Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Nice write up (as usual)!

One thing -- I think that on Turn 5 when you "exhausted no one" for the hide test that you forgot to take the attack from the Black Rider from its forced effect. It's possible that you just didn't write that part up, but just wanted to let you know. You probably could have engaged it optionally to the (roughly) the same outcome assuming you passed that hide test.

I forgot about that (It's been a bad week and I think I was probably paying less attention than I should have),

We all have those moments. I played mono leadership against Shadow of the Past, but forgot that Frodo should have kept all of my "if all your heroes have printed leadership icon" type effects from working. I'll probably rethink my own campaign now that I caught that one.


For this run-through of the post-Hobbit quests I decided to use the Secret Defenders decks ( ) from the article on the site.

The Hunters of the North consisted of Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee for 30 starting threat. Their starting hand was Bill The Pony, Dunedain Huter, Farmer Maggott, Steward of Gondor and Sword That Was Broken x2.

The Watchful Protectors consisted of Beravor, Frodo Baggins and Idraen for 30 starting threat. Their starting hand was A Test Of Will, Ancient Mathom, Gandalf (Core), Hobbit Pipe, Smoke Rings and Will Of The West. After due consideration I decided to mulligan, drawing Athelas, Fast Hitch x2, Gleowine, Northern Tracker and Wingfoot.

Quest set-up consisted of adding Forest Spider and Old Forest Road to the staging area.

Turn One saw the Protectors take first player before I added resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Frodo Baggins +1, Halbarad +1, Idraen +1, Sam Gamgee +1] before the Protectors drew Athelas and the Hunters drew Son Of Arnor.

Moving to planning the Protectors played Wingfoot on Beravor [beravor -1] before the Hunters played Bill The Pony and Dunedain Hunter (whose ability pulled a Dol Goldur Orcs out of the encounter deck and engaged it with the Hunters) before playing Steward of Gondor on Halbarad [Halbarad -1, Sam Gamgee -1] then exhausted Steward of Gondor [Halbarad +2].

Proceeding to questing I committed Beravor (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Bill The Pony, Frodo Baggins, Halbarad, Idraen and Sam Gamgee. I then drew Dol Goldur Beastmaster (which readied Beravor) and Black Forest Bats (which removed Halbarad and Idraen from the quest). In the end I committed 8 against 6 threat so 2 progress was added to stage 1B.

After I travelled to Old Forest Road (which readies Frodo Baggins) the Hunters optionally engaged Forest Spider before the Protectors engaged the Black Forest Bats.

The Dol Goldur Orcs attacked Halbarad, doing no damage before the Forest Spider attacked Dunedain Hunter, inflicting 2 damage. The Black Forest Bats attacked Frodo, doing no damage.

In return, Beravor attacked and killed the Black Forest Bats and Aragorn attacked and killed the Dol Goldur Orcs. Aragorn's ability triggered and forced the Dol Goldur Beastmaster to engage the Hunters.

At the end of the round I readied everyone before the Protectors raised their threat to 31 and the Hunters raised theirs to 31.

Turn Two began with the Hunters becoming first player before I added resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Frodo Baggins +1, Halbarad +1, Idraen +1, Sam Gamgee +1] before the Hunters drew Gondorian Spearman and the Protectors drew Wingfoot.

During the planning phase the Hunters exhausted Steward of Gondor [Halbarad +2] before playing Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn [Halbarad -3] and Gondorian Spearman [Aragorn -2]. The Protectors played Northern Tracker [Frodo Baggins -2, Idraen -2] and Fast Hitch on Frodo Baggins [beravor -1].

Moving onto the quest phase I committed Beravor (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Frodo Baggins (readying him with Fast Hitch), Halbarad, Idraen, Northern Tracker and Sam Gamgee. I then drew Mountains Of Mirkwood and Enchanted Stream. I managed 14 willpower against 4 threat. 3 progress was added to Old Forest Road, exploring it (and readying Idraen) before 7 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2.

After travelling to Mountains Of Mirkwood and adding Forest Gate to the staging area I skipped the encounter phase.

The Dol Goldur Beastmaster attacked the Gondorian Spearman (taking 1 damage from the Spearman) and killed him. The Forest Spider attacked Halbarad, inflicting no damage. The Dunedain Hunter counter-attacked, inflicting 2 damage on the Dol Goldur Beastmaster before Aragorn and Bill The Pony attacked the Forest Spider, killing it.

At the end of the round I refreshed everything before the Hunters raised their threat to 32 and the Protectors raised theirs to 32.

Turn Three began with the Protectors becoming first player before I added resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Frodo Baggins +1, Halbarad +1, Idraen +1, Sam Gamgee +1] and the Protectors drew Gandalf (Core) and the Hunters drew Foe-Hammer.

After I exhausted Steward of Gondor [Halbarad +2] the Protectors played 2 Athelas on Beravor before the Hunters played Son of Arnor [Halbarad -3].

In the quest phase I committed Beravor (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Frodo Baggins (readying him with Fast Hitch), Halbarad, Idraen, Northern Tracker (adding a progress to Enchanted Stream and Forest Gate) and Sam Gamgee. I drew Great Forest Web and Forest Spider (which readied Beravor). I managed 14 willpower against 8 threat. 3 progress was added to Mountains Of Mirkwood, exploring it (which allowed The Protectors to add Henamarth Riversong to their hand and the Hunter to add Celebrian's Stone to their hand and readied Idraen). 3 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it before I randomly selected “Beorn's Path”.

After moving to Forest Gate (the Protectors drew Gather Information and The Galadhrim's Greeting) the Forest Spider engaged the Protectors.

The Forest Spider attacked Frodo, raising the Protectors threat to 33. The Dol Goldur Beastmaster attacked Halbarad, inflicting 1 wound.

Idraen attacked Forest Spider, inflicting 1 damage. Aragorn attacked Dol Goldur Beastmaster, killing it. Aragorn's ability allowed the Hunters to engage the Forest Spider engaged with the Protectors before Dunedain Hunter and Bill The Pony attacked and killed the Forest Spider.

At the end of the round I refreshed all the cards before the Protectors raised their threat to 34 and the Hunters raised theirs to 33.

Turn Four began with the Hunters becoming first player before I added resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Frodo Baggins +1, Halbarad +1, Idraen +1, Sam Gamgee +1]. The Hunters drew Ranger Summons and the Protectors drew Ancient Mathom.

Moving to planning the Hunters exhausted Steward of Gondor [Halbarad +2] before they played Ranger Summons [Halbarad -1] (adding a Ranger of the North to the encounter deck) and Celebrian's Stone on Sam Gamgee [Halbarad -2]. The Protectors played Fast Hitch on Sam Gamgee [beravor -1] and The Galadhrim's Greeting [Frodo Baggins -2, Idraen -1] (which lowered the Hunters threat to 31 and the Protectors to 32).

In the quest phase I committed Aragorn, Beravor (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter, Frodo Baggins (readying with Fast Hitch), Idraen, Northern Tracker (which adds a resource to Enchanted Stream (exploring it) and Great Forest Web), Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch) and Son Of Arnor. I drew Enchanted Stream and Dol Goldur Beastmaster. I committed 24 willpower against 6 threat. 3 progress was added to Forest Gate, exploring it (and readying Idraen) before 15 progress was added to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game.

These decks work well straight from the article.


I decided to try out the decks from the Elven Realms Unite articles on the site.

The Elven Hightborn comprise Celeborn, Elrond and Galadriel with 33 starting threat. Their starting hand was Defender Of The Nalth, Elrond's Counsel, Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Island Amid Perils and Unexpected Courage. I decided to mulligan, drawing A Test Of Will, Arwen Undomiel, Defender Of The Nalth, Light Of Valinor, Nalth Guide and Stand and Fight.

The Spears Of Mirkwood comprise Haldir Of Lorien, Legolas and Mirlonde with 24 starting threat. Since the deck list on the site has 1 more Henamarth Riversong than I have I swapped it for Arod. Their starting hand was Feint, Galadhon Archer, Mirkwood Runner, Pursuing The Enemy, Rivendell Blade and Silvan Tracker. After considering my options I decided to mulligan, drawing Foe-Hammer, Galadhrim Minstrel, Hands Upon The Bow, Mirkwood Runner, Rivendell Bow and Silvan Tracker.

Quest set-up consisted of attaching Iarion to the first player (the Highborn) and adding Orc War Party, Shrouded Hills and Rugged Country to the staging area.

Turn One – First Player: The Highborn.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Galadriel's Handmaiden and the Spears drew The Tree People.

Planning Phase.

The Highborn exhausted Galadriel to draw O Lorien and reduce their threat to 32 before paying 1 from Galadriel to play Light Of Valinor on Elrond and 1 from Celeborn and Elrond to play Nalth Guide (Celeborn quests without exhausting this turn).

The Spears paid 1 from Legolas to play Rivendell Bow on Mirlonde before paying 1 from Haldir of Mirlonde to play Galadhrim Minstrel, adding Unseen Strike to the Spears' hand. The Spears proceeded to play The Tree People, returning the Galadhrim Minstrel to their hand before putting a Silvan Tracker into play.

Quest Phase.

I committed Celeborn, Elrond, Iarion, Nalth Guide (buffed) and Silvan Tracker (buffed). I then drew Angmar Marauder and Rugged Country. I committed 11 against 11 threat so no progress was made.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Rugged Country.

Encounter Phase.

The Highborn engaged the Angmar Marauder.

Combat Phase.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Elrond. The shadow card was Orc Rearguard, for no effect and the attack did no damage. Haldir and Legolas attacked the Angmar Marauder, killing it. Legolas's ability triggered and added 2 progress to Rugged Country.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 33 and the Spears to 25.

Turn Two – First Player: The Spears.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Galadhrim Minstrel and the Spears drew Rain Of Arrows.

Planning Phase.

The Highborn exhausted Galadriel to draw Hasty Stroke and reduce their threat to 32 before paying paying 1 from Celeborn to play O Lorien on Celborn and 1 each from Elrond and Galadriel to play Arwen Undomiel. After I exhausted O Lorien the Spears paid 1 from Haldir and Mirlonde to play another Silvan Tracker.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (buffed), Celeborn, Elrond, Iarion, Nalth Guide, Silvan Tracker (buffed) and Silvan Tracker. I then drew Borders Of Breeland and Shrouded Hills. I committed 14 against 9 threat so 1 progress explored Rugged Country and 4 was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Border Of Breeland.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 35 and the Spears to 27 (I forgot to add the extra threat from the Orc War Party in turn one so I've adjusted the threat totals now).

Turn Three – First Player: The Highborn.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Silvan Refugee and the Spears drew Pursuing The Enemy.

Planning Phase.

The Highborn exhausted Galadriel to draw Arwen Undomiel and reduce their threat to 34 before exhausting O Lorien and paying 1 from Celeborn and Elrond to play Defender of the Nalth.

The Spears paid 1 from Haldir and Mirlonde to play Galadhrim Minstrel, putting Foe-Hammer into their hand.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her buff and Sentinel to Elrond), Celeborn, Defender of the Nalth (buffed), Elrond, Galadhrim Minstrel (buffed), Iarion, Nalth Guide and 2 Silvan Trackers. I drew Outlying Homestead, which raised the Highborn's threat to 35 and the Spears to 28, and Angmar Marauder. I managed 15 against 12 threat so 3 progress was added to Borders of Breeland.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Rugged Country.

Encounter Phase.

The Highborn optionally engaged the Orc War Party.

Combat Phase.

The Orc War Party attacked the Defender of the Nalth. The shadow card was Angmar Captain, for no effect. The attack killed the Defender of the Nalth. The Spears played Unseen Strike on Legolas before Haldir, Legolas and Mirlonde attacked the Orc War Party, killing it thanks to the buff from Unseen Strike. The Spears then played Foe-Hammer and exhausted the Rivendell Bow on Mirlonde to draw Galadhon Archer, Henamarth Riversong and Rumil. Legolas' ability triggered and added 1 progress to Borders of Breeland, exploring it and adding 1 more progress to stage 1B.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 37 and the Spears to 30.

Turn Four – First Player: The Spears.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Lorien Guide and the Spears drew Elven Mail.

Planning Phase.

After exhausting O Lorien the Spears paid 1 from Legolas to play Galadhon Archer (putting 1 damage on the Angmar Marauder in the staging area) and paid 2 from Legolas to play Elven Mail on Elrond before paying 1 from Haldir to play Henamarth Riversong.

The Highborn exhausted Galadriel to draw Hasty Stroke before paying 2 from Elrond and 1 from Galadriel to play Lorien Guide.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her buff and sentinel to Elrond), Celeborn, Elrond, Galadhrim Minstrel, Henamarth Riversong (buffed), Iarion, Lorien Guide (buffed), Nalth Guide and Silvan Tracker x2. I drew Lost In The Wilderness, which placed all the cards in both hands under it, and Chetwood Forest. I commiited 17 against 12 threat. 5 progress was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Chetwood Forest. The Highborn engaged the Angmar Marauder.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Angmar Marauder attacked Elrond. The shadow card was Pressing Needs, for no effect and the attack did no damage. Haldir and Legolas attacked the Angmar Marauder, killing it. Legolas's ability triggered and added 2 progress to Chetwood Forest.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 38 and the Spears to 31.

Turn Five – First Player: The Highborn.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Nenya (finally!) and the Spears drew Lembas.

Planning Phase.

The Highborn paid 1 from Galadriel to play Nenya on Galadriel. The Spears paid 1 from Haldir to play Lembas on Elrond.

Quest Phase.

Lost In The Wilderness is the active quest.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Elrond), Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Elrond, Galadhrim Minstrel, Henamarth Riversong, Iarion, Lorien Guide (adding a progress to Chetwood Forest, exploring it), Nalth Guide and Silvan Tracker x2. I drew Border of Breeland and Chetwood Forest. I committed 19 against 13 threat. 4 progress was added to Lost In The Wilderness, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (total VP: 10).

Travel Phase.

Travel to Outlying Homestead. I revealed Angmar Orc and the Highborn discarded Nalth Guide.

Encounter Phase.

The Highborn engaged the Angmar Orc.

Combat Phase.

The Angmar Orc attacked Elrond. The shadow card was Orc Armbush, for no effect and the attack did no damage. Haldir and Legolas attacked and killed the Angmar Orc, adding 2 progress to Outlying Homestead.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 39 and the Spears to 32.

Turn Six – First Player: The Spears.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Nalth Guide and the Spears drew Arod.

Planning Phase.

The Spears paid 2 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide (Celeborn quests with exhausting this turn), paid 2 from Elrond to play Galadhrim Minstrel (using her ability to add Sneak Attack to their hand) and paid 1 from Galadriel to play Sylvan Refugee. The Spears paid 3 from Mirlonde to play Mirkwood Runner and paid 1 from Legolas to play Arod on him.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Elrond), Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Galadhrim Minstrel (buffed), Galadhrim Minstrel, Haldir, Henamarth Riversong, Iarion, Legolas, Lorien Guide (adding 1 progress to Outlying Homestead), Mirkwood Runner, Mirlonde, Nalth Guide (buffed), Silvan Tracker x2 and Sylvan Refugee (buffed). I then drew Chetwood Forest and Angmar Marauder. I committed 34 willpower against 15 threat so 5 progress was added to Outlying Homestead and 14 progress was added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Borders of Breeland.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

I readied the cards before raising the Highborn's threat to 41 and the Spears to 34.

Turn Seven – First Player: The Highborn.

Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before the Highborn drew Feigned Voices and the Spears drew Cloak Of Lorien.

Planning Phase.

The Highborn paid 1 from Elrond and Galadriel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden, lowering their threat to 40. The Spears paid 1 from Legolas to play Hands Upon The Bow and have Haldir attack the Angmar Marauder in the staging area, killing it.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence bufff to Elrond), Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Galadhrim Minstrel x2, Galadriel's Handmaiden (buffed), Henamarth Riversong, Iarion, Legolas, Lorien Guide (adding 1 progress to Borders of Breeland), Mirkwood Runner, Mirlonde, Nalth Guide, Silvan Refugee and Silvan Tracker x2. I drew Rugged Country and Angmar Orc. I committed 29 willpower against 14 threat. 3 progress explored Borders of Breeland and the rest explored Stage 1B, completing the game.

These decks worked surprisingly well against this quest. The final score was:

Completed turns (6): 60.

Total threat: 74.

Total VP: 10.

Final score: 124.


After dabbling with building a solo deck I decided to resume playing two-handed. I took the heroes from one deck I had been using and one of the heroes from the other and made up two decks without taking them from the FFG main news page.

Deck #1 consisted of Eowyn, Haldir of Lorien and Idraen with a total of 29 threat. Their starting hand was Fast Hitch, Henamarth Riversong, Light Of Valinor, Song Of Travel and Warden Of Healing.

Deck #2 consisted of Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee with a total of 30 threat. Their starting hand was Bill The Pony, Feint, Ranger Summons, Secret Vigil and Weather Hills Watchman.

In addition Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) was put into play attached to deck #1.

After putting Gandalf's Delay into play I added a Black Rider to staging area and made Bag End the active location.

Turn One began with deck #1 becoming first player before adding resources [Aragorn +1 (1), Eowyn +1 (1), Frodo Baggins +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1), Haldir Of Lorien +1 (1), Idraen +1 (1) and Sam Gamgee +1 (1)]. Deck #1 drew Cloak Of Lorien and deck #2 drew Dunedain Hunter.

During planning deck #1 played Light Of Valinor on Haldir of Lorien [Eowyn -1 (0)] and Fast Hitch on Sam Gamgee [Haldir of Lorien -1 (0)] before deck #2 played Bill The Pony and Weather Hills Watchman, which added a Ranger Summons to deck #2's hand [Halbarad -1 (0), Sam Gamgee -1 (0)] before playing Dunedain Hunter, which unfortunately forced deck #2 to engage a Black Rider. On the upside, Sam was buffed for the rest of the round.

During the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Frodo Baggins, Halbarad, Haldir, Idraen and Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch). Deck #1 drew Gildor Inglorion who was controlled for now by deck #1 before deck #2 drew Green Hill Country. I committed 16 against 6 threat so 3 progress was added to Bag End, exploring it, readying Idraen and allowing deck #1 to draw Light Of Valinor and deck #2 to draw Captain Of Gondor before adding Bag End to the victory display before another progress explored stage 1B. Stage 2B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

After the Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country and made no optional engagements the Black Rider attacked Weather Hills Watchman. The shadow card was Stock Road, which had no effect but the attack killed the Watchman. In response Aragorn, Dunedain Hunter, Halbarad, Haldir Of Lorien and Sam Gamgee attacked and killed the Black Rider before Aragorn's ability forced one of the other Black Riders in the staging area to engage deck #2.

At the end of the turn I readied all the cards before deck #1 raised it's threat to 30 and deck #2 raised to 31. I then retained Gildor Inglorion [Frodo Baggins -1 (0)].

Turn Two began with deck #2 becoming first player and gaining control of Gildor Inglorion before adding resources [Aragorn +1 (2), Eowyn +1 (1), Frodo Baggins +1 (1), Halbarad +1 (1), Haldir Of Lorien +1 (1), Idraen +1 (2) and Sam Gamgee +1 (1)]. Deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman and deck #1 drew The Galadhrim's Greeting.

During planning deck #2 played Weather Hills Watchman, which added Dunedain Warning to deck #2's hand [Halbarad -1 (0), Sam Gamgee -1 (0)] and Captain Of Gondor on Aragorn [Aragorn -1 (1)]. Deck #1 played The Galadhrim's Greeting, reducing deck #1's threat to 28 and deck #2's to 29 [Eowyn -1 (0), Idraen -2 (0)].

During questing I committed Eowyn, Frodo Baggins, Halbarad, Haldir, Idraen and Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch). Deck #2 drew Stock Road and deck #1 drew Green Hill Country. I committed 15 willpower against 9 threat. 3 progress was added to Green Hill Country, exploring it and readying Idraen before 4 progress was added to stage 2B.

After the Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country and decided against optionally engaging, the Black Rider engaged with deck #2 attacked Gildor Inglorion. The shadow card was The Ring Draws Them, which had no effect and the attack did 2 damage to Gildor. In response, Aragorn, Halbarad, Haldir and Sam Gamgee attacked and killed the Black Rider. Aragorn's ability triggered and forced the Black Rider in the staging area to engage deck #2. Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter and the Weather Hills Watchman attacked the new Black Rider and inflicted 1 point of damage.

At the end of the turn I readied all cards before deck #2 raised it's threat to 30 and deck #1 raised to 29. I then paid 1 from Frodo to retain Gildor Inglorion.

Turn three began with deck #1 becoming first player before I added resources to my heroes. Deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel and deck #2 drew Son Of Arnor.

During planning deck #1 paid 1 from Eowyn and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel and paid 2 from Haldir to play Warden of Healing. Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Warning on him and paid 1 from Sam Gamgee to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.

Moving to questing I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff and Sentinel to Halbarad), Eowyn, Gildor Inglorion, Halbarad, Haldir, Idraen, Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch) and Warden Of Healing. Deck #1 drew Woody End and deck #2 drew Pathless Country. I committed 21 against 6 threat. 3 progress explored Green Hill Country and readied Idraen before 12 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it and moving onto stage 3. Stage 3A added Buckleberrry Ferry to the staging area and stage 3B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

After the Fellowship travelled to Pathless Country and decided against optionally engaging the Black Rider attacked Weather Hills Watchman. The shadow card was Green Hill Country, which buffed the Black Rider's attack and over-killed the Weather Hills Watchman. Aragorn, Bill The Pony, Halbarad and Haldir attacked the Black Rider, killing it before Aragorn's ability pulled the Black Rider into engagement with deck #2, which buffed Sam Gamgee, who attacked the Black Rider with Dunedain Hunter, doing 1 point of damage.

After readying all cards deck #1 raised it's threat to 30 and deck #2's to 31 before I paid 1 from Frodo to retain Gildor.

Turn Four began with deck #2 becoming first player and all heroes gaining a resource before deck #2 drew Ranger Summons and deck #1 drew Waters Of Nimrodel.

In the planning phase deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play 2 Ranger Summons and shuffle 2 Rangers of the North into the encounter deck.

In the quest phase I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff and sentinel to Halbarad), Eowyn, Frodo Baggins, Gildor Inglorion, Halbarad, Haldir, Idraen, Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch) and Warden Of Healing. Deck #2 drew Ranger Of The North, who attached to deck #1 and inflicted 2 damage to the Black Rider engaged with deck #1 before deck #2 drew Pathless Country. I committed 21 against 9 threat. 3 progress explored Pathless Country and readied Idraen.

After the Fellowship travelled to another Pathless Country and skipped the encounter phase the Black Rider's attack was neutralized when I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Feint. Aragorn, Halbarad, Haldir and Sam Gamgee attacked and killed the Black Rider.

At the end of the turn I readied all the cards before deck #2 raised it's threat to 32 and deck #1 raised to 31 before I paid 1 from Frodo to retain Gildor.

Turn Five began with deck #1 becoming first player and all heroes gaining a resource. Deck #1 drew Northern Tracker and deck #2 drew Defender Of Rammas.

During planning deck #1 paid 2 from Eowyn and Idraen to play Northern Tracker before deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender of Rammas.

In the quest phase I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Defender of Rammas), Eowyn, Frodo Baggins, Gildor Inglorion, Haldir, Idraen, Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to all locations in the staging area and exploring Woody End), Ranger of the North, Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch) and Warden Of Healing. Deck #1 drew another Ranger Of The North, which attached to player #2 and added 2 progress to Stock Road, exploring it and readying Idraen before deck #2 drew Evil Crow. I committed 22 willpower against 5 threat so 3 progress explored Pathless Country.

Deck #1 exhausted Haldir and Ranger of the North before drawing Have You Seen Baggins, Ranger of the North and Black Steed. I committed 4 willpower against 0 threat so the Felllowship travelled to Buckleberry Ferry.

Deck #2 opted to optionally engage the Evil Crow, which buffed Sam before the crow attacked Defender of Rammas. The shadow card was Have You Seen Baggins, for no effect and the attack did no damage. Aragorn then attacked and killed the Evil Crow.

At the end of the turn I readied all cards before deck #1 raised it's threat to 32 and deck #2 raised it's to 33 before I paid 1 from Frodo to retain Gildor.

Turn Six began with deck #2 becoming first player and all heroes gaining resources before deck #2 drew Bow of Galadhrim and deck #1 drew Power Of Orthanc.

After skipping planning I committed Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (adding her buff to Halbarad), Dunedain Hunter, Eowyn, Frodo Baggins, Gildor Inglorion, Halbarad, Haldir, Idraen, Northern Tracker, Ranger of the North x2, Sam Gamgee (readying with Fast Hitch) and Warden Of Healing. Deck #2 drew Evil Crow and deck #1 drew The Marish. I committed 30 willpower against 5 threat making more than enough progress to explored the Buckleberry Ferry and complete the quest.

In the aftermath I chose to add The Ring Draws Them and Mr. Underhill to the quest log.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (5): 50.

Total Threat: 65.

VP: 1.

Total Score: 114.


I decided to try something new, namely put together two Dwarf decks to put through the LOTR saga quests.

Deck #1 was Bifur (who, thanks to drawing a low amount of Leadership Dwarves churned out a large number of Lore cards thanks to his ability as well as questing), Dain (who did what Dain always does and buffed everyone else) and Gloin (who quested but never got involved in a fight).

Deck #2 was Gimli (who mostly defended and was healed by Self-Preservation since deck #2 didn't draw Unexpected Courage), Nori (who quested most turns or helped out on fights when needed, as well as dropping deck #2's threat most turns) and Thalin (who quested and damaged most enemies).

The game went well, as I said above everyone played their part and the two decks performed better than I expected. At the end of the proceedings I added Gandalf's Delay and Mr. Underhill to the campaign log.

In the end my total score was:

Completed Turns (8): 80.

Combined threat: 63.

Total Hero Damage: 1.

Total VP: 3.

Total Score: 141.

Edited by silverthorn


This quest was a slog. By the end of turn 13 I was running out of allies to feed to Old Man Willow and the heroes were all on at least two wounds (thankfully, Hardy Leadership was in play). Despite all that, I managed to slog out a win with exactly 12 wounds on Old Man Willow (thanks to Gimli having 13 wounds on him but two Citadel Plates on him to give him 1 remaining wound).

Deck #1 was Bifur (who again, fed a large amount of Lore cards using his ability), Dain (who did what Dain always does and buffed everyone else) and Gloin (who took a lot of damage but was healed by Self-Preservation).

Deck #2 was Gimli (who was a absolute monster, hitting for 15 on the last turn to damage Old Man Willow enough for the end of game loot), Nori (who quested most turns or helped out on fights when needed, as well as dropping deck #2's threat most turns) and Thalin (who quested and damaged enemies like he normally does).

The game went well and I managed to fluke my first win against this quest. In the end I added Old Bogey-Stories to the boon list.

In the end my total score was:

Completed Turns (12): 120.

Combined threat: 92.

Total Hero Damage: 23.

Total VP: 0.

Total Score: 235.


Since I've got less time to write up two-handed games I decided to switch back to playing true solo.

My deck for this run-through was a old favourite of mine, Beorn, Beregond and Eowyn with 31 starting threat and a hand comprising Descendant of Thorandor, Ethir Swordsman, Gwalihir, Power Of Orthanc, Radagast and Song Of Travel. After some consideration I decided to mulligan, drawing Descendant Of Thorandor, Ethir Swordsman, Gather Information, Gwalihir, Horn Of Gondor and Song Of Battle.

Quest set-up consisted of adding Snaga Scouts, Wainriders and Wolves From Mordor to the staging area.

Turn One began with me adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Feint.

After skipping planning I committed Eowyn and drew hit lucky, drawing a Ranger of Ithilien who was committed to the quest. I committed a total of 6 willpower against 4 threat and made 2 progress towards stage 1B.

Moving onto the engagement phase I engaged Snaga Scouts and Wolves From Mordor.

The Snaga Scouts attacked Beorn, doing no damage before the Wolves From Mordor attacked Beregond, again doing no damage. Beorn counter-attacked, killing the Wolves From Mordor.

At the end of the turn I raised my threat to 32.

Turn Two began with me adding resources and drawing Eagles Of The Misty Mountains.

My planning consisted of paying 2 from Eowyn to play Ethir Swordsman and paying 2 each from Beorn and Beregond to play Eagles of The Misty Mountains.

Questing consisted of committed Eowyn, Ethir Swordsman and Ranger of Ithilien. I then drew Captured Watchtower. I committed 8 willpower against 3 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 1B, just enough to explore it and move to stage 2B.

In the engagement phase I engaged Wainriders.

The Snaga Scouts attacked Beorn, doing no damage before the Wainriders attacked Beregond, doing no damage.

Beorn attacked and killed the Wainriders before the Eagles Of The Misty Mountains killed the Snaga Scouts.

At the end of the round I raised my threat to 33.

Turn Three began with adding resources before I drew another Ethir Swordsman.

After skipping planning (and remembering something about taking the first 2 stages slowly on this quest) I committed Eowyn and Ethir Swordsman. I then drew another Wainriders. I managed 6 willpower against 3 threat, putting 3 progress onto stage 2B.

In the encounter phase I engaged Wainriders, who attacked Beregond, doing no damage. Beorn attacked and killed the Wainriders.

At the end of the turn I raised my threat to 34.

Turn Four began with adding resources and drawing Landroval.

Due to the restrictions on playing cards in phase 2 I paid 2 from Eowyn to play another Ethir Swordsman (whose ability boosted the other Swordsman in play).

Questing consisted of committing Eowyn and both Ethir Swordsmen. I drew Uruk Vanguard. I committed a total of 10 willpower (thanks to the Ethir Swordsman's self-buffing ability) against 3 threat so 7 progress was added to stage 2B, more than enough to explore it and move to stage 3B.

After skipping travelling I engaged the Uruk Vanguard, who attacked Beregond, doing no damage. Beorn, Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Ranger Of Ithilien attacked and killed the Uruk Vanguard.

At the end of the turn I raised my threat to 35.

Turn Five kicked off with my adding resources and drawing The Eagles Are Coming.

I started planning by playing The Eagles Are Coming, drawing Landroval, The Eagles Are Coming and Vassal Of The Windlord. I then played the new The Eagles Are Coming, drawing another The Eagles Are Coming. I repeated the process with my last The Eagles Are Coming, drawing Eagles Of The Misty Mountains, Gwalihir and Landroval. I then paid 2 each from Beregond and Beorn to play another Eagles Of The Misty Mountains and paid 1 from Beorn to play Vassal Of The Windlord. I ended a productive phase by playing Horn Of Gondor on Beregond.

In the quest phase I discarded the Ranger of Ithilien and committed Eowyn and both Ethir Swordsman. I then drew Emyn-Arnen Overlook. I committed 10 willpower against 3 threat and added 7 progress to stage 3B, exploring it and proceeding to stage 4B, which added the Witch King to the staging area.

After travelling to Captured Watchtower I decided to risk optionally engaging the Witch-King. The Witch-King's attack was stopped by my paying 1 from Beregond to play Feint before Beorn, Beregond, Eagles Of The Misty Mountains x2 and Vassal of the Windlord attacked the Witch-King, inflicting 7 damage on the Witch-King. The Vassal Of The Windlord was added as a attachment to one of the Eagles Of The Misty Mountains and added a resource to Beregond.

At the end of the turn I decided to raise my threat to a total of 40 and keep the Witch-King engaged with me.

Turn Six began with me adding resources before I drew Support of the Eagles (and it's about flipping time).

During planning I paid 2 from Beregond and 1 from Beorn to play Support of the Eagles on Beregond.

Moving onto questing I committed Eowyn and both Ethir Swordsman (with -1 willpower each). I drew Morgul Duin. I committed 7 total willpower against 3 threat so 2 progress explored Captured Watchtower and 2 progress was added to stage 4B.

After skipping travel and encountering the Witch-King attacked Beregond, who exhausted Support Of The Eagles to buff his defence to 7. The shadow card was Cut Off, so I discarded a Gwalihir and the attack did no damage. Beorn and both Eagles of the Misty Mountains (one with a +1 attack buff) attacked and killed the Witch-King.

At this point in the proceedings I'm wondering why I ever stopped playing Beorn since he's a monster.

At the end of the turn I raised my threat to 41.

Turn Seven began with adding resources before I drew my last Ethir Swordsman.

During planning I paid 2 from Eowyn to play another Ethir Swordsman.

During questing I committed Eagles of The Misty Mountains x2, Eowyn and Ethir Swordsman x3 (supplying 12 willpower between them). I drew Massing At Osgilath, which surged. The surge card was another Morgul Duin, which raised my threat to 42. I committed 20 willpower against 4 threat so 16 progress was added to stage 4B, more than enough to explore it and win the game.

This game was more fun than most games I've played recently. Beorn is a monster and the card gods seemed to be on my side.

In the end my score was:

Completed turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 42.

Total Score: 102.


Since I just got my hands on Fog On The Barrow Downs I decided to play through all the quests from the LOTR saga so far.

My basic rule for the campaign was that I play for a win, but if I don't pick up the optional boons (or pick up too many burdens) but complete the quest then a win is a win. I won't retry the quest for a optimal result.

I decided to use two decks:

The Elven Highborn consists of Celeborn, Elrond and Galadriel with 33 starting threat and a opening hand comprising Arwen Undomiel, Defender Of The Nalth, Elrond's Counsel, Galadhrim Minstrel and Silvan Refugee. Since I didn't get a great hand I decided to mulligan, drawing Children Of The Sea, Elrond's Counsel, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Nalth Guide and Nenya.

The Spears Of Mirkwood consists of Haldir Of Lorien, Legolas and Mirlonde with 24 starting threat and a opening hand comprising Elven Mail, Foe-Hammer, Galadhrim Minstrel, Hands Upon The Bow and Rivendell Bow.

In addition I added Frodo Baggins into play, with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring.

Quest set-up consisted of putting Gandalf's Delay into play, making Bag End the active location and adding a Black Rider to the staging area.

Turn One began with The Highborn becoming first player and all heroes gaining resources before the Highborn drew Defender Of The Nalth and the Spears drew Mirkwood Runner.

Planning consisted of the Highborn played Nenya on Galadriel [Galadriel -1 (0)] before the Spears played Galadhrim Minstrel [Haldir of Lorien -1 (0), Mirlonde -1 (0)], whose ability added Sudden Strike to the Spears' hand, as well as playing Rivendell Bow on Mirlonde [Legolas -1 (0)].

During the quest phase I committed Celeborn (with a willpower buff from Galadriel and Nenya), Frodo Baggins and Galadhrim Minstrel (with a buff from Celeborn). The Highborn drew Have You Seen Baggins, which I decided to pay 1 from Frodo and exhaust The One Ring to reshuffle into the encounter deck. The Highborn's new draw was Woody End. The Spears draw was Gildor Inglorion. I committed 11 willpower against 5 threat. 3 progress explored Bag End and sent it to the victory display as well as allowing the Highborn to draw Lorien Guide. 1 progress explored stage 1B. Stage 2B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

After the Fellowship travelled to Woody End the Highborn engaged one of the Black Riders in the staging area.

The Black Rider attacked Gildor Inglorion, doing 2 damage. In response, Elrond, Haldir, Legolas and Mirlonde attacked the Black Rider, inflicting enough damage to kill it. Legolas's ability triggered and added 1 progress to Woody End, exploring it and adding 1 more progress to stage 2B.

At the end of the turn I discarded Gildor Inglorion and raised the Highborn's threat to 34 and the Spears threat to 25.

Turn Two began with the Spears becoming first player and all heroes gaining a resource before the Spears drew another Galadhrim Minstrel and the Highborn drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.

During planning the Spears played Galadhrim Minstrel [Haldir -1, Mirlonde -1], whose ability pulled the Tree People into the Spears' hand. The Spears proceeded to play The Tree People and return the Galadhrim Minstrel I played last turn to the Spears' hand to put Silvan Tracker into play. The Highborn played Nalth Guide [Celeborn -2], which made it that Elrond quests without exhausting this turn, and Defender Of The Nalth [Elrond -2, Galadriel -1].

Moving to the quest phase I committed Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Defender Of The Nalth (buffed and questing for free), Elrond (questing for free), Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel (buffed), Nalth Guide (buffed and questing for free) and Silvan Tracker (buffed). The Spears drew Evil Crow and the Highborn drew Pathless Country. The Highborn then played Elrond's Counsel on Celeborn to add 1 willpower and drop the Highborn's threat to 31. I committed 17 willpower against 8 threat. 9 progress was added to stage 2B.

After the Fellowship travelled to Pathless Country the Highborn optionally engaged Evil Crow, who attacked Defender of the Nalth, doing no damage.

Elrond and Legolas attacked and destroyed the Evil Crow. Legolas's ability triggered and added 2 progress to Pathless Country.

At the end of the turn I raised the Spears threat to 26 and the Highborn's to 32.

Turn Three began with the Highborn becoming first player and the heroes gaining a resource before the Highborn drew Defender Of The Nalth and the Spears drew Pursuing the Enemy.

During planning the Highborn played Defender Of The Nalth [Celeborn -1, Elrond -1, Galadriel -1]. The Spears played Galadhrim Minstrel [Haldir -1, Mirlonde -1], who pulled Feint into the Spears' hand.

Moving to the quest phase I committed Celeborn (with a buff from Galadriel and Nenya), Defender Of The Nalth (buffed and for free), Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel (buffed), Galadhrim Minstrel, Nalth Guide and Silvan Tracker. The Highborn drew Evil Crow and the Spears drew Green Hill Country. I committed 15 willpower against 8 threat. 1 progress explored Pathless Country and 4 more explored stage 2B.

Stage 3 added Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.

After the Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country the Highborn optionally engaged the Evil Crow and unoptionally engaged a Black Rider.

The Evil Crow made a undefended attack on Celeborn, doing no damage (I've yet to draw a shadow effect this game) before the Black Rider attacked the buffed Defender of the Nalth, killing him.

In response Celeborn, Haldir, Legolas and Mirlonde attacked and killed the Black Rider engaged with the Highborn. Legolas's ability added 2 progress to Green Hill Country.

At the end of the turn I raised the Highborn's threat to 33 and the Spears' to 27.

Turn Four began with the Spears becoming first player and all heroes gaining resources before the Spears drew Henamarth Riversong and the Highborn drew O Lorien.

During planning the Spears played Henamarth Riversong [Haldir -1] before the Highborn played O Lorien on Celeborn [Celeborn -1], exhausted O Lorien and played Galadriel's Handmaiden [Galadriel -1], who reduced the Highborn's threat to 32.

The quest phase commenced with me committing Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel x2, Galadriel's Handmaiden (buffed and for free), Henamarth Riversong (buffed), Nalth Guide and Silvan Tracker. The Spears' draw was Have You Seen Baggins, which I paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to reshuffle into the encounter deck. The replacement was Crawling Towards Them. After exhausting Mirlonde for 3 willpower I drew Bamfurlong and The Ring Draws Them for 2 so passed the Hide test. The Highborn drew Rode Like A Gale, which surged to Black Steed, which surged to Have You Seen Baggins, which attached to Celeborn. I committed 18 willpower against 3 threat. Of the whopping 15 progress I made, 1 blew through Green Hill Country and the other 14 progress was wasted.

After travelling to Buckleberry Ferry the Evil Crow attacked the Defender of the Nalth, doing no damage. Elrond and Legolas attacked and killed the Evil Crow, adding 2 progress to Buckleberry Ferry.

At the end of the turn I raised the Spears' threat to 28 and the Highborn's to 33.

Turn Five began with the Highborn becoming first player and the heroes gaining a resource before the Highborn drew Arwen Undomiel and the Spears drew Mirkwood Runner.

During planning the Highborn did nothing and the Spears played Mirkwood Runner [Haldir -1, Mirlonde -2].

At this point I decided to risk going all in. I committed Celeborn (buffed by Galadriel and Nenya), Elrond, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel x2, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Haldir, Henamarth Riversong, Legolas, Mirkwood Runner (buffed), Mirlonde, Nalth Guide and Silvan Tracker. Deck #1 drew Stock Road and deck #2 drew Green Hill Country. I committed 26 willpower against 5 threat. The 21 progress I made blow straight through the 7 progress I needed and won the game.

These decks worked well (for 2 decks almost completely lifted from a article on the site). At the end of the game I opted to add the Boon Mr. Underhill and the Burden The Ring Draws Them to the campaign pool.

In the end my score was:

Completed turns (4): 40

Total Threat: 61.

VP: 1.

Total Score: 100.


After trying out some other deck designs and getting nowhere I decided to go back to the two decks from the Elven Realms Unite articles and try the whole shebang again. The two decks managed to slog through a fourteen turn game (I was writing it up but had enough about turn 12). At the end of the game I added The Ring Draws Them and Mr. Underhill to the campaign pool.


Heroes: Celeborn, Elrond and Galadriel & Haldir of Lorien, Legolas and Mirlonde. The decks are here:

I seemed to hit lucky with this game. I managed to get (between the two decks) O Lorien and 2 Daughters Of The Nimrodel in the opening hand so keeping heroes alive was less of a problem than I usually had. In the end I had enough questers and attackers in play by the time I hit stage 3 to take the hits on one turn, do enough damage and quest through on the next turn.

I managed to do enough damage to add Old Bogey-Stories.

Edited by silverthorn


My choice of heroes was Eomer, Eowyn and Theoden (Spirit) for 31 opening threat and a hand containing Escort From Edoras, Firefoot, Guthlaf x2, West Road Traveller and Westfold Outrider.

Quest set-up consisted of putting Iarion into play under my control before adding Orc War Party and Shrouded Hills to the staging area.

Turn One began with adding a resource to my heroes before I drew Hama.

My planning consisted of paying 1 from Eowyn to play Escort From Edoras.

I committted Eowyn, Escort From Edoras and Iarion before I drew Chetwood Forest. I committed 9 willpower against 7 threat so 2 progress was added to stage 1B.

After I travelled to Shrouded Hills I ended the turn by raising my threat to 33.

Turn Two began with adding resources before I drew Westfold Horse-Breaker.

During planning I paid 2 from Eomer to play Firefoot on him and paid 1 from Eowyn to play West Road Traveller, swapping the active Shrouded Hills with Chetwood Forest from the staging area before paying 2 from Theoden to play Westfold Horse-Breaker.

I committed Eowyn, Escort From Edoras, Iarion and West Road Traveller before I drew Angmar Captain. I committed 11 against 7 threat so 3 progress explored Chetwood Forest and 1 progress was added to stage 1B.

After travelling back to Shrouded Hills I opted to engage the Orc War Party and feed the Westfold Horse-Breaker to it. The shadow card was Border Of Breeland, which added 1 attack and made the kill even more OTT. The kill buffed Eomer, who attacked the Orc War Party with Theoden and killed the Orc War Party.

With a big problem removed I ended the turn by raising my threat to 35.

Turn Three began with adding resources before I drew Mustering The Rohirrim.

I paid 1 from Eowyn to play Mustering The Rohirrim and put another Escort From Edoras into hand before paying 1 from Theoden to play the Escort From Edoras.

I committed Eowyn, Escort From Edoras x2 and Iarion before drawing Surprising Spped, raising my threat to 36 before surging to Borders Of Breeland. I committed 13 against 5 threat so 5 progress explores Shrouded Hills and another 3 progress is added to stage 1B.

After I travelled to Borders Of Breeland I engaged the Angmar Captain who attacked the West Road Traveller. The shadow card was Outlying Homestead which did nothing so the Angmar Captain killed the West Road Traveller and buffed Eomer. The Angmar Captain's ability triggered and discarded Helm! Helm, doing nothing before Eomer and Theoden attacked and killed the Angmar Captain.

At the end of the turn I raised my threat to 38.

Turn Four began with adding resources before I drew Unexpected Courage.

I paid 1 each from Eowyn and Theoden to play Hama before paying 2 from Eomer to play Guthlaf.

I committed Eomer, Eowyn, Escort From Edoras x2, Guthlaf, Hama, Iarion and Theoden before I drew Rugged Country. I committed 18 against 2 threat so 4 progress explored Border Of Breeland and 12 progress was added to stage 1B.

I ended the turn by raising my threat to 40.

Turn Five began with adding resources before I drew Eomund.

I paid 1 from Eowyn and Theoden to play Eomund.

During the quest phase I committed Eomer, Eomund, Eowyn, Escort From Edoras x2, Guthlaf, Hama, Iarion and Theoden before I drew Lost In The Wilderness, putting my hand under it. I committed 20 willpower against 4 threat so the 16 progress I made was more than enough to explore stage 1B and win the game.

This deck was a success, mostly (I suspect) due to a good quality of card draw. My final score was:

Completed Turns (4): 40.

Total Threat: 40.

Total Score: 80.


My choice of heroes was Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Watcher, Grim Resolve, Heir Of Valendil and Ranger Summons. I decided to mulligan, drawing Bill The Pony, Celebrian's Stone, Dagger Of Westernesse, Grim Resolve, Secret Vigil and Son Of Arnor.

Quest set-up consisted of adding Forest Spider and Old Forest Road to the staging area.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Dunedain Warning.


I played Bill The Pony before paying 1 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Warning on Halbarad before paying 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger Of Westernesse on him.


I committed Bill The Pony, Halbarad and Sam Gamgee before drawing Great Forest Web. I committed 6 willpower against 5 threat so 1 progress was added to stage 1B.


I opted to travel to Old Forest Road, readying Halbarad.


I engaged the Forest Spider.


The Forest Spider attacked Halbarad. The attack did no damage (3 attack – 3 defence = 0 damage). Aragorn attacked the Forest Spider, killing it (4 attack – 0 defence = 4 damage).


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 31.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Sword That Was Broken.


I paid 2 from Sam and 1 from Halbarad to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.


I committed Bill The Pony and Sam Gamgee before I drew Mountains Of Mirkwood. I committed 6 willpower against 4 threat so 2 progress was added to Old Forest Road.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 32.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Dunedain Hunter.


I played Dunedain Hunter and opted to engage Black Forest Bats before paying 1 from Halbarad and Sam Gamgee to play Celebrian's Stone on Aragorn.


I committed Bill The Pony, Halbarad (without exhausting) and Sam Gamgee before drawing Mountains of Mirkwood. I committed 9 (thanks to Sword That Was Broken) against 6 threat so 1 progress was added to Old Forest Road, exploring it and 2 progress was added to stage 1B.


I opted to travel to Mountains of Mirkwood, drawing Driven By Shadow, which did nothing.


No engagements.


The Black Forest Bats attacked Halbarad doing no damage (1 attack – 3 defence = 0 damage). Aragorn attacked and killed the Black Forest Bats (4 attack – 0 defence = 4 attack).


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 33.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Galadriel.


I paid 1 each from Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam to play Galadriel, then used her ability to put Heir Of Valendil into play on Aragorn from my deck.


I committed Bill The Pony, Galadriel and Sam Gamgee before I drew Enchanted Stream. I committed 10 willpower against 6 threat so 3 points were added to Mountains Of Mirkwood, exploring it and allowing me to pull Faramir from my deck before I added 1 progress to stage 1B.


I opted to travel to Great Forest Web, exhausting Halbarad.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 34 and discarding Galadriel.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Foe-Hammer.


I 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Faramir.


I committed Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter and Sam Gamgee before drawing another Great Forest Web. I then exhausted Faramir to add 3 to my willpower for a total of 8 against 6 in the staging area. My 2 progress explored Great Forest Web.


I opted to travel to the other Great Forest Web, exhausting Halbarad.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 35.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Ranger Summons.


I paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and add a Ranger Of The North to the encounter deck before paying 2 from Aragorn and 1 from Sam to play Son Of Arnor.


I committed Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter and Sam Gamgee before drawing Eyes Of The Forest, which discarded Foe-Hammer and Grim Resolve from my deck. I then exhausted Faramir to add 3 to my willpower for 11 total against 4 threat. 2 progress explored Great Forest Web and 5 was added to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2.


I opted to travel to Mountains of Mirkwood, drawing Forest Spider and adding it to the staging area.


I engaged the Forest Spider.


The Forest Spider attacked Halbarad, doing no damage (3 attack – 3 defence = 0 damage). Aragorn attacked and killed the Forest Spider (4 attack – 0 defence = 4 damage).


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 36.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Dunedain Hunter.


I played Dunedain Hunter, putting East Bight Patrol into play engaged with me. I then paid 1 from Aragorn to play Secret Vigil on East Bight Patrol.


I committed Dunedain Hunter x2, Halbarad (without exhausting) and Sam Gamgee before I drew Hummerhorns. I then exhausted Faramir to buff my questers to a total of 14 willpower against 3 threat. 3 progress explored Mountains of Mirkwood and added Weather Hills Watchman to my hand before I added 8 progress to stage 2B, more than enough to explore it and proceed to stage 3. I was lucky and drew Beorn's Path.


I opted to travel to Enchanted Stream.


No engagements.


The East Bight Patrol attacked Halbarad. The shadow card was Dol Goldur Orcs, which added 1 attack. The attack did 1 damage (4 attack – 3 defence = 1 damage) before Aragorn attacked and killed East Bight Patrol (4 attack – 0 defence = 4 damage). Secret Vigil triggered and reduced my threat to 33.


I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 34.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam before I drew Galadriel.


I paid 2 from Halbarad to play Weather Hills Watchman (and added Dunedain Warning to my hand) before paying 2 from Sam and 1 from Aragorn to play Galadriel (whose ability failed).


I committed Aragorn, Bill The Pony, Dunedain Hunter x2, Galadriel, Halbarad, Sam Gamgee, Son Of Arnor and Weather Hills Watchman before drawing Dol Goldur Beastmaster. I then exhausted Faramir to buff my questers to a total of 32 willpower against 3 threat. 2 progress explored Enchanted Stream and the other 26 progress demolished stage 3 and won the quest.

This deck seems to work well solo but I think I'll be making modifications before I play Journey Down The Anduin.

My total score was:

Complete Rounds (7): 70.

Total Threat: 34.

Total Score: 104.


After watching a COTRPodcast video on Youtube I decided to give a different hero combo than I normally attempt.


My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit) with a low 24 starting threat and a opening hand containing Arwen Undomiel, Asfaloth, Fast Hitch, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Light Of Valinor and Warden Of Healing.


I added Iarion into play before I added Orc War Party and Shrouded Hills to the staging area.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.


I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on him then paid 1 from Aragorn to play Fast Hitch on Frodo.


I opted to quest with Aragorn, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Rugged Country. I committed 8 against 7 threat so 1 progress was added to stage 1B.


I opted to travel to one of the Rugged Country.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 26.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Imladris Stargazer.


I paid 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.


I opted to quest with Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (adding a defence bonus to Frodo), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Chetwood Forest. I committed 10 against 7 threat so 2 progress was added to Rugged Country.


No travel.


I opted to engage the Orc War Party.


The Orc War Party attacked Frodo. I drew Rescue Iarion, which had no effect. I used Frodo's ability to raise my threat to 29.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 30.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Song Of Wisdom.


I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Song Of Wisdom on Frodo before paying 2 from Aragorn to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel and paying 2 from Frodo to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (who lowered my threat to 29).


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Pressing Needs, which forced me to raise my threat to 31 and play Lost In The Wilderness, which took my hand away from me). I committed 11 willpower against 5 threat so 1 progress was added to Rugged Country, exploring it and 5 progress was added to stage 1B. I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Chetwood Forest.


I opted to travel to the remaining Rugged Country.


No engagements.


The Orc War Party attacked Frodo, the shadow card was another Orc War Party, which raised my threat to 34.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked the Orc War Party, doing 3 damage to it.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 35.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Wingfoot.


I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on him.


I opted to attempt Lost In The Wildweness , committing Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Frodo (Readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Shrouded Hills (which readied Aragorn). I took the opportunity to exhaust Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Chetwood Forest and explore it. I committed 13 against 2 threat so 3 progress explored Rugged Country and 8 progress explored Lost In The Wilderness and sent it to the victory display, giving me my hand back.


I opted to travel to Shrouded Hills


No engagements.


The Orc War Party attacked Frodo. The shadow card was Angmar Marauder, who added 3 to the total attack and forced me to raise my threat to 41. Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked the Orc War Party, inflicting 3 damage and killing it.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 42.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Elrond's Counsel.


I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play another Galadriel's Handmaiden and paid 1 from Aragorn and Frodo to play Warden Of Healing.


I committed Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence bonus to Frodo), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Iarion and Warden of Healing, then played Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower and drop my threat to 39 before I drew Borders Of Breeland. I committed 15 willpower against 2 threat so 5 progress explored Shrouded Hills and 8 progress was added to stage 1B.


I opted to travel to Borders Of Breeland.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 40.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Galadhrim Minstrel.


I paid 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Imladris Stargazer and 1 from Aragorn and Frodo to play Galadhrim Minstrel (which pulled a Elrond's Counsel into my hand). I exhausted Imladris Stargazer to rearrage the top 5 cards of my deck.


I opted to quest with Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadhrim Minstrel, Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Iarion and Warden Of Healing before I played Elrond's Counsel, lowering my threat to 37 and adding another willpower before I drew Outlying Homestead, which raised my threat to 38. I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Borders of Bree-Land. I committed 16 against 2 in the staging area so 2 progress was added to Borders Of Bree-Land, exploring it and 12 progress was added to stage 1B, leaving me with 4 progress to make.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 39.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Ethir Swordsman.


I paid 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman.


I opted to quest with Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadhrim Minstrel, Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Iarion and Warden Of Healing before I drew another Outlying Homestead, which raised my threat to 40. I committed 17 against 4 in the staging area so 15 progress was added to stage 1B, much more than was needed to win the game.

At the end of the game I managed to score:

Complete Turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 40.

VP: 10.

Total Score: 90.



My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit) with a low 24 starting threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Arwen Undomiel, Ethir Swordsman, Fast Hitch, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (Core) and Sarn Ford Sentry.


I created the Orc deck before making Exposed Ridge the active location and added Hunting The Orcs and Weathered Hilltop to the staging area.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Elrond's Counsel.


I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Fast Hitch on Frodo before paying 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.


I opted to quest with Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo) and Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch). I drew Cornered Orc so I committed 4 against 3 in the staging area meaning that 1 progress was added to Exposed Ridge.


No travel.


I was forced to engage the Cornered Orc, who attacked Frodo. The shadow card was Cold From Angmar, which did nothing meaning that the attack did nothing.


The Cornered Orc attacked Aragorn. The shadow card was Ice Storm. The 1 point of damage was taken by Frodo and changed to my threat increasing to 25. The attack did no damage to Aragorn. Glorfindel attacked and killed the Cornered Orc (adding a token to Hunting The ORcs).


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 26 before using Frodo's ability to turn the 1 damage from Exposed Ridge into raising my threat to 27..



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Ranger Of Cardolan.


I paid 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman.


I opted to quest with Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman and Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch). I drew Freezing Blast, which raised my threat to 29 but had no other effect (apart from adding a resource to Weathered Hilltop). I committed 6 against 2 threat so 4 progress explored Exposed Ridge. I drew Angmar Marauder from the Orc Deck.


I travelled to Weathered Hilltop.


I engaged the Angmar Marauder.


The Angmar Marauder attacked Frodo. The shadow card was Freezing Blast, which did nothing. The attack did 1 damage, raising my threat to 30. Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder, adding 1 token to Hunting The Orcs.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 31.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Henamarth Riversong.


I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Henamarth Riversong before paying 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden, lowering my threat to 30. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Ruins Of Arnor, before returning it to the top of the deck.


I opted to quest with Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch) and Galadriel's Handmaiden before I drew Ruins Of Arnor. I committed 8 against 2 in the staging area so 6 progress explored Weathered Hilltop. I drew another Angmar Marauder from the Orc deck.


I travelled to Ruins Of Arnor.


I engaged the Angmar Marauder.


The Angmar Marauder attacked Frodo, drawing Cornered Orc, which raised the attack by one. I swapped 1 damage for raising my threat to 31. Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Angmar Marauder, adding another token to Hunting The Orcs.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 32.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Wingfoot.


I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Wingfoot on him. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Exposed Ridge, before returning it to the top of the deck.


I opted to quest with Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch) and Galadriel's Handmaiden before I drew Exposed Ridge. I committed 10 against 3 in the staging area so 7 progress explored Ruins Of Arnor. I drew Angmar Marauder from the orc deck (and readied Aragorn).


I travelled to Exposed Ridge.


I engaged the Angmar Marauder.


The Angmar Marauder attacked Frodo, drawing Ruins Of Arnor, raising his attack by one. I opted to raise my threat to 33 instead of taking the wound on Frodo. Aragorn and Glorfindel once again tag-teamed the Angmar Marauder and killed it, adding a last token to Hunting The Orcs, flipping it to Savage Counter-Attack and moving to stage 2. Stage 2 shuffled the encounter discard and orc piles into the encounter deck and added Orc Ambush and Amon Forn to the staging area. Orc Ambush added Angmar Orc into play engaged with me.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 34 before using Frodo's ability to switch the damage from Exposed Ridge for raising my threat to 35.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Light Of Valinor.


I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on him before paying 2 from Aragorn and Frodo and 1 from Glorfindel to play Gandalf (Core). His ability killed the Angmar Orc. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Ancient Causeway before returning it.


I opted to quest Orc Ambush before committing Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf (Core) and Glorfindel (without exhausting). I drew Ancient Causetway (which readied Aragorn) and Ruins Of Arnor. I committed 17 against 9 threat in the staging area. 3 progress explored Exposed Ridge and 5 progress explored Orc Ambush, sending it to the victory display.


I travelled to Amon Forn.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards and discarded Gandalf before raising my threat to 36.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Galadriel's Handmaiden.


I paid 1 from Aragorn and Glorfindel to play Galadriel's Handmaiden (which reduced my threat to 35). I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Weathered Hilltop and return it.


I opted to quest with Aragorn (naming Location for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (giving her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden x2 and Glorfindel (without exhausting). I drew Weathered Hilltop (readying Aragorn) and Biting Wind, which added a token to Weathered Hilltop and (thanks to Frodo) raised my threat to 42. I committed 15 against 7 in the staging area so 6 progress explored Amon Forn (adding it to the victory display) before 2 progress was added to stage 2B.


I travelled to Ancient Causeway.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards and raised my threat to 43 before using Aragorn's ability to drop my threat back to 24.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Gandalf (Core).


I paid 1 from Aragorn and 2 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Gandalf (Core), who dropped my threat to 19. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Cornered Orc, before returning it to the top of the deck.


I opted to quest with Aragorn (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Galadriel's Handmaiden x2, Gandalf (Core), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and removed a token from Savage Counter-Attack before I drew Cornered Orc. I committed 19 against 6 in the staging area so 2 progress explored Ancient Causeway (raising my threat to 21) before 11 progress massively over-explored stage 2B and won the game.

This was a slog. I think I was very lucky with Orc pile cards in the first stage. My total score was:

Completed turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 21.

VP: 13.

Total Score: 68.



My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit) with a low 24 starting threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Arwen Undomiel, Asfaloth, Ethir Swordsman, Light Of Valinor x2 and Warden Of Healing.


I took control of Iarion before adding Fornost Square and Baleful Shade to the staging area.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Elrond's Counsel.


I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on him.


I committed Frodo, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew The Shadow World, which surged to Cursed Dead. I committed 7 against 4 threat so 3 progress was added to stage 1B.


Travelled to Fornost Square.


I optionally engaged the Cursed Dead.


The Cursed Dead made a undefended attack against Frodo, drawing The Power of Angmar for no effect. The attack raised my threat to 27. Glorfindel attacked and killed the Cursed Dead.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 28 and discarding Galadhrim Minstrel from the top of my deck.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew another Light Of Valinor.


I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel, then paid 1 each from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Arwen Undomiel.


I opted to attempt the Shadow World before committing Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion. I then drew Heavy Curse, which attached to the Shadow World. I then exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Fornost Square. I committed 7 against 2 in the staging area so 2 progress explored Fornost Square and 3 progress was added to The Shadow World.


No travel.


I optionally engaged the Baleful Shade.


The Baleful Shade attacked Frodo. I discarded Gandalf (Core) so the attack gained 2 attack before I drew Thaurdir's Damned as a shadow card for no effect. I raised my threat to 30 to cover for the damage. Glorfindel and Aragorn attacked and killed the Baleful Shade.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 31 and discarding Imladris Stargazer from the top of my deck.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Ethir Swordsman.


I paid 1 each from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman.


I opted to attempt the Shadow World and committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Fornost Square. I committed 9 against 1 threat so 8 progress explored The Shadow World and sent it to the victory display (and discarded Heavy Curse).


Travelled to Fornost Square.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 31 and discarding Self-Preservation from the top of my deck before adding a token to Fornost Square.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Self-Preservation.


I paid 1 from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman.


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman x2, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Terror Of The North and discarded Galadriel's Handmaiden, Ranger Of Cardolan and Sarn Ford Sentry. This added 2 to the total threat. I committed 12 against 2 threat so 4 progress explored Fornost Square and 6 progress was added to stage 1B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 32 and discarding Asfaloth from the top of my deck.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew A Test Of Will.


No planning.


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman x2, Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Iarion before I drew Broken Battlements (and added 3 time counters to it). I committed 12 against 2 threat so 10 progress was more than enough to explore stage 1B. Stage 2 added Thaundir and another Broken Battlements (with 3 time counters) to the staging area.


Travelled to a Broken Battlements. Exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to active Broken Battlements.


I engaged Thaundir.


Thaundir attacked Frodo, drawing Dead Lord for a extra attack. I raised my threat to 36. Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked Thaundir and inflicted 2 damage.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 37 before I removed a time counter from each Broken Battlements.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Gandalf (Core).


I paid 2 from Aragorn to play Warden Of Healing before paying 1 from Aragorn and Glorfindel and 3 from Frodo to play Gandalf (Core), inflicting 4 damage on Thaundir.


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman x2, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Iarion and Warden Of Healing before I drew Haunted Keep. I then played Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower and reduce my threat to 34. I committed 13 against 5 threat so 4 progress explored Broken Battlements and 4 progress was added to stage 2B.


Travelled to Broken Battlements.


No engagements.


Thaundir attacked Frodo, drawing Heavy Curse for no effect. I raised my threat to 37. Aragorn, Gandalf and Glorfindel attacked Thaundir, inflicting 6 damage and reducing Thaundir to 0 wounds.


I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 38 before discarding Gandalf and removing a time counter from Broken Battlements. I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Broken Battlements.



I added 1 resource to Aragorn, Frodo and Glorfindel before I drew Ethir Swordsman. I exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Broken Battlements.


I paid 2 from Glorfindel to play Ethir Swordsman.


I committed Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (adding her defence buff to Frodo), Ethir Swordsman x3, Frodo, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Iarion and Warden Of Healing before I drew Norbury Tombs. I committed 23 against 4 in the staging area. 2 progress explored Broken Battlements and the other 17 progress explored stage 2B and won the game.

In the end my final score was:

Completed Rounds (6): 60.

Threat: 38.

VP: 10.

Total Score: 88.

Unfortunately you played this quest incorrectly. The baleful shades start the game engaged with players and you had it begin in staging and did not engage it till the second turn. Baleful Shade and Cursed Dead attacking first turn together (especially if the shade got buffed by its effect) would have been harder to deal with so may have changed the outcome somewhat.

I noticed the mistake after I'd finished the game (and posted the report) and I think I made more mistakes as well. SInce there is a new saga box coming out I will need to work out a deck without Frodo I'm going to give the Lost Realm/Angmar Awakens quests a go with a two new decks (I try to quit playing two-handed but they keep dragging me back in. Two-handed is more interesting than solo).


Deck #1: Merry (Spirit), Pippin (Lore) and Sam Gamgee.

Deck #2: Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli and Legolas.

I was typing this up as a full report but, to be honest, I was sick of repeating the same activities each turn (quest with all of deck #1, draw at least one location, remove one location then repeat) so I opted out on turn 9 (then finished in two rounds, doh!). The two decks worked well together (Merry didn't get to use his ability much because I had enough allies out for deck #2 to deal with all the enemies who turned up) but regardless I managed to pull off a win. I ended the game by adding Mr. Underhill and Gandalf's Delay to the campaign log.

The final combined score was:

Completed turns (9): 90.

Combined Threat: 56.

Dead Hero Threat: 0.

Damage on surviving heroes: 0.

VP: 1.

Total Score: 145.

Edited by silverthorn


Deck #1: Merry (Spirit), Pippin (Lore) and Sam Gamgee.

Deck #2: Aragorn (Tactics), Gimli and Legolas.

This game was a slog. The two decks worked well (getting Northern Tracker, Lorien Guide and Steward of Gondor in deck #1's opening hand was a big help) and after inflicgting 20 damage on Old Man Willow in one turn I managed enough damage to gain Old Bogey-Stories as a boon.

Completed Turns (8): 80.

Total Threat: 65.

Wounds: 7.

VP: 3.

Total Score; 149.


After playing eight attempts at Fog On The Barrow Downs and failing spectacularly I decided to try a pair of decks which, while less thematics, pack a bit more power than the decks I was using.

Deck #1 comprised Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit) with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Gandalf's Staff, Miner Of The Iron Hills, Northern Tracker, Shadowfax and Smoke Rings.

Deck #2 comprised Aragorn (Tactics), Elladan and Elrohir with 32 threat and a post-mulligan hand containing Defender Of Rammas x2, Feint, Honour Guard and Ranger Provisions.

Quest set-up consisted of playing Frodo Baggins (carrying Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) attached to the first player, playing Gandalf's Delay and making Bag End the active location before adding a Black Rider to the staging area.



Deck #1 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew A Burning Brand (replacing it with Waters Of The Nimrodel) and deck #2 drew Sword That Was Broken.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Shadowfax on Gandalf and before Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn and Elladan to play Defender Of Rammas.


Elrond, Frodo, Gandalf (readying with Shadowfax) and Glorfindel (raising deck #1's threat to 33) committed to the quest before deck #1 drew Evil Crow and deck #2 drew Green Hill Country. I committed 11 against 8 threat so 3 progress was added to Bag End, exploring it and sending it to the victory display before deck #1 drew Waters Of The Nimrodel (replacing it with Daughter Of The Nimrodel).


The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country.


Deck #2 optionally engaged the Evil Crow.


The Evil Crow attacked Defender Of The Nalth, drawing Lure Of The Ring (for +1 attack) and still doing no damage.

Elladan attacked and killed the Evil Crow.

Aragorn's ability triggered so the Black Rider engaged deck #2.

Aragorn and Elrohir attacked the Black Rider, inflicting 2 damage.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 34 and deck #2's increased to 33.



Deck #2 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Daughter Of The Nimrodel (replacing it with Henamarth Riversong) and deck #2 drew Gondorian Shield.


Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Gondorian Shield on Elrohir and paid 1 from Elrohir to play Ranger Provisions on the active Green Hill Country before deck #2 paid 1 from Elrond to play Henamarth Riversong (replacing him with Asfaloth) and paid 1 each from Gandalf and Glorfindel to play Gandalf's Staff on Gandalf, then exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Elrond.


Elrond, Frodo, Gandalf (readying with Shadowfax) and Henamarth Riversong committed to the quest before deck #2 drew Black Rider (which deck #2 exhausted The One Ring and paid 1 from Frodo to shuffle back into the encounter deck) before drawing Evil Crow and deck #1 drew Bamfurlong. I committed 9 against 4 threat so 3 progress was added to Green Hill Country, exploring so each of deck #2's heroes gained a resource. Another 2 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2 added a Black Rider to the staging area.


The Fellowship travelled to Bamfurlong.


Deck #1 optionally engaged the Evil Crow.


The Black Rider attacked Defender Of Rammas, killing it.

The Evil Crow attacked Gandalf, inflicting no damage.

Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir attacked and killed the Black Rider.

Glorfindel attacked and killed the Evil Crow.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 35 and deck #2's increased to 34.



Deck #1 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Asfaloth (replacing it with Westfold Horse-Breeder) and deck #2 drew another Ranger Provisions.


Deck #1 paid 2 from Elrond to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel and paid 1 from Gandalf to play Westfold Horse-Breeder (replacing her with another Westfold Horse-Breeder) before her ability bombed and I reshuffled the deck (the new top card was Miner Of The Iron Hills). Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Defender Of Rammas and paid 2 from Elladan to play Honour Guard before paying 1 from Elrohir to play Ranger Provisions on the active Bamfurlong.

Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to put 2 progress to the active Bamfurlong, exploring it. The Ranger Provisions triggered, adding 1 resource to each of deck #1's heroes before deck #1 exhausted Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Glorfindel.


Elrond, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Henamarth Riversong and Westfold Horse-Breeder committed before deck #1 drew Black Rider (which deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted the One Ring to shuffle back into the encounter deck) before drawing Green Hill Country. Deck #2 drew Stock Road. I committed 10 willpower against 9 threat so 1 progress wads added to Stage 2B.


The Fellowship travelled to Stock Road (exhausting Glorfindel for 3 willpower before drawing Crawling Towards Him for 0 threat so the Hide test was passed).


Deck #2 optionally engaged the Black Rider.


The Black Rider attacked Defender Of Rammas, inflicting 1 damage which deck #2 exhausted Honour Guard to remove.

Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir and Gandalf attacked and killed the Black Rider.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 36 and deck #2's increased to 35.



Deck #2 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Miner Of The Iron Hills (replacing it with Gather Information) and deck #2 drew Dunedain Hunter.


Deck #2 played Dunedain Hunter, then discarded him because of a lack of enemies at the top of the encounter deck. Deck #1 paid 4 from Glorfindel to play Northern Tracker before exhausting Gandalf's Staff to add 1 resource to Elrond and paying 3 from Elrond to play Daughter Of The Nimrodel. Deck #1 ended a busy phase by playing Gather Information (replacing it with Waters Of The Nimrodel).


I opted to quest through Gather Information before Daughter Of The Nimrodel, Elrond, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf (refreshing with Shadowfax), Henamarth Riversong, Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Green Hill Country) and Westfold Horse-Breeder committed. Deck #2 drew Crawling Towards Him (exhausting Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir for 6 willpower before drawing Stock Road and Lure Of The Ring for 3 threat so passing the hide test) before deck #1 drew Pathless Country. Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to the active Stock Road. I committed 12 willpower against 4 threat in the staging area so 1 progress exploered Stock Road before 6 progress explored Gather Information, sending it to the victory display before deck #1 searches their deck for Vilya and adds it to their hand and deck #2 searched their deck for Send For Aid and added it to their hand.


The Fellowship travelled to Pathless Country.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 37 and deck #2's increased to 36.



Deck #1 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Lorien Guide (replacing it with Arwen Undomiel) and deck #2 drew Sneak Attack.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and Glorfindel to play Vilya on Elrond before paying 2 from Gandalf to play Arwen Undomiel (replacing it with Flame Of Arnor) and exhausting Gandalf's Staff to draw Flame Of Arnor (replacing it with Unexpected Courage) and exhausting Elrond and Vilya to play Unexpected Courage on Elrond, then exhausted it to ready him (replacing it with Bilbo Baggins). After all that deck #2 paid 1 from Elrohir to play Send For Aid.


After opting to attempt Send For Aid, Arwen Undomiel (adding Sentinel and +1 defence to Elrohir), Daughter Of Nimrodel, Elrond, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf (readying with Shadowfax), Henamarth Riversong, Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Green Hill Country) and Westfold Horse-Breeder committed to the quest before deck #1 drew The Marish and deck #2 drew Gildor Inglorion, who attached to deck #2. I committed 14 willpower against 5 threat so 3 progress was added to the active Pathless Country, exploring it before 6 progress was added to Send For Aid, exploring it and sending it to the victory display. Deck #1 put Northern Tracker into play and deck #2 put Boromir into play.


The Fellowship travelled to The Marish before deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to The Marish.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 38 and deck #2's increased to 37. Deck #2 paid 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor in play.



Deck #2 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Warden of Healing (replacing it with Lorien Gude) and deck #2 drew Rivendell Blade. Deck #1 exhausted Asfaloth to add 2 progress to The Marish, exploring it.


Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Rivendell Blade on Elladan. Deck #2 paid 1 from Elrond and 2 from Gandalf to play Lorien Guide (replacing it with Daughter Of Nimrodel) then exhausted Vilya and Elrond to play Daughter Of The Nimrodel, replacing it with Cloak Of Lorien and readying Elrond with Unexpected Courage.


Arwen Undomiel (adding sentinel and 1 defence to Elrohir), Daughter Of The Nimrodel x2, Elrond, Frodo Baggins, Gandalf (readying with Shadowfax), Henamarth Riversong, Gildor Inglorion, Lorien Guide, Northern Tracker x2 (adding 2 progress to Green Hill Country and exploring it) and Westfold Horse-Breeder committed to the quest before deck #2 drew Have You Seen Baggins, which deck #2 paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to reshuffle into the encounter deck before deck #2 drew Black Steed, which surged to Piercing Cry, which added a Black Rider engaged with deck #2. Deck #1 drew Evil Crow. I committed 20 willpower against 2 threat so 18 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it. Stage 3 added another Black Rider and Buckleberry Ferry to the staging area.


The Fellowship travelled to Buckleberry Ferry.


Deck #2 optionally engaged another Black Rider and deck #1 optionally engaged the Evil Crow.


One of the Black Riders attacked Boromir, killing him.

The other Black Rider attacked Defender Of The Rammas, killing him.

The Evil Crow attacked Gandalf, drawing Lure Of The Ring for +1 attack and doing no damage.

Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir attack and kill one of the Black Riders.

Glorfindel attacks and kills the Evil Crow.


After refreshing all cards deck #1's threat increased to 39 and deck #2's increased to 38. Deck #2 pays 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor.



Deck #1 become first player before I added a resource to each hero. Deck #1 drew Cloak Of Lorien (replacing it with Wizard Pipe) and deck #2 drew Defender Of Rammas.


Deck #1 paid 1 from Elrond and 2 from Glorfindel to play another Lorien Guide. Deck #2 paid 3 from Elrohir to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.


Knowing that I need to quest through Buckleberry Ferry to complete the quest I commit everyone with 1 or more willpower to the quest. Deck #1 drew Rode Like A Gale, which returned the Black Rider to the staging area and surged to Green Hill Country before deck #2 drew Pathless Country. I committed 30 willpower against 9 threat. 21 progress was more than enough to blow through Buckleberry Ferry and complete the quest.

These decks seemed to work better than the last two decks I used. In the end my score was:

Completed Turns (6): 60.

Total Threat: 77.

VP: 3.

Total Score: 134.

I added the boon Mr. Underhill and the burden The Ring Draws Them to the Campaign Pool.


I decided to go back to playing solo.

My hero selection was Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit) with 24 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Fast Hitch, Henamarth Riversong, Ranger Of Cardolan, Song Of Travel, Unexpected Courage and Warden Of Healing.

Quest set-up consisted of adding Alcaron's Scroll to Aragorn and making The Leaping Fish the active location before adding a Harbor Thugs to the staging area.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew Elrond's Counsel.


I paid 1 each from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Unexpected Courage on Aragorn and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Fast Hitch on Frodo.


After I drew Collateral Damage and discarded it before Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (raising my threat to 25, which forced the Harbour Thug into engaging me) committed before I drew Harbor Storehouse. I committed 7 willpower against 1 threat so 6 progress was added to the Leaping Fish, exploring it and sending it to the victory display.


The Fellowship travelled to Harbor Storehouse.


No engagements.


The Harbor Thug made a undefended attack on Frodo. The shadow card was Local Trouble, which did nothing. The attack raised my threat to 28 before Aragorn and Frodo attacked and killed the Harbor Thug.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 29.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew Song Of Wisdom.


I paid 1 from Aragorn to play Henamarth Riversong before paying 1 from Frodo to play Song Of Wisdom on Frodo. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top cae of the encounter deck, another Harbor Thug, and return it to the top of the encounter deck.


Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (raising my threat to 30) committed before I drew Harbor Thug. I committed 7 willpower against 2 threat so 4 explored Harbor Storehouse and 1 progress was added to stage 1B.


No travel.


I engaged the Harbour Thug.


The Harbor Thug made another undefended attack on Frodo. The shadow card was Zealous Traitor, which did nothing. The attack raised my threat to 33 before Aragorn and Frodo attacked and killed the Harbor Thug.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 34.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew A Test Of Will.


I paid 1 each from Aragorn and Frodo to play Warden of Healing before exhausting Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, City Streets, before returning it.


Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch) and Glorfindel (raising my threat to 35) committed before I drew City Streets, which surged to Lurking In Shadows, which surged to Collateral Damage. I discarded Harbor Thug, Lurking In Shadows, Pickpocket and Umbar Assassin and didn't need to raise my threat. I committed 7 willpower against 2 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it. Stage 2B moved Alcaron's Scroll to the staging area before I exhausted Aragorn to return it to him.


The Fellowship travelled to City Streets.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 36.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew Power Of Orthanc. I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Local Trouble, and return it.


I paid 1 each from Aragorn and Frodo and 2 from Glorfindel to play Ranger Of Cardolan.


Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (raising my threat to 37) and Ranger Of Cardolan committed before I drew Local Trouble, placing it on Aragorn before raising my threat to 39 to play Power Of Orthanc and discard it. I committed 9 willpower against 0 threat so 2 progress was added to City Streets, exploring it before 7 progress was added to stage 2B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 40.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew Light Of Valinor.


I paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on him before exhausting Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Harbor Thug, before returning it.


Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (without exhausting) and Ranger of Cardolan committed before I drew Harbor Thug. I committed 9 willpower against 2 threat so 7 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it. Stage 3 added another Harbor Thug to the staging area.



Both Harbor Thugs engaged me.


The first Harbor Thug attacked Frodo. The shadow card was Zealous Traitor for no effect so the damage raised my threat to 41. the other Harbor Thug made a undefended attack on Frodo. The shadow card was Lossarnach Bandit, for no effect. I raised my threat to 44. Aragorn and Glorfindel each attacked a Harbor Thug, adding 2 damage to each.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 45 before using Aragorn's action to lower my threat back to 24.



I added a resource to each hero before I drew Gandalf (Core).


I paid 1 from Aragorn and 2 each from Frodo and Glorfindel to play Gandalf, who killed one of the Harbor Thugs.


I committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Frodo Baggins (readying with Fast Hitch), Gandalf, Glorfindel (without exhausting), Henamarth Riversong, Ranger Of Cardolan and Warden of Healing committed before I drew Collateral Damage. I drew Lost In The City, Pickpocket, Market Square, Harbor Storehouse, Pelargir Docks and another Pelargir Docks so my threat increased to 32. I committed 15 willpower against no threat so 15 progress was added to stage 3B, exploring it and winning the quest.

This deck seemed to work well against this quest. My final score was:

Completed Turns (5): 50.

Total Threat: 32.

VP: 3.

Total Score: 79.


My heroes were Aragorn (Lore), Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (Spirit) with 24 threat and a hand (after a mulligan) containing Arwen Undomiel, Elrond, Elrond's Counsel, Song Of Travel, Westfold Horse-Breeder and Zigil Miner.

Quest set-up consisted of adding Celador and Southron Company to the staging area and making Ithilien Road the active location.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew The Long Defeat.


I played Westfold Horse-Breeder [Glorfindel -1] (whose ability did nothing) and The Long Defeat on stage 1B [Aragorn -1].


I committed Aragorn, Celador, Frodo Baggins and Glorfindel (raising my threat to 25) before I drew Ithilien Guardian. I committed 11 against 3 in the staging area so 4 progress explored Ithilien Road and 4 progress was added to stage 1B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 26.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Bofur.


I played Arwen Undomiel [Frodo -1, Glorfindel -1].


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding a defence buff to Frodo), Celador and Ithlien Guardian before I drew Lost Companion, which removed Ithilien Guardian from the quest. I committed 2 against 3 threat so my threat was increased to 26 and added 1 damage to Celador.


No travel.


I engaged the Southron Patrol.


The Southron Patrol attacked Frodo, drawing Secluded Glade (which removed 3 progress from stage 1B) before the attack raised my threat to 28.

Frodo and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Southron Patrol.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 29.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Fast Hitch.


I played Fast Hitch on Frodo [Aragorn -1].


I committed Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (adding a defence buff to Frodo), Celador, Frodo (readying with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (raising my threat to 30) and Ithilien Guardian before I drew Ithilien Road. I committed 11 against 4 threat so 7 progress was added to stage 1B.


No travel.


No engagements.


No combat.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 31.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Northern Tracker.


I played Northern Tracker [Frodo -2, Glorfindel -2].


I committed Aragorn, Arwen Undomiel (adding a defence buff to Frodo), Celador, Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (raising my threat to 32), Ithilien Guardian and Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Ithlien Road) before I drew Haradrim Elite (who immediately attacked Frodo, drawing Southron Support for no effect before the attack raised my threat to 33). I committed 13 against 7 threat so 6 progress was added to stage 1B (and leaving me with 1 progress to go).


No travel.


I engaged the Haradhrim Elite.


The Haradrim Elite attacked Frodo again, drawing Southron Mercenaries for 3 extra attack), raising my threat to 40.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 41.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Ranger Of Cardolan.


I played Ranger Of Cardolan [Aragorn -1, Frodo -2, Glorfindel -1].


I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding defence buff to Frodo), Celador, Ithilien Guardian, Northen Tracker (adding 1 progress to Ithlien Road) and Ranger Of Cardolan before I drew Lost Companion, removing Arwen Undomiel from the quest. I committed 8 against 4 in the staging area so 4 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it. The Long Defeat triggered and drew Unexpected Courage and Westfold Horse-Breeder. Stage 3 forced me to take control of Celador and Ithlien Guardian.


No travel.


No engagements.


Southron Elite attacked Frodo, drawing Watcher In The Woods (which raised my threat to 42) before the attack raised my threat to 43.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Southron Elite.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 44.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Light Of Valinor.


I played Light Of Valinor [Glorfindel -1] on Glorfindel, played Song Of Travel on Aragorn [Aragorn -1] and played Unexpected Courage on Aragorn [Aragorn -1, Frodo -1].


I committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Arwen Undomiel (adding 1 defence to Frodo), Celador, Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (without exhausting), Ithlien Guardian, Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Ithilien Road) and Westfold Horse-Breeder before I drew Southron Mercenaries. I committed 15 against 6 threat so 9 progress was added to stage 3B.


No travel.


No engagements.


I took 1 point of Archery damage, raising my threat to 45.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 46. I triggered Aragorn's ability to lower my threat back to 24.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Miner Of The Iron Hills.


I played Westfold Horse-Breeder [Glorfindel -1] (whose ability did nothing).


I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Arwen (adding +1 defence to Frodo), Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Glorfindel (without exhausting), Northern Tracker (adding 1 progress to Ithlien Road and exploring it) and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 before drawing Southron Company. I committed 12 against 3 in the staging area so 9 progress was added to stage 3B, more than enough to explore it and move onto stage 4B.


No travel.


I opted to engage the Southron Mercenaries and Southron Company.


The archery damage raised my threat to 25 before the Southron Mercenaries attacked Frodo, drawing Mordor Spider for no effect before the attack did nothing.

The Southron Patrol attacked Frodo, drawing Overgrown Trail for no effect before the attack raised my threat to 28.

Aragorn and Glorfindel attacked and killed the Southron Mercenaries and Celador, Ithilien Guardian and Ranger Of Caldoran attacked and killed the Southron Patrol.


After refreshing all cards I raised my threat to 29.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Frodo +1, Glorfindel +1] I drew Gandalf (OHaUH).


I played Gandalf (OhaUH) [Aragorn -3, Frodo -1, Glorfindel -1].


I committed Aragorn (refreshing with Unexpected Courage), Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Frodo), Celador, Frodo (refreshing with Fast Hitch), Gandalf (without exhausting), Glorfindel (without exhausting), Ithilien Guardian, Northern Tracker, Ranger Of Caldoran and Westfold Horse-Breeder x2 before I drew Overgrown Trail. I committed 22 against 4 threat so 18 progress was more than enough to explore stage 4B and win the game.

This game was more fun than I expected. The three heroes work well together (and after I remember to put Asfaloth into the deck it'll probably work better).

My final score was:

Completed turns (7): 70.

Total Threat: 29.

Total Score: 99.


I opted to go back to playing two-handed.

Deck #1 was Beravor, Haldir of Lorien and Idraen with 30 threat and a opening hand containing Bombur, Fair And Perilous, Gandalf (Core), Ranger Of Cardolan, Unexpected Courage and Wingfoot.

Deck #2 was Aragorn (Tactics), Elladan and Elrohir with 32 threat and a opening hand (after a mulligan) containing Dagger Of Westernesse, Dunedain Hunter, Feint, Honour Guard, Steward Of Gondor and Weather Hills Watchman.

Quest set-up consisted of adding The Approach, The Bank and The Citadel to the staging area.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Elladan +1, Elrohir +1, Haldir +1 and Idraen +1] deck #1 drew Erebor Hammersmith and deck #2 drew Defender Of Rammas.


Deck #1 played Wingfoot on Elrohir [beravor -1] before deck #2 played Dunedain Hunter (putting Orc Rabble into play engaged with deck #2) and played Defender Of Rammas [Aragorn -1, Elladan -1].


I committed Beravor, Defender Of Rammas, Elrohir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Haldir and Idraen.

I drew Southron Mercenaries (which readied Elrohir) and Orc Scramblers (which added 1 damage to The Approach, The Bank and The Citadel), which surged to Orc Arbalester.

I committed 11 against 11 threat so no progress was made.


Travelled to The Bank.


Deck #2 engaged Orc Scramblers.


Archery inflicted 1 damage each on Beravor, Haldir, Idraen, Aragorn, Elladan and Elrohir.

Orc Scramblers attack Elrohir, drawing Orc Vanguard, which made me draw Southron Mercenaries (for +1 attack) and Battering Ram (which added 2 damage to the Approach). The attack did no damage.

Elrohir readied [Elrohir -1].

Orc Rabble attack Elrohir, drawing The Master's Malice, for no effect. The attack did no damage.

Elladan attacked the Orc Scramblers, killing them.

Aragorn attacked the Orc Rabble, killing them.

Aragorn's ability forced the Southron Mercenaries to engage deck #2.

Dunedain Hunter and Haldir attacked and killed the Southron Mercenaries.


After refreshing all cards I raised deck #1's threat to 31 and deck #2's to 33.



After adding resources [Aragorn +1, Beravor +1, Elladan +1, Elrohir +1, Haldir +1 and Idraen +1] deck #2 drew Faramir and deck #1 drew Steed Of Imladris.


Deck #2 played Honour Guard [Aragorn -1, Elladan -1] before deck #1 played Unexpected Courage on Aragorn [idraen -2] and played Bombur [beravor -1, Haldir -2].


I committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Beravor, Bombur, Defender Of Rammas, Dunedain Hunter, Elrohir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot) and Idraen.

Draw #1 was The Power Of Mordor (which shuffled Orc Arbalester, The Approach and The Citadel into the encounter deck).

Draw #1.1 was Lieutenant Of Mordor.

Draw 1.2 was The Master's Malice (which added 3 damage to Idraen, killing her, and Elrohir, killing him).

At this point in the proceedings, with 2 heroes dead on turn two, I decided to call it quits.

I think I'm going to go back to the drawing board and probably go with two mono-sphere decks since The Master's Malice is going to be a serious problem in this quest.