
By nssxxx, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Anyone familiar with the rules care to comment on whether this is solo-able in any way?

Seems unlikely as this appears to be a head to head card game like the star wars lcg

Seems unlikely as this appears to be a head to head card game like the star wars lcg

Agreed. I have been longing for w40k solo game. There does not appear to be a lot of hidden information though (like netrunner)

This looks to be a cross between the Star Wars LCG and the Call of Cthulhu LCG. Excited either way as I like both of those.

Anyone familiar with the rules care to comment on whether this is solo-able in any way?

Anyone who is familiar with the rules can't answer that. NDA would prevent that.

Seems unlikely as this appears to be a head to head card game like the star wars lcg

Agreed. I have been longing for w40k solo game. There does not appear to be a lot of hidden information though (like netrunner)

Have you played the Death Angel game? It is very challenging solo, but fun.

I agree, I would like to see this solo-able. And not just this, but some of the other LCGs out there converted to a solo version.

From this first look, it appears to be quite similar to the original 40k CCG by Sabretooth Games, which was very much a head to head conflict game.

It does say it is a 1v1 game on the box but I could see an opening for a solo battle. I am not to well versed in Warhammer lore (I am trying to get caught up because this game sounds really cool) but They could come up with a challenge deck of Tyranids or Necros that would work similar to Lord of the Rings LCG. Maybe there would be a deployment number that the Tyranid/Necros would spam out from planet to planet and you would have to achieve some victory qualification like defeating a certain enemy that is within the challenge deck.

I think this would be really cool actually.

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Not co-op. War.

But more seriously, I'm sure there will be some enterprising fan who hacks together some solo rules, at least. Personally, I'd prefer if FFG kept their eye on making the ongoing 1v1 game experience the best it can possibly be rather than putting resources toward alternate play modes like solo or multiplayer.

There are other games for that.

Edited by BD Flory

Death Angel is a great Solo game IMHO...and yeah, I can't wait for the Necrons and Tyranids to pop up at some point.

Yeah I cant wait to see how they put in the Necrons and the Tyranids, I was a little sad they were not on the alignment wheel but hope they will be added in some fun way

Yeah I cant wait to see how they put in the Necrons and the Tyranids, I was a little sad they were not on the alignment wheel but hope they will be added in some fun way

They will be added in a Deluxe expansion together. The Tyranids, due to their nature, lie outside the Alliance wheel and thus cannot make alliances. The Necrons however, lie in the center of the wheel, able to take allies from anyone. (Think Mindshackle Scarabs)