Ok, below the Empire hero is embattled, as he is "sandwiched" between two Chaos disks:
Chaos, attack 5
Empire hero, toughness 5, stamina 1
Chaos, counterattack 5
What is the outcome of this?
- Empire hero take one wound
- Empire hero take two wound (and die)
Embattled disk, able to take two wounds?
I asked the same questions on bgg. Answer is the hero dies.
Edited due to being wrong! Disregard my earlier post. After a careful read of the rules I see that as soon as damage meets or exceeds toughness a wound is given. So in the example, during the first engagement resolution the disk receives a wound and the during the second it also receives a wound and then is immediately removed as a casualty. Sorry about the earlier misinformation.
Rule book Page 9 right column:
"When a disk takes damage, place damage tokens (€) on it equal to the
amount of damage dealt. If a disk ever has damage on it equal to or
exceeding its toughness (∆), it takes a wound (¬) and is immediately
removed from the battlefield and placed in its player’s casualty pile."
by Devon Greatwolf