I followed the Jentiki thing for a few weeks but got too busy last week and so missed the ending.
Anyone care to summarise all of the steps of how the VM played out and where it eventually led to?
I followed the Jentiki thing for a few weeks but got too busy last week and so missed the ending.
Anyone care to summarise all of the steps of how the VM played out and where it eventually led to?
...this game?
I don't think the campaign ended up "leading" to this game, but mostly introducing the world.
It was mostly composed of various clues about the gameworld. We learned about the main rival companies/factions in the game (Jinteki, haas-bioroid), we learned that a murder is involved, and that it's probably related to human "replacements" being used and "alive" in the world (androids or genetically enhanced humans (not sure about that one)). We also learned about the ESP ability (which probably belongs to one of the characters in the game).
Other than that, it just ended. There was no specific plot to follow, or solution to the murder mysteries involved.