Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game


Deck: Mark 8.

Since I had some luck with this last game I stuck with the same deck

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Beregond, Eowyn and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 24.

Starting Hand: Captain Of Gondor, Close Call, Ethir Swordsman, Guthlaf, Light Of Valinor and Spear Of The Citadel.

Quest Set-Up.

Draw Dwarven Forge.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Bofur.

Planning Phase.

Play Spear of The Citadel on Beregond.

Play Light Of Valinor on Glorfindel (-1 Glorfindel).

Play Captain Of Gondor on Glorfindel (-1 Beregond).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel.

Draw: Stray Goblin.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 3.

4 progress added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Dwarven Forge.

Encounter Phase.

Engage Staray Goblin. Captain Of Gondor gives Glorfindel +1 attack and defence.

Beregond defends.

Spear of the Citadel does 1 damage to Stray Goblin.

Combat Phase.

Stray Goblin attacks Beregond. Shadow card is Foul Air, no shadow effect.

1 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.

Glorfindel attacks Stray Goblin.

4 attack – 2 defence = 3 damage. Stray Goblin killed.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 25.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Veteran Axehand.

Planning Phase.

Play Ethir Swordsman (-1 Eowyn, -1 Glorfindel).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Ethir Swordsman.

Draw: Goblin Follower. Engages me. Captain of Gondor gives Glorfindel +1 attack and defence.

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 0.

4 progress added to Dwarven Forge. Location explored.

5 progress added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Dwarven Forge.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Beregond defends.

Spear of the Citadel does 1 damage to Goblin Follower.

Goblin Follower attacks Beregond. Shadow card is Cave Spider, no shadow effect.

3 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.

Glorfindel attacks Stray Goblin.

4 attack – 2 defence = 3 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 26.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Arwen Undomiel.

Planning Phase.

Play Arwen Undomiel (-1 Eowyn, -1 Glorfindel).

Play Guthlaf (-2 Beregond).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Ethir Swordsman, Arwen Undomiel (adding +1 defence to Beregond).

Draw: Many Roads. Dwarven Forge is shuffled back into deck.

Surge: Branching Paths.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 1.

10 progress added to stage 1B. Stage explored. Moving to stage 2B.

I discard Bofur and draw Abandoned Mine, a PASS location.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Branching Paths.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Beregond defends.

Spear of the Citadel does 1 damage to Goblin Follower, killing it.

Exhaust Cave Torch to add 3 progress to Branching Paths, exploring it. The Cave Torch draw is Twisting Passing, which is discarded.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 27.

Turn Four.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Veteran Axehand.

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Ethir Swordsman and Arwen (adding +1 defence to Beregond).

Draw: Lightless Passage

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 4.

7 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Exhaust Cave Torch to travel to Lightless Passage. Cave Torch draw is Chance Encounter, no effect.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 28.

Turn Five.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Gondorian Shield.

Planning Phase.

Play Gondorian Shield on Beregond.

Play Veteran Axehand (-2 Beregond).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Ethir Swordsman and Arwen (adding +1 defence to Beregond).

Draw: Durin's Greaves. Attached to Beregond.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 0.

4 progress added to Lightless Passage. Location explored.

7 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 29.

Turn Six.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Feint.

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Ethir Swordsman, Arwen (adding +1 defence to Beregond) and Guthlaf.

Draw: Vast And Intricate. I have to make a Locate test. I discard Feint and draw Foul Air, which passes the test.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 0.

4 progress added to stage 2B. Completing it and winning game.

This was another game where I think I was lucky with the cards I drew from the encounter deck. My final score was:

Completed turns (5): 50

Threat: 29.

Total score: 79.


Deck: Mark 8.

Since I had some luck with this last game I stuck with the same deck

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Beregond, Eowyn and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Starting Threat: 24.

Starting Hand: Defender Of Rammas x2, Feint, Gondorian Shield, Light Of Valinor and Song Of Battle.

Quest Set-Up.

Attach Cave Torch to Eowyn.

Draw Dark And Dreadful, no effect.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Arwen Undomiel.

Planning Phase.

Play Gondorian Shield on Beregond.

Play Arwen Undomiel (-1 Eowyn, -1 Glorfindel).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Arwen (adding +1 defence to Beregond).

Draw: Cave In, no effect.

Surge: Sudden Pitfall, I discard Arwen.

Total Willpower: 4.

Total Threat: 0.

4 progress added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 25.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Guthlaf.

Planning Phase.

Play Guthlaf (-2 Beregond).

Play Light of Valinor on Glorfindel (-1 Glorfindel).

Play Song Of Battle on Eowyn (-1 Eowyn).

Quest Phase.

Commits Glorfindel, Eowyn and Guthlaf.

Draw: Goblin Scout.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 3.

5 progress added to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 26.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Close Call.

Planning Phase.

Play Defender of Rammas (-1 Beregond, -1 Eowyn).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel and Guthlaf. I discard Veteran Axehand and Galadhon Archer.

Draw: Crumbling Ruin. I exhaust Defender of Rammas (hit points 1) and discard Light Of Valinor (cost 1). I discard Defender of Rammas.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 3.

5 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 27.

Turn Four.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Ethir Swordsman.

Planning Phase.

Play Defender of Rammas (-1 Beregond, -1 Eowyn).

Play Ethir Swordsman (-2 Glorfindel).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Guthlaf and Ethir Swordsman. I discard Galadhon Archer and Song Of Battle.

Draw: Goblin Follower, engages me.

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 3.

7 progress added to stage 2B, exploring stage 2B and moving to stage 3.

Stage 3 makes me discard Gondorian Shield from Beregond and Cave Torch from Eowyn before making the new encounter deck.

I draw a stage 4B, “The Shivering Bank” and discard my hand.

Draw 1: Deep Deep Dark. Threat: 28.

Surge: Dark and Dreadful. Adds 1 wound to Eowyn and Guthlaf and kills Ethir Swordsman.

Draw 2: Durin's Helm.

Surge: Nameless Thing.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

Engage Nameless Thing. I discard Elrond's Counsel and Galadriel's Handmaiden to make it's X = 2,

Combat Phase.

Nameless Thing attacks Beregond. Shadow card is Moria Bats, no effect.

2 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.

Glorfindel and Defender Of Rammas attack Nameless Thing. 4 attack – 3 defence = 1 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 29.

Turn Five.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Close Call..

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel and Guthlaf.

Draw: Drowned Treasure.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 2.

6 progress added to stage 4B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Nameless Thing attacks Beregond. Shadow card is another Nameless Thing, no effect.

2 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.

Glorfindel and Defender of Rammas attack Nameless Thing.

4 attack – 2 defence = 2 damage. Nameless Thing killed.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 30.

Turn Six.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Elrond's Counsel.

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel and Guthlaf.

Play Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower. Threat: 27.

Draw: Deep Deep Dark. No effect.

Threat: 28.

Surge: Deep Deep Dark. No effect.

Threat: 29.

Surge 2: Nameless One.

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 5.

4 progress added to stage 4B. Explores stage. Moves onto stage 5B.

Draw: Drowned Treasure.

Travel Phase.

Travel to one of the Sunken Treasury.

Encounter Phase.

Engage Nameless Thing. I discard Power of Orthanc and Rivendell Blade so X = 1.

Combat Phase.

Nameless Thing attacks Beregond. Shadow card was Elder Nameless Thing which had no effect. 1 attack – 4 defence = 0 damage.

Glorfindel and Defender of Rammas attack Nameless Thing. 4 attack – 3 defence = 1 damage. Nameless Thing dies.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 30.

Turn Seven.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

Play Gandalf (-1 Beregond, -2 Eowyn, -2 Glorfindel). Threat: 25.

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Guthlaf and Gandalf.

Play: Sudden Pitfall. Kills Guthlaf.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 2.

3 progress added to Sunken Treasury, explore it and claim Durin's Helm and add it to Beregond.

6 progress added to stage 5B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to the other Sunken Treasury.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

Threat: 26.

Discard Gandalf.

Turn Eight.

Resource Phase.

Add resources (+1 Beregond, +1 Eowyn, +1 Glorfindel).

Draw another Gandalf.

Planning Phase.

Play Gandalf (-1 Beregond, -2 Eowyn, -2 Glorfindel). I draw Guthlaf, Veteran Axehand and Elrond's Counsel.

Play Guthlaf (-2 Beregond).

Quest Phase.

Commits Eowyn, Glorfindel, Gandalf and Guthlaf.

Play Elrond's Counsel to add 1 willpower. Threat: 23.

Draw: Sunken Treasury.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 2.

3 progress explores Sunken Treasury. I draw Unexpected Courage and Veteran Axehand.

7 progress added to stage 5B, exploing the stage and wining the game.

This was a heck of a slog to complete. The final score was:

Complete turns (7): 70.

Threat: 23.

Hero Damage: 1.

Total Score: 94.

I've given SHadow & Flame six tries with three different decks and have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to beat it solo. I'm going to skip it and head on to Massing At Osgiliath before trying the nightmare Heirs of Numenor quests.


Deck: Mark 9.

Since I'm getting close to a year since I started this thing I'm going to run through the LOTR saga quests so far. I would have quested more in the last week or so but I've been as sick as a dog all week.

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir, Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring) and Glorfindel (Lore).

Starting Threat: 33.

Starting Hand: Defender Of Rammas, Envoy Of Pelargir, Errand-Rider, Galadhon Archer and Gondorian Shield.

Quest Set-Up.

Add Bag End as Active Location.

Add Black Rider to staging area.

Put Gandalf's Delay into play.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Steward Of Gondor.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Elladan and Glorfindel to play Envoy Of Pelargir. Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Pay 2 resources from Elrohir to play Steward Of Gondor on him.

Exhaust Steward Of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Pay 1 resource from Elrohir to play Errand-Rider.

Exhaust Errand-Rider to move 1 resource from Elrohir to Elladan.

Pay 1 resource from Elladan to play Gondorian Shield on Elrohir.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Glorfindel, Envoy Of Pelargir.

Draw: Gildor Inglorion. I take control of him.

Total Willpower: 6.

Total Threat: 4.

I add 2 progress to Bag End.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 33.

I pay 1 resource from Frodo to keep Gildor Inglorion.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Rivendell Blade.

Exhaust Steward Of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Elladan to play Rivendell Blade on him.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Glorfindel.

Draw: Crawling Towards Him, I exhaust Gildor for 3 willpower and draw Stock-Brook and Pathless Country for 3 so I pass the test.

Total Willpower: 5.

Total Threat: 4.

I add 1 progress to Bag End, exploring it and adding it to the victory display. I also get to draw Wingfoot.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

I opt to engage the Black Rider.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks Elrohir, doing no damage.

Elrohir pays 1 resource to ready himself.

Elladan and Elrohir attack the Black Rider, doing 3 damage thanks to Elladan's Rivendell Blade.

Exhaust Errand-Rider to move a resource from Elrohir to Frodo.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 34.

Pay 1 resource from Frodo to keep Gildor.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Fast Hitch.

Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Glorfindel to play Fast Hitch on Frodo.

Pay 1 resource from Glorfindel to play Wingfoot on Ellrohir.

Exhaust Errand-Rider to move a resource from Elrohir to Elladan.

Pay 2 resources from Elladan to play Galadhon Archer. 1 damage added to Black Rider.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Glorfindel, Envoy Of Pelargir.

Draw: Green Hill Country.

Total Willpower: 6.

Total Threat: 2.

I add 1 progress to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2B. Stage 2B adds another Black Rider to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Green Hill Country.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks Elrohir, doing no damage.

Elladan and Galadhon Archer kill the Black Rider.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 35.

Pay 1 resource from Frodo to keep Gildor.

Turn Four.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Gondor (Core).

Exhaust Stewart of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Exhaust Errand-Rider to move 1 resource from Elrohir to Elladan.

Planning Phase.

Pay 5 resources from Elrohir to play Gandalf (Core). My threat drops to 30.

Pay 2 resources from Elladan to play Defender of Rammas.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elladan (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Frodo, Glorfindel, Gandalf and Envoy Of Pelargir.

Draw: Lure Of The Ring, I exhaust the One Ring.

Surge: Green Hill Country.

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 6.

I add 3 progress to Green Hill Country and explore it before adding 3 progress to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Green Hill Country.

Encounter Phase.

Engage Black Rider.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks Elrohir, doing no damage.

Gildor, Galadhon Archer and Defender of Rammas attack Black Rider, doing 1 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 31.

I pay 1 resource from Frodo to retain Gildor.

I discard Gandalf.

Turn Five.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Henamarth Riversong.

Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Glorfindel to play Henamarth Riversong.

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, The Marish, and return it to top of deck.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Glorfindel and Envoy Of Pelargir.

Draw: The Marish.

Total Willpower: 6.

Total Threat: 3.

I add 3 progress to Green Hill Country, exploring it.

Travel Phase.

Travel to The Marish.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Black Rider attacks Elrohir, shadow card is Piercing Cry so he will attack again. Attack does no damage.

I pay 1 resource from Elrohir to ready him.

Black Rider attacks Elrohir again, doing no damage.

I exhaust Fast Hitch to ready Frodo (having finally remembered I played it on him).

Elladan, Frodo, Gildor, Galadhon Archer and Defender Of Rammas attack Black Rider, killing him.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 32.

Turn Six.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Asfaloth.

I exhausted Steward Of Gondor to add 2 resources to Elrohir.

I exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Stock Road, and return it to top of encounter deck.

Planning Phase.

Pay 2 resources from Glorfindel to play Asfaloth on Glorfindel.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elladan, Elrohir, Frodo, Glorfindel, Envoy Of Pelargir and Gildor.

Draw: Srock Road.

Total Willpower: 13.

Total Threat: 3.

I added 4 progress to The Marish.

I added 6 progress to stage 2B.

I exhaust Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Stock Road.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Stock Road.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 33.

I pay 1 resource from Frodo to retain Gildor.

I exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck, Black Steed, and return it to the top of the deck.

Turn Seven.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Steward Of Gondor.

Planning Phase.

No progress.

I exhaust Asfaloth to add 2 progress to Stock Road, exploring it.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Glorfindel, Envoy Of Pelargir and Gildor.

Draw: Black Steed, no effect.

Surge 1: Rode Like A Gale, no effect.

Surge 2: Hunting For The Ring, no effect.

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 0.

I add 9 progress to stage 2B, exploring it.

Stage 3B adds Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to staging area.

Travel Phase.

I risk travelling to Buckleberry Ferry and let the Black Rider engage me rather than bother with the impossible Hide test.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks Elrohir, doing 1 damage due to a damage buff.

I exhaust Fast Hitch to ready Frodo and pay 1 resource from Elrohir to ready him before Elladan, Elrohir, Frodo, Defender Of Rammas attack Black Rider, killing him.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 34.

I exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck, Evil Crow, and return him to the top of the deck.

Turn Eight.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Frodo Baggins.

Add 1 resource to Glorfindel.

Draw: Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

Pay 5 resources from Elrohir to play Gandalf. I reduce my threat back to 29.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elladan, Elrohir, Frodo, Glorfindel, Gandalf, Envoy Of Pelargir and Gildor.

Draw: Evil Crow.

Total Willpower: 17.

Total Threat: 2.

I make 15 progress on Buckleberry Ferry, exploring it and winning the quest.

This was a slog. Everybody did what they needed to (even though Wingfoot is of less use until I give Glorfindel the Ranger thingee) but I think I may need more card draw if I can fit it into the deck.

In the end my score was:

Completed turns (7): 70

Threat: 29

Hero Damage: 1

VP: 1

Total Score: 99


Deck: Mark 10.

Now that I've finally got over the bad cold I've had I'm trying a new deck for me, starting the LOTR saga quests from the start.

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Celeborn, Frodo (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring), Galadriel and Haldir Of Lorien.

Starting Threat: 29.

Starting Hand: Defender Of The Nalth, Galadhrim Minstrel, Nalth Guide, O Lorien and Orophin.

Quest Set-Up.

Put Gandalf's Delay into play.

Add Bag End as active location.

Add Black Rider to staging area.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Warden Of Arnor.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Celeborn to add O Lorien to Celeborn.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 resource each from Galadriel and Haldir to play Defender Of The Nalth.

Exhaust Galadriel to draw Light Of Valinor. My threat drops to 28.

Quest Phase.

Commits Frodo, Haldir and Defender Of The Nalth.

Draw: Green Hill Country

Total Willpower:5.

Total Threat: 6.

My threat increases to 29.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 30.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Sneak Attack.

Exhaust Galadriel to draw Galadhrim Minstrel. My threat drops to 29.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Galadriel to play Light Of Valinor on Celeborn.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 resource from Haldir to play Galadhrim Minstrel. Her ability places Power Of Orthanc into hand and reshuffles deck.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, Haldir and Galadhrim Minstrel.

Draw: Stock-Brook. Swaps with Bag End as active location.

Total Willpower:9.

Total Threat: 6.

I place 3 progress on Stock-Brook.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 30.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: The Tree People.

Planning Phase.

I play The Tree People and return Galadhrim Minstrel to my hand to play Silverlode Archer.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 from Haldir to play Galadhrim Minstrel. Her ability puts another The Tree People into hand.

I pay 2 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Haldir can quest without exhausting this turn.

I play the Tree People and return Nalth Guide to hand to play another Silverlode Archer.

I pay 1 resource from Galadriel to play Warden Of Arnor on Haldir.

I exhaust Galadriel to draw Defender Of The Nalth. My threat drops to 29.

Deciding to play it risky I pay 3 from Frodo to play Defender of the Nalth.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, Haldir, 2 Silverlode Archers, Galadhrim Minstrel and the new Defender of the Nalth.

Draw: Evil Crow

Total Willpower:14.

Total Threat: 8.

I add 2 progress to Stock-Brook, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (VP: 1).

I add 4 progress to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

I travel to Green Hill Country.

Encounter Phase.

I engage Evil Crow.

Combat Phase.

Evil Crow attacks the original Defender Of The Nalth. The shadow card is Lure of The Ring, which adds 1 attack but still does no damage.

Celeborn and a Silverloda Archer attack Evil Crow, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 30.

Turn Four.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Nenya.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 from Galadriel to play Nenya on Galadriel.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 from Haldir to play Galadhrim Minstrel. Her ability nerf's.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo and Galadhrim Minstrel.

Exhaust Galadiriel and Nenya to add 4 willpower to Celeborn.

Draw: Bamfurlong. Takes 1 progress from Warden Of Arnor.

Total Willpower:11.

Total Threat: 6.

3 progress explores Green Hill Country, exploring it.

Travel Phase.

I travel to Bamfurlong.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 31.

Turn Five.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Wingfoot.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Haldir to play Wingfoot on Haldir.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Haldir quests without exhausting this turn.

Exhaust Galadriel to draw Daughter Of The Nimrodel. My threat drops to 30.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, Haldir, Nalth Guide and 2 Galadhrim Minstrels.

Draw: Lure Of The Ring. I exhaust The One Ring.

Surge: Ride Like A Gale, no effect.

Surge 2: Woody End. Takes 1 progress from Warden Of Arnor.

Total Willpower:11.

Total Threat: 5.

1 progress added to Bamfurlong, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (VP: 2).

Travel Phase.

I travel to Bag End.

Encounter Phase.

I risk engaging the Black Rider.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks one of the Defenders of the Nalth, killing him.

Celeborn, Haldir, Defender of the Nalth and 2 Silverlode Archers attack the Black Rider, killing him.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 31.

Turn Six.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: The Tree People.

I exhaust Galadriel to draw Nalth Guide. My threat drops to 30.

Planning Phase.

I exhaust O Lorien and pay 2 from Celeborn to play Orophin. His ability returns the dead Defencer of the Nalth to my hand.

I pay 2 from Galadriel and 1 from Haldir to play Defender Of The Nalth.

I return a Galadhrim Minstrel to my hand and play The Tree People to play Daughter Of The Nimrodel.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, the new Defender of the Nalth, Orophin and Daughter Of The Nimrodel.

Draw: The Marish. Takes 1 progress from Warden Of Arnor.

Total Willpower:11.

Total Threat: 4.

3 progress is added to Bag End, exploring it and adding it to the victory display (VP:: 3). I draw Power Of Orthanc. This completes stage 1.

Stage 2B adds a Black Rider to the staging area.

Having just realized that Woody End was a 1 quest point location (so would have been discarded as soon as I drew it thanks to Warden Of Arnor) I discard it and add it to the top of the deck (VP: 4).

Travel Phase.

I travel to the Marish.

Encounter Phase.

I engage the Black Rider.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks the old Defender of the Nalth, killing him.

Celeborn, Haldir, Nalth Guide, the new Defender of the Nalth and Orophin attack the Black Rider, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 32.

Turn Seven.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Light Of Valinor.

Planning Phase.

Pay 2 from Galadriel and 1 from Haldir to play Daughter Of The Nimrodel.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 1 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Haldir quests this turn without exhausting.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, Haldir, Daughter Of the Nimrodel, 2 Silverlode Archers, Orophin, Galadhrim Minstrel, Nalth Guide, a buffed Daughter Of the Nimrodel and a buffed Nalth Guide.

I exhaust Galadriel and Nenya to add 4 to Celeborn's Willpower.

Draw: Hunting For The Ring. My threat increases to 34.

Total Willpower:22.

Total Threat: 0.

3 progress is added to the Marish, exploring it.

19 progress is added to stage 2B, exploring it and moving to stage 3. I add Buckleberry Ferry and another Black Rider to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

I travel to Buckleberry Ferry, exhausting the buffed Nalth Guide and Daughter Of The Nimrodel for 4 willpower against a hide 2 test. The draws are Black Steed and Stock-Road so I pass the test.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 35.

Turn Eight.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Celeborn.

Add 1 resource to Frodo.

Add 1 resource to Galadriel.

Add 1 resource to Haldir Of Lorien.

Draw: Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

I pay 1 from Celeborn, Galadriel and Haldir and 2 from Frodo to play Gandalf (Core). I add 4 damage to the Black Rider.

Quest Phase.

Commits Celeborn, Frodo, Haldir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Gandalf, Orophin and 2 Daughters Of The Nimrodel.

I exhaust Galadriel and Nenya to add 4 to Celeborn's Willpower.

Draw: Green Hill Country.

Total Willpower:19.

Total Threat: 6.

13 progress is added to Buckleberry Ferry, exploring it and winning the game.

This deck is brutally effective. The combination of being buffed by Celeborn and not exhausting to quest on the first turn thanks to Galadriel is a ridiculous combination. I could have possibly completed the game earlier but I took my time building up the Elven horde before I decided to fight the first Black Rider.

At the end of the game I decided to add Gandalf's Delay and Mr. Underhill to the campaign log.

My final score was:

Completed turns (7): 70.

Threat: 35.

VP: 4.

Total Score: 101.


After 6 spectacular failures at The Old Forest I decided to try a different quest and a different deck. I went for a Rohan deck consisting of Eomer, Eowyn and Hama.

The game felt like less of a slog than the amount of turns would suggest but I hit a insane amount of locations, which slowed down my progress while enemies were little threat. Lots of allies died (as intended) to buff Eomer and the somewhat thematically inappropriate idea of Eomer having Firefoot and Rohan Warhorse worked well.

My final score was:
Completed Turns (11): 110

Threat: 34

VP: 3

Total Score: 141


Heroes; Eomer, Eowyn and Hama.

This went badly. On the first attempt I was swamped by locations and on the second try I was swamped by enemies. In both cases I didn't manage to get past stage 1. I suspect that I may have to go back to basics with a new deck before I try this again.

I just realized after looking back at the thread that yesterday was 1 one year on from me starting this. I'll probably keep noting my progress (or lack of such) since this has been fun. I managed 231 games in a year (with all the delays/interruptions) so I guess I managed what I was planning.


Heroes: Bifur, Dain Ironfoot and Gimli.

Whilst it was a succesful attempt, this was a bloodbath. All the Mumaks wreaked havoc and I managed to get Gimli killed on the last turn.

In the end my final score was:

Completed Turns (12): 120

Threat: 48

Dead Hero Threat: 11

Damage on surviving heroes: 7

FInal Score: 186


This one is impossible. After six tries using three different decks I decided to call it a day.


Heroes: Glorfindel, Haldir of Lorien and Idraen.

This deck seemed to work well with the scenario. Everything seemed to fall into place and the game was less of a struggle than I was expecting.

My final score was:

Completed Turns (6): 60

Threat: 41

VP: 1.

Total Score: 100


Heroes; Aragorn (Leadership), Denethor, Eowyn.

While I wait for the UK to get The Dark Realm I decided to give attempting missions using only cards available at that point another go. This game went well, if a little slowly. Aragorn's resources were barely used and I forgot that Celebrian's Stone gave him Spirit resource match. Regardless the final score was:

14 completed rounds = 140
Total combined Threat = 41
Total damage on Heroes = 1
Cost of dead Heroes = 0
Victory points = 0


Heroes; Aragorn (Leadership), Denethor, Eowyn.

Proceeding onto the next quest I again made slow but steady progress. Getting Gandalf and 2 Sneak Attacks made it so that I was on 20 threat on turn 2. My final score was:

14 completed rounds = 140

Total combined Threat = 30

Total damage on Heroes = 1

Cost of dead Heroes = 0

Victory points = 4




Since I just got The Lost Realm I decided to build a Dunedain/Ranger heavy deck.

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Elladan, Elrohir and Halbarad.

Starting Threat: 30.

Starting Hand: Defender Of Rammas, Dunedain Watcher, Gandalf (Core), Ranger Summons, Secret Vigil and Weather Hills Watchman.

Mulligan: Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Wanderer, Dunedain Watcher, Feint, Ranger Summons and Secret Vigil.

Quest Set-Up.

Put Iarion into play.

Add Orc War Party to staging area.

Add Rugged Country to staging area.

Turn One.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Halbarad.

Draw: Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

Play Dunedain Hunter, search top 5 cards of encounter deck and add Angmar Orc to staging area.

Pay 1 resource from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and add a Ranger Of The North to the encounter deck. Removed Ranger Summons from the game.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elrohir and Iarion.

Draw: Chetwood Forest.

Total Willpower:3.

Total Threat: 10.

My threat increases to 37 (this quest is ridiculous).

Travel Phase.

Engage Orc War Party and travel to Chetwood Forest.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Pay 1 from Elladan to play Feint and stop Orc War Party's attack.

Counter-attack with Elladan, Halbarad and Dunedain Hunter, inflicting 5 wounds on Orc War Party.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 39.

Turn Two.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Halbarad.

Draw: Weather Hills Watchman.

Planning Phase.

Pay 1 resource from Elladan to play Secret Vigil on Angmar Orc.

Pay 2 resources from Elrohir to play Weather Hilld Watchman. His effect nerfs.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elladan, Iarion and Weather Hills Watchman.

Draw: Angmar Marauder.

Total Willpower:4.

Total Threat: 6.

My threat increases to 41.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Orc War Party attacks Dunedain Hunter. Shadow card is Angmar Marauder so it attacks for 9, massively over-killing the Dunedain Hunter.

Elladan and Halbard attack the Orc War Party, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refresh.

My threat increases to 44.

Turn Three.

Resource Phase.

Add 1 resource to Elladan.

Add 1 resource to Elrohir.

Add 1 resource to Halbarad.

Draw: Ranger Summons.

Planning Phase.

Pay 2 resources from Halbarad and 1 resource from Elrohir to play Dunedain Watcher.

Quest Phase.

Commits Elrohir, Iarion and Weather Hills Watchman.

Draw: Pressing Needs, my threat increases to 46 and I add Lost In The Wilderness, putting my hand underneath it (this quest just keeps getting better)..

Total Willpower:4.

Total Threat: 7.

My threat increases to 49 and I concede.

This quest is crazy. How in the name of all that is good and holy is this beatable. I guess it's time to try another deck since this one was hammered.

I just want to thank you for this thread. Great info, varied quests, varied decks, good write-ups and lots and lots of it.

Sometimes I cant play but still need my lotrlcg fix and reading peoples play reports on my kindle fixes that. This thread has a complete wealth of such reading to go at.

Thank you!

I use Halbarad, Elrohir, Elladan but its a deck designed to go with a second one. Definitely not enough questing power to be good on its own, an amazing combat deck though. Yours seems quite good as well just not on its own. If you can be bothered playing with two decks definitely give this line up another go but paired with a deck that can quest hard.



Player Set-Up.

After the success of the last game (or lack of it) I decided to go back to playing two-handed.

Deck A consists of Celeborn, Galadriel and Haldir of Lorien with a starting threat of 29. The starting hand was Galadhrim Minstrel, Henamarth Riversong, Light Of Valinor, Nalth Guide, O Lorien and The Day's Rising.

Deck B is a all-Tactics deck consisting of Aragorn, Beregond and Legolas with a starting threat of 31. The starting hand was Descendant of Thorandor, Eagles Of The Misty Mountains, Gondorian Shield, Meneldor's Flight, Radagast and Support Of The Eagles.

Quest Set-Up.

Stage 1 told me to add Iarion to the first player, deck A, and add a Orc War Party, Borders Of Breeland and Rugged Country to the staging area.


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Wingfoot and deck B drew Radagast.

Planning Phase.

Deck A played O Lorien on Celeborn (Celeborn -1 resource), Henamarth Riversong (Haldir -1 resource) and Light Of Valinor on Celeborn (Galadriel -1 resource). Deck A then exhausted Galadriel to allow Deck B to draw Rohan Warhorse (Deck B threat: 30).

Deck B played Gondorian Shield on Beregond and Rohan Warhorse on Aragorn (Aragorn -1 resource).

Quest Phase.

Between the decks I committed Celeborn, Haldir, Henamarth Riversong and Iarion.

Draw 1 was Shrouded Hills, which surged to Weight Of Responsibility, which forced me to draw another Orc War Party.

Draw 2 was Angmar Captain.

I committed 8 willpower against 14 threat (Deck A threat: 35, deck B threat: 36).

Travel Phase.

I decided to travel to Borders of Breeland.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B optionally engages the first Orc War Party.

Combat Phase.

The Orc War Party attacks Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn and Legolas attack back, doing 4 damage thanks to Aragorn's ability.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all the cards (Deck A threat: 38, Deck B threat: 39).


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before deck B drew Born Aloft and deck A drew O Lorien.

Planning Phase.

Deck B played Eagles Of The Misty Mountains (Beregond -2 resources, Legolas -2 resources).

Deck A exhausted O Lorien before playing Nalth Guide (Celborn -1 resource, Aragorn quests this turn without exhausting) and Wingfoot on Haldir (Haldir -1 resource). Deck A exhausted Galadriel to allow deck B to draw Support Of The Eagles (Deck B threat: 38) and exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck.

Quest Phase.

Between the decks I committed Aragorn, Celeborn, Haldir (naming Location for Wingfoot), Iarion and Nalth Guide.

Draw 1 was Lost In The Wilderness, which moved all the cards in both hands under it.

Draw 2 was Outlying Homestead (Deck A threat: 39, Deck B threat: 39). On the (relative) upside Haldir readied thanks to Wingfoot.

I committed 10 willpower against 12 threat (deck A threat: 41, Deck B threat: 41).

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Orc War Party attacks Beregond again, doing no damage (and discarding Orc Rearguard as a shadow card).

Aragorn and Legolas attack the Orc War Party, inflicting another 4 damage and killing it, Legolas's ability adding 2 progress to Borders of Breeland before the Angmar Captain engages deck B.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all the cards (Deck A threat: 43, Deck B threat: 43).


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Sneak Attack and deck B drew Eagles Of The Misty Mountains.

Planning Phase.

Deck B played Eagles Of The Misty Mountains (Aragorn -2 resources, Beregond -1 resource, Legolas -1 resource).

Deck A exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck.

Quest Phase.

The active quest is Lost In The Wilderness.

Between the decks I committed Celeborn, Eagles Of The Misty Mountains x2, Haldir Of Lorien, Iarion and Nalth Guide.

Draw 1 was Sudden Assault, which (besides really making me wish I had looked at the game text when I scried it with Henamarth) readies Haldir and forces the Orc War Party in the staging area to attack Deck A. I have no real choice but to throw Haldir under the proverbial bus by making him take the hit, killing him and cutting my willpower further.

After that issue I wound up committing 10 willpower against 9 threat. 1 progress was added to Borders Of Breeland.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Angmar Captain attacks Beregond. The attack does no damage.

Aragorn and Legolas attack Angmar Captain, killing him thanks to Aragorn's ability. 1 progress is added to Border of Breeland, exploring it and 1 progress is added to Lost In The Wilderness. Deck B engages the Orc War Party.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all the cards (Deck A threat: 44, Deck B threat: 44).


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before deck B drew To The Eyrie and deck A drew Galadhrim Minstrel.

Planning Phase.

Deck A exhausts Galadriel to draw Sword That Was Broken (Deck A threat: 43).

Quest Phase.

Lost In The Wilderness is active quest.

Between the decks I committed Celeborn, Eagles Of The Misty Mountains x2, Henamarth Riversong and Nalth Guide.

Draw 1 was Outlying Homestead (Deck A threat: 44, Deck B threat: 45).

Draw 2 was Pressing Needs (Deck A threat: 46, Deck B threat: 47). I reluctantly switch active quest to stage 1B.

I committed 11 willpower against 8 threat. 3 progress is added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

I decided to travel to Rugged Country.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Orc War Party attacks Beregond. The shadow card is Chetwood Forest so I exhaust Legolas.

Aragorn attacks back, doing 1 damage.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all the cards (Deck A threat: 47, Deck B threat: 48).


Resource Phase.

I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Silvan Refugee and deck B drew Vassal of the Windlord.

Planning Phase.

Deck A exhausted Galadriel to draw Silvan Tracker (deck A threat: 46) before playing Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn (Celeborn -3 resources) and Silvan Refugee.

Deck B played Vassal Of The Windlord (Aragorn -1 resource).

Quest Phase.

Current quest is Lost In The Wilderness.

Between the decks I committed Celeborn, Eagles Of The Misty Mountains x1, Henamarth Riversong, Iarion, Nalth Guide, Silvan Refugee and Vassal Of The Windlord.

Draw 1 was Outlying Homestead (Deck A threat: 47, Deck B threat: 49).

Draw 2 was Angmar Marauder.

I committed 14 willpower against 11 threat. 3 progress was added to Rugged Country, exploring it.

Travel Phase.

I travelled to Shrouded Hills.

Encounter Phase.

No optional engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Orc War Party attacks Beregond, doing no damage.

Aragorn, Legolas and a Eagles Of The Misty Mountains attack back, killing the Orc War Party. Legolas's ability adds 2 progress to Shrouded Hills. Angmar Marauder engages deck B.

Refresh Phase.

I refreshed all the cards (Deck A threat: 48, Deck B threat: 50 and threat out).

With deck B threating out I called it a day.

This quest is ridiculous. I'm starting to think that I like the decks I used but I may need to try them out on a less stupid quest first.



Player Set-Up.

Deck A was Beravor, Eowyn and Beravor with a starting 30 threat. The starting hand (after a mulligan) was Forest Snare, Gandalf (Core), Sarn Ford Sentry, Self-Preservation, Song Of Wisdom and Wingfoot.

Deck B was Aragorn (Tactics), Beregond and Halbarad with a starting 32 threat. The starting hand (post-mulligan) was Gandalf (Core), Gondorian Spearman, Horn Of Gondor, Ranger Summons, Secret Vigil and Westfold Outrider.

Quest Set-Up.

I put Iarion into play attached to Deck A before adding Orc War Party, Outlying Homestead and Shrouded Hills to the staging area.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Warden Of Annuminus and deck B drew Gondorian Spearman.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 1 from Beravor to play Wingfoot on Beravor.

Deck B paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and place a Ranger of the North into the staging area before paying 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play Gondorian Spearman.

Quest Phase.

I committed Beravor (naming Location for purposes of Wingfoot), Eowyn, Idraen and Iarion. The draws were Surprising Speed, which increased deck A's threat to 31 and deck B's to 33 before surging to Angmar Orc (who causes Deck B to discard Gondorian Spearman) and Weight Of Responsibility which forces me to draw Borders Of Breeland, which at least readies Beravor.

At the end of the round Beravor exhausts to let Deck B draw Steward Of Gondor.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Borders Of Breeland.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Angmar Orc.

Combat Phase.

Angmar Orc attacks Beregond, doing no damage. Aragorn and Halbarad counter-attack and kill the Angmar Orc thanks to Aragorn's ability. Aragorn's other ability allows Deck B to engage the Orc War Party in the staging area.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 32 and deck B's to 34.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Greyflood Wanderer and deck B drew Feint.

Planning Phase.

Deck B played Gondorian Shield on Beregond before paying 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play another Gondorian Spearman.

Deck A paid 2 from Eowyn and 1 from Idraen to play Greyflood Wanderer and 1 from Idraen to play Song of Wisdom on Eowyn.

Quest Phase.

I committed Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Eowyn, Greyflood Wanderer, Halbarad (thanks to his ability), Iarion and Idraen.

The draws were Rugged Country (which readied Beravor) and Chetwood Forest.

I managed a total 13 willpower against 8 threat. Of the 5 progress I made, 4 explored Borders of Breeland (readying Idraen) and 1 was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Chetwood Forest.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Orc War Party attacks Beregond. The shadow card is Angmar Marauder, doing 1 damage to Beregond.

Aragorn, Halbarad and Gondorian Spearman attacked Orc War Party, inflicting 4 damage.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 33 and deck B's to 35.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Lore Of Imladris and deck B drew Gondorian Spearman.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 2 from Beravor and 1 from Eowyn to play Self-Preservation on Beregond.

Deck B paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond to play Westfold Outrider before paying 2 from Halbarad to play Steward of Gondor on him before exhausting the Steward to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Deck B ended the phase by exhausting Self-Preservation to heal the wound on Beregond.

Quest Phase.

I committed Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Eowyn, Greyflood Wanderer, Halbarad (thanks to his ability), Iarion and Idraen.

The draws were Outlying Homestead (which increased deck A's threat to 34 and deck B's to 36 as well as readying Beravor) and another Orc War Party.

The total willpower was 13 versus 10 threat. The 3 progress made explored Chetwood Forest and readied Idraen.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Outlying Homestead. In a stroke of good luck I was forced to draw Ranger Of The North, who was assigned to deck B. his ability inflicted 2 damage on the Orc War Party engaged with deck B, killing it.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Orc War Party.

Combat Phase.

Orc War Party attacks Beregond, doing no damage before Aragorn, Gondorian Spearman, Halbarad, Ranger of the North and Westfold Outrider kill the Orc War Party in a magnificent amount of overkill.

Deck A finished the phase by exhausting Beravor so that Deck B could draw Weather Hills Watchman.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 35 and deck B's to 37.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Miner Of The Iron Hills and deck B drew Dunedain Watcher.

Deck B exhausted Steward of Gondor to give Halbarad another 2 resources

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 1 each from Aragorn and Beregond and 3 from Halbarad to play Gandalf, dropping deck B's threat back to 32 before paying 2 from Halbarad to play Weather Hills Watchman.

Quest Phase.

I committed

Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Eowyn, Gandalf, Greyflood Wanderer, Iarion and Idraen.

The draws were 2 Angmar Captains. I managed 15 willpower against 11 threat so 4 progress was added to the active Outlying Homestead.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages both Angmar Captains.

Combat Phase.

One of the Angmar Captains attacks Beregond, inflicting no damage.

The other Angmar Captain attacks Gondorian Spearman, who inflicts 1 damage on the Captain before he is killed.

Aragorn, Halbarad and the Weather Hills Watchman attack the uninjured Angmar Captain , killing him while Westfold Outrider and Ranger of the North attack and inflict another 4 damage on the wounded Angmar Captain, leaving him on 1 wound.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 36 and deck B's to 33.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Self-Preservation and deck B drew Son Of Arnor.

Deck B exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 1 from Beravor and 2 each from Eowyn and Idraen to play Gandalf, reducing Deck A's threat to 31.

Deck B paid 1 each from Aragorn and Beregond to play the last Gondorian Spearman and paid 3 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Watcher.

Quest Phase.

I committed Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Eowyn, Gandalf, Greyflood Wanderer, Halbarad (thanks to his ability), Iarion and Idraen.

The draws were Chetwood Forest (which readied Beravor) and Angmar Marauder.

I managed a total of 17 willpower against 11 threat. Of the 6 progress I made, 4 explored Outlying Homestead and 2 was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

Angmar Captain attacks Beregond, doing no damage. The Westfold Outrider single-handedly kills the Captain.

Aragorn's ability triggers and deck B engages the Angmar Marauder, who is attacked by Aragorn, Dunedain Watcher, Gondorian Spearman, Halbarad, Ranger of the North and Weather Hills Watchman who absolutely muller him to death.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 32 and deck B's to 34.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Warden Of Annuminus and deck B drew Ranger Summons.

Deck B exhausted Steward of Gondor to add another 2 resources to Halbarad.

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 3 from Halbarad to play Son Of Arnor.

Deck A paid 1 from Eowyn and 2 from Beravor to play Sarn Ford Sentry.

Quest Phase.

Having looked at the raw willpower that deck B can chuck at the quest I'm going to be a little risky and commit Aragorn, Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Dunedain Watcher, Eowyn, Greyflood Wanderer, Halbarad, Iarion, Idraen, Ranger of the North, Sarn Ford Sentry and Weather Hills Watchman.

Against this mass of questing I drew Rugged Country and Shrouded Hill (which readied Beravor). Deck A discarded Warden Of Annuminus and Deck B discarded Horn Of Gondor.

In the end I committed 23 against 11 threat. 12 progress was added to stage 1B.

Deck A exhausted Beravor to allow deck B to draw Secret Vigil.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 33 and deck B's to 35.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Warden Of Arnor and deck B drew Captain Of Gondor.

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

I commit Aragorn, Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Dunedain Watcher, Eowyn, Greyflood Wanderer, Halbarad, Iarion, Idraen, Ranger of the North, Sarn Ford Sentry and Weather Hills Watchman. I then discarded Minor of the Iron Hills and Ranger Summons.

I draw Angmar Orc (and discard Deck B's Westfold Outrider) and Rugged Country.

I manage 23 willpower against 15 threat so 8 more progress is made.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards and raised deck A's threat to 34 and deck B's to 36.


Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all my heroes before deck A drew Greyflood Wanderer and deck B drew Gandalf (Core).

Deck B exhausted Steward Of Gondor to add 2 resources to Halbarad.

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 1 from Aragorn and Beregond and 3 from Halbarad to play Gandalf. He allowed deck B to draw Heir Of Valandil, Dunedain Watcher and Weather Hills Watchman before paying 5 total resources from Halbarad to play Dunedain Watcher and Weather Hills Watchman.

Deck A paid 2 from Eowyn and 1 from Idraen to play Greyflood Wanderer.

Quest Phase.

I commit Aragorn, Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Dunedain Watcher x2, Eowyn, Greyflood Wanderer x2, Halbarad, Iarion, Idraen, Ranger of the North, Sarn Ford Sentry and Weather Hills Watchman x2. I then discarded Warden Of Annuminus and Heir Of Valandil.

I draw Border Of Breeland and Angmar Marauder.

I manage 29 willpower against 20 threat so 9 more progress is made, enough to win the game.

This quest is a monster. I was busy using Deck B's fair questing numbers to kill enemies when I could have used them and rushed the end of the quest a little earlier. I was lucky in that three of the side quests showed up as shadow cards so I dodged those bullets.

All in all, a not bad quest and the idea that this might be the easiest quest in the set is a little scary.

My combined final score was:

Completed Turns (7): 70.

Combined Threat: 70

Total Score: 140.



Player Set-Up.

After reading the 'The Secret Defenders' article on the FFG site I decided to make the two decks up and try them out. I also decided to try all the non-Hobbit scenarios with them in something like (in-story) chronological order.

Deck A, the “Watchful Protectors” consists of Beravor, Frodo Baggins and Idraen. This gives it a starting threat of 28. After a mulligan the starting hand was Ancient Mathon, Arwen Undomiel, Expert Trackers, Hobbit Pipe, Strength Of Will and Will Of The West.

Deck B, the “Hunters Of The North”, consists of Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee. This gives it a starting threat of 30. Their starting hand was Bill The Pony, Celebrian's Stone, Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Warning, Feint and Son Of Arnor.

Quest Set-Up.

I added Forest Spider and Old Forest Road to the staging area.

TURN ONE: First Player: Deck A.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Protector Of Lorien and deck B drew Dunedain Warning.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 1 from Frodo and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel before playing Hobbit Pipe on Frodo.

Deck B paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play 2 Dunedain Warnings on Halbarad before playing Dunedain Hunter, his ability forcing a Dol Goldur Orcs to engage deck B.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Halbarad (thanks to his ability) and Idraen.

The draws were another Old Forest Road and Great Forest Web.

I committed 10 willpower against 6 threat. 4 progress was added to stage 1A.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Old Forest Road, readies Beravor.

Beravor exhausts so that deck B draws another Dunedain Warning.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Forest Spider.

Combat Phase.

After adding shadow cards Dol Goldur Orcs attack Dunedain Hunter doing 1 wound.

Forest Spider attacks Halbarad, the shadow card is Dol Goldur Orcs but the attack does no damage.

Aragorn and Sam Gamgee attack Forest Spider, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 29 and Deck B's to 31.

TURN TWO: First Player: Deck B.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Henamarth Riversong and deck B drew Gondorian Spearman.

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 2 from Aragorn to play Gondorian Spearman. before paying 1 from Halbarad to play the last Dunedain Warning on Halbarad (I did shuffle the deck so I have no idea what the heck happened with the draw).

Deck A paid 1 from Beravor to play Henamarth Riversong and paid 1 from Frodo to play Ancient Mathon on the active Old Forest Road.

Deck A exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck, Caught In A Web, and returned it to the top of the deck.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Halbarad (thanks to his ability) and Idraen.

The draws were Caught In A Web (which I placed on Sam Gamgee) and Black Forest Bats (which removed Arwen from the quest).

I committed 8 willpower against 4 threat. 3 progress was added to Old Forest Road, which explored it, readied Idraen and (thanks to Ancient Mathon) deck B drew Dagger Of Westernesse, Halfling Determination and Ranger Summons before 1 progress was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travels to the other Old Forest Road, readying Beravor.

Beravor exhausts so that deck A draws Secret Paths.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Black Forest Bats.

Combat Phase.

After adding shadow cards Dol Goldur Orcs attacks Dunedain Hunter, doing no damage.

Black Forest Bats attack Gondorian Spearman (doing 1 damage to the bats), the attack does no damage.

Halbarad attacks Dol Goldur Orcs, killing them because of Aragorn's ability before Aragorn attacked the Black Forest Bats, killing them.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 30 and Deck B's to 32.

TURN THREE: First Player: Deck A.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Smoke Rings and deck B drew Feint.

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Bill The Pony before paying 1 from Sam to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger Of The North into the encounter deck.

Deck A exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck, Dol Goldur Beastmaster, and return it to the top of the deck.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Idraen and Sam Gamgee.

The draws were Dol Goldur Beastmaster and Forest Gate.

I committed 11 willpower against 6 threat. 3 progress was added to Old Forest Road, exploring it and readying Idraen before 2 progress was added to stage 1B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Forest Gate, Deck A draws Northern Tracker and A Test Of Will.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Dol Goldur Beastmaster, which readies and buffs Sam Gamgee..

Combat Phase.

After adding shadow cards Dol Goldur Beastmaster attacks Dunedain Hunter. The shadow cards are King Spider, which exhausts Bill The Pony, and Forest Spider, which forces deck B to discard one of Halbarad's Dunedain Warnings before the attack kills the Dunedain Hunter.

Aragorn and Halbarad attack Dol Goldur Beastmaster, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 31 and Deck B's to 33.

TURN FOUR: First Player: Deck B.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Gleowine and deck B drew Farmer Maggott.

Planning Phase.

Deck B paid 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on him.

Deck A paid 2 from Frodo and Idraen to play Northern Tracker and 2 from Beravor to play Gleowine then exhausted her so that deck A could draw Fast Hitch, which I immediately played on Sam Gamgee.

Deck A exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the deck, Hummerhorns and return it to the top of the deck.

Quest Phase.

I committed

Arwen (adding the defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo, Idraen, Northern Tracker (which adds 1 progress to Great Forest Web) and Sam Gamgee.

The draws were Hummerhorns and Dol Goldur Beastmaster.

I committed 12 willpower against 5 threat. 4 progress explored Forest Gate and readied Idraen. Another progress explored stage 1B and moved onto stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Dol Goldur Beastmaster, readying and buffing Sam Gamgee.

Combat Phase.

After adding shadow cards, Dol Goldur Beastmaster attacks Gondorian Spearman (which inflicts 1 damage on the Beastmaster). The shadow cards are Ungolient's Spawn, which raises Deck B's threat to 37, and Necromancers Pass, which does nothing. The attack kills the Gondorian Spearman.

In response, Aragorn and Halbarad attack and kill the Beastmaster.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 32 and Deck B's to 38.

TURN FIVE: First Player: Deck A.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew The Galadhrim's Greeting and deck B drew Steward Of Gondor.

Deck A exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, The Necromancer's Reach, and returned it to the top of the deck before Deck A exhausted Gleowine so that deck A could draw Bilbo Baggins.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 2 from Idraen and 1 from Frodo to play The Galadhrim's Greeting on deck B, reducing it's threat to 32.

Deck B paid 2 from Halbarad to play Celebrian's Stone on Idraen before paying 2 from Sam to play Steward of Gondor on Aragorn. I then exhausted Steward to add 2 resources to Aragorn.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo, Idraen and Northern Tracker (which added a progress to Great Forest Web, exploring it and readying Idraen).

The draws were The Necromancer's Reach (which added 1 damage to Gleowine, Arwen, Northern Tracker, Beravor and killed Henamarth Riversong as well as raising deck A's threat to 33) and Caught In A Web, which I placed on Frodo.

I committed 10 willpower against 1 threat. 9 progress was added to stage 2B, more than adequately exploring it and moving to stage 3B.

My luck seems to have held as I drew “Beorn's Path” and don't have to worry unduly about Ungolient's Spawn.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 34 and Deck B's to 33.

TURN SIX: First Player: Deck B.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Hobbit Pipe and deck B drew Ranger Summons.

Deck B exhausted Steward Of Gondor to add 2 resources to Aragorn.

Gleowine exhausts so that deck A can draw Wingfoot.

Planning Phase.

Deck B pays 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and add a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck before paying 3 from Aragorn to play Farmer Maggott.

Deck A pays 1 from Frodo and Idraen to play Frodo Baggins, who scryes for another Hobbit Pipe before paying 1 from Beravor to play Wingfoot on her.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Bilbo Baggins, Bill The Pony, Idraen, Northern Tracker and Sam Gamgee.

The draws were Enchanted Stream (which readied Beravor) and Forest Spider.

I committed 13 versus 5 threat so 8 progress was added to stage 3B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Enchanted Stream.

Encounter Phase.

Deck B engages Forest Spider.

Combat Phase.

After adding shadow cards Forest Spider attacks Farmer Maggott, killing him.

Aragorn and Halbarad attack Forest Spider, killing it.

Sam Gamgee exhausts Fast Hitch to ready himself.

Refresh Phase.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all the cards before raising deck A's threat to 35 and Deck B's to 34.

TURN SEVEN: First Player: Deck A.

Resource Phase.

To start the turn I added a resource to all the heroes before deck A drew Unexpected Courage and deck B drew Galadriel.

Deck B exhausted Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to Aragorn.

Planning Phase.

Deck A paid 1 from Frodo and Idraen to play Unexpected Courage on Aragorn.

Deck B paid 1 from Halbarad and 2 from Sam to play Galadriel. Her ability put Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn.

Quest Phase.

I committed Aragorn (readying himself with Unexpected Courage), Arwen (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor (naming Location for Wingfoot), Bilbo Baggins, Bill The Pony, Galadriel, Gleowine, Halbarad, Idraen, Northern Tracker and Sam Gamgee.

The draws were Forest Gate and East Bight Patrol.

In the end I managed a a total of 26 willpower against 6 threat. The 20 progress was more than enough to explore the stage and win the game.

This was interesting, there are cards in these decks which I would normally never put into a deck so as I go this will get more and more interesting. As it is, the two decks seem to gel together well and I'll see how it goes as the quests get tougher.

In the end the final combined score was:

Completed Turns (6): 60

Combined Threat: 69

Damage on heroes: 2

Total score: 131.


Since I managed to get the new saga box I decided to give the LOTR saga scenarios a go again.

Player Set-Up.

Deck #1 consisted of Beravor, Glorfindel (Spirit) and Idraen with a total 26 threat. The starting hand (after a mulligan) was Arwen Undomiel, Forest Snare, Gandalf (Core), Sarn Ford Sentry and Warden Of Healing.

Deck #2 consisted of Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee with a total 30 threat. The starting hand was Dunedain Warning, Dunedain Watcher, Hands Upon The Bow, Ranger Summons and Westfold Outrider.

Quest Set-Up.

I played Gandalf's Delay, added Bag End as the active location and a Black Rider in the staging area.

TURN ONE – First Player: Deck #1.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Waters Of The Nimrodel.

Deck #2 drew Gimli.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Sam Gamgee to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Dunedain Warning on him.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Arwen Undomiel (giving Sentinel and a defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins and Idraen.

Deck #2 committed Sam Gamgee.

Deck #1 drew Hunting For The Ring, which deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted the One Ring to shuffle back into the encounter deck.

Deck #1 drew Pathless Country.

Deck #2 drew Green Hill Country.

I committed 11 willpower against 8 threat. The 3 progress was added to Bag End, exploring it, adding it to the victory pile and readied Idraen before deck #1 drew Song Of Wisdom.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Forest.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 27.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 31.

TURN TWO – First Player: Deck #2.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Unexpected Courage.

Deck #2 drew Bill The Pony.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Aragorn to play Westfold Outrider. Her ability allowed deck #2 to engage the Black Rider.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Song Of Wisdom on Idraen.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Idraen and 2 from Beravor to play Sarn Ford Sentry.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Arwen Undomiel (giving Sentinel and a defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Idraen and Sarn Ford Sentry.

Deck #2 committed Halbarad (using his ability).

Deck #1 drew Piercing Cry, adding another Black Rider to the staging area.

Deck #2 drew Ranger of the North and brought it into play with them before doing 2 damage to the Black Rider engaged with Deck #2.

I committed 12 willpower against 6 threat. 3 progress explored Green Hill Country before another progress explored stage 1B.

Stage 2B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Pathless Country.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacked the Westfold Outrider, killing her.

Aragorn, Halbarad, Sam Gamgee and Ranger of the North attacked the Black Rider, killing it (thanks to Aragorn's ability). Thanks to Aragorn's other ability a Black Rider engaged deck #2.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 28.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 32.

TURN THREE – First Player: Deck #1.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Warden Of Arnor.

Deck #2 drew Weather Hills Watchman.

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Beravor and Idraen to play Warden Of Healing.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Warden Of Arnor.

Deck #2 paid 2 from Halbarad and Sam Gamgee to play Gimli.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Arwen Undomiel (adding Sentinel and a buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Idraen and Sarn Ford Sentry.

Deck #2 committed Halbarad.

Deck #1 drew Black Steed, added to the Black Rider engaged with deck #2.

Deck #2 drew Have You Seen Baggins? Which was immediately nullified by deck #1 paying 1 from Frodo and exhausting The One Ring.

Deck #2 drew Bamfurlong (which gained a progress from Warden of Arnor).

I committed 12 against 6 threat. 3 progress explored Pathless Country (and readies Idraen) before 3 progress was added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Bamfurlong.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacked the Ranger of the North, only just killing him.

Aragorn, Gimli, Halbarad and Sam Gamgee attacked the Black Rider, doing 5 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 29.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 33.

The Black Rider with Black Steed returned to the staging area.

TURN FOUR – First Player: Deck #2.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Warden Of Annuminas.

Deck #2 drew Secret Vigil.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam Gamgee to play Weather Hills Watchman. His ability pulled Ranger Summons into hand.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Secret Vigil on the wounded Black Rider.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel and Idraen to play Unexpected Courage on Aragorn.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Arwen Undomiel (giving Sentinel and a defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins, Idraen and Sarn Ford Sentry.

Deck #1 drew Piercing Cry, which deck #2 reshuffled back into the encounter deck by paying 1 from Frodo and exhausting The One Ring.

Deck #1 drew Green Hill Country.

Deck #2 drew Gildor Inglorion which joined deck #2.

I managed 10 willpower versus 10 threat so I broke even.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged the wounded Black Rider.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacked Gildor Inglorion, doing 2 damage.

Aragorn and the Weather Hills Watchman attacked the injured Black Rider, killing it. Secret Vigil reduced deck #1's threat to 25 and deck #2's threat to 29. Deck #2 engaged the other Black Rider.

As a aside, at this point I looked at Gimli's card text and swore profusely as I realized that I had been playing him wrong and how boss his ability is.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 26.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 30.

Gildor Inglorion was discarded.

TURN FIVE – First Player: Deck #1.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Arwen Undomiel.

Deck #2 drew Secret Vigil.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Aragorn to play Secret Vigil on the Black Rider engaged with deck #2.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons and shuffle a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Arwen Undomiel (giving Sentinel and a defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo Baggins and Idraen.

Deck #2 committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Gimli and Halbarad (thanks to his ability).

Deck #1 drew Green Hill Country (which gained a progress from Warden of Arnor).

Deck #2 drew Lure Of The Ring, deck #1 exhausted the One Ring.

I committed 16 willpower against 4 threat. 1 progress explored Bamfurlong and readied Idraen, the other 11 progress was added to Stage 2B which, much to my surprise, explored it so I moved onto stage 3.

Stage 3B added Buckleberry Ferry to the staging area.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to the Green Hill Forest with a progress on it.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacked the Weather Hills Watchman. The shadow card was Ride Like The Wind, which returned the Black Rider to the staging area after killing the Watchman.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 27.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 31.

TURN SIX – First Player: Deck #2.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Star Brooch.

Deck #2 drew Dunedain Warning.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and 2 from Sam to play Dunedain Watcher.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor and Idraen and 1 from Halbarad to play Gandalf (Core) using his ability to draw Gather Information, Light of Valinor and Self-Preservation.

Deck #1 paid 1 from Glorfindel to play Light Of Valinor on Glorfindel.

Quest Phase.

I committed Arwen Undomiel (adding a defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, Glorfindel, Idraen and Sarn Ford Sentry.

Deck #1 drew Crawling Towards Him. Deck #1 exhausted Glorfindel and discarded Have You Seen Baggins and Stock-Brook so I managed 3 willpower against 1. I passed the Hide test.

Deck #2 drew Stock Road, which gained a progress from Warden of Arnor.

I committed 19 against 12 threat. 2 progress was added to Green Hill Country, exploring it.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Green Hill Country.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged the Black Rider with Secret Vigil.

Combat Phase.

The Black Rider attacks Dunedain Watcher, killing her.

Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam attacked the Black Rider, doing 3 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 28.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 32.

Gandalf was discarded.

TURN SEVEN – First Player: Deck #1.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Athelas.

Deck #2 drew Gandalf (Core).

Planning Phase.

Deck #1 paid 2 from Beravor and 1 from Idraen to play Self-Preservation on Halbarad.

Deck #2 paid 3 from Aragorn and 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Gandalf (Core), using his ability to kill the Black Rider. Secret Vigil reduced deck #1's threat to 24 and deck #2 to 28.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Arwen Undomeil (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo, Gimli, Idraen, Sarn Ford Sentry and Warden Of Healing.

Deck #1 drew Evil Crow.

Deck #2 also drew Evil Crow.

I managed 16 willpower against 10 threat. 3 progress explored Green Hill Country, readying Idraen.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Stock Road. Deck #1 exhausted Gllorfindel for 3 willpower. I drew Hunting For The Ring for 0 and passed the Hide test.

Encounter Phase.

Deck #2 engaged a Evil Crow.

Combat Phase.

The Evil Crow attacked Gimli, doing no damage.

Aragorn attacked Evil Crow, killing him before Aragorn's ability triggered and brought the other Evil Crow down.

Gimli and Halbarad attacked the second Evil Crow, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 25.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 29.

Gandalf was discarded.

TURN EIGHT – First Player: Deck #2.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Warden Of Healing.

Deck #2 drew Song Of Kings.

Planning Phase.

Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Bill The Pony.

Quest Phase.

Deck #1 committed Aragorn (readying with Unexpected Courage), Arwen Undomeil (adding her defence buff to Halbarad), Beravor, Frodo, Gimli, Glorfindel, Idraen, Sarn Ford Sentry and Warden Of Healing.

Deck #1 drew Evil Crow.

Deck #2 drew Ranger Of The North, who he attached to Deck #2. The Rangers ability killed the Evil Crow..

I managed 16 willpower against 3 threat, exploring Stock Road and readying Idraen.

Travel Phase.

The Fellowship travelled to Buckleberry Ferry. Deck #2 exhausted Bill The Pony, Ranger of the North, Aragorn, Halbarad and Sam Gamgee for 10 willpower and drew 2 Black Riders and a Have You Seen Baggins for 8 threat so I passed the Hide test.

Encounter Phase.

No engagements.

Combat Phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards refreshed.

Deck #1 raised their threat to 26.

Deck #2 raised their threat to 30.

TURN NINE – First Player: Deck #1.

Resource Phase.

Added a resource to all heroes.

Deck #1 drew Warden Of Healing.

Deck #2 drew The Hammer-Stroke.

Planning Phase.

No planning.

Quest Phase.

I committed everyone with willpower in a attempt to blow through this quest.

Deck #1 drew Stock Road.

Deck #2 drew The Ring Draws Them, which surges.

Deck #2 drew Black Steed, which did nothing but surge.

Deck #2 drew Ride Like A Gale, which surges (this is getting ridiculous).

Deck #2 drew Lure Of The Ring, which forced me to exhaust the One Ring and surges.

Deck #2 drew Evil Crow.

In the end I committed 26 willpower against 2 threat. The 24 progress I made was more (much, much more) than I needed to finish the quest.

In the aftermath of the hard slog I added The Ring Draws Them and Mr. Underhill to the campaign pool.

At the end of the game I managed the total score of:

Completed Turns (8): 80.

Total Threat: 56.

Victory Points: 1

Total Score: 125.

Does anyone know a good place to record my adventures? The FFG official is really clunky and buggy.

Does anyone know a good place to record my adventures? The FFG official is really clunky and buggy.

I'm not sure, I used to use the FFG one but decided against it for the reasons you state.

As a aside, I was looking through my exploits that I recorded here and I noted that I hadn't attempted a all-Gondor deck. I then realised that I don't think I've ever played a all-Gondor deck. In a attempt to rectify this I've built two decks (since the low WIllpower will probably need more than three heroes to get around) and will be posting reports on all the non-Hobbit quests soon-ish.

Edited by silverthorn


I decided, after two badly failed attempts at playing all-Gondor decks (being location-locked twice on the easiest quest in the game told me that I was right about Gondor decks) so I went back to trying out the Secret Defenders decks from , taking them through all the non-Hobbit quests and making modifications as needed.

Deck #1 consisted of Beravor, Frodo Baggins and Idraen with a starting threat of 28. Their starting hand was Ancient Mathon, Athelas, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf (Core) and Strength Of Will x2.

Deck #2 consisted of Aragorn (Tactics), Halbarad and Sam Gamgee with a starting threat of 30. The starting hand was Dunedain Hunter, Dunedain Watcher, Gandalf (Core), Halfling Determination, Son Of Arnor and Weather Hills Watchman.

To set up the quest I added Forest Spider and Old Forest Gate to the staging area.

I started turn 1 by making deck #1 first player and adding a resource to all the heroes before deck #1 drew Henamarth Riversong and deck #2 drew Heir Of Valandil.

During planning Deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo and Idraen to play Bilbo Baggins (who put a Hobbit Pipe into hand) before playing Hobbit Pipe on Frodo and paying 1 from Beravor to play Henamarth Riversong. Deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Weather Hills Watchman (who put a Ranger Summons into hand) and played Dunedain Hunter, who put Black Forest Bats into play engaged with deck #2. I then exhausted Henamarth Riversong to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Forest Spider, and returned it to the top of the deck.

In the quest phase I committed Beravor, Bilbo Baggins, Halbarad (thanks to his ability), Idraen and Sam Gamgee. The draws were Forest Spider and Driven By Shadow, which added 1 to the threat of the cards in the staging area. I committed 13 against 8 threat so 5 progress was added to stage 1B before the heroes travelled to Old Forest Road, which readied Sam Gamgee.

During the encounter phase deck #2 optionally engaged a Forest Spider before deck #1 engaged the other Forest Spider.

The Forest Spider engaged with deck #1 made a undefended attack against Frodo. The shadow card was Mountains of Mirkwood, for no effect and the attack raised deck #1's threat to 31. The Forest Spider engaged with deck #2 attacked the Dunedain Hunter. The shadow card was The Necromancer's Reach, for no effect and the attack did 2 damage. The Black Forest Bats attacked Weather Hills Watchman. The shadow card was Chieftain Ufthak for no effect and the attack did no damage. Aragorn attacked the Forest Spider, killing it before Aragorn's ability triggered and made the Forest Spider engaged with deck #1 engage deck #2. Halbarad and Sam attacked the Black Forest Bats, killing it.

After a productive combat phase I readied all cards before raising deck #1's threat to 32 and deck #2's to 31.

Turn Two began with deck #2 becoming first player before I added a resource to the heroes. Deck #2 drew Sword That Was Broken and deck #1 drew Will Of The West.

In planning deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad to play Ranger Summons (adding a Ranger of the North into the encounter deck). Deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo to play Ancient Mathon on the active Old Forest Road. Henamarth Riversong exhausted to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Enchanted Stream, and returned it to the encounter deck.

During the quest phase I committed Beravor, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo, Halbarad (using his ability), Idraen and Sam Gamgee. I drew Enchanted Stream and Necromancer's Pass. I managed 13 against 5 threat. 3 progress explored Old Forest Road (Ancient Mathon allowed deck #2 to draw Dagger of Westernesse, Gandalf (Core) and Secret Vigil) and 5 progress was added to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2B. The heroes then moved to Enchanted Stream.

The Forest Spider attacked Halbarad. The shadow card was Enchanted Stream, for no effect and the attack did no damage. Aragorn attacked the Forest Spider and killed it thanks to his defence lowering ability.

At the end of the turn I readied everything before deck #2's threat increased to 32 and deck #1's increased to 33.

Turn Three began with deck #1 becoming first player before I added a resource to all heroes.

In the planning phase deck #1 paid 1 from Frodo and 2 from Beravor and Idraen to play Gandalf (Core), using his ability to lower deck #1's threat to 28. Deck #2 paid 2 from Sam and 1 from Halbarad to play Sword That Was Broken on Aragorn before paying 1 from Aragorn to play Dagger of Westernesse on Aragorn. Henamarth Riversong exhausted to look at the top card of the encounter deck, yet another Forest Spider, and return it to the encounter deck.

During the quest phase I committed Beravor, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo, Gandalf, Idraen and Sam Gamgee. The draws were Forest Spider and Dol Goldur Orcs (which added 2 damage to Gandalf). I committed 16 against 7 threat. 2 progress explored Enchanted Stream (readying Idraen) and the other 7 progress was added to stage 2B, exploring it. The random stage 3B was 'Beorn's Path'.

After travelling to Necromancer's Pass, which forced deck #1 to discard Athelas and Will Of The West, deck #2 optionally engaged the Forest Spider and Dol Goldur Orcs, thanks to Halbarad's ability.

The Forest Spider attacked Weather Hills Watchman. The shadow card was Mountains Of Mirkwood, which did nothing but the attack killed the Weather Hills Watchman. The Dol Goldur Orcs attacked Dunedain Hunter. The shadow card was The Necromancer's Reach, which did nothing. The attack finished off the Dunedain Hunter. Aragorn and Halbarad attacked and killed the Forest Spider.

At the end of the turn I readied everything before discarding Gandalf and raising deck #1's threat to 29 and deck #2's to 33.

Turn Four began with deck #2 becoming first player before I added a resource to all heroes. Deck #2 drew another Sword That Was Broken and deck #1 drew Will Of The West.

In planning deck #2 paid 1 from Halbarad and Sam to play Heir of Valandil on Aragorn and paid 1 from Aragorn to play Secret Vigil on Dol Goldur Orcs. Deck #1

In the quest phase I committed Aragorn, Beravor, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo, Halbarad (thanks to his ability), Henamarth Riversong, Idraen and Sam Gamgee. The draw was Great Forest Web and Eyes Of The Forest, which forced deck #2 to discard Halfling Determination and deck #1 to discard 2 Strength of Will and a Will Of The West. I committed 19 willpower against 2 threat. 2 progress explored Necromancer's Pass and the other 15 progress was placed on Stage 3B, exploring it and winning the game.

This was a lot different to playing with the all-Gondor decks. The far higher willpower made things more managable. In the end, the combined score was:

Completed Turns (3): 30

Combined Threat: 62

Total Score: 92.

Bro, you have some serious time on your hands! Nice reports.

I've been playing since release, and I doubt I've managed 200 games in total! It's impressive stuff!


Starting a try out of the LOTR saga with a deck combo which I liked in the past.

Player Set-Up.

Heroes: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins (with Mr. Underhill and The One Ring).

Starting Threat: 29.

Starting Hand (after mulligan): Bow Of The Galadhrim, Defender Of The Nalth, Gandalf (Core), Henamarth Riversong and The Tree People.

Quest Set-Up.

Put Gandalf's Delay into play.

Added Bag End as active location.

Add Black Rider into staging area.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Waters Of Nimrodel.

Planning Phase.

Paid 1 from Legolas to play Bow Of The Galadhrim on Haldir Of Lorien.

Paid 1 from Haldir Of Lorien to play Henamarth Riversong.

Played The Tree People, returned Henamarth Riversong to hand and played Galadhrim Minstrel. Her ability placed Feigned Voices into my hand.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Haldir of Lorien and Galadhrim Minstrel.

Drew Green Hill Country.

Total Willpower: 9.

Total Threat: 6.

3 progress added to Bag End, exploring it and allowing me to draw Feigned Voices.

Current VP: 1.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Green Hill Country.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 30.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew O Lorien.

Planning Phase.

Paid 1 from Celeborn to play O Lorien on Celeborn.

Exhuasted O Lorien and paid 1 from Frodo, Haldir of Lorien and Legolas to play Defender of the Nalth.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo, Legolas, Galadhrim Minstrel and Defender of the Nalth.

Drew Piercing Cry. Paid 1 from Frodo and exhausted the One Ring to reshuffle into encounter deck.

Drew Stock Road.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 1.

1 progress added to Green Hill Country.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

Haldir of Lorien attacks Black Rider in staging area, inflicting 1 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 30.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Nalth Guide.

Planning Phase.

Exhausted O Lorien and paid 1from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Celeborn quests with exhausting this turn.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel and Nalth Guide.

Drew Evil Crow.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 9.

Current Threat: 32.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter phase.

I engaged the Evil Crow.

Combat phase.

Evil Crow attacks Defender of the Nalth. Attack does no damage.

Legolas attacks and kills the Evil Crow, adding 2 progress to and exploring Green Hill Country.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 33.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Galadhon Archer.

Planning Phase.

Paid 2 from Celeborn and Legolas and 1 from Frodo to play Gandalf (Core). His ability inflicted 4 damage on the wounded Black Rider in the staging area.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel, Gandalf (Core) and Nalth Guide.

Drew Stock-Brook, became active location.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 7.

4 progress added to Stock-Brook.

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

Haldir of Lorien uses his ability to snipe the Black Rider in the staging area, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 34.

Discard Gandalf.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Captain Of Gondor.

Planning Phase.

Paid 1 from Legolas to play Captain Of Gondor on Legolas.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel and Nalth Guide.

Drew Green Hill Country.

Total Willpower: 7.

Total Threat: 5.

1 progress added to stage 1B, exploring it and moving to stage 2B.

Black Rider added to staging area.

Travel Phase.

I make a Hide test, exhausting no-one so I automatically engage Black Rider and travel to Stock Road.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

Play Feigned Voices and return Nalth Guide to hand to stop Black Rider attack.

Haldir of Lorien, Legolas and Defender of the Nalth attack Black Rider, inflicting 3 damage.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 35.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Nalth Guide.

Planning Phase.

Exhuated O Lorien and paid 1 from Legolas to play Galadhon Archer, doing 1 damage to Black Rider.

Paid 2 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Celeborn quests with exhausting this turn.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel and Nalth Guide.

Drew Pathless Country.

Total Willpower: 8.

Total Threat: 4.

3 progress added to Stock Road, exploring it.

1 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Green Hill Country.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

Black Rider attacks Defender of the Nalth, killing him.

Haldir of Lorien and Legolas attack Black Rider, killing it.

Legolas adds 2 progress to stage 2B.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 36.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Feint.

Planning Phase.

Paid 1 from Haldir of Lorien to play Henamarth Riversong.

Exhausted O Lorien and paid 1 from Celeborn to play Nalth Guide. Celeborn quests without exhausting this turn.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel, Henamarth Riversong and Nalth Guide x2.

Drew The Marish.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 5.

3 progress added to Green Hill Country, exploring it.

3 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to the Marish.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 37.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Silvan Tracker.

Planning Phase.

Exhaust O Lorien and pay 2 from Haldir of Lorien to play Silvan Tracker.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo Baggins, Galadhrim Minstrel, Nalth Guide x2 and Silvan Tracker.

Drew Pathless Country.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 4.

4 progress added to The Marish, exploring it.

3 progress added to Stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Pathless Country.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 38.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Wingfoot.

Planning Phase.

Paid 1 from Haldir to play Wingfoot on Haldir.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel, Haldir of Lorien (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Henamarth Riversong, Nalth Guide x2 and Silvan Tracker.

Drew Black Rider (readying Haldir).

Total Willpower: 10.

Total Threat: 6.

3 progress added to Pathless Country, exploring it.

1 progress added to stage 2B.

Travel Phase.

Travel to Pathless Country.

Encounter phase.

Optionally engage Black Rider.

Combat phase.

Paid 1 from Legolas to play Feint and stop Black Rider attack.

Haldir, Legolas and Galadhon Atcher attack Black Rider, killing it.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 39.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Galadhon Archer.

Planning Phase.

Exhausted O Lorien and paid 1 from Legolas to play Galadhon Archer.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel, Haldir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Henamarth Riversong, Nalth Guide x2 and Silvan Tracker.

Drew Evil Crow (readying Haldir).

Total Willpower: 12.

Total Threat: 2.

3 progress added to Pathless Country, exploring it.

7 progress added to stage 2B, exploring it and moving to stage 3B.

Add Buckleberry Ferry to staging area.

Add Black Rider to staging area (readying Haldir).

Travel Phase.

No travel.

Encounter phase.

Engage Black Rider and Evil Crow.

Combat phase.

Evil Crow makes undefended attack on Celeborn, doing no damage.

Played Feigned Voices and returned Henamarth Riversong to hand to stop Black Rider attack.

Haldir, Legolas and unbuffed Galadhon Archer attacked and killed Black Rider.

Buffed Galadhon Archer attacked and killed Evil Crow.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 40.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Orophim.

Planning Phase.

Exhausted O Lorien and paid 2 from Celeborn to play Orophim.pulled Defender of the Nalth into hand.

Paid 1 from Haldir to play Henamarth Riversong.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel, Haldir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Nalth Guide x2 and Silvan Tracker.

Drew Black Steed, no effect and surges.

Drew Ride Like A Gale, no effect and surges.

Drew Gildor Inglorion. Attaches to me.

Total Willpower: 11.

Total Threat: 3.

Travel Phase.

Made Hide 3 test. Committed Gildor Inglorion, buffed Henamarth Riversong and buffed Orophim. I drew Hunting For The Ring, Have You Seen Baggins and Crawling Towards Him. I committed 8 against 0 threat and travelled to Buckleberry Ferry.

Encounter phase.

No engagements.

Combat phase.

No combat.

Refresh Phase.

All cards ready.

Threat: 41.

Paid 1 from Frodo to keep Gildor in play.


Resource Phase.

Added 1 resource to all heroes.

Drew Gandalf (Core)..

Planning Phase.

Paid 5 from Haldir to play Gandalf.

My threat: 36.

Paid 3 from Celeborn to play Defender of the Nalth.

Quest Phase.

Committed: Celeborn, Defender of the Nalth, Frodo, Galadhrim Minstrel, Gandalf (Core), Gildor Inglorion, Haldir (naming Enemy for Wingfoot), Henamarth Riversong, Legolas, Nalth Guide x2, Orophim and Silvan Tracker.

Drew Black Rider.

Total Willpower: 23.

Total Threat: 4.

9 progress added to Buckleberry Ferry, exploring it and winning the quest.

With the heroes floating away from the Nazgul I decided to add Gildor Inglorion and The Ring Draws Them to the campaign pool.