2 player setup

By SolennelBern, in Android

I got the game a couple months ago but didn't got to play yet. Everytime I start reading the rules I can't read more than a page...dunno why. I really want to try the game at least once before selling it lol.

I'll mostly only play 2-player and I wanted to know how to setup the game. I read that you can use 4 suspects instead of just 3. Is that the only thing I have to do to get the best 2-player experience with Android?

There's some discussion on this topic here on the FFG forums, plus here and here .

Basically, using an additional suspect is the main thing to change. Using the optional rules at the end of the rulebook (hopefully you make it that far!) also can help balance it out for two.

Ok thanks Jason. So an additional suspect + the 2-player optional rules.

Can'T wait to try this game, look really cool.