Playing 200 games in a year (or at least trying to)

By silverthorn, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game


Heroes: Denethor, Eowyn, Gimli

This deck, once again, performed well. It may not work quickly but it gets results once I can get a Unexpected Courage onto Denethor. My final score was

Completed turns (11): 110

Threat: 30

Damage: 2

Total: 142

Edited by silverthorn

Deleted for reasons of rampant stupidity.

Edited by silverthorn


Heroes: Aragon (Lore), Frodo Baggins, Glorfindel (Spirit).

This game went better than I half expected. Getting Song of Wisdom and A Burning Brand in my starting hand made it that I was rarely raising my threat due to using Frodo as designated defender and my decision to put a few cards to draw other cards (three Ancient Mathon and a Daeron's Runes) worked out when I drew 6 cards in turn two.

To sum up, a style of deck I've rarely if ever used worked out a lot better than I thought it would.

My score was:

Completed turns (6): 60

Threat: 28

Damage: 0

VP: 0.

Total Score: 88.


I decided to go back to the beginning and try all the quests with one hero line-up.

After sending him a message on the forum, MightyRauros gave me permission to use the format he uses for his website while I'm typing these up.

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Beregond, Eowyn, Legolas

Starting Threat: 28.

Starting Hand: Close Call x2, Defender of Rammas, Feint and Galadriel's Handmaiden x2.

Mulligan: Black Arrow, Bofur (Tactics), Galadhon Archer x2 and Galadriel's Handmaiden x2.

Encounter Set-Up

Added Forest Spider to staging area.

Added Old Forest Road to staging area.

Round One

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Legolas (1).

Draw: Bofur (Spirit).

Planning Phase

Play Black Arrow on Legolas.

Play Galadhon Archer (-1 Beregond, -1 Legolas). One damage added to Forest Spider.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn.

Total Willpower: 4.

Reveal: Enchanted Stream.

Total Threat: 5.

Threat increased to 29.

Travel Phase

Travel to Old Forest Road. Refresh Eowyn.

Encounter Phase

Engage Forest Spider.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Beregond defends. Shadow: Eyes of the Forest. Does nothing. No damage inflicted on Beregond.

Eowyn and Legolas attack Forest Spider and kill it. 2 progress placed on Old Forest Road.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 30.

Turn Two

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (1), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Legolas (1).

Draw: Feint.

Planning Phase

Play Galadriel's Handmaiden (Eowyn -2). Threat reduced to 29.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 6.

Reveal: King Spider. Exhausts Galadhon Archer.

Total Threat: 4.

1 progress goes onto Old Forest Road and explores it. 1 progress goes onto stage 1B.

Travel Phase

Travel to Enchanted Stream.

Encounter Phase

Engage King Spider.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to King Spider. Shadow card: Old Forest Road, no effect. Inflicts no damage on Beregond.

Legolas attacks King Spider for 2 damage.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all, raise threat to 30.

Turn Three

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (2), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Legolas (2).

Planning Phase

Play Galadhon Archer (-2 Legolas). 1 damage inflicted on King Spider. Kills King Spider.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 6.

Reveal: Ungolient's Spawn. Lowers total willpower to 4.

Total Threat: 3.

1 progress goes onto Enchanted Stream.

Travel Phase

No travel.

Encounter Phase

Encounter Ungolient's Spawn.

Combat Phase

Shadow card played on Ungolient's Spawn. Attacks Beregond. Shadow card: Necromancer's Pass, no effect. 1 damage inflicted on Beregond.

Legolas and both Galadhon Archers attack Ungolient's Spawn. Legolas uses Black Arrow. Inflicts 10 damage on Ungolient's Spawn, killing it. 1 progress goes on Enchanted Stream. Explores it. 1 progress goes onto stage 1B.

Black Arrow goes to victory display. Total VP: 1.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Raise threat to 31.

Turn Four

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (3), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Legolas (1).

Draw: Citadel Plate.

Planning Phase

Play Citadel Plate on Beregond (Beregond -2).

Play Galadriel's Handmaiden (Eowyn -2). Threat reduced to 30.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, 2x Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 8.

Reveal: Chieftain Ufthak.

Total Threat; 2.

6 progress placed on stage 1B. Completes stage. Move to stage 2B.

Travel Phase

No travel.

Encounter Phase

Engage Chieftain Ufthak.

Combat Phase

Shadow card placed on Chieftain Ufthak. Attacks Beregond. Shadow card: Black Forest Bats. No effect. Inflicts 1 damage on Beregond.

Legolas and both Galadhon Archers attack Chieftain Ufthak, inflicting 4 damage.

Refresh Phase

Refresh All. Raise threat to 31.

Turn Five

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (2), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Legolas (2).

Draw: The Galadhrim's Greeting.

Planning Phase

Play Bofur (Tactics) (Beregond -1, Legolas -2).

Exhaust Bofur (Tactics) to draw Spear of the Citadel.

Play Spear of the Citadel on Beregond.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, 2x Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 8.

Reveal: East Bight Patrol.

Total threat: 3.

5 progress added to stage 2B. Explored. Random stage 3B= Beorn's Path.

Travel Phase

No travel.

Encounter Phase

Encounter East Bight Patrol.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Chieftain Ufthak and East Bight Patrol. Chieftain Ufthak attacks a Galadhon Archer. Shadow card: Mountains of Mirkwood. No effect. Galadhon Archer killed. East Bight Patrol attacks Beregond. Shadow card: Necromancer's Reach. No effect. No damage inflicted.

Legolas and surviving Galadhon Archer attack Chieftain Ufthak and kill him. 2 progress added stage 3B.

Chieftain Ufthak added to victory display. Total VP: 5.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Raise threat to 32.

Turn Six

Resource Phase

+1 Beregond (2), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Legolas (1).

Draw: Gandalf.

Planning Phase

Play Gandalf (Beregond -2, Eowyn -2, Legolas -1).

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Legolas, 2x Galadriel's Handmaiden, Gandalf

Total Willpower: 13.

Reveal: Forest Gate.

Total threat: 2.

11 progress placed on stage 3B. Stage completed and quest completed.

This deck went well, despite my not drawing 2 or 3 supposedly key cards. My final score was:

Complete turns (5): 50

Threat: 32

Damage: 2.

VP: 5.

Total score: 77.

Edited by silverthorn


Heroes: Celeborn, Elrond and Galadriel & Haldir of Lorien, Legolas and Mirlonde.

Using the decks from the Second Breakfast articles I tried the easiest quest in the game. The game went well, although I hit a ridiculous amount of locations and the decks seemed to work well together. All in all, a decent start.


For this game I decided to try a variation on my most-used hero selection (Beregond, Eowyn, Legolas), substituting Spirit Glorfindel for Legolas. This gave me a starting threat of 24.

My starting hand was Defender of Rammas x2, Elrond's Counsel, Gondorian Shield, Light of Valinor and Unexpected Courage. This gave me pretty much all the high-priority cards I wanted.

Quest set-up consisted of placing Forest Spider and Old Forest Road.

Turn one began with me adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Northern Tracker.

During planning I played Gondorian Shield on Beregond before I paid 1 resource from Glorfindel to play Light of Valinor on Glorfindel.

In the quest phase I committed Glorfindel before playing Elrond's Counsel to add a willpower and reduce my threat to 21. I then committed Eowyn for a total of 8 willpower.

In addition to the 3 threat currently in the staging area I drew another Forest Spider for a total of 5 threat. 3 progress was placed on stage 1B.

In the travel phase I travelled to Old Forest Road, using it's ability to ready Eowyn.

In the encounter phase I optionally engaged one of the Forest Spiders, who immediately attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Enchanted Stream which did nothing. The attack did no damage and Eomer and Glorfindel attacked for 4, doing 3 damage.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything before increasing my threat to 22.

Turn two commenced with me adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Song of Travel.

In the planning phase I paid 2 resources from Beregond to play Defender from Rammas. I then paid 2 resources from Eomer to play Unexpected Courage on Beregond.

During the quest phase I committed Eomer and Glorfindel for 7 willpower. In addition to the 2 threat in the staging area I drew Great Forest Web for 4 total threat. I made 3 progress, exploring Old Forest Road.

In the travel phase I travelled to Great Forest Web, exhausting Beregond, then refreshing him with Unexpected Courage.

After declining to engage the Forest Spider in the staging area, the other Forest Spider attacked Beregond again. The shadow card was Old Forest Road, for no effect and the Spider did no damage. In return Glorfindel and Eowyn attacked for 4 killing it.

At the end of the turn I refreshed everything before raising my threat to 23.

At the start of turn 3 I added a resource to all my heroes before drawing Northern Tracker.

During planning I paid 1 resource from Glorfindel to play Song of Travel on Beregond.

In the quest phase I committed Eomer and Glorfindel for a total of 7 willpower. In addition to the 2 in the staging area I drew East Bight Patrol for a total of 5 threat. 2 progress was placed on Great Forest Web, exploring it.

Skipping the travel phase I was forced to engage the East Bight Patrol, who attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Dol Goldur Orcs, who increased the Patrol's attack to 4, which meant that they still did no damage to Beregond.

I then attacked the Patrol with Glorfindel, killing them.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 24.

Turn four began with me adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Gandalf (Core).

Planning began with me paying 2 resources from Beregond to play another Defender of Rammas and 2 resources each from Eomer and Glorfindel to play Northern Tracker.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Glorfindel and the Northern Tracker for a total 8 threat. In addition to the 2 threat in the staging area I drew The Necromancer's Reach, which added 1 damage to Eowyn and the Northern Tracker. The total threat was 2 so I added 6 progress to stage 1B, exploring it and moving onto stage 2B.

After skipping the travel phase I engaged the Forest Spider, who attacked Beregond. The shadow card was Chieftain Ufthak, for no effect. The Forest Spider did no damage. Glorfindel and the 2 Defenders of Rammas attacked for 5, killing the Spider.

At the end of the turn I refreshed all my cards before raising my threat to 25.

To kick off turn 5 I added a resource to each hero before drawing Gondorian Shield.

With nothing to do in the planning stage I committed Eowyn and Glorfindel as well as the Northern Tracker before discarding the Gondorian Shield in my hand for a total of 9 willpower.

With nothing in the staging area I drew another Forest Spider for a total of 2 threat. 7 progress was made, more than enough to explore stage 2B. I had to select a stage 3B and I hit lucky drawing “Beorn's Path”.

Skipping the travel phase the Forest Spider attacked Celeborn. The shadow card was Great Forest Web, for no effect. The spider did no damage and Glorfindel and the 2 Defenders Of Rammas attacked for 5, killing it.

At the end of the episode I refreshed all the cards and raised my threat to 26.

Turn six started with me adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Feint. I proceeded to pay 2 resources each from Eomer and Glorfindel to play another Northern Tracker.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Glorfindel and 2 Northern Trackers for a total of 9 willpower. With a empty staging area I drew Dol Goldur Beastmaster for a total of 2 threat. 7 progress was placed on stage 3B.

After skipping travel the Dol Goldur Beastmaster attacked Beregond. The shadow cards were Enchanted Stream and Mountains of Mirkwood for no effect and the attack did no damage before Beregond refreshed by exhausting Unexpected Courage.

Beregond, Glorfindel and the 2 Defenders of Rammas then attacked, killing the Dol Goldur Beastmaster before I ended the turn by refreshing all my cards and raising my threat to 27.

Turn 7 began with me adding resources before drawing Arwen Undomiel.

During planning I paid 1 resource each from Glorfindel and Eowyn to play Arwen Undomiel.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Glorfindel, Arwen Undomiel and 2 Northern Trackers for 11 willpower. With the staging area still empty I drew Hummerhorns for a total of 1 threat. 10 progress was made, far more than I needed to complete stage 3B and win the game.

The final score was:

Completed turns (6): 60

Threat: 27

Damage: 1

Total Score: 88

Heroes: Eowyn, Gimli, Legolas

Trying this with a new hero combo for my efforts using only cards from the core set. Things went well after a less than brilliant start. After picking up a good few wounds and losing 5 events to one card I managed to get a win. My score was as follows:

7 completed rounds = 70

Total combined Threat = 37

Total damage on Heroes = 6

Cost of dead Heroes = 0

Victory points = 0



Heroes: Eowyn, Gimli, Legolas

For this game I was blighted with some of the worst card draw I've ever had to suffer through. Having to use a Will Of The West with no cards in my discard pile (just in the hope of maybe getting some decent cards) barely solved it. I managed to barely win the game.

14 completed rounds = 140
Total combined Threat = 48
Total damage on Heroes = 7
Cost of dead Heroes = 0
Victory points = 8


Heroes; Celeborn, Haldir of Lorien, Legolas.

This game went well, despite my drawing 2 Leadership cards in the whole game (thankfully the first one was O Lorien). Everyone did what was needed and everything went to plan. My score was:

Completed rounds (6): 60

Total Threat: 38.

Total Cost: 98

5 more to go my friend! Almost there.

I've been holding out for Antlered Crown coming out in the UK but I got sick of waiting. I think I'm probably going to keep going past 200 games to see how many games I can play before March 19th since that will be a year since I started this whole thing.


Heroes: Celeborn, Haldir of Lorien, Legolas.

This one was a slog but worked out (mostly because I didn't go with my first instinct and mulligan when I didn't have O Lorien in my opening hand but did get Black Arrow, Sneak Attack and Core Set Gandalf in it). After sneak attacking Gandalf to do 4 damage I then had Haldir shoot the troll to death with the Black Arrow in the combat phase without it leaving the staging area.

After that it was a case of slowly but surely questing through while killing the enemies which cropped up (Haldir is really handy against Goblin Snipers). My final score was:

Completed Turns (9): 90

Threat: 42.

VP: 5.

Total Score: 127.


Heroes: Denethor, Eowyn, Gimli

Trying a new (old) set of heroes I hit lucky. Gimli was the prisoner and I barely managed to survive long enough to get him released. As it was, Eowyn managed to quest to victory after losing all my other heroes. After 13 turns I didn't want to think about what the score was but it was a victory.


After sending him a message on the forum, MightyRauros gave me permission to use the format he uses for his website while I'm typing these up.

Player Set-Up

Heroes: Denthor, Eowyn, Gimli.

Starting Threat: 28.

Starting Hand: Arwen Undomiel, Boromir, Citadel Plate, Gandalf (Core), Gondorian Spearman and Henamarth Riversong.

Encounter Set-Up

Added Forest Spider to staging area.

Added Old Forest Road to staging area.

Round One

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Gimli (1).

Draw: Gondorian Shield.

Planning Phase

Play Henamarth Riversong (Denethor -1).

Play Gondorian Shield on Denethor (Gimli -1).

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Enchanted Stream, and return to top of the deck.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn.

Total Willpower: 4.

Reveal: Enchanted Stream.

Total Threat: 5.

Threat increased to 29.

Travel Phase

Travel to Old Forest Road. Refresh Eowyn.

Encounter Phase

Engage Forest Spider.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Denethor defends. Shadow: Caught In A Web, no effect. No damage.

Eowyn and Gimli attacks Forest Spider, doing 2 damage.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 30.

Round Two

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (1), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Gimli (1).

Draw: Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Planning Phase

Play Galadriel's Handmaiden (Eowyn -2). Threat reduced to 29.

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Driven By Shadow, and return to top of the deck.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 6.

Reveal: Driven By Shadow.

Total Threat: 3.

3 progress added to Old Forest Road. Explored.

Travel Phase

Travel to Enchanted Stream.

Encounter Phase

No encounters.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Denethor defends. Shadow: Chief Ufthak, no effect. No damage.

Gimli attacks Forest Spider, doing 1 damage.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 30.

Turn Three

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Gimli (1).

Planning Phase

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Eyes of the Forest, and return to top of the deck.

Play Gondorian Spearman (Gimli -2).

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Total Willpower: 6.

Reveal: Eyes of the Forest (discarded no cards)..

Total Threat: 0.

2 progress placed on Enchanted Stream. Explored.

4 progress placed on stage 1B.

Travel Phase

No travel.

Encounter Phase

No encounters

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Denethor defends. Shadow: The Necromancer's Reach, no effect. No damage.

Gimli attacks Forest Spider, doing 1 damage and killing it.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 31

Turn Four

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (3), +1 Eowyn (2), +1 Gimli (1).

Draw: Horn of Gondor.

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Forest Spider, and return to top of encounter deck.

Planning Phase

Play Horn of Gondor on Eowyn (Gimli -1).

Play Arwen Undomiel (Eowyn -2).

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Arwen Undomiel. Add 1 to Denethor's defense.

Total Willpower: 8.

Reveal: Forest Spider

Total Threat: 2.

6 progress placed on stage 1B. Explored.

Stage 2B put into play.

Travel Phase

No travel.

Encounter Phase

Engage Forest Spider.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Denethor defends. Shadow: Dol Goldur Orcs, adds 1 attack. No damage.

Gimli & Gondorian Spearman attack for 2 damage

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 32.

Turn Five

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (4), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Gimli (1).

Draw: Thror's Map.

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, Forest Gate, and return to top of encounter deck.

Planning Phase

Play Thror's Map on Gimli (Denethor -1).

Play Gandalf (Core) (Denethor -3, Eowyn -1, Gimli -1). Draw Citadel Plate, Gandalf (Core) and Will Of The West.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn.

Total Willpower: 4.

Reveal: Forest Gate

Total Threat: 2.

2 progress placed on Stage 2B. Explored. Random stage 3B is “Beorn's Path”.

Travel Phase

Travel to Forest Gate. Draw Erebor Hammersmith and Gondorian Spearman.

Encounter Phase

No encounters.

Combat Phase

Add shadow card to Forest Spider. Denethor defends. Shadow: Old Forest Road, no effect. No damage.

Eowyn & Gimli attack for 3, killing the Forest Spider.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 33..

Discard Gandalf (Core).

Turn Six

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (1), +1 Eowyn (1), +1 Gimli (1).

Draw: Forest Snare.

Exhaust Henamarth Riversong to look at top card of encounter deck, The Necromancer's Reach, and return to top of encounter deck.

Planning Phase

No planning.

Quest Phase

Commit: Eowyn, Arwen Undomiel (1 defense added to Denethor).

Total Willpower: 6.

Reveal: The Necromancer's Reach (1 damage added to Eowyn and Arwen Undomiel).

Total Threat: 0.

4 progress added to Forest Gate. Explored.

Travel Phase

No travel

Encounter Phase

No encounters.

Combat Phase

No combat.

Refresh Phase

Refresh all. Increase threat to 34

Turn Seven

Resource Phase

+1 Denethor (2), +1 Eowyn (2) +1 Gimli (2).

Draw: Unexpected Courage.

Planning Phase

Play Unexpected Courage on Denethor (Eowyn -2).

Play Gondorian Spearman (Gimli -2).

Exhaust Denethor to look at the top card of the encounter deck, Dol Goldur Beastmaster, and move to bottom of deck.

Exhaust Unexpected Courage to refresh Denethor.

Quest Phase

Commit: Denthor, Eowyn, Gimli, Henamarth Riversong, Galadriel's Handmaiden and Arwen Undomiel.

Total Willpower: 12.

Reveal: King Spider, exhausted Gondorian Spearman

Total Threat: 2.

10 progress placed on stage 3B. Stage explored. Game completed succesfully.

Final Score

Completed Turns (6): 60.

Threat: 34.

Damage: 1.

Total Score: 95.

OK I've decided to accept the challenge. So far I played 1 game last week with a friend.

I plan on playing at least 2 games tomorrow night

This has turned out to be a lot of fun (despite a lot of things restricting the amount of time I've had to play the game since I started). Good luck.

So I played a solo game last night to test a new deck. Beat passage through Murkwood and beat it pretty easily using Aragorn, Denethor aand Faramir as my heroes. Only 198 more to go.


Heroes: Merry, Pippin (Lore), Sam Gamgee.

This was supposed to be a one-off look at the feasibility of a solo Hobbit deck but the deck turned out to be a lot of fun so I'm going to give this hero set-up another try.

In the end the score was:

Completed Turns (8): 80

Threat: 25.

Damage: 0

VP: 10

Total ScoreL 95.


Heroes: Beregond, Eowyn, Haldir of Lorien.

Since I finally got my hands on the Dark Forest I decided to give the Fellowship saga another go. I used a variation on a old deck and it seemed to go well. Getting a Rivendell Blade and Bow of the Galadhrim onto Haldir in the first two turns turned him into a excellent sniper against the Black Riders, softening them up for when I had to engage them. All in all, I managed to beat the quest and add Mister Underhill and Gandalf's Delay to my campaign log.

First of all, congratulations for achieving your goal...

Second, i really enjoyed your writing and the way you demonstrate how you played the game.

Now keep it up and go for the 250 until 19th March

Thank you.

I'm planning to keep recording the games until then to see just how many games I can play so it should be interesting.


I decided to go through the Fellowship Of The Ring scenarios and write them up using a all-Rohan starting team.




Frodo Baggins (with Mister Underhill and The One Ring).


Starting Threat: 28.

Starting Hand: Feint, Guthlaf, Hasty Stroke, Westfold Horse-Breeder and Westfold Outrider.


Phase: 1B (0/1 progress).

Active Location: Bag End (0/3 progress)

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Black Rider I.


The game began with me adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing another Westfold Outrider.

Proceeding to planning I paid 1 resource from Eowyn to play Westfold Horse-Breeder I. She allowed me to place Firefoot into my hand before reshuffling my deck. I then paid 1 resource each from Eomer and Hama to play Westfold Outrider I.

Proceeding to questing I committed Eowyn and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for a total of 5 willpower. In addition to the 4 threat in play I drew Crawling Towards Him, which I exhausted the One Ring and paid 1 resource from Frodo to reshuffle back into the deck. The replacement card was Evil Crow, which made for a total 6 threat. I raised my threat to 29.

After skipping travel I engaged the Evil Crow, who attacked the Westfold Outrider I. The shadow card was Lure Of The Ring, which increased the Evil Crow's attack to 2, doing 1 damage to Westfold Outrider I.

In response Eomer attacked the Evil Crow for 3 damage, killing it.

To end the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat to 30.




Frodo Baggins (with Mister Underhill and The One Ring).


Allies: Westfold Horse-Breeder I and Westfold Outrider I (1 wound remaining).

Threat: 30.

Hand: Feint, Firefoot, Guthlaf, Hasty Stroke and Westfold Outrider.

Phase: 1B (0/1 progress).

Active Location: Bag End (0/3 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Black Rider I.

I started the turn by adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Song Of Travel.

In the planning phase I paid 1 resource each from Eomer and Hama to play Firefoot on Eomer.

In the quest phase I again committed Eowyn and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for 5 total willpower. In addition to the 4 threat in the staging area I drew Lure of the Ring, which forced me to exhaust the One Ring before surging to Banfurlong for a total 6 threat. My threat increased to 31.

After skipping travel I optionally engaged Black Rider I who attacked the Westfold Outrider. The shadow card was another Black Rider for no effect and the attack over-killed Westfold Outrider I.

The death of Westfold Outrider I buffed Eomer, who, alongside Hama attacked Black Rider I for a whopping 10 damage, killing it.

To end the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat.


Eomer (with Firefoot).

Eowyn (1 resource).

Frodo (1 resource, with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).


Westfold Horse-Breeder I.

Threat: 32.

Hand: Feint, Guthlaf, Hasty Stroke, Song of Travel and Westfold Outrider.

Stage: 1B (0/1 progress).

Active Location: Bag End (0/3 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Banfurlong.

I started the turn by adding a resource to all my heroes before drawing Rohan Warhorse.

In the planning phase I paid 1 resource each from Eomer and Hama to play Guthlaf. I then paid 1 resource from Frodo to add Song of Travel to Eomer.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for a total of 5 willpower. In addition to the 3 threat in the staging area I drew another Black Rider, which I paid 1 resource from Frodo and exhausted The One Ring to shuffle back into my deck. The replacement card was Gildor Inglorion which became a ally. The total threat was 2. 3 progress was placed on Bag End, which was explored, allowing me to draw Westfold Horse-Breaker before Bag End was added to the victory display.

After travelling to Banfurlong I refreshed all my cards before discarding Gildon Inglorion and raising my threat.


Eomer (with Firefoot).

Eowyn (2 resources).

Frodo (with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).


Guthlaf, Westfold Horse-Breeder I.

Threat: 33.

Hand: Feint, Hasty Stroke, Rohan Warhorse, Westfold Horse-Breaker and Westfold Outrider.

Victory Points: 1 (Bag End).

Stage: 1B (0/1 progress).

Active Location: Banfurlong (0/2 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

I started the turn by adding resources before drawing Spear Of The Mark.

Moving on to planning I paid 1 resource from Eomer to play Spear of the Mark on him before paying 1 resource from Hama to play Rohan Warhorse on him. I then paid 2 resources from Eowyn to play Westfold Horse-Breaker I.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Westfold Horse-Breaker I and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for a total of 6 willpower. With no threat in the staging area I drew Black Steed which was discarded after surging to Lure of The Ring, which forced me to exhaust the One Ring before surging to Crawling Towards Him, which I did nothing to avoid a Hide 2 test. The draws were Stock Road and Evil Crow for 5 threat. The Hide test failed with no ill-effects.

In the end the threat total was 0 so 2 progress was placed on Banfurlong, exploring it and sending it to the staging area before I added 4 progress to stage 1B, exploring it.

Stage 2B forced me to add a Black Rider to the staging area before I skipped the travel phase and optionally engaged the Black Rider.

The Black Rider attacked Guthlaf. The shadow card was the Marish, buffing the Black Rider and making Guthlaf even more dead than he would have been.

Buffed by Guthlaf's sacrifice, Eomer and Hama attacked the Black Rider for 11 damage, killing it.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat again.


Eomer (with Firefoot, Song of Travel and Spear of the Mark).

Eowyn (1 resource).

Frodo (1 resource, with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).

Hama (with Rohan Warhorse).

Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeder I.

Threat: 34.

Hand: Feint, Hasty Stroke and Westfold Outrider.

Victory Points: 2 (Bag End, Banfurlong).

Stage: 2B (0/14 progress).

Active Location: None.

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

I started the turn by adding resources before drawing Unexpected Courage.

In the planning phase I paid 1 resource each from Eomer and Hama to play Westfold Outrider I. I then paid 2 resources from Eowyn to play Unexpected Courage on Eomer.

In the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Westfold Horse-Breeder I and Westfold Horse-Breaker I for 6 total willpower. I then drew Piercing Cry, which forced me to add a Black Rider from the encounter deck engaged with me. I then made 6 progress towards stage 2B.

After skipping travel and encounter phases the Black Rider attacked Westfold Outrider I. The shadow card was Have You Seen Baggins? Which did nothing before the Black Rider killed Westfold Outrider I.

Buffed by the death of the Outrider, Eomer and Hama attacked the Black Rider for 11 damage, killing it.

To end the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat again.


Eomer (with Firefoot, Song of Travel, Spear of the Mark and Unexpected Courage).


Frodo (2 resource, with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).

Hama (with Rohan Warhorse).

Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeder I.

Threat: 35.

Hand: Feint and Hasty Stroke.

Victory Points: 2 (Bag End, Banfurlong).

Stage: 2B (6/14 progress).

Active Location: None.

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

I started by adding a resource to my heroes before drawing Mustering the Rohirrim, which I immediately played to pull the last Westfold Outrider out of my deck.

In the planning phase I paid 1 resource each from Eomer and Hama to play Westfold Outrider I.

During the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Westfold Horse-Breaker I and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for 6 willpower. I then drew Have You Seen Baggins?, which I paid 1 resource from Frodo and exhausted the One Ring to reshuffle back into my deck. The replacement card was Pathless Country for a total of 2 threat. 4 progress was placed on stage 2B.

After travelling to Pathless Country, I refreshed all my cards and raised my threat.


Eomer (with Firefoot, Song of Travel, Spear of the Mark and Unexpected Courage).

Eowyn (1 resource).

Frodo (2 resource, with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).

Hama (with Rohan Warhorse).

Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeder I, Westfold Outrider I.

Threat: 36.

Hand: Feint and Hasty Stroke.

Victory Points: 2 (Bag End, Banfurlong).

Stage: 2B (10/14 progress).

Active Location: Pathless Country (0/3 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

At the start of the turn I added a resource to my heroes before drawing Citadel Plate.

During the quest phase I committed Eowyn, Westfold Horse-Breaker I and Westfold Horse-Breeder I for 6 willpower. I then drew another Pathless Country for 2 threat. 3 progress was placed on the active Pathless Country, exploring it before adding 1 progress to stage 2B.

After travelling to the new Pathless Country I ended the turn by refreshing my cards and raising my threat.


Eomer (with Firefoot, Song of Travel, Spear of the Mark and Unexpected Courage).

Eowyn (1 resource).

Frodo (2 resource, with Mister Underhill and the One Ring).

Hama (with Rohan Warhorse).

Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeder I, Westfold Outrider I.

Threat: 37.

Hand: Citadel Plate, Feint and Hasty Stroke.

Victory Points: 2 (Bag End, Banfurlong).

Stage: 2B (11/14 progress).

Active Location: Pathless Country (0/3 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

I started the turn by adding a resource to my heroes before drawing Westfold Horse-Breeder.

In the planning phase I paid 1 resource from Eowyn to play Westfold Horse-Breeder II, which drew nothing from my deck.

During the planning phase I committed Eowyn, Westfold Horse-Breaker and Westfold Horse-Breeder's I & II for a total of 7 willpower. I then drew Hunting For The Ring, which added 2 to my threat and made for a total of 0 willpower. 7 progress was made, 3 of which explored Pathless Country and 3 explored stage 2B.

Stage 3A added Buckleberry Ferry to the staging area and Stage 3B added another Black Rider to the staging area.

During the travel phase I committed Frodo and Eomer to make a Hide 3 test with 3 willpower (I then exhausted Unexpected Courage to refresh Eomer). The three cards were 2 Crawling Towards Him and The Ring Draws Them for no threat. I successfully travelled to the Buckleberry Ferry.

In the encounter phase I engaged the Black Rider, who attacked the new Westfold Outrider I. The shadow card was Hunting For The Ring, for no effect so the Black Rider killed Westfold Outrider I before the buffed Eomer and Hama attacked it for 11, killing the Black Rider.

At the end of the turn I refreshed my cards before raising my threat again.


Eomer (1 resource, with Firefoot, Song of Travel, Spear of the Mark and Unexpected Courage).

Eowyn (1 resource).

Frodo (3 resources, with Mister Underhill and The One Ring).

Hama (with Rohan Warhorse).

Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeders I & II.

Threat: 40.

Hand: Citadel Plate, Feint, Hasty Stroke.

Stage 3B.

Active Location: Buckleberry Ferry (0/9 progress).

Gandalf's Delay.

Staging Area: Empty.

To start the turn I added a resource to my heroes before drawing Escort From Edoras.

In the planning phase I paid 2 resources from Eowyn to play Escort From Edoras I.

In the quest phase I committed Eomer (exhausting Unexpected Courage to ready him), Eowyn, Frodo, Westfold Horse-Breaker I, Westfold Horse-Breeder I & II and Escort From Edoras I. This gave me a impressive 14 willpower.

Needing 9 progress to complete the quest and knowing that I had nothing in the staging area I drew Green Hill Country for 2 threat. 12 progress was made, 3 more than I needed to explore the Buckleberry Ferry and complete the quest.

To end the quest I decided to add Gandalf's Delay and Mister Underhill to the campaign pool.

My final score was:

Completed turns (8): 80

Threat: 40.

Hero Damage: 0.

VP: 2

Total Score: 118.

Can you post your deck you used when you log? That would help beginners like me :)

thank you!

I'll do that. I'll set up a thread in the Strategy and Deck Building forum to post the deck used in each game (with links if I can work out how to do it). After having spectacularly bad luck with the Dark Forest I'm thinking about going for restarting the Fellowship quests again with a deck which has some Lore in it. I will post after I've built a deck and played through Shadow of the Past again.


Heroes: Elrond, Gandalf and Glorfindel (Spirit).

Deck: Mark I

I decided to try this hero combo from the start of the quests. Things went well, if a little slowly since some of the main cards didn't show up until late in the game but I beat the game in 9 turns with some damage to my heroes. I amassed a win so things started well.