Continuation of Target X's guessing game...

By The Darkstalker, in UFS Off Topic

guess the cards appropriate to my very rough description

1: Someone's in the lost cathedral!

2: OMG my right arm is on fire!

3: watch your feet or you'll fall off the building!

All of the descriptions are different cards btw...

and heres a hint...

all of the cards have the 4 pointed shuriken

1 - Olcadan's Mentoring

2 - Akuma's Shoryureppa

3 - Return to Southtown

wow nice!

all 3 correct

Round 2!

1: Sleepy Gothloli

2: Sad Pouch

3: Bending Over in a Red Light

(unless you have a dirty mind you won't get no. 3)

1 - Superior Witch

2 - Dunno

3 - Frantic Search

2) Family Heirloom
