike. I opted to shuffle Lust For The Ring into my deck before advancing to stage 2.

Stage 2 made Redhorn Pass the active location and drew Hills Of Hollin.

I opted to commit Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Eragion. I committed 8 willpower against 5 threat so added 3 progress to Redhorn Pass.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 32.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Bilbo Baggins.

I committed Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew The Ring Draws Them, which surged to Bitter Cold, which did nothing. I committed 8 willpower against 5 threat, adding 3 progress to Redhorn Pass and exloring it.

The Fellowship travelled to Eregion.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resources before I drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.

I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins, who put Wizard Pipe into my hand before I paid 1 from Gandalf to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf and paid 1 from Gandalf and 2 from Aragorn to play Anduril on Aragorn.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Gildor Inglorion. I committed 10 willpower against 2 threat so added 4 progress to Eregion, exploring it, and 4 progress to stage 2B.

The Fellowship travelled to Hills Of Hollin before I exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add a resource to himself and ended the turn by refreshing my cards, paying 1 from Frodo and raising my threat to 34.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Glamdring.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Glamdring on him and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse on himself.

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo Baggins (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Regiments Of Crows, which added 3 damage to the active Hills Of Hollin. I committed 10 willpower against 0 theat so 4 progress explored Hills Of Hollin (raising my threat to 37) and 6 progress explored stage 2B.

Stage 3 forced me to add Great Warg Chief to the staging area.

The Great Warg Chief engaged me and forcing me to engage a Howling Warg.

The Howling Warg attacked Aragorn, doing no damage before Aragorn counter-attacked with Anduril, killing it.

The Great Warg Chief attacked Gandalf, who exhausted Gandalf's Staff to discard the shadow card so the attack did 1 damage.

Gildor and Glorfindel attacked the Great Warg Chief, inflicting 2 damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removing 1 resource from Frodo and raising my threat to 38.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew Defender of Rammas.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel from the top of my deck and paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (lowering my threat to 37), exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Aragorn and paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) before I drew Regiments Of Crows, which did nothing. I committed 15 willpower against 0 threat so added 15 progress to stage 3B, exploring it.

Stage 4 made Doors of Durin the active location and added Watcher In The Water to the staging area (with Frodo and his attachments under it).

The Watcher In The Water attacked Gandalf, inflicting 1 damage before the Great Warg Chief attacked and killed the Defender of Rammas.

Aragorn, Gandalf, Gildor and Glorfindel attacked the Watcher In The Water, inflicting 10 damage and freeing Frodo (with 1 damage on him).

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards, discarded Gildor and raised my threat to 38.

Turn Six began with adding resources before I drew Westfold Horse-Breeder.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play 2 copies of Westfold Horse-Breeder (1 from the top of the deck), which added a Shadowfax to my hand.

In a YOLO moment I committed Aragorn (for 3), Arwen Undomiel (for 2, Adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) and drew Bitter Cold, which forced me to raise my threat to 43. I then played Elrond's Counsel from the top of my deck, adding +1 willpower to Gandalf and lowering my threat to 40. I committed 20 willpower against 5 threat, adding 14 progress to Doors Of Durin and winning the game.

In the end I avoided having to add Lust For The Ring to my campaign log and my final score was:

Completed Turns (5): 50.

Total Threat: 40.

Damage on Heroes: 1.

Total VP: 1.

Total Score: 90.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf (with Tireless Ranger) and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Defender of Rammas, Gandalf's Staff, Honor Guard, Straight Shot, Unexpected Courage and Westfold Horse-Breeder. I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Anduril, Elrond's Counsel, Glamdrung, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Quick Strike, Rivendell Blade and Silvan Refugee.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo, putting Doom! Doom! Doom! Into play with 10 damage on it and added Many-Pillared Hall, Overcome By Grief and Grievous Wound to the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Bilbo Baggins.

I paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Gandalf's Staff from the top of my deck, then exhausted it to add 1 resource to Glorfindel and paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins (who added Wizard Pipe to my hand).

I committed Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2) and Gandalf (for 3) before I drew Mines Of Moria for a total of 7 willpower against 4 threat so 3 progress was added to Mines of Moria.

The Fellowship travelled to Mines of Moria.

At the end of the turn I refrehed my cards, removed 1 damage from Doom Doom Doom and raised my threat to 32.

Turn Two began with each hero gaining a resources before I drew Legolas.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel and 1 from Aragorn to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Aragorn), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3, raising my threat to 33), then played Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower to Gandalf and lower my threat to 30 before I drew The Ring Draws Them, which surged to Ancient Guardroom. I committed 13 willpower against 5 threat so added 1 progress to Mines of Moria and 7 progress to stage 1B.

The Fellowship travelled to Many-Pillared Hall before I ended the turn by exhausting Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf, refreshing my cards, removing a wound from Doom Doom Doom and raising my threat to 31.

I started Turn Three by adding a resource to my heroes and drawing Tale Of Tinuviel.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on himself, paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivendell Blade on Glorfindel and paid 1 from Aragorn and 2 from Gandalf to play Anduril on Aragorn.

After committing Arwen Undomiel (for 2, adding +1 defence to Aragorn), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) I drew Weight Of The Ring, which attached to Frodo and surged to Pursued By The Enemy, which raised my threat to 32 and surged to Gildor Inglorion. I committed 12 willpower against 3 threat so 6 progress explored Many-Pillared Hall and 3 progress was added to stage 1B. I then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf.

The Fellowship travelled to Ancient Guardroom, discarding Moria Archer and raising my threat to 33 before I ended the turn by refreshing everything, paid 1 from Frodo, removed a wound from Doom Doom Doom and raised my threat to 34.

Turn Four started with adding a resource to each hero before I drew Arwen Undomiel.

I paid 2 from Gandalf and 1 from Aragorn to play Shadowfax on Gandalf and paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Silvan Refugee.

After exhausting The One Ring and committing Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Silvan Refugee (for 2) I drew Deep Fissure and removed the Silvan Refugee from the quest and drew Great Cave-Troll, which killed her and attached Overcome By Grief to Frodo. I committed 12 willpower against 0 threat so 3 threat explored Ancient Guardroom and 9 progress explored stage 1B.

Stage 2 added Chamber of Mazarbul.

The Fellowship travelled to Chamber of Mazarbul, putting the Orc-Chieftain into the staging area.

The Orc Chieftain attacked Gandalf, drawing Uruk of Mordor for +1 attack but doing no damage.

Aragorn, Glorfindel and Gildor attacked and killed the Orc-Chieftain and added 1 resource to stage 2B,

After exhausting Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removed a wound from Doom Doom Doom and a resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 35.

Turn Five kicked off with my heroes gaining a resource each before I drew A Test Of Will.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Honor Guard from the top of my deck and paid 1 from Aragorn and Glorfindel to play Glamdring on Glorfindel.

After exhausting The One Ring I committed Arwen (for 2,, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3 refreshing with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and drew Moria Archer (who did 1 damage to Gildor). I committed 12 willpower against 1 threat so 4 progress explored Chamber of Mazarbul and 7 progress was added to stage 2B.

I engaged the Moria Archer, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf and paid the resource to play Quick Strike from the top of my deck, attacking the Moria Archer with Glorfindel who killed it, adding a resource to stage 2B.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything removed a wound from Doom Doom Doom and a resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 36.

Turn Six began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Westfold Horse-Breeder.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse from the top of my deck onto Aragorn.

I exhausted The One Ring and committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew another Moria Archer. I committed 13 willpower against 1 threat so added 12 progress to stage 2B.

I engaged the Moria Archer, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Aragorn and paid the resource to play Quick Strike, attacking the Moria Archer with Glorfindel who killed it, adding a resource to stage 2B and exploring stage 2B.

Stage 3 added The Great Bridge to the staging area and removed a wound from Doom Doom Doom before I drew Many-Pillard Hall.

The Fellowship travelled to The Great Bridge before I refreshed my cards, removed a wound from Doom Doom Doom and a resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 37.

Turn Seven began with adding resources before I drew Straight Shot.

I exhausted The One Ring and committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Panicked, which raised my threat to 40 and surged to Deep Fissure, which I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play A Test Of Will and cancelled the effects of. I committed 13 willpower against 2 threat so 5 progress explored The Great Bridge and 5 progress was added to stage 3B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removing a wound from Doom Doom Doom and a resource from Frodo and raised my threat to 41.

Turn Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew A Test Of Will.

I exhausted The One Ring and committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew another Many-Pillard Hall. I committed 13 willpower against 6 threat so added 5 progress to Stage 3B.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards, removing a resource from Frodo and a wound from Doom Doom Doom (leaving 1 wound remaining) and raised my threat to 42.

Turn Nine began with adding resources before I drew Defender of Rammas.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Sting on Frodo and 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas (although the plan was to not need him) and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Silvan Refugee from the top of my deck.

I exhausted The One Ring and commiitted Aragorn (for 3), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Gildor (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Darkened Stairway. I committed a total of 22 threat against 10 threat so added 12 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game.

After the game I added Pursued By The Enemy and Grievous Wound to the campaign pool.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (8): 80.

Threat: 42.

Total VP: 9

Total Score: 113.


My heroes were Aragorn (Tactics), Frodo Baggins (TBR, with The One Ring), Gandalf (with Tireless Ranger) and Glorfindel (Spirit). This gave me 31 threat and a opening hand containing Bilbo Baggins, Flame Of Arnor x2, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Light Of Valinor, Quick Strike and Sting.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Old Bogey-Stories to Frodo and Leaf-Wrapped Lembas to Aragorn, putting Grievous Wound into play and adding The Argonath and Sarn Gedir into the staging area.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Flame of Arnor.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on him and paid 1 from Aragorn and Gandalf to play Sting on Frodo.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and drew Orcs Of The White Hand, for no effect. I committed 11 willpower against 4 threat so added 7 progress to stage 1B.

After the Fellowship travelled to Sarn Gebir I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 32.

I started Turn Two by adding a resource to my heroes and drawing Straight Shot.

I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder from the top of my deck (whose ability put Shadowfax into my hand).

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Gandalf (for 3) and Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) before I drew Followed By Night, which did nothing but surge to River Anduin. I committed 8 willpower against 3 threat so 4 progress explored Sarn Gebir (adding 1 damage to Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel and attaching Grievous Wound to Glorfindel) and 1 progress was added to stage 1B.

After the Fellowship travelled to the Argonath I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with each hero gaining a resource befote I drew Rivendell Blade.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas from the top of my deck, then paid 2 from Gandalf and 1 from Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Pursued By The Enemy, which did nothing but raise my threat to 35 (since I forgot the effect on River Anduin) and surge to another River Anduin. I committed 12 willpower against 4 threat so added 2 progress to The Argonath and 6 to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 removed Frodo (and all his attached cards).

I skipped the travel phase and proceeded to end the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35 before I shuffled Frodo's Choice and Seat Of Seeing into the encounter discard pile and put that on the bottom of the encounter deck. I proceeded to Guard The Hobbits and moved both of the River Anduins to my new staging area.

Turn Four began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Honor Guard.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play the Honor Guard on top of my deck, then paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Bilbo Baggins (who put a Wizard Pipe into my hand) and paid 1 from Gandalf to play the Wizard Pipe on him.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Bilbo Baggins (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before drawing The Ring Draws Them, which surged to Uruk-Hai Hunter, who immediately attacked Gandalf, doing no damage. I committed 11 willpower against 6 threat so I discarded the top 5 cards of the encounter deck and refreshed my heroes.

The Fellowship travelled to one of the River Anduins before I raised my threat to 36.

I engaged the Uruk-Hai Hunter who attacked Gandalf, doing no damage before Aragorn and the Defender of Rammas killed him.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 37.

Turn Five began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Gandalf's Staff.

I paid 2 from Aragorn to play another Honor Guard before I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Bilbo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Growing Threat, which raised my threat to 39 and surged to Gildor Inglorion. I committed 11 against 2 threat so 5 progress explored Anduin River and another 4 cards were disccarded before I refreshed my heroes.

I travelled to the remaining River Anduin, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add a resource to Glorfindel.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards, discarded Gildor Inglorion and raised my threat to 40.

Turn Six started with adding resources before I drew Arwen Undomiel.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rohan Warhorse from the top of my deck onto Aragorn and paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Weight Of The Ring, which dd nothing but surge to Uruk-Hai Hunter. I committed 13 willpower against 2 threat so 5 progress explored River Anduin and another six cards were discarded (including to my transcendant joy, Falling Into Evil) and I refreshed my heroes.

I engaged the Uruk-Hai Hunter, who attacked Gandalf, doing no damage before Aragorn and the Defender of Rammas attacked and killed the Uruk-Hai Hunter.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 41.

Turn Seven began with adding resources before I drew Elrond's Counsel.

I paid 2 from Gandalf to play Silvan Refugee.

I committed Aragorn (for 2), Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Gandalf (for 3), Glorfindel (for 3 without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I played Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower to Gandalf and lower my threat to 38 before I drew Uruk-Hai Tracker. I committed 15 willpower against 1 threat so discarded 14 cards, the fourth card was Frodo's Choice, which returned Frodo (and his cards) to play and added Parth Galen to the staging area.

I opted to engage the Uruk-Hai Archer, whose Archery was negated by one of the Honor Guard before I exhausted Shadowfax to refresh Gandalf and the Uruk-Hai Archer attacked Gandalf, doing no damage before Frodo and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Uruk-Hai Archer (I exhausted the other Honor Guard to negate the damage from Grievous Wound on Glorfindel).

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 39.

Turn Eight began with adding resources before I drew Tale Of Tinuviel.

I paid 1 from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (who lowered my threat to 38).

I committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder (for 1) before I drew Seat Of Seeing. I committed 18 willpower against 3 threat so

I opted to travel to Seat of Seeing and exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Rivendell Blade, then refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 39.

Turn Nine began with adding resources before I drew Westfold Horse-Breeder.

I paid 4 from Aragorn to play Legolas, then paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder.

I committed Arwen (for 2, adding +1 defence to Gandalf), Bilbo (for 2), Frodo (for 3), Galadriel's Handmaiden (for 2), Gandalf (for 3, refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (for 3, without exhausting), Silvan Refugee (for 2) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 (for 1 each) before I drew Slopes of Amon-Hen. I committed 19 willpower against 5 threat so 6 progress explored Seat of Seeing (and removed Grievous Wound from the campaign pool) and 8 progress was added to stage 4B.

The Fellowship travelled to Parth Galen, adding a Uruk-Hai Tracker to the staging area.

I negated the Archery damage with one of the Honor Guards before the Uruk-Hai Tracker attacked Gandalf, inflicting no damage before Aragorn, Defender of Rammas and Legolas attacked and killed the Uruk-Hai Tracker. Legolas's ability allowed me to draw A Test Of Will.

I ended the turn by refreshing ,my cards and raising my threat to 40.

Turn Ten began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew A Test Of Will.

Working on the theory that I wouldn't get to the combat phase I Dunedain Hunter (putting a Uruk-Hai Archer into play engaged with me).

I committed everyone for a total of 23 willpower before I drew Wooded Shoreline for a total of 6 threat. 4 progress explored Parth Galen and the other 13 progress explored stage 4B, winning the game.

This quest went better than I expected. I guess the deck I'm using is better than I had gathered before.

After the game I opted to add Followed By Night to the campaign pool and have Glorfindel be captured by the Uruk-Hai.

My final score was:

Completed rounds (9): 90.

Total Threat: 40.

Wounds on heroes: 3.

Total VP: 4.

Total Score: 129


Due to the nature of events after Breaking Of The Fellowship I've got a captured hero (Glorfindel) and Aragorn has been upgraded to a Fellowship hero.

After some consideration I decided to go with Boromir as the replacement for Aragorn.

Heroes: Aragorn (TOS), Boromir (Tactics), Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: A Test Of Will, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf's Staff, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Northern Tracker, Rohan Warhorse and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Mulligan: Ho! Tom Bombil!, Honor Guard x2, Secret Vigil, The Galadhrim's Greeting, Westfold Horse-Breeder and Will of The West.


Attached Old Bogey-Stories to Gandalf.

Attached Leaf-Wrapped Lembas to Boromir.

Made Eastemnet the active location.

Added Ugluk to staging area.

Added To Isengard! (with Glorfindel underneath) to staging area [Pursuit Value: 10].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Westfold Horse-Breeder [Top Card: Narya].


Paid 1 from Aragorn and Boromir to play Narya on Gandalf [Top Card: Galadriel's Handmaiden].

Paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (who added Shadowfax to hand) [Top Card: Silver Harp].


Committed: Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf and Westdold Horse-Breeder.

Draw #1: Unseen Barrier.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 3.

3 progress explored Eastemnet.

Added 1 resource to Aragon, Boromir and Gandalf.

1 progress added to stage 1B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 11]. [Threat: 31].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Silver Harp [Top Card: Secret Vigil].


Paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability failed). [Top Card: Gandalf's Staff].

Paid 2 from Aragorn to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf [Top Card: Bilbo Baggins].

Pad 1 fromm Gandalf and 2 from Boromir to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.


Committed: Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Uruk-Hai Fighter.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 6.

Added 2 progress to stage 1B.


No travel.


Engaged Uruk-Hai Fighter.


Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Gandalf, drawing The Wold for no effect and inflicting no damage.


Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf.

Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 12]. [Threat: 32].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Bilbo Baggins [Top Card: A Test Of Will].


Paid 2 from Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins (who put Wizard Pipe into my hand) [Top Card: Secret Vigil].

Paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf.

Paid 1 from Boromir to play Secret Vigil on the Uruk-Hai Fighter engaged with me.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Plains Of Rohan.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 4 progress to stage 1B.


Travelled to Plains of Rohan.


No engagements.


Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Gandalf, drawing Fighting Uruk-Hai for no effect and doing no damage.

Aragorn and Boromir attacked Uruk-Hai Fighter, inflicting 2 damage.

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Boromir.


Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 13]. [Threat: 33].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Secret Vigil [Top Card: Livery Of The Tower].


Paid 2 from Boromir to play Honor Guard.

Played Livery Of The Tower on Boromir.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Unseen Barrier.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 4 progress to Plains Of Rohan, exploring it.


No travel.


No engagements.


Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Gandalf, drawing Ugluk's Uruk-Hai for no effect and inflicting no damage.

Boromir and Aragorn attacked and killed the Uruk-Hai Fighter, triggering Secret Vigil [Threat: 30].

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf.


Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 14]. [Threat: 31].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Will Of The West [Top Card:Flame Of Arnor].


Paid 3 from Gandalf to play The Galadhrim's Greeting [Threat: 25].


Committed: Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Strange Weakness.

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Gandalf.

Paid 1 from Gandalf to play A Test Of Will and cancel Strange Weakness.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 3.

Added 7 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2 added a Uruk-Hai Fighter to the staging area.


No travel.


Engaged Ugluk and Uruk-Hai Fighter.

Paid 2 from Aragorn to refresh him.


Ugluk attacked Gandalf, inflicting 1 damage which the Honor Guard exhausted to negate.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 26].

Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Boromir, doing 1 damage which I paid 1 from Boromir to negate with Livery of the Tower.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 27].

Aragorn and Boromir attacked Ugluk, inflicting 2 damage.


Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 15]. [Threat: 28].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Flame of Arnor [Top Card: Gondorian Shield].


Paid 1 from Boromir to play Gondorian Shield on Boromir [Top Card: Northern Tracker].


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Plains Of Rohan.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 1.

Added 6 progress to stage 2B.


No travel.


No engagements.


Ugluk attacked Boromir, doing no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 29].

Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Boromir, drawing Banks of Entwash [Pursuit Value: 16] and doing no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 30].

Aragorn, Boromir and Gandalf attacked Ugluk, inflicting 5 more damage and killing him [Pursuit Value: 15].

Paid 1 from Gandalf to play Flame of Arnor, then discarded Northern Tracker [Top Card: Gandalf's Staff].

Gandalf attacked and Killed Uruk-Hai Fighter [Pursuit Value: 14].


Refreshed my cards. [Pursuit Value: 15]. [Threat: 31].



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Drew Gandalf's Staff [Top Card: A Test Of Will].


No planning.


Committed: Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Pursued By The Enemy [Threat: 32].

Surge: Saruman's Orders.

Paid 1 from Gandalf to play A Test Of Will [Top Card: Livery Of The Tower] and cancel Saruman's Orders.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 1.

Added 9 progress to stage 2B, exploring it and winning the game as well as rescuing Glorfindel.

With no dead heroes in the Campaign Log I opted to add Intimidation to Boromir.


Heroes: Aragorn (TOS), Boromir (Tactics, with Intimdation), Gandalf (with Tireless Ranger) and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Captain Of Gondor, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf's Staff, Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Honor Guard, Power Of Orthanc and Will Of The West.

Mulligan: Ho! Tom Bombadil!, Honor Guard, Livery Of The Tower, Narya, Tale Of Tinuviel, Warden of Healing and Westfold Horse-Breeder.


Attached Old Bogey-Stories to Gandalf.

Attached Leaf-Wrapped Lembas to Boromir.

Moved to stage 2.

Added The Defence of Helm's Deep to staging area.

Added Soldier of Isengard to staging area.

Made Deeping Wall the active location.

Drew Deeping Culvert.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Galadriel's Handmaiden [Top Card: Bilbo Baggins].


Paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing) [Top Card: Tale Of Tinuviel].


Committed: Aragorn, Glorfindel [Threat: 31] and Westfold Horse-Breeder.

Draw #1: The Hornberg.

Total Willpower: 5.

Total Threat: 9.

4 progress added to The Deeping Wall, exploring it [Threat: 35].


The Fellowship travelled to The Hornburg.


I engaged the Soldier of Isengard.


The Soldier of Isengard attacked Gandalf, drawing Warrior of Dunland for no effect and inflicting no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 36].

Aragorn and Boromir attacked and killed Soldier of Isengard.

Sent Old Bogey-Stories to victory display [VP: 1] to shuffle hand into deck and draw Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf's Staff, Gondorian Shield, Livery of the Tower, Silver Hand and Westfold Horse-Breeder [Top Card: Bilbo Baggins].


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 37].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Bilbo Baggins [Top Card: Elrond's Counsel].


Paid 1 from Glorfindel to play another Westfold Horse-Breeder (whose ability did nothing) [Top Card: Northern Tracker].

Paid 2 from Gandalf to play Bilbo Baggins (who added Wizard Pipe to my hand) [Top Card: Gondorian Shield].

Paid 1 from Boromir to play Gondorian Shield on Boromir.

Paid 1 from Boromir to play Wizard Pipe on Gandalf.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Postern Door.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 7.


No travel.


No engagements.


No travel.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 38].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Gondorian Shield [Top Card: Light Of Valinor].


Paid 1 from Gandalf to play Light of Valinor on Glorfindel [Top Card: The Galadhrim's Greeting].

Paid 1 from Boromir to play Gondorian Shield on Gandalf.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf and Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeders x2.

Draw #1: Scaling Ladders, attached to stage 2B.

Surge: Deeping Culvert.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 11.

1 progress added to The Hornburg.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 39].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew The Galadhrim's Greeting [Top Card: Northern Tracker].


Exhausted Wizard Pipe to draw Northern Tracker [Top Card: The Galadhrim's Greeting].

Paid 2 from Glorfindel and 1 from Gandalf to play The Galadhrim's Greeting [Threat: 33].

Paid 1 from Aragorn and Boromir to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Reckless Hate, no effect.

Surge: Night Without End [Threat: 35]. I opted to draw 2 more cards.

Draw #2: Isengard Uruk. I added 3 damage to Glorfindel.

Draw #3: Deeping Wall.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 18.

Added 3 progress to The Hornberg, exploring it, I added 1 damage to Bilbo Baggins.

Added 7 progress to Stage 2B.


The Fellowship travelled to Deeping Culvert..


I engaged the Isengard Uruk.


Added 2 damage to Aragorn.

The Isengard Uruk attacked Boromir, drawing Deeping Wall for no effect and doing no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 36].

Aragorn and Boromir attacked and killed the Isengard Uruk.

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Gondorian Shield [Top Card: Gandalf's Staff].

Drew Devilry Of Saruman, adding 1 progress to stage 2B and exploring it.

Stage 3 made Helm's Gate the active location and moved Deeping Culvert to the staging area.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 37].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Gandalf's Staff [Top Card: A Test Of Will].


Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Gandalf's Staff [Top Card: Honor Guard].

Paid 1 from Boromir and Gandalf to play Honor Guard [Top Card; The Galadhrim's Greeting].


Committed: Aragorn, Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Gandalf, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Scaling Ladders, attached to Helm's Gate.

Surge: Devilry of Saruman, added 3 progress to stage 3B and nerfed my characters.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 17.

3 progress added to Helm's Gate, exploring it.

1 progress added to stage 3B.

Drew The Hornberg.


Travelled to The Hornberg.


No engagements.


No combat.

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Glorfindel.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 39].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew The Galadhrim's Greetings [Top Card: Shadowfax].


Paid 3 from Glorfindel to play The Galadhrim's Greetings [Threat: 33].

Paid 1 from Aragorn, Boromir and Gandalf to play Shadowfax on Gandalf.


Committed: Bilbo Baggins, Boromir, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2.

Draw #1: Uruk-Hai Fighter.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 20.

added 3 progress to The Hornberg, exploring it and adding 1 damage to Gandalf.

Added 5 progress to stage 3B, exploring it.

Stage 4 shuffled the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discarded cards until I added a Soldier of Isengard to the staging area.


The Fellowship travelled to Deeping Wall.


I engaged the Soldier of Isengard and the Uruk-Hai Fighter.


Added 1 damage to Boromir, then negated it with the Honor Guard.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 34].

The Soldier of Isengard attacked Boromir, drawing Scaling Ladders for +1 attack and inflicting 1 damage.

The Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Gandalf, drawing Deeping Wall for no effect and inflicting no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 35].

Aragorn and Boromir attacked and killed the Soldier of Isengard.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 36].

Boromir attacked Uruk-Hai Fighter, inflicting 1 damage.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 37].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Ho! Tom Bombadil! [Top Card: Narya].


No planning.


Committed: Everyone but Honor Guard.

Draw #1: Wild Hillman.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 16.

3 progress added to Deeping Wall.


No travel.


I engaged the Wild Hillman.

I paid 4 from Aragorn to refresh Aragorn and Boromir.


The Uruk-Hai Fighter attacked Gandalf, drawing Fighting Uruk-Hai for no effect and doing no damage.

The Wild Hillman attacked Boromir (adding 1 progress to stage 4B), drawing Isengard Uruk for no effect and doing no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 38].

Aragorn, Boromir and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Uruk-Hai Fighter.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 39].

Boromir attacked and killed the Wild Hillman.

Exhausted Gandalf's Staff to draw Narya [Top Card: Tale Of Tinuviel].


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 40].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Tale Of Tinuviel [Top Card: Anduril].


Paid 2 from Gandalf and 1 from Boromir to play Anduril on Boromir.


Committed: Everyone but Honor Guard again.

Draw #1: Reckless Hate.

Surge: Deeping Wall

Total Willpower: 14.

Total Threat: 17.

1 progress explores Deeping Wall [Threat: 44].

2 progress added to stage 4B.


The Fellowship travelled to Deeping Wall.


No engagements.


No combat.


Refreshed my cards [Threat: 45].

Added 1 resource to The Defence of Helm's Deep for 8 total resources, adding it to the victory display and moving to stage 5.

Stage 5 shuffled the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discarded cards until I drew a Isengard Uruk.



Added 1 resource to Aragorn.

Added 1 resource to Boromir.

Added 1 resource to Gandalf.

Added 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Drew Glamdring [Top Card: Tale Of Tinuviel].


No planning


No quest phase.


No travel.


I engaged the Isengard Uruk.


The Isengard Uruk attacked Boromir, drawing Wild Hillman, which added 1 progress to the Deeping Wall and added +1 attack but did no damage.

Refreshed Boromir [Threat: 45].

Aragorn, Boromir, Gandalf and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Isengard Uruk and (barely) won the game.

Once again Boromir proved to be ridiculous. He's really showing his quality.

In the end my final score was:

Completed Rounds (8): 80.

Total Threat: 45.

Wounds on Heroes; 7.

Total VP: 1.

Total Score: 131.

Edited by silverthorn


Since Sands of Harad has been released I decided to try out the new Gimli and Legolas cards. The plan is to play through the quests from PiP with just the Three Hunters as heroes (using a combination of the different variants).

The combo for this attempt is Aragorn (Lore), Gimli (Leadership) and Legolas (Spirit), with 32 threat and a opening hand containing Dwarven Shield, Mirkwood Long-Knife, Silver Harp, Warden Of Arnor, Warden Of Healing and Wingfoot. I opted to take a mulligan, drawing Armoured Destrier, Dwarven Shield, Errand-Rider, Ranger of Cardolan, Sneak Attack and Wingfoot.

Quest set-up consisted of making The Leaping Fish the active location, adding a Harbour Thug to the staging area and adding Alcaron's Scroll to Gimli.

Turn One began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Warden Of Healing.

I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on himself.

I discarded Lost In The City, then committed Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Gimli and Legolas (discarding Ranger of Cardolan to refresh Gimli).

I drew Collateral Damage and discarded Harbour Storehouse and Zealous Traitor before increasing my threat to 34. The Harbour Thug engaged me.

I committed 8 against 0 threat so 6 progress explored The Leaping Fish and 2 progress was added to stage 1B.

The Harbour Thug attacked Gimli, inflicting 1 damage so I attached Alcaron's Scroll to the Harbour Thug. I paid 1 from Gimli to refresh Legolas, who attacked the Harbour Thug, inflicting 2 damage.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 35.

Turn Two began with my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Silver Harp.

I paid 2 from Legolas to play Silver Harp on himself.

I decided to only commit Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot) and drew Lurking In Shadows which surged to Collateral Damage. I discarded Collateral Damage, Zealous Traitor, Market Square and Lossarnach Bandit and raised my threat to 37.

I committed 3 against 0 threat so added 3 progress to stage 1B.

The Harbour Thug attacked Gimli, doing another 1 damage before Legolas attacked and killed the Harbour Thug and sent Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 38.

Turn Three began with each of my heroes gaining a resource before I drew Unlikely Friendship.

I played Unlikely Friendship to draw Glorfindel and add 1 resource to Gimli, then paid 3 from Gimli to play Galadriel (who attached Steward of Gondor to Gimli) and exhausted Steward of Gondor to add resources to Gimli and paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden of Healing (exhausting him to heal 1 damage from Gimli).

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), and Gimli.

I drew Harbour Thug (refreshing Aragorn).

I committed 5 against 2 threat so added 3 progress to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 added Alcaron's Scroll to the Harbour Thug.

I engaged the Harbour Thug, who attacked Galadriel, drawing City Streets for 2 attack and killing Galadriel before Aragorn and Legolas killed the Harbour Thug, returning Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 39.

Turn Four began with my heroes gaining resources before I drew A Test Of Will.

I exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli, then paid 4 from him to play Dwarven Shield and Armoured Detrier on Gimli. I ended the phase by exhausting Warden of Healing to heal a damage from Gimli.

I committed Aragonr (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Gimli and Legolas (discarding Errand-Rider and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli).

I drew Market Square.

I committed 8 against 3 willpower so added 5 progress to stage 2B.

I ended the turn by paying 1 from Gimli to travel to Market Square, then refreshed my cards and raised my threat to 40.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew Arwen Undomiel.

I exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli, then paid 2 from Legolas to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 1 from Gimli to play Errand-Rider.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence to Gimli), Gimli and Legolas (discarding Sneak Attack and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli).

I drew Pelargir Docks.

I committed 8 against 4 willpower so 1 progress explored Market Square and 3 progress was added to stage 2B.

I travelled to Pelargir Docks, then ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 41.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew Warden of Arnor.

I exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Gimli, then paid 1 from Legolas to play Warden of Arnor on him.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence to Gimli), Gimli and Legolas (discarding Sneak Attack and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli).

I drew Pickpocket (which refreshed Aragorn).

I committed 8 against 1 threat so 3 progress explored Pelargir Docks and 4 progress left me with 1 progress left to get through stage 2B.

I engaged the Pickpocket, which forced me to dicard a resource from Gimli and discard A Test Of Will (which I retiurned to my deck with Silver Harp) before he attacked Gimli, drawing Harbour Thug for no effect and doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked and killed the Pickpocket.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 42. Since there are still a couple of copies of Collateral Damage in the deck I used Aragorn's ability to lower my threat to 32.

Turn Six began with adding resources before I drew Unlikely Friendship.

I exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli and discarded Unlikely Friendship to add 1 resource to Legolas and draw Narvi's Belt before I paid 2 from Gimli to play Narvi's Belt on Gimli.

I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence to Gimli), Gimli and Legolas (discarding Sneak Attack and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli).

I drew Collateral Damage and discarded Pickpocket, Umbar Assassin, City Streets, Harbour Storehouse, Pickpocket, Zealous Traitor, Lurking In Shadows and Lossarnach Bandit) and raised my theat to 36.

I committed 8 against 0 threat so added 8 progress to stage 1B and exhausted Gimli to add Alcaron's Scroll to him. This explored stage 2B.

Stage 3 added a Harbour Thug to the staging area.

The Harbour Thug engaged me and attacked the Errand-Rider, killing him.

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 37.

Turn Seven began with heroes gaining resources before I drew Gandalf (Core).

I exhausted Streward to add 2 resources to Gimli, then paid 5 from him to play Gandalf, who killed the Harbour Thug.

I committed Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas (discarding A Test Of will and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli) and Warden of Healing.

I drew City Streets, which surged to Local Trouble, which attached to Legolas.

I committed 12 willpower against 2 threat so added 10 progress to stage 3B,

I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat to 39.

Turn Eight began with each hero gaining a resource before I drew Mirkwood Long-Knife.

I exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Gimli and paid 2 from Legolas to play Mirkwood Long-Knife on Legolas.

I committed Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Gimli), Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas (discarding A Test Of will and returning it with Silver Harp to refresh Gimli and raising my threat to 40) and Warden of Healing.

I drew Harbour Storehouse.

I committed 9 willpower against 3 threat so added 9 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the quest.

This deck worked better than I expected.

The final score was:

Completed Turns (7): 70.

Total Threat: 40.

Total VP: 1.

Total Score: 109.