Jezzail Team, for realz?

By FatherJoe, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Hi guys.

A friend of mine and I gave some issues with the rules of 'in response to-actions'.

Especially Jezzail Team, Skaven, 55, from March of the Damned has come to discussion.

Power: 1, Hitpoints: 2

Action: Corrupt this unit to deal 1 damage to target unit in any battlefield.

Let's make an example like the rules would have:

Kris and Tom is having a great game of Warhammer Invasion in which they are having a lot of fun.

Tom has Jezzail Team in his Quest Zone by the end of his turn.

Kris takes his turn and in his battlefield fhase Kris has in his battlezone:

2x Defender of the Hold (1 hp, 1 power). Both of them attacks Tom's Quest Zone.

Kris decides to declare Jezzail team as defender.

Kris assigns 2 damage for Jezzail Team

Tom assigns 1 damage for a Defender of the Hold.

Then actions may be taken by either player before the damage is applied.

Tom then decides to use the Action of Jezzail Team, corrupt it and deal one damage for the other Defender of the Hold.

The damage is then applied and 2 damage is applied for Jezzail Team and 1 damage is applied for each of the Defenders of the Hold.

The result would then be all three units dying.

Am I wrong?

It's not quite correct. The Action of Jezzail Team resolves during the action window and deals damage to the target, it doesn't increase the combat damage dealt by Tom. So the targeted Defender of the Hold is destroyed before combat damage is applied. This doesn't change the outcome though, since the Defender has already contributed to combat damage.

This doesn't have anything to do with responding to actions though. The Jezzail Team's Action is the only one being used, so no one is responding to anything. You're not responding to the assigning of combat damage, you're merely using an Action during the action window following the assigning of combat damage.

Also, Tom wouldn't have had to wait until after combat damage was assigned. He could have used the Team's Action right in the action window after the declaration of defenders to destroy one of the Defenders of the Hold. When a unit is corrupted after it was declared as an attacker or defender, it stays declared and will participate in combat normally, so in this case there's no benefit to waiting with the Action.

Let's take it out a little further then ;)

2x Defender of the Hold (1 hp, 1 power). Both of them attacks Tom's Quest Zone.

Kris decides to declare Jezzail team as defender.

Tom then decides to use the Action of Jezzail Team, corrupt it and deal one damage for a Defender of the Hold.

Kris assigns 2 damage for Jezzail Team

Tom assigns 1 damage for the other Defender of the Hold.

Then actions may be taken by either player before the damage is applied.

Tom uses the action of his Dark Elf Slave Pen and sacrifices Jezzail Team. Same result again only with the Slave Pen getting boosted.

Is that also possible? :)

It's possible to sacrifice a unit into your slave pen if it would be destroyed in combat, yes.

But you made a mistake before. When the Jezzail Team uses its action right after beeing declared as a defender, and before combat damage is counted, the targeted Defender of the Hold will leave play before it can do some damage.

The remaining Defender of the Hold and the Jezzail Team then deal 1 damage to each other in combat. So, you have a Jezzail Team with 1 damage on it and no Defender of the Hold in play.

Edited by Gnomeschool

Okay one last then with the Jezzail Team :D

Tom got Jezzail Team in play - let's say in his Quest Zone. It is NOT corrupted.

Kris casts Skinks of Sotek from his hand:

Hitpoint 1. Action: When this unit enters play, deal 1 uncancelable damage to target unit.

Kris decides to target the Jezzail Team.

Tom uses the action of Jezzail Team and targets Skinks of Sotek in reponse.

What happens?

Now we're talking about responses.

The Skinks have entered play in the battlefield.

Now Kris starts an action chain by triggering the Skinks' Action. Tom responds with the Team's Action. Both players pass on using any more Actions. The chain resolves in reverse order. The Team's Action destroys the Skinks, then the Skinks' Action deals 1 damage to the Team. Once triggered, effects exist independently of their source, so the Skinks' Action resolves even though the unit has already been destroyed at that point.