I'm not at all interested in what AoR is touted to be (namely the rebellion/civil war aspect of Star Wars). Truthfully, I didn't purchase EoE for Star Wars. I wanted the core game system and the themes presented in the CRB, and I've been pleased with my decision to make that purchase.
I would like to be able to provide continuous availability to Force users through the FS Emergent and into FaD, but I find it absolutely impossible to justify purchasing the AoR CRB for maybe 8-10 pages of content. I'm also skeptical about dredging up a beta copy from Yoda knows where on the internet, particularly if the Force material contained within has been overhauled during/since the beta- I tracked down the final beta update (#4), and saw nothing there to indicate this has been the case, but I'm not at all certain that update is all-inclusive.
What (very) little I know of FS Emergent abilities (from following the forums and seeing the occasional mention) has really piqued my interest, and that is what has caused my quandary.
My questions: Is there likely to be too much a gap between FS Exile and the material presented in FaD with regards to continuity of Force character development? Is the material for FS Emergent crucial to keeping a Force using character "on par" with his/her peers until the release of FaD?
I know if I were playing a Force using character, the idea of being "stuck in the water" until FaD is released is far from appealing. I simply have reservations about the effort and expenditure required to acquire a beta copy (plus I kinda feel "dirty" giving above-board sales the slip) and the usefulness of its content.
Thanks in advance for your input.
Edited by Brother Orpheo