Imperial Knight Titan

By Mento, in Only War

Hi everyone. :) So, I made some rules for the Knight. Hope you enjoy them, and of course comment if you like/dislike them and what you would change. I apologize in advance for any misspellings.

Imperial Knight Titan

Type: Walker

Tactical Speed: 12 m

Cruising Speed: 70 kph

Manoeuvrability: +0

Structural Integrity: 90

Size: Immense

Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 30

Vehicle Traits: Super-Heavy, Walker, Enclosed, Damage Control, Enhanced Motive Systems, Environmentally Sealed, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Noble

Carrying Capacity: None


Right arm (one weapon chosen from the following):

  • Rapid-fire Battle Cannon (Facing Front/Left/Right; 750m; S/2/-; 3d10+10 X; Pen 8; Clip 18; Reload 3 Full; Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable) with Co-Axial mounted Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)
  • Thermal Cannon (Facing Front/Left/Right; 200m; S/-/-; 3d10+15 E; Pen 16; Clip 12; Reload 2 Full; Melta, Blast [10])

Left arm:

  • Reaper Chainsword (Melee; 4d10+30 R; Pen 12; Tearing, Proven [3], Razor Sharp, Felling [10], Unbalanced, Cannot be destroyed by a power weapon's field)


  • Hull-mounted Heavy Stubber (Front Facing; 100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full) (can be fired as a Free Action once each turn, as it is directly linked to the pilots' mind via MIU, that does not count to the maximum number of attacks that the pilot can make on that turn)

Special Rules

  • Ion Shield: The pilot declares a facing at any time during combat. All ranged attacks directed at that facing are resolved as if the walker had a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 50 which cannot be Overloaded. The Ion Shield protects that facing till the start of the vehicle's next turn (the protected facing cannot be changed untill then). If the Ion Shields' Facing is declared after a successful to hit roll the pilot must make a Hard (-20) Operate Test . If he succeedes the Shield works against that attack, if not than it starts working immediately after that shot is resolved (but does not work in that shot).
  • Fear (3) Trait.
  • The Knight has a Strength of 85 and Unnatural Strength (17) Trait (already included in weapon stats).
Edited by Mento

I like it, though I would, instead of a PR Rating, give the Ion shield a number of wounds, 100 sounds fair

Well, I think it's also a good idea, though I think the use of PR Rating allows to better emphasize the difference between Ion Shields and Void Shields (and also Force Fields are really powerful and annoying to fight with :) ).

Also, I added some rules to the Special Rules section (Fear (3) Trait - as the tabletop version has Fear, and a note about the Strength of this machine (might be important during play)), and a note that the Reaper Chainsword cannot be destroyed by a weapon with a Power Field Quality.

Edited by Mento

Isn't the chainsword a little bit weak? I mean, it should rip a Carnifex in half with one strike but with 3D10+30 damage, it will never do this. Something like 40+6D10 would be better IMHO.

Hmm... The truth is that the Reaper Chainsword should be the most badass weapon in the Knight's arsenal, but I honestly think 6d10+40 is a little too much (and all that Righteous Fury with 6d10). I'm thinking, maybe an additional d10 (4d10+30) and Felling [10]? And lets not forget that you can make multiple attacks with this thing (with Swift Attack). That should do for hunting some big Tyranids.

Edited by Mento

According to its TT representation, it should be able to kill a Monstrous Creature with a single hit and an average damage roll. Well, to be honest, it should be able to kill anything ('cept Super-Heavy vehicles and Gargantuan Creatures) with a single hit and average damage rolls.

Maybe 50+3D10 damage if you don't want lots of D10s?

That is true, but look at the Turbo-laser Destructor from Deathwatch: Rites of Battle. It is also a D weapon in tabletop (if I'm correct), and in RoB - 4d10+30 ,Pen bigger in comparison to Reaper Chainsword, but no Tearing, Felling [2] (roughly Felling [10] in Only War I think) and can only score 2 hits. The thing is that, if you would convert Destroyer weapons as "one hit one kill, no armour etc." then the stats wouldn't make much sense in RPG. At least IMHO. And with stats (Melee; 4d10+30 R; Pen 12; Tearing, Proven [3], Felling [10] Unbalanced, Cannot be destroyed by a power weapon's field) and multiple hits, it can kill pretty much anything with ease.

Edited by Mento

4d10+30 R, Pen 12, Tearing, Proven (3), Razor Sharp

Edit: oops

Razor Sharp for its capacity for eating through armour, Felling (8 - 10) would also employ creatures are nothing more than fodder

Edited by Santiago

Well Razor Sharp is also a good option, though it won't be of much help against a Carnifex (and I suppose you had in mind 4d10+30 not 40d10+3? :D It would be a very powerful and formidable weapon indeed with 40d10 :D ). I just don't know if it should be a particularly good weapon against armoured vehicles, nasty xenos creatures or maybe both?

Edit: Added Felling [10] and Razor Sharp to Reaper Chainsword's profile, changed damage to 4d10+30.

Edited by Mento

Wow MKX, these rules seem to be great :) I am certainly tempted to include some Titans in my next campaign, after I read your rules thoroughly.

The stats here are somewhat diffrent from yours though, as they are based on the rules from the new Codex: Imperial Knights, and intended for games of regular Only War.

Note: a single hit in TT and a single hit in the RPG are very very different!

Unless you think heavy bolters in TT only fire 3 bolts a burst. :)

What is being resolved is clearly not a single hit.

So, I say "nay!" on 6d10+1000000 danmage models. :)

We are working on the same thing in the DW forums, also taking the stats of the Warhound Titan from DW's Rites of Battle into account:

A few thoughts:

  • Structural Integrity is too high. Give about 10 points of SI per hull point in TT.
  • The modeling of the Ion Shield is pretty good. About the same I came up with. Only I use a Free Action, so no Operate test as Reaction possible. It has to be set in advance.
  • I consider giving the Battle Cannon S/3/- because FFG ROF = (1.5 or 2)x TT ROF. See Autocannon, for example.
  • Reaper Chainsword: Not bad! But I would prefer to cut down some of the special rules and instead increase damage/pen flat. Makes it easier to handle for the GM.
  • Fear is a good point, I overlooked that one! Although I would prefer Fear(2) to leave more room for Titans and Daemonic horrors to top it.
  • The Warhound in RoB has rules for Auspex Arrays, enabling it to see for multiple kilometers; you might want to adopt that.

All-in-all a splendid job! :D


Edited by ak-73

I had just posted in the Deathwatch forum asking if anyone had a stat for an Imperial Knight and got zero replies. I stumbled on this by chance!


Imperial Knight rules are on page 1 of the Deathwatch forum?


Is that a question?

Perhaps it was an oversight on my part, but no one directed me to the correct page. So, as it stands, this is the first time I am seeing it.

As I said, I had made a post that was viewed 70-something times asking for Imperial Knights stats and no one directed me to the actual pages.

This was a few weeks back. I did not make a request here.

hm. Very nice rules blog ak. =D

Thanks, I'm still building it up and, yes, it's a bit too DW-centric but when I have the time I will incorporate more from other lines.


We just killed this with 6 guys and a sock puppet, it was rather epic. Thanks for your hard work

Edited by Cail

We just killed this with 6 guys and a sock puppet, it was rather epic. Thanks for your hard work


We just killed this with 6 guys and a sock puppet, it was rather epic. Thanks for your hard work


Long story short our regiment was whipped out and we became a inquisitorial kill team, who gave us a sock puppet which was posed it seemed.

with my self the commissar.

Cail the Heavy weapons specialist with a Multi melta.

a Ratling sniper.

a storm trooper.

Weapons specialist

and a witch.

We we ordered to go hunting for a rogue guard regiment, who were getting in contact with a imperial knight, for what ever reason i do not remember the details.

After some running around a dead city shooting drunks, we stumbled upon the imperial knight, with no where to run to , we thought we make a last stand. While our ranged guys lit the thing up with every thing they could, and me being the only melee character, not much my bolt pistol could do, so i charged the thing. Our heavy weapons guy who had a Jugen / cain relationship came charging with the commissar, throwing a grapple onto the thing.

While using my acrobatic skill and high AG i managed to work my way up to the top of the knight. I managed to cut into the cotpit of the knight with a power sword( no idea how i managed that but i did ) and we both climbed in after the gm moved the titan into a burning building trying to burn us off of it .

Now our heavy weapons guy was wearing the sock puppet at the time, and was being semi posed through it having to take willpower checks.

The sock puppet was set alight, and our Heavy weapons man punched the Knight pilot, almost killing him, then i stabbed him to death with a power sword.

I think I have the recording some where i will see if i can upload it to youtube.

Wow, I had to infer a lot from that post, but even still I was intrigued.

Well done, sock puppet. Well done.