Hi Diskwargeeks!
This is my debut on FFG Forum and, since I'm Polish, English is not my first language, so, please, be forgiving if I'll make any faux pas, both technically and lexically.
I've got one simple question about specific scrum I encountered:
Disk A and B are standing on a Hill.
Disk C flip onto them and pin them both (overlapping a small part of Hill itself, but not literally - being hold "above the ground" by A and B).
Then disk D comes to rescue and flip over disk C.
My question is: does "defensive" quality from the Hill affects disk C? Did he get the Swift on his Counterattack in the clash with disk D? And - if D enter the same Hill - did he get the same ability in case somebody would like to get on top of him?
I mean - is it right to give a Defensive bonus to an attacker?
And one side-question: is ranged damage dealt immadietaly (and killed disk are taken from the battlefield just after recievieng damage equal or greater to its toughness)? I think yes, but I want to make sure.
If You could answer these questions, I will be very greatful.
Whish You all some great Diskwars battles!