Expansions - Total OL Cards

By AuxNuke, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My group and I have incorporated all non-campaign expansions into our Descent play: WoD, AoD, and ToI. How many base cards should there be in the OL deck including all 3 expansions? Thanks!

JitD: 36

WoD: 3

AoD: 6

ToI: 3 (There is no Lone Wendigo card.)

Total: 48

I think that's right from looking at the rule books.

Excellent. That's what we have been playing with, 48. Somewhere, there is mention of a second trapmaster card that I thought we were missing. Does this second trapmaster card come with RtL?

The second Trapmaster is in AoD, but it costs treachery. There's also a second Dark Charm with a treachery cost attached.

Conversely, AoD also adds a new Danger card that is just like the treachery card from WoD except that it doesn't cost treachery. Just to make sure you're good and confused.

Antistone said:

The second Trapmaster is in AoD, but it costs treachery. There's also a second Dark Charm with a treachery cost attached.

Conversely, AoD also adds a new Danger card that is just like the treachery card from WoD except that it doesn't cost treachery. Just to make sure you're good and confused.

Tonight will be our first full play-through with all of the new rules. I'll be OL'ing and will make sure to read through all of these new treachery cards before starting.