Hi everyone. So, I made some rules for the Knight. Hope you enjoy them, and of course comment if you like/dislike them and what you would change. I apologize in advance for any misspellings.
Imperial Knight Titan
Type: Walker
Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 90
Size: Immense
Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 30
Vehicle Traits: Super-Heavy, Walker, Enclosed, Damage Control, Enhanced Motive Systems, Environmentally Sealed, Reinforced Armour
Crew: 1 Noble
Carrying Capacity: None
Right arm (one weapon chosen from the following):
- Rapid-fire Battle Cannon (Facing Front/Left/Right; 750m; S/2/-; 3d10+10 X; Pen 8; Clip 18; Reload 3 Full; Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable) with Co-Axial mounted Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)
- Thermal Cannon (Facing Front/Left/Right; 200m; S/-/-; 3d10+15 E; Pen 16; Clip 12; Reload 2 Full; Melta, Blast [10])
Left arm:
- Reaper Chainsword (Melee; 4d10+30 R; Pen 12; Tearing, Proven [3], Razor Sharp, Felling [10], Unbalanced, Cannot be destroyed by a power weapon's field)
- Hull-mounted Heavy Stubber (Front Facing; 100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full) (can be fired as a Free Action once each turn, as it is directly linked to the pilots' mind via MIU, that does not count to the maximum number of attacks that the pilot can make on that turn)
Special Rules
- Ion Shield: The pilot declares a facing at any time during combat. All ranged attacks directed at that facing are resolved as if the walker had a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 50 which cannot be Overloaded. The Ion Shield protects that facing till the start of the vehicle's next turn (the protected facing cannot be changed untill then). If the Ion Shields' Facing is declared after a successful to hit roll the pilot must make a Hard (-20) Operate Test . If he succeedes the Shield works against that attack, if not than it starts working immediately after that shot is resolved (but does not work in that shot).
- Fear (3) Trait.
- The Knight has a Strength of 85 and Unnatural Strength (17) Trait (already included in weapon stats).