Requesting Help with my Guardsman

By Doohdahday, in Dark Heresy

TukTuk, Chinchilla of the North wonders. How I make self better? TukTuk have 175 XP to spend. TukTuk have spent 1450, is Feral Warrior of the Guardsmen.

TukTuk, Warrior of the North, have many advancements. TukTuk was proven innocent (+3 all characteristics, -1 FP, 100XP), very sound constitution (x4 at 100XP each), simple WS, T, BS upgrades (100XP ea), Dodge and +10 (100XP ea), Resist Fear (100XP), Awareness +10 (100XP), and Quickdraw (100XP).

TukTuk, Aardvark of the North, have good characteristics. TukTuk have 48 WS, 41 BS, 40 Str, 54 T, 41 Ag, 30 Int, 37 Per, 28 WP, and 24 Fel. TukTuk have 20 wounds. TukTuk 7'1" and 284lbs (DM not good with metric system in regards to height and weight). TukTuk hair black and eyes Blue. TukTuk Skin is Tan.

TukTuk has mono great sword, 2 Mono swords (jeweled and fancy from a nobles corpse), a bow with mono Arrows, Lasgun and Las pistol

TukTuk not sure how to best advance TukTuks potential. TukTuk not very good at using both swords at once and wants to improve, TukTuk also not good at looking at demons.

TukTuk asks for advice. What looks good for TukTuk?

TukTuk, Guard of the North, also wonders if anyone can make TukTuk feel pretty. (draw a picture).

TukTuk grateful to any that listen and more to those that help.

Edited by Doohdahday

Great warrior of the wilderness, to win over thy enemy faster do you need to master the fire bomb and sling. For with the red and burning fire within the glass flask will you win many a victory!

... And now that I have had my fun, the sling combined with any type of grenades are actually a really really really good combo. Beside that, if you want to continiue with your bow, then buy rapid reload, that way can you draw your bow back as a free action, and that gives you a half action to aim in, a lovely +10BS that will be helpful for you in many situations!

If your group are playing with the Inquisitors handbook (a must have for all acolytes!) could you try to get your hands on an composite longbow, that would give you +1 pen and the accurate trait, meaning that with your rapid reload and aim combo do you now get a nifty +20 on your rolls, and a change to give extra damage. A composite bow is after all a basic weapon, so will get +d10 more damage for each 2 degrees of success because of accurate. And if he haven´t heard of that should you point him towards the errata

Hope that it helped and was enough of an upgrade for you

I love you for the Composite... I mean... TukTuk is pleased, TukTuk very thankful to wise sage for advice.

So after some more reading, the book says that bows can´t get an red dot sight since they are primitive, but knowing bows from our time and age and how they can have sights at time could you perhaps ask your GM about getting a special sight. Do know that there is a high change that he could say that this is the grim dark future and nothing that fancy can be found in such a small size so it fits the bow.

So having read a bit more in the book would I give you some few advices. Wait until your next rank with using two swords at once, because then are you able to use Ambidextrous ("only" -10 on your WS rolls when using both weapons) and Two-Weapon Wielder Melee (meaning that you will get rid of your off hand -20 that you get now, giving -10 all attacks no matter what hand you are using). Right now do you only have to focus on your big big big sword and your bow. Normally would I say that you should buy a melee attachment to your lasgun so you have something pointy to stick with, but since you have quick draw and swords is it not really worth it.

A little question, how often do you perry? Because you could begin to think over if a Guard Shield (a whopping 6 portable points of cover and plus 15 to perry!) are worth it or not, they are in IH under war equipment if you want to read more about them.

So after some more reading, the book says that bows can´t get an red dot sight since they are primitive, but knowing bows from our time and age and how they can have sights at time could you perhaps ask your GM about getting a special sight.

Indeed - this limitation just ... doesn't make a whole lot of sense, much like how you're not supposed to put both a scope as well as a red-dot sight on a gun, because apparently the idea of placing weapon attachments anywhere but on the top has been lost in the far future.

If you can put a red-dot sight on a pistol, there should be nothing preventing it to be used on a bow. But ... that's what houserules are for. :)

(I might, however, make red-dot sights lose their bonus beyond a certain range as the archer must aim upwards to counter projectile drop, thus making the dot useless)

Edited by Lynata

(I might, however, make red-dot sights lose their bonus beyond a certain range as the archer must aim upwards to counter projectile drop, thus making the dot useless)

You can smack a red dot on a grenade launcher that also are shooting in arcs without any problems, so that is really just nit picking... but then again, we are roleplayers, and rule nit picking are our national sport

A bow with a red-dot? No...

@OP: I will admit that your guardsman is at least interesting by normal guardsman standards. That not saying much as guardsman is probably my least favorite - and most out of place - career in DH, but I'll tip my cap to you for doing something different. I'll just make a few observations...

1. Is he even a Guardsman? As in, did he ever serve in the Imperial Guard? Because it seems like he's just a Feral World savage/warrior. As such, he's probably better as Scum.

2. Your weapons seem... terribly out of place with your concept. Mono weapons for what is basically a barbarian from some stone age Feral World? A lasgun/pistol?

3. Your characteristics are shocking. The numbers should not be possible unless you dropped every iota of xp into characteristic advances. Even then, it's a stretch and, sorry to say, looks 100% fudged.

And... most importantly:

4. Your character would never ever have been recruited by the inquisition. Your sole purpose is combat... and you have ok perception as well. But would you even understand what you were looking at. This feels like a special snowflake character that's essentially min/maxed to high heaven. That aside, TukTuk is essentially an Ork that no inquisitorial agent would have looked twice at when screening for potential acolytes.

Please try to remember, Dark Heresy is not a normal human 40K combat simulator. It's a game about investigation and rewards characters for being more than pure killers... yours is nothing more than the latter. At 7'1" and **** near 300 lbs, wearing what I imagine is loin cloth, where are you going to go where you're not the absolute center of attention? How can you possibly contribute positively to a cell when its not in combat? They'd probably be forced to leave you in the safe house eating grubs whilst they investigate... waking you up only when its time for a fight.

How should you advance him? Reroll.


To be fair, depending on your interpretation of the setting the Inquisition in particular can be home to all sorts of characters. Two examples from Games Workshop's own d100 'Inquisitor' game would be Krashrak the Stalker , a viskeon bounty hunter in the employ of Inquisitor Liechtenstein, or Khibala Yusra , a Kroot mercenary who, for two years, acted as tracker and warrior for Inquisitor Agmar. And if two feral world Xenos can end up in the Inquisiton, a feral world human warrior surely can, as well.

I would assume/hope that the "how" is explained in the character's backstory (which we have not been told). Perhaps this warrior makes for a good scout/tracker, or he's a survival expert, filling a role the team would otherwise lack. Or maybe he just proved to be capable during a chance encounter, and was then recruited both as a way of thanks as well as putting his skill to better use.

Needless to say, said recruitment would also explain how he got his hands on advanced weaponry.

And, even assuming that this character is a pure killer, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this as long as there is synergy with the group. Dark Heresy may not be a pure combat simulator, but it's not a pure crime RPG as well. And whilst it is true that most characters might be described as hybrids, there's nothing wrong with "pure killers" either. Otherwise there would not be classes like Assassins, Guardsmen, Battle Sisters, or (Emperor forbid) the Grey Knights, all of whom make fairly poor investigators (outside of perhaps interpreting the most obvious signs of something being wrong or, in the case of the assassin, acting as a spy) but have a clear focus on dealing with violence.

Dark Heresy can be played like a cloak and daggers "Casablanca the RPG", but personally I find it more suitable to the IP if we keep in mind what a gritty and violent setting 40k is in the core material, and what sort of enemies the Inquisition is hunting down, with Inquisitors and their retinue personally facing anything from local cults of heretics to Genestealer rebellions, Chaos Marines and Demon Princes.

From the Guardsman career description in GW's Inquisitor game:

"Years of strict discipline and adherence to the chain of command makes Imperial Guard Veterans ideal tools for an Inquisitor. The horrors of war and years of following orders have long since erased any thoughts of mercy or compassion and expunged the slightest trace of guilt or conscience. Veterans know that as long as they follow orders, they themselves are innocent of any sin they may commit."

The notion of "ideal tools" seems particularly fitting, because sometimes you simply need a hammer, so it pays to have all manner of different equipment in your box... unless you feel like waiting a month or two until the nearest regiment of uncompromised IG responds to your most urgent request for help. ;)

Edited by Lynata

I suppose I just disagree with respect to the notion that a pure killer has much value to an inquisitor, especially as a green, fresh out of the guard trooper. There is certainly room for a combat focused PC in an acolyte cell, but the thing to keep in mind is that you can get near or the same combat capability out of a person that brings more than just a lasgun to the table. An arbitrator is easily as good as a fresh guardsman, and the inquisition would get the added bonus of the skill set of the arbitrator, which, in my opinion, is quite a bit more valuable than trench digging +10 and Talented (Bullet Catching) that a guardsman brings.

I acknowledge than not all guardsmen are built the same and it is certainly possible to create one that is "different" enough to be something more than a gun, but that is an extreme rarity and requires the player to essentially create a guardsman that isn't actually a guardsman.

As for the argument about grim dark and fighting chaos space marines... an acolyte cell neither will, nor should it, be doing that. Perhaps the power armor clad Inquisitor and his retinue of Interrogator, Magos and cadre of storm troopers will, but your rank 2 acolytes never should. If they do, that is the failure of the GM to understand what acolytes are meant to do... or perhaps the players' own stupidity for walking into that fight. Incidentally, no number of TukTuk-level characterstics will reasonably allow an acolyte cell to take even a single CSM until they are plasma-wielding rank 5 players nearing Ascension.

P.S. - Battle Sisters and Grey Knights are never allowed in my campaigns (nor any I've ever played in) for the reason to which you are alluding. That, and they are balance-destroying, out of place classes that have no place in a cell that's meant to investigate, identify and root out all forms of chaos, xenos or renegade-driven heresies.

P.S.S. - Dark Heresy is and should be FAR closer to a crime-noir/Casablanca game than a combat simulator.

P.S.S. - Dark Heresy is and should be FAR closer to a crime-noir/Casablanca game than a combat simulator.

First thing you've put in this thread that I can agree with.

P.S.S. - Dark Heresy is and should be FAR closer to a crime-noir/Casablanca game than a combat simulator.

First thing you've put in this thread that I can agree with.

I find that hard to believe, but to each his/her own.

My opinions are often extremely rigid and, as such, often not shared by others. But, in this thread, I expected most to agree with the core of my observations.

I suppose not.

Edited by Traejun

The discussion on what sort of game DH is supposed to be is certainly a worthwhile debate, but Doohdahday was simply asking for help with advancing TukTuk. Let's save the thematic discussion for another thread.

TukTuk certainly has excellent stats, but they aren't impossibly high. He took the Proven Innocent background, which gives +3 to all stats at the expense of -1 Fate point (I've never seen that background before -- is it from the Book of Judgement?). As feral worlders aren't exactly swimming in Fate under the best of circumstances, this is quite a serious drawback; it's entirely possible that brave TukTuk started the game with zero Fate! While TukTuk's stats are very, very good, I can believe they're legit: I've watched a player roll up a character and get over 35 in all but two stats, so TukTuk's array is certainly possible.

However, I think TukTuk is only supposed to have 17 wounds. Proven Innocent gives +3 to all CHARACTERISTICS, so it would not increase TukTuk's starting wounds. I can't think of a way you could've wound up with 20 wounds after taking Sound Constitution only 4 times.

A standard red-dot sight wouldn't work on a bow, but if your GM allows I'm sure you could get an equivalent optical sight on a modern composite bow. Modern hunters use sights on their bows, and honestly a bow with a red-dot sight is not game-breakingly powerful. If TukTuk's bow was manufactured on a feral world, it wouldn't have appropriate mounting points for a sight.

As for TukTuk's future progression, I recommend specializind in melee combat. Guardsmen who follow the Stormtrooper advancement path are arguably the most devastating melee Acolytes around, and the Scout and Officer paths don't seem to fit TukTuk's style quite as well. Be sure to check the FAQ and errata -- the Frenzy talent used to be quite miserable, but the errata buffs it substantially. Until you can afford the Ambidextrous and Two-weapon Fighting talents, I'd stick to using the mono-greatsword, since it's much more powerful than your smaller swords as an individual weapon.

Most DH games will involve many non-combat encounters, so I highly recommend that you pick up some skills that don't explicitly focus on killing people. TukTuk has good Perception, so try to pick up skills like Survival and Scrutiny. Medicae is also a good choice -- it's relatively easy to boost your Medicae skill rolls with equipment, and it's always good to have more than one medic in case the first goes down. Intimidate is probably TukTuk's best choice for a social skill, as his low Fellowship ensures he won't succeed often with Charm or Deceive :D

TukTuk is the way he is because the first thing I did was roll stats assigning straight down the line, then I asked the GM what he wanted me to bring in (was retiring a sister of battle he made me try out, didn't like trying to RP it). He said a guardsman. So I made TukTuk the Feral Warrior. I am giving the Cell what the GM asked for and trying to have make the character something that makes everyone playing enjoy it more, so far its working. Though the Psyker accidentally(tried to use spasm on someone) frenzied TukTuk when he was carrying a civilian to safety. TukTuk then bludgeoned the Psyker with the civilian, killing the civ and fatiguing the psyker.

Thank you again everyone for the Combat advancement ideas, since that is really the main thing open to TukTuk, though getting scrutinize sounds like a good idea (I am still horribly new to DH). Also TukTuk plans on getting a plasma gun when he can, as blue symbolizes courage to him, and the advancement to use them when that becomes available as well.

I would like TukTuk to be able to contribute more than fighting potential, and scrutiny sounds like a good place to start. Except I don't get that until Lieutenant if I go that way in the advancement tree :c Though I was considering Silent move and Intimidate.

Also the 20 wounds come from a 10 on the D5 roll for 5+9 base wounds (14) + (4) sound constitutions + (1) from his divination (there are no civilians in the battle for survival) + (1) from Proven innocent = 20

Edited by Doohdahday
Also TukTuk plans on getting a plasma gun when he can, as blue symbolizes courage to him

Best reason to carry a plasgun I've heard in a long time! :)

Also TukTuk plans on getting a plasma gun when he can, as blue symbolizes courage to him

Best reason to carry a plasgun I've heard in a long time! :)

I love the irony in that, too, though one probably needs to have played the TT to "get it". :lol:


Also TukTuk plans on getting a plasma gun when he can, as blue symbolizes courage to him

Best reason to carry a plasgun I've heard in a long time! :)

I love the irony in that, too, though one probably needs to have played the TT to "get it". :lol:


Don't they explode? (God I hope some sort of warning or training comes with the possible advancement and Plasmagun else TukTuk is going to get some nasty possibly lethal burns) Another reason the things symbolize courage :P

Don't they explode?

Yep, in the TT there's a 1-in-6 chance they overload and go boom. ;)

Don't worry, though - that's just the abstraction. Both in Dark Heresy as well as GW's own "Inquisitor" game, the chance to overload is not as big, and even if it does get too hot, there's a chance your character just drops the gun rather than it exploding.

Tuktuk good warrior, much tough. Tuktuk, take courage-gun and cause much burnings and deaths.

Forward, young Gopher of the North, and take many scorched trophy-bones for honor!

Seriously though, I have no useful advice, and can only say that this thread is amazing and I love Tuktuk. I do think that sling-grenade idea is marvelous though, especially in conjunction with rapid reload.