By the rules as written, can initiate start with invocation trained, or can he only start acquired?
Can initiate start with invocation trained by the RAW?
My new group is rolling characters next week and I was just going over this. I believe he/she can train. Page 37/Player's Guide....
If he has access to an advanced skill (from his race, career, or other
source) a beginning character may acquire an advanced skill as one of his skill training options,
then train the just-acquired advanced skill if he still has any skill training options remaining.
This allows a newly created character to have one rank of skill training in an
advanced skill (at the "cost" of two skill training opportunities).
by GMmL
Yes, they can train it. They just have to spend an extra point to acquire it, as they don't automatically acquire it for free, unlike their wizard counterparts (that get spellcraft free).