Command plus leap

By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Where would a figure with command need to be for the bonus to apply to a friendly figures leap attack?

Good question. I would say at the point of each 'attack', so where the Hero is (as opposed to where the Blood Ape starts or ends his leap).


shnar said:

Good question. I would say at the point of each 'attack', so where the Hero is (as opposed to where the Blood Ape starts or ends his leap).


I disagree on this.

1) It only matters if the Leaping figure is in range of command, not where the Heroes are who get attacked.

2) If you do that, you are applying different bonuses to the same attack roll if the Leaping figure moves out of range of Command during the attack which is generally not done in Descent to the best of my knowledge.

3) Leaping figures are immune to all other game affects when Leaping, including Aura. Why would you get a bonus from a magical effect but not take damage from a different one?

I would have to say from looking at the rules that the figure with Command would have to be within 3 spaces of the Blood Ape's position before he makes a Leap attack.

This is how I have always looked at Leap for cases such as this, and I haven't found anything to contradict this thinking in the RAW.

The attack is not mandatory for making a Leap movement. Therefore the player must declare that they are making a Leap attack prior to moving and then move the figure X number of spaces. This means that once you have declared that you making a Leap attack rather than the Leap movement , the point of origin for the attack is the square you are Leaping from. Hence, if a figure with Command is within 3 spaces of the Leaping figure, they would get a Command bonus.


Leap, for all intents and purposes, is an AoE attack that requires the attacker to move to do it. The point of origin for that Leap AoE is the square the figure Leaps from, so any bonuses it would receive happen before the figures leaves that space to travel along the AoE. You move the Blood Ape to define the extent of the AoE before rolling the attack. If you did it the other way, the Leaping figure could then choose to alter the distance of the Leap to include a Hero he didn't originally intend to if he knows the attack will wound him (ie get through the armor).

By RAW, the Blood Ape (optionally) makes its attack after it lands, so my default position would be to use its final position to determine Command bonus. I could see an argument for giving the Command bonus based on the ape's position before the Leap rather than after (it's arguably more thematic and not particularly more difficult), but I definitely wouldn't do anything more complex than that.

I think that trying to give a Command bonus against some targets but not others based on their exact positions would be a pain (especially considering that the Blood Ape occupies more than one space), and it's definitely not supported by the rules.

That makes sense. For some reason I was thinking that each model underneath the jump is attacked separately, not that they are all affected by the same attack. If it's just one attack, applying command at varying points would be silly.


I'm leaning towards command applying if the attack begins within three spaces of a command figure.

I consider the the Attack being the move and [optional] attack (rolling dice).

I guess this is another open to interpretaion question preocupado.gif

snacknuts said:

I'm leaning towards command applying if the attack begins within three spaces of a command figure.

I consider the the Attack being the move and [optional] attack (rolling dice).

I guess this is another open to interpretaion question preocupado.gif

I like remy's thought that you need to be in range of command before the attack initiates. If your ape is w/in three of a master beastman/naga at the moment he leaps, I would give the bonus to his damage. Conversely, you are able to leap for movement and land, then attack. If the ape leaps to a space adjacent to a hero without attacking on the leap and is also w/in 3 of a figure with command, I would give it to him then. Of course, this restricts the attack to only affecting one figure, but if that's all you're gonna hit anyway, might as well leap before you, attack.