Here are my new subpaths. As for Subpath allowance I allow lower paths (like air or fire) to take 2 subpaths by renouncing to free access spells AND I modified subpath allowance quite a bit, as indicated by following table:
LIGHT: Letters, Music, Nobility, Peace, Knowledge, Dreams, Time, Divination, Plant.
DARKNESS: Chaos, War, Death, Nobility, Sin, Dreams, Time, Shadow, Void, Plant.
CREATION: Chaos, Letters, Music, Peace, Knowledge, Blood, Time, Balance, Law.
DESTRUCTION: Chaos, War, Death, Sin, Blood, Time, Void, Balance, Law.
AIR: Chaos, Letters, Music, Nobility, Shadow, Void, Animal, Balance, Divination, Plant.
WATER: Letters, Nobility, Peace, Blood, Void, Animal, Divination, Guard, Plant, Protection.
FIRE: War, Death, Sin, Knowledge, Blood, Dreams, Shadow, Animal, Divination, Guardian.
EARTH: War, Death, Peace, Time, Animal, Balance, Guardian, Law, Plant, Protection.
ESSENCE: Music, Peace, Knowledge, Blood, Dreams, Animal, Balance, Guardian, Plant, Protection.
ILLUSION: Chaos, Letters, Music, Nobility, Sin, Dreams, Shadow, Guardian, Law, Protection.
NECROMANCY: War, Death, Sin, Knowledge, Shadow, Void, Divination, Law, Protection.
Following are the Subpaths.
Animal Friendship
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The caster gains a bonus to Animals, Leadership, Persuasion, and Style secondary abilities while relating to Animals, according to the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 150 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: +40
Intermediate: +80
Advanced: +120/Grants the same bonuses as if having Animal Empathy.
Arcane: +140/As Advanced, but grants the same bonuses of a Charm advantage while dealing with Animals.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 /15 Daily
Speak With Animals
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The caster or a target recipient becomes capable of direct communication with animals from certain groups depending on the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 180 220
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 13
Base: Affects animals from the same group as the Caster (mammals for most humanoids).
Intermediate: As Base, but affects two groups closely related to that of the Caster (birds and reptiles for most humanoids).
Advanced: As Intermediate, but affects all groups closely related to that of the Caster (vertebrates for most humanoids).
Arcane: As Advanced, but affects all animal species.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.
Weapons of The Beast
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The caster turns his/her hands into a pair of Natural Weapons which he/she can use as if proficient with them (using his/her Magic Projection instead of Attack/Defence values). The base characteristics of these weapons is based on the user’s Size.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Described abilities.
Intermediate: As base, but the character gains 50DPs to spend on creature powers applied to his/her Natural Weapons, with a maximum Gnosis Value of 0.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the character gains 100DPs, the maximum Gnosis Value is 5, and the character is considered Ambidextrous.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the character gains 150DPs, the maximum Gnosis Value is 10, and the character gains a third Natural Weapon (a fanged maw) that can be used in addition to his/her attacks suffering only a -10Attack penalty as per an additional weapon attack benefitting from Ambidexterity.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 /25.
Hold Animal
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
This spell can target any natural animal, including humanoids. The target must pass a MR check against a difficulty indicated by the Casting Level. Targets that fail the MR check by less than 10 points become subject to Minor Paralysis for a number of turns equal to the failure level. Targets that fail the check by more than 10 but less than 40 become subject to Partial Paralysis for a number of turns equal to the failure level. Targets that fail the check by more than 40 become subject to Total Paralysis for a number of turns equal to the failure level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 170 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR160.
Advanced: MR180.
Arcane: MR200.
Maintenance: No.
Animal Growth
Level 44
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
This spell affects the size of all non-humanoid natural animals within a certain distance of the user and can be used to either increase or decrease their size by an amount determined by the casting level. The caster must decide whether the spell increases or decreases the size at the moment he/she casts the spell and the same effect will affect all targets. Unwilling targets can take a MR check to avoid the effects of this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: 5m Area / 2XSize / MR120.
Intermediate: 10m Area / 10XSize / MR140.
Advanced: 25m Area / 50XSize / MR160.
Arcane: 50m Area / 100XSize / MR180.
Maintenance: 15 / 25 / 35 / 45.
Insect Plague
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Attack
This spell projects a cloud of insects that stings and bites all targets in the affected area. This attack ignores targets AT. Targets damaged by this Attack must also pass a VR check or suffer additional Damage equal to half their failure level. During following turns the area of effect can be maintained stationary on the point it was originally cast. Targets within it will automatically suffer an Attack with a Final Attack Value as indicated by the Casting Level, suffering all consequences of the attack if damaged.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 160 220 280
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: 5m Area / Damage10 / Attack140/ VR100.
Intermediate: 10m Area / Damage20 / Attack180 / VR120.
Advanced: 25m Area / Damage30 / Attack240 / VR140.
Arcane: 50m Area / Damage40 / Attack280 / VR160.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
Animal Shapeshift
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell allows the caster to turn into any natural animal with Level and Gnosis Limits indicated by the casting Level. The character retains all animic characteristics abilities and bonuses from any magic item possessed (which is shapeshifted with the character), but acquires all physical characteristics, full Life Points, powers and abilities of the imitated natural being. While being in animal shape, the character cannot cast spells, but can maintain any previously cast spell. When turning back to his/her original shape (unless the spell is interrupted by external forces), the character is healed by 20% of his total Life Points.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 200 280 360
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: Level3 / Gnosis0.
Intermediate: Level6 / Gnosis5.
Advanced: Level9 / Gnosis10.
Arcane: Level12 / Gnosis20.
Maintenance: 20 / 20 / 25 / 25.
Conjure Animals
Level 74
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
By use of this spell the user instantly summons a certain number of natural animals which must be within the spell’s range. Such animals will have a telepathic link with the caster and follow his/her orders, unless such orders bring them to make actions contrary to their nature, in which case the animals will be entitled a MR check to resist the effects. The animals automatically return to their original place (even if dead) after a certain number of turns has past. The number of animals and maximum level of these is determined by the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 7 11 16 18
Base: 1km range / MR120 / 5 Animals / Level 2 / 3 Turns.
Intermediate: 5km range / MR160 / 15 Animals / Level 3 / 5 Turns.
Advanced: 10km range / MR200 / 25 Animals / Level 5 / 7 Turns.
Arcane: 50km range / MR240 / 50 Animals / Level 7 / 10 Turns.
Maintenance: No.
Anti-Animal Shell
Level 84
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell creates a moving barrier that shields the caster against physical attacks from all animal natural beings. Any such beings successfully damaging the user must pass a MR check against a difficulty set by the spell or have their attack completely nullified by the barrier and the caster won’t be considered put at the defensive by the attack.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 11 14 17
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR170.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240 / Affects Being Between Worlds that have an animal component to them as well.
Maintenance: 40 / 45 / 50 / 60 Daily.
Call Hunt
Level 94
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The user summons The Wild Hunt upon his/her enemies. In order to cast this spell, the user must spend an entire night performing the ritual, after which The Wild Hunt begins and will only stop after either The Master of The Hunt is killed or all enemies are destroyed. The Wild Hunt summons all Natural Animals within a certain range, that will gather as fast as possible around the caster, which becomes the Master of The Hunt, being granted additional Gnosis and levels as long as The Wild Hunt is active. All gathering animals are subject to the will of the Master of The Hunt. Animals within the range will keep coming as long as The Wild Hunt is active. While driven by the Wild Hunt, both the Master and the affected animals will be considered as affected from Physical Exemption and complete Psychological Immunity, except they can still spend Fatigue Points and are affected from a state of Fury.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: 1km Range / Master’s Gnosis 25
Intermediate: 10km Range / Master’s Gnosis 30 / Master’s Level+1
Advanced: 50km Range / Master’s Gnosis 35 / Master’s Level+1
Arcane: 100km Range / Master’s Gnosis 40 / Master’s Level+2
Maintenance: No.
Sense Balance
Level 4
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
The caster can feel whenever something or someone is extremely unbalanced toward a particular side of the existence and/or feeling, although the spell itself does not give any exact information about toward what it’s unbalanced.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 20 50 70 100
Req. Intelligence 4 7 9 11
Base: 10m Area.
Intermediate: 20m Area.
Advanced: 50m Area/The character can determine which aspect of reality is affected by the unbalance.
Arcane: 100m Area/The character gains exact knowledge of what other beings are unbalanced toward.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 /15 Daily
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Effect
Whenever trying to restore balance in a determined situation, the recipient of this spell gains a bonus to his/her Persuasion ability checks.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 60 100 180 220
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 12
Base: +50Persuasion.
Intermediate: +100Persuasion.
Advanced: +150Persuasion/The character is automatically considered as having a base of 10, unless already having a higher base.
Arcane: +200Persuasion/The character is considered as benefitting from either the Charm or Disquieting advantage at his/her choice.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.
Absolute Balance
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The physical balance of the recipient of this spell becomes extremely high, granting it an agility or dexterity bonus for all characteristic checks required to resist take down, throw, trap, and disarm manoeuvres.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 140 220 280
Req. Intelligence 6 8 12 14
Base: +2Agi/Dex.
Intermediate: +4Agi/Dex.
Advanced: +6Agi/Dex.
Arcane: +8Agi/Dex.
Maintenance: 10 / 10 / 15 /20 Daily.
Break Balance
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
The target of this spell loses the sense of balance and hence suffers several penalties to movement related abilities for a number of turns equal to the Failure Level against the MR check. If Movement is reduced below 0, each additional Movement reduction causes a -10All Action Penalty.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 220 280 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120/-1Movement/-10Initiative.
Intermediate: MR160/-2Movement/-20Initiative/-2Agi/Dex Checks to resist Throw, Trap, Take Down and Disarm Manoeuvres.
Advanced: MR180/-3Movement/-30Initiative/-3Agi/Dex Checks to resist Throw, Trap, Take Down and Disarm Manoeuvres.
Arcane: MR200/As Advanced, but target is automatically taken down.
Maintenance: No.
Spiritual Balance
Level 44
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The caster becomes capable of incredible meditation feats, thanks to his complete spiritual balance, greatly improving the effects of meditation on Ki and Zeon recovery.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 7 19 11 13
Base: 2XMeditation Effects.
Intermediate: 3XMeditation Effects.
Advanced: 4XMeditation Effects/The character doubles Free Psychic Points Regeneration while Meditating.
Arcane: As Advanced but the character doubles Fatigue Points Regeneration while Meditating.
Maintenance: 15 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily.
Break Spiritual Balance
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
By interfering with target’s spiritual balance, this spell hampers access to mental energies for a number of hours equal to the Failure Level against the MR check.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 220 290 360
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: MR140/Target becomes unable to meditate.
Intermediate: MR180/As Base, but target halves Ki, Free Psychic Points, Fatigue Points and Zeon Regeneration.
Advanced: MR220/As Intermediate, but target becomes unable to regenerate Ki, Free Psychic Points, Fatigue Points, and Zeon.
Arcane: MR260/As Advanced, but target suffers a penalty of -10MA, -10Psychic Potential, and -1Ki Accumulation for each 10 full points of Failure Level for the duration of the spell effects.
Maintenance: No.
Balance Fight
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell is kind of tricky since it will affect any struggle surrounding the caster, granting listed bonuses to the faction which is at a disadvantage. Depending on the flow of battle, though, the spell may switch its recipients always granting its bonuses to the weakest side.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: +10All Action Bonus/+10Initiative/+10All Resistances/+1AT/10m Area.
Intermediate: +15All Action Bonus/+15Initiative/+15All Resistances/+2AT/25m Area.
Advanced: +20All Action Bonus/+20Initiative/+20All Resistances/+3AT/50m Area.
Arcane: +30All Action Bonus/+30Initiative/+30All Resistances/+4AT/100m Area.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25.
Shield of Balance
Level 74
Action: Passive
Type: Defense
This spell generates a Supernatural Shield that reflects against offenders all successfully blocked attacks with a final attack value equal to that scored by the attacker plus the Counterattack bonus achieved. While using this shield, the user cannot counterattack of his own. The shield won’t reflect anyone attack that breaks it.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 350 450
Req. Intelligence 8 12 16 18
Base: 1000Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 2000Resistance Points/+10Counterattack.
Advanced: 3000Resistance Points/+25Counterattack.
Arcane: 4000Resistance Points/+50Counterattack.
Maintenance: 15 / 25 / 35 / 50.
Retribution of Balance
Level 84
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Whenever this spell is cast, all individuals within a certain distance from the caster must pass the MR check or suffer a Life Points loss equal to any Life Points missing from the caster’s maximum as well as becoming affect from any altered state the caster is affected from. The altered states will endure as long as the caster himself is affected from them, unless otherwise dispelled.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 10 13 15 18
Base: MR140 / 10m Area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 25m Area.
Advanced: MR180 / 50m Area.
Arcane: MR200 / 100m Area.
Maintenance: No.
Erase Divine Unbalance
Level 94
Action: Active
Type: Effect
For as long as this spell is maintained the caster is surrounded by an invisible aura that leverages divine influence on the world. Individuals within the area of influence have any of their Elan automatically reduced to the value possessed by the individuals within the same area with lowest Elan (0 most times) for as long as they remain within the area of effect. No Resistance check is allowed against this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 400 650 900
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: 50m Area.
Intermediate: 250m Area.
Advanced: 1km Area.
Arcane: 10km Area.
Maintenance: 40 / 80 / 120 / 150.
Clairvoyance Sphere
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell creates a crystal sphere of indicated diameter placed on a suitable support. While used to cast any other Spell from the Divination Subpath, the Crystal Sphere halves its Zeon cost, as long as the Casting Level of the spell does not exceed that of the Clairvoyance Sphere. The caster can have as many Clairvoyance Speres as desired, which can only be used by him.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 10cm Diameter. Affects Spells cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: 20cm Diameter. Affects Spells cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: 30cm Diameter. Affects Spells cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: 40cm Diameter. Affects Spells cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.
Detect Light and Darkness
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Detection
By use of this detection, the user can detect any Light and/or Darkness aligned individual, object, or place within the area of effect, indicating whether the targets are aligned with Light or Darkness. Individuals willing to resist can do so by passing the MR check each 5 turns they remain in the area of effect.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: MR100/25m Area.
Intermediate: MR140/100m Area.
Advanced: MR180/250m Area.
Arcane: MR240/1km Area.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15
Finding Traps
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell grants its recipient the ability to check for finding traps using a given base value of Trap Lore or, if the recipient’s base is already higher, a bonus to the Trap Lore secondary ability.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 180 220
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 13
Base: Trap Lore140 or +40Trap Lore.
Intermediate: Trap Lore180 or +80Trap Lore.
Advanced: Trap Lore240 or +120Trap Lore.
Arcane: Trap Lore280 or +160Trap Lore.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20 Daily.
Locate Object
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Detection
This spell can pin-point the current location of anyone inanimate object the caster is familiar with and that fails the MR check, as long as the object is within the maximum distance of this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 80 160 240 320
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / Distance 1km.
Intermediate: MR160 / Distance 5km.
Advanced: MR200 / Distance 10km / Can locate an object the caster is not familiar with, as long as the caster knows its name and has seen a picture of it.
Arcane: MR240 / Distance 50km / As Advanced, but a description of the object is sufficient instead of a picture.
Maintenance: No.
Locate Person
Level 44
Action: Detection
Type: Automatic
This spell can pin-point the current location of anyone living being the caster is familiar with and that fails the MR check, as long as the target is within the maximum distance of this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 280 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / Distance 1km.
Intermediate: MR160 / Distance 5km.
Advanced: MR200 / Distance 10km / Can locate a being the caster is not familiar with, as long as the caster knows its name and has seen a picture of it.
Arcane: MR240 / Distance 50km / As Advanced, but a description of the being is sufficient instead of a picture.
Maintenance: No.
Follow Path
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell allows the recipient to follow the trail of anyone specific individual by granting a final Track ability roll as indicated by the casting level. A recipient can be simultaneously affected by any number of Follow Path spells, as long as each has a different target individual.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 240 360 480
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: Track240.
Intermediate: Track280.
Advanced: Track320.
Arcane: Track440.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 Daily.
Detect Menaces
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Detection
This spell detects all potential dangers for the caster within the area of effect, including all and any hostile creature that does not pass the MR check to resist the detection.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 240 280 360
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: MR140 / 100m Area.
Intermediate: MR180 / 1km Area.
Advanced: MR200 / 10km Area.
Arcane: MR240 / 50km Area.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 40.
Omniscient Eye
Level 74
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
By use of this spell the recipient eyes become able to see all that’s invisible, being actually granted the equivalent of Complete Night Vision and See Supernatural Creature Powers.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 250 350 400
Req. Intelligence 7 11 16 18
Base: Described Abilities.
Intermediate: As Base but the character is also granted a bonus of +100MR against Illusions or other perception altering spells.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the user can see through other solid bodies at will.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the user is also granted the Gnostic Vision Creature Power.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.
Level 84
Action: Active
Type: Effect
In order to use this spell the caster must face a reflecting surface (or his Clairvoyance Sphere) and ask it to reveal the whereabouts of a specific place, object, or being, literally showing it on the surface or in the middle of the sphere. The sight can be moved at a rate of flying movement 14 for as long as the spell is maintained. The limits of that which can be shown by the sphere as well as its maximum distance from the caster vary depending on the Casting Level. If the target of the Mirror Sight is a sentient being, it can resist the effect by passing the indicated MR check.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 300 450 600
Req. Intelligence 8 11 14 17
Base: 10km Distance / The caster can only see a place he has already visited personally or an object or creature he has personally known / MR160.
Intermediate: 100km Distance / The caster can see a place already visited or an object or creature known by someone else who is with him at the time the spell is cast / MR190.
Advanced: Anywhere on Gaia / The caster can see anything which has been described to him and he knows the name of / MR220.
Arcane: Anywhere on any Existential Plane / The caster can seek for anything about which he has even vague information, although the results of the search may be misleading in this case and vision may switch between different objects matching the caster’s idea of what he’s trying to find / MR250.
Maintenance: 15 / 30 / 40 / 60.
Fix Information
Level 94
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
By using Fix Information, the caster can stop paying the maintenance cost of anyone spell from this Sphere, except for Clairvoyance Sphere, as long as the sphere was cast using an adequate Clairvoyance Sphere. In order to work, Fix Information must be cast at the same time the spell it has to affect is cast. Whenever the caster holds the right Clairvoyance Sphere in his hands, he will be considered as using the fixed spell for as long as desired, as far as the Clairvoyance Sphere is not broken or dispelled.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 400 600 800
Req. Intelligence 12 14 16 18
Base: Affects spells cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: Affects spells cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: Affects spells cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: Affects spells cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: No.
Iron Vigil
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell grants the recipient incredible resistance to hardship, as well as enhanced senses as described at each casting level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 30 80 100 120
Req. Intelligence 5 7 9 11
Base: The recipient is granted the Use of Necessary Energy ki ability.
Intermediate: As Base, but the user halves Defence penalties from Flank and Rear Attacks.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but the user has complete Radial Sight and halves Defence penalties from Surprise Attacks.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the user ignores Defence penalties from Surprise Attacks.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Daily.
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The recipient of this spell becomes extremely sensitive toward its surrounding, being granted a bonus to the Notice Secondary Ability.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 130 220
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: +50Notice.
Intermediate: +100Notice.
Advanced: +150Notice.
Arcane: +200Notice/The character is considered as if benefitting from the Danger Sense advantage.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 25 Daily.
Lesser Magic Trap
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell allows the caster to place Magic Traps which remain in place as long as the spell is maintained. The type, Level, and number of traps which can be created by a single casting of this spell vary according to the Casting Level. Traps that cause altered states upon hitting the target have the target pass an MR check against a Difficulty that is equal to the VR difficulty of a Poison of the Same Level as the Trap employed.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 13
Base: 1XTrap / Trap Level30 / Damage, Trap.
Intermediate: 2XTrap / Trap Level40 / As Base.
Advanced: 3XTrap / Trap Level50 / As Intermediate, plus Minor Paralysis, Muteness, Deafness, Wrath.
Arcane: 4XTrap / Trap Level60 / As Advanced, plus Partial Paralysis, Partial Blindness, Pain.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 Daily.
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
This spell only affects being between worlds that the caster could normally affect with Summoning Abilities. Targets within the area of effect that don’t pass the MR check are automatically banished as if on a successful Banish check. Restriction for Gnosis apply as normal.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 240 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR160 / Single Target.
Intermediate: MR200 / 5m Area.
Advanced: MR240 / 10m Area.
Arcane: MR280 / 25m Area.
Maintenance: No.
Level 44
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
This spell allows the user to create an area where entrance is forbidden for all but those chosen by the caster himself and those who pass the MR check. Beings that are already inside the area are free to move within it.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR120 / 25m Area.
Intermediate: MR140 / 100m Area.
Advanced: MR160 / 250m Area.
Arcane: MR180 / 500m Area.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 Daily.
Guardian Statues
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell can enchant one or more existing statues to guard a certain place. Guardian Statues are creatures which level is determined by the Casting Level of the spell, following the same restriction as for the Create Creature Spell from Creation Path, although they will remain completely immobile until a condition specified by the caster triggers their awakening. Once awoken, the Guardian Statues will attack anyone on sight but their caster, unless he tells them to return to their position. Guardian Statues cannot move more than 25m from their original position and as long as they are not awaken, only a Magic Appraisal check of Impossible can spot them as magically enchanted. The maximum number and Level of human sized Guardian Statues that can be enchanted with this spell depend on the Casting Level. Large to Enormous statues count as 2 statues each, while Giant to Colossal statues each count as three.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: 1XGuardian Statue / Level 0.
Intermediate: 2XGuardian Statue / Level 2.
Advanced: 3XGuardian Statue / Level 4.
Arcane: 4XGuardian Statue / Level 6.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 Daily.
Greater Magic Trap
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell works exactly as Lesser Magic Trap, but with enhanced effects.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 400 600 800
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: 2XTrap / Trap Level70 / Damage, Trap, Any Effect but Total Blindness, Terror, Total Paralysis, Hallucinations, Unconsciousness, Death.
Intermediate: 4XTrap / Trap Level80 / As Base plus Total Blindness.
Advanced: 6XTrap / Trap Level90 / As Intermediate plus Terror and Total Paralysis.
Arcane: 8XTrap / Trap Level100 / As Advanced plus Hallucinations and Unconsciousness.
Maintenance: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 Daily.
Blade Barrier
Level 74
Action: Active
Type: Effect
By use of this spell the caster is surrounded by a globe of swirling blades that attack when the spell is cast as well as at the beginning of each following turn its maintained all individuals within 1m of him, with a Final Predetermined Attack value and a Base Damage that depend on Casting Level. Blade Barriers attack on Cut AT, but are considered as capable of damaging Energy.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 270 400 550
Req. Intelligence 9 12 15 18
Base: Final Attack240 / Base Damage 150.
Intermediate: Final Attack280 / Base Damage 200.
Advanced: Final Attack320 / Base Damage 250.
Arcane: Final Attack440 / Base Damage 300.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50.
Level 84
Action: Active
Type: Spiritual
This spells works much like the Banish spell, but it can affect beings with Gnosis 40 as well.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 450 600 750
Req. Intelligence 10 13 16 19
Base: MR160.
Intermediate: MR200.
Advanced: MR240.
Arcane: MR280 / Can affect beings with Gnosis 45.
Maintenance: No.
Level 94
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
Bastion allows its caster to create an extremely guarded and well-defended area, combining the effects of lower levels Guardian Spells in a single magnificent spell. In order to create a Bastion, the caster must cast it along with Forbid on a chosen area at the same casting level and must maintain the Bastion spell for as long as he maintains the Forbid spell. The MR check difficulty to bypass Forbid is increased by +40 and it will have the effects of an Abjure spell on any Being Between Worlds trying to enter the Bastion area. Casting of Guardian Statues within the Bastion Area will allow enchantment of 2 additional statues, granting them 2 additional Creature Levels, ignoring normal Level limitations for creating creatures with magic. Casting of Magic Traps within the Bastion Area will generate 2 additional Magic Traps and add +50 to their Attack value. Maintenance of Guardian Statues and Magic Traps within the Bastion Area is free of cost as long as the Forbid and Bastion spells are maintained. Guardian Statue, Lesser Magic Traps and Greater Magic Traps cannot be cast within a Bastion area at a Casting Level higher than that of the Bastion spell. A caster cannot have more than a single Bastion spell maintained at a time.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 250 500 750 1000
Req. Intelligence 12 15 18 20
Base: Affects Forbid cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: Affects Forbid cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: Affects Forbid cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: Affects Forbid cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 Daily.
Strength of One
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
By using this spell the caster can confer to an entire group of individuals the Strength value of the strongest among the group. The group can be comprised of any number of individuals including the caster, up to the Presence indicated by the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 40 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 7 9 11
Base: Presence80.
Intermediate: Presence160.
Advanced: Presence240.
Arcane: Presence320.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10.
Know Laws
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The recipient of this spell gains deep knowledge of laws of anyone chosen country or community of the caster’s choice, which manifests in a bonus to all History checks related to laws pertaining the chosen social group.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 150 200
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: +75History.
Intermediate: +150History.
Advanced: +200History.
Arcane: +250History.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 15 / 15 Daily.
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
This spell allows the caster to give a single simple command to a creature with at least Intelligence3 and capable of understanding his language and hearing his voice. The target must pass the MR check if he wishes to deny the Command and gains a bonus of +40 to the check if the Command obliges him to make something completely against his nature. If the check is failed the target will not be allowed a second MR check until the command has been carried out.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 13
Base: MR120.
Intermediate: MR140.
Advanced: MR160.
Arcane: MR180.
Maintenance: No.
Compulsive Order
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
Individuals within the area of effect of this spell when it’s cast that don’t pass the MR check become affected from a compulsive passion for order that obliges them to arrange things in perfect order, attack enemies in a completely rational order and act in the neatest way. This causes them an Initiative and All Action penalty of -5 per point of Intelligence below 20 (due to the time and effort required to perfectly order actions). Also, when obstructed from ordering their surrounding the affected individuals will turn violent. Affected individuals are allowed to repeat the MR check every day.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 200 250 300
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: MR140 / 25m Area.
Intermediate: MR160 / 50m Area.
Advanced: MR200 / 100m Area.
Arcane: MR220 / 250m Area.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Daily.
Erase Chance
Level 44
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell greatly reduces the effects of chance within a certain area, reducing both probabilities of scoring Open Rolls and Fumbles within it. Creatures with Gnosis 35 or higher are unaffected from the effects of this spell.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 250 300 350
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Spells, rules and other effects increasing chances of Fumble and Open Roll have no effect / 25m Area.
Intermediate: As Base but Fumble only on 1-2 and Open Roll only on 95+ / 100m Area.
Advanced: As Intermediate but Fumble only on 1 and Open Roll only on 100 / 250m Area / Affects beings with Gnosis 35 negating Influence Reality.
Arcane: No Fumble or Open Roll possible / 250m Area / As Advanced but affects beings with Gnosis 40 negating Auspice.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35.
Defensive Harmony
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell harmonizes the efforts of a group of creatures, making their defensive manoeuvres much more efficient. In order to use this spell the caster must select a number of other creatures within 25m to participate in the Defensive Harmony, which cannot surpass that indicated by the casting level. Selected creatures must all be participating in a same battle and cannot be more than 5m apart from each other in order to coordinate their movements. All selected creatures as well as the caster will benefit from a bonus to all Defence rolls of +10 for each creature participating in the spell beyond the caster, up to a maximum Defense bonus as indicated by the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 260 340 420
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: Max +2Additional Creatures / Max +20Defense.
Intermediate: Max +5Additional Creatures / Max +40Defense.
Advanced: Max +10Additional Creatures / Max +60Defense.
Arcane: Max +20Additional Creatures / Max +100Defense.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.
Champion of Law
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell can affect up to one individual per group of 5 individuals, turning it into a champion of Law. Not only will this individual be granted several bonuses thanks to his Champion of Law status, but he will also stop rolling dice, considering each of his die roll as having scored a result as indicated by the spell Casting Level. Also, a Champion of Law is granted for the duration of the spell Physical Exemption.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 240 350
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 17
Base: +10All Action / +10Base Damage / +1AT / +10All Resistances / Dice Roll 50.
Intermediate: +15All Action / +15Base Damage / +1AT / +15All Resistances / Dice Roll 75.
Advanced: +20All Action / +20Base Damage / +2AT / +20All Resistances / Dice Roll 85.
Arcane: +30All Action / +30Base Damage / +3AT / +30All Resistances / Dice Roll 100.
Maintenance: 15 / 15 / 20 / 30.
Protection from Chaos
Level 74
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell protects the recipient from the effects of creatures, powers and places related to Chaos.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 400
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: Protects from spells from Chaos sub-path.
Intermediate: As Base, but the character is also immune to the effects and attacks of creatures based on Chaos.
Advanced: The character is immune to all effects related to Chaos except for the Primordial Chaos.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the character is also capable of surviving in the midst of Primordial Chaos.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 40.
Rigid Thinking
Level 84
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
This spell affects all individuals that fail their MR within the area of effect at the time it’s cast as long as the spell is maintained. Affected individuals will keep repeating whatever action they are performing for as long as the spell is maintained, actually becoming unable to set their minds on anything else. They can actually change action if unable to keep performing the very same one, but their goal must remain the same until fulfilled. If affected creatures are not fighting and are attacked, they will automatically suffer from the Surprise penalty to their first Defence roll, as well as a variable penalty between -30 and -80, depending on their current action.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 200 300 400 500
Req. Intelligence 11 13 15 17
Base: MR160 / 100m Area.
Intermediate: MR180 / 250m Area.
Advanced: MR200 / 500m Area.
Arcane: MR220 / 1km Area.
Maintenance: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50.
The Law
Level 94
Action: Active
Type: Automatic
When this spell is cast, the caster can state a single simple Law that no being within the area of effect can wishfully disobey by any mean as long as the spell is maintained. Beings can resist the spell by passing an MR check, but the check must be repeated each day regardless of whether its passed or failed. Beings with Gnosis 40 or higher are unaffected by The Law.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 800 1000 1200
Req. Intelligence 12 15 18 20
Base: 1km Area / MR160.
Intermediate: 10km Area / MR200.
Advanced: 100km Area / MR220.
Arcane: All Gaia / MR240.
Maintenance: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 Daily.
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell allows the caster to hold and “milk” a flower for its nectar. The quantity and quality of nectar produced by a single flower will vary with the Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 100 130
Req. Intelligence 5 7 9 11
Base: 0.25L of Nectar / Is mildly alcoholic and has the flavour of the flower it’s taken from.
Intermediate: 0.5L of Nectar / It’s flavour is greatly improved and can be equalled to an extremely fine wine.
Advanced: 1L of Nectar / As Intermediate, but daily drinking of it for more than one week increases a character’s Regeneration by +1 for as long as it’s ingested daily.
Arcane: 2L of Nectar / As Advanced, but the nectar also works as a Level50 Generic Antidote.
Maintenance: No.
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell allows the caster to turn anyone object made of wood as strong as if made of steel (thus modifying its fortitude/breakage/damage barrier values). The maximum Presence as well as the Quality obtained depends on Casting Level.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 80 120 160
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: Normal Steel (Quality+0) / Presence60.
Intermediate: Black Steel (Quality+5) / Presence100.
Advanced: White Steel (Quality+10) / Presence160.
Arcane: White Steel (Quality+10) / Presence220.
Maintenance: 5 / 5 / 10 / 10 Daily.
Magic Creeper
Level 24
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell creates a huge creep along a surface or structure that makes climbing it much easier. The creep is extremely robust and will withstand the weight of several men attempting to climb it. Once cast, the Magic Creep will remain in place until destroyed (it defends as a Damage Accumulation Being with indicated Life Points and AT) or the maintenance is interrupted.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 250 350 450
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: 1m wide/ 10m height / Life Points 200 / AT1.
Intermediate: 10m wide / 100m height / Life Points 2000 / AT3.
Advanced: 100m wide / 1km height / Life Points 20000 / AT5 / Damage Barrier 50.
Arcane: 1km wide / 10km height / Life Points 200000 / AT8 / Damage Barrier 80 / the structure is so huge and solid it can form even without a surface or building as support.
Maintenance: 15 / 25 / 35 /45 Daily.
Good Berries
Level 34
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell enchants some berries to turn them into mystical food with healing properties. The character must have gathered enough edible berries on his own, since this spell does not create the berries themselves and the maximum number of berries which can be enchanted by a single casting of this spell is determined by the spell Casting Level. In order to benefit from the healing effect of berries an individual must ingest them (they only have effect on living being) at a rate no faster than one berry per turn (any additional berries ingested during a same turn are wasted). The Good Berries will maintain their properties until ingested, if the spell’s maintenance cost is paid.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 120 180 220 280
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Max5 Berries / Heal 10 Life Points.
Intermediate: Max10 Berries / Heal 20 Life Points.
Advanced: Max20 Berries / Heal 25Life Points.
Arcane: Max50 Berries / Heal 30Life Points.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 Daily.
Level 44
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
A typically defensive spell, Barkskin turns the skin of the caster into a very strong ligneous-like material that protects him against almost all kind of attacks, although it slightly impairs the user’s movement. The bearer of Barkskin instantly gains a AT value against all attacks but those based on Fire and Energy, but suffers a penalty of -1 to the Movement value.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 120 140 160
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: AT3.
Intermediate: AT5.
Advanced: AT6 / Affects Energy as well.
Arcane: AT7 / As Advanced, +1Constitution.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 15 / 20.
Entangling Vines
Level 54
Action: Active
Type: Attack
This spell summons vines from the ground that erupt to trap all individuals in a certain area. This spell is considered as making a penalty-free impact Trap attack with indicated Strength, hence inflicting only half damage. Maintenance of this spell has effect on the affected area in two ways. Targets that are already trapped automatically suffer a crush attack from the vines. Targets that have not been trapped but are still in the area are automatically attacked at the beginning of the turn with indicated Final Attack value.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 230 310 390
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: 5mArea / Damage50 / Trap6 / Attack150.
Intermediate: 10mArea / Damage70 / Trap8 / Attack180.
Advanced: 20mArea / Damage100 / Trap10 / Attack210 / Vines develop thorns that inflict full Damage.
Arcane: 50mArea / Damage130 / Trap12 / Attack240 / As Advanced, bur Vines inject a Level60 Poison each time they inflict any damage, that must be chosen at the time the spell is cast.
Maintenance: 15 / 25 / 30 / 35.
Forest Foot
Level 64
Action: Active
Type: Effect
The recipient of this spell becomes capable of moving freely through forests, actually melding with them completely, gaining the described abilities.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 180 260 420
Req. Intelligence 8 10 13 17
Base: The recipient gains Free Movement Through Nature.
Intermediate: As Base, but the recipient automatically passes all Climb checks while attempting to climb over trees or other vegetal or fungal surfaces.
Advanced: As Intermediate, but forests cover tracks of the recipient’s passage, hence all track checks to follow a path left by the recipient into an environment rich with plants suffer from a penalty of -150.
Arcane: As Advanced, but the user may instantly teleport by entering into a tree and leaving from another tree (or tree sized mushroom) within the same forest, groove or group, within a maximum distance of 10km.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 25 / 40.
Rampant Growth
Level 74
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell greatly increases the growth rate of vegetation and fungus within a certain area surrounding and moving with him. Plant or fungal life forms that intend to resist the effect must successfully pass a MR check each day they spend within the area of effect.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 140 200 280 400
Req. Intelligence 10 12 14 16
Base: 100m Area / MR100 / 365XGrowth.
Intermediate: 500m Area / MR120 / 3650XGrowth.
Advanced: 1km Area / MR140 / 36500XGrowth.
Arcane: 10km Area / MR160 / 365000XGrowth.
Maintenance: 30 / 40 / 60 / 80 Daily.
Anti-Plant Shell
Level 84
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell creates a moving barrier that shields the caster against physical attacks from all vegetal or fungal natural beings. Any such beings successfully damaging the user must pass a MR check against a difficulty set by the spell or have their attack completely nullified by the barrier and the caster won’t be considered put at the defensive by the attack.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 11 14 17
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR170.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240 / Affects Being Between Worlds that have a vegetal or fungal component to them as well.
Maintenance: 40 / 45 / 50 / 60 Daily.
Animate Forest
Level 94
Action: Active
Type: Effect
When casting this spell, the user turns all plant and fungus life within a forest he is in into sentient natural beings with Gnosis up to 20. While most plants and fungus will be Level0 creatures, trees and bigger plants can have a higher Level up to a maximum determined by Animate Forest Casting Level, as long as such level does not surpass that of the caster. All such creatures will be instinctively friendly toward the caster and any of his mates, but they will not necessarily follow each and every order. The spell instantly ends if the caster gets out of the Animated Forest.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 600 900 1200 1500
Req. Intelligence 12 15 18 20
Base: Max Level3.
Intermediate: Max Level4.
Advanced: Max Level6.
Arcane: Max Level8.
Maintenance: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 Daily.
Magical Vestment
Level 4
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell enchants whatever the caster is wearing to become a vessel for protection energy. Not only clothes become much more resilient offering a moderate protection from harm, but they also work as a focus for using Protection Spells, which Zeon cost is halved as long as the caster is wearing the Magical Vestment.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 100 120 150
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: AT1 / Affects spells cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: AT1 / Affects spells cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: AT2 / Affects spells cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: AT2 / Affects spells cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: 5 / 10 / 10 / 15 Daily.
Protection Shield
Level 14
Action: Active
Type: Defence/Effect
This spell creates a barrier around its caster or anyone chosen target. The barrier has two effects, the first of which is that of a Magic Shield, which can be used only by the caster himself. The second effect is that of operating as a container for further Protection spells, which require the Protection Shield to be present in order to affect a specific target. In other Words, Protection spells of Level24 or higher can only affect individuals which are already enveloped in a Protection Shield. Whenever a character suffers no damage or benefits from a Damage Reduction thanks to a Protection Spell, the Protection Shield suffers damage equal to that nullified by the Protection Spell. If the Protection Shield breaks, all Protection Spells cast on the recipient are automatically interrupted. The barrier is completely invisible to all those unable to see magic.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 50 150 270 400
Req. Intelligence 5 8 10 12
Base: 200 Resistance Points.
Intermediate: 500 Resistance Points.
Advanced: 1000 Resistance Points.
Arcane: 2000 Resistance Points.
Maintenance: 5 / 15 / 25 / 40 Daily.
Level 24
Action: Passive
Type: Automatic
This spell can be cast on anyone protected by a Protection Shield to make him go unnoticed amongst enemies as long as he doesn’t take any direct action on them either. Whenever an enemy wishes to attack the recipient, it must first pass a MR check against indicated difficulty. Regardless of maintenance, the Sanctuary is immediately dispelled if the recipient takes any direct action targeting an enemy.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 150 200 250
Req. Intelligence 5 8 11 13
Base: MR100.
Intermediate: MR120.
Advanced: MR140.
Arcane: MR160.
Maintenance: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25.
Protection from Poison and Disease
Level 34
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield completely immune to Poisons and Diseases of a Level equal or lower than that indicated by the spell Casting Level. The Protection Shield suffers damage equal to the VR and DR difficulty each time it blocks a Poison or Disease respectively.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 150 220 290 360
Req. Intelligence 6 9 12 15
Base: Level60.
Intermediate: Level70.
Advanced: Level80.
Arcane: Level90.
Maintenance: 15 / 20 / 30 / 35.
Protection from Elements
Level 44
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield immune to the effects of anyone chosen element up to a number of intensities determined by the spell Casting Level. The Protection Shield suffers damage equal to any Elemental damage removed, as well as damage equal to any reduction obtained in a Resistance Check difficulty each time it blocks the effects of the specific element. A character can have any number of Protection from Elements spells cast upon himself, as long as such spells each protect from a different element.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 180 250 330 400
Req. Intelligence 7 10 13 16
Base: 5Intensities.
Intermediate: 10Intensities.
Advanced: 20Intensities.
Arcane: 50Intensities.
Maintenance: 20 / 25 / 35 / 40.
Protection from Magic
Level 54
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield utterly immune to mystic energies originating from Spells with a certain Level and Casting Level, as indicated. The Protection Shield suffers damage equal to the Base Damage of negated Attack Spells, as well as damage equal to MR difficulty of blocked Spiritual, Automatic, and/or Effect Spells.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 250 400 550
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: Spell Level 20 / Affects spells cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: Spell Level 40 / Affects spells cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: Spell Level 60 / Affects spells cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: Spell Level 80 / Affects spells cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55.
Protection from Psychic Powers
Level 64
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield utterly immune to psychic energies originating from Powers with a certain Level and Psychic Potential, as indicated. The Protection Shield suffers damage equal to the Base Damage of negated Attack Powers, as well as damage equal to PsR difficulty of other blocked Powers.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 250 400 550
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: Psychic Power Level 1 / Affects powers with Almost Impossible Potential.
Intermediate: Psychic Power Level 1 / Affects powers with Impossible Potential.
Advanced: Psychic Power Level 2 / Affects powers with Inhuman Potential.
Arcane: Psychic Power Level 3 / Affects powers with Zen Potential.
Maintenance: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55.
Protection from Ki and Nemesis
Level 74
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield utterly immune to described ki and nemesis energies, as indicated, including attacks that benefit from any such abilities. The Protection Shield suffers damage equal to the Base Damage of negated Attacks.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 250 400 550
Req. Intelligence 6 10 13 16
Base: Immunity to Combat Aura and Void Aura.
Intermediate: As Base plus immunity to Level1 Ki Techniques, Attacks benefitting from Presence Extrusion and/or Void Extrusion, Ki Destruction.
Advanced: As Intermediate plus immunity to Level2 Ki Techniques, Nullify Ki, Nullify Magic, Nullify Matrixes, Nullify Bonds.
Arcane: As Advanced plus immunity to Level3 Ki Techniques, Major Nullify Ki, Major Nullify Magic, Major Nullify Matrixes.
Maintenance: 10 / 25 / 40 / 55.
Anti-Mineral Shell
Level 84
Action: Passive
Type: Effect
This spell renders a recipient enveloped in a Protection Shield utterly immune to physical attacks made with any mineral weapon or from any mineral creature. Anyone making such attacks and successfully damaging the user must pass a MR check against a difficulty set by the spell or have the attack completely nullified by the barrier and the caster won’t be considered put at the defensive by the attack. The damage is suffered from the Protection Shield instead.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 100 200 300 400
Req. Intelligence 8 11 14 17
Base: MR140.
Intermediate: MR170.
Advanced: MR200.
Arcane: MR240.
Maintenance: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40.
Level 94
Action: Active
Type: Effect
This spell can be cast along with other Protection Spells to have them automatically trigger at any given time. The spells will remain dormant on a target enveloped in a Protection Shield and activate only on anyone condition specified by the caster. The caster won’t have to pay the maintenance for the spells affected from Contingency until they trigger and once they trigger the caster won’t have to pay anymore the cost of the Contingency spell, which expires. A character cannot have more than a single Contingency spell cast upon himself. If at any time, a Contingency target loses his Protection Shield, the Contingency immediately expires too. The maximum number and Casting Level of spells which can be triggered by a Contingency depends on the Casting Level of Contingency.
Casting Level Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 400 600 800 1000
Req. Intelligence 12 15 18 20
Base: Max 1 Protection Spell / Affects Spells cast at Base Casting Level.
Intermediate: Max 2 Protection Spells / Affects Spells cast at Intermediate Casting Level.
Advanced: Max 3 Protection Spells / Affects Spells cast at Advanced Casting Level.
Arcane: Max 4 Protection Spells / Affects Spells cast at Arcane Casting Level.
Maintenance: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 Daily.
Edited by ElricOfMelnibone