I'm playing the OL currently in two different Shadow Rune campaigns (two different groups who don't know each other). All of my hero players are first time players (no experience prior to the campaign). My question is as follows. There are people interested in trying out several characters/classes, however the campaign format only gives room for one single combination for the next 20-ish hours. I was wondering how you guys could get the time and motivation to test a good chunk of these combinations?
Same goes for the OL btw. I'd like to try a different plot deck, etc. Does it mean we need to play this game in this exact setting for the next 20 hours?
I was thinking maybe once these campaigns are completed - and assuming people don't lose interest on the way - then all I have is the Labyrinth of Ruin campaign where players can decide to re-spec, but I mean that's it. I guess single quests is the way to go otherwise? There seems to be a limited amount of choices of good one-off quests you can run.
I somehow feel like there might be a problem with this game at least for players like me and my fellows, because even though it's definitely replayable, has tons of choices when you start, on the other hand you are really stuck with that choice all campaign long. Now guys running a full campaign with rumor quests does take several months for us. There are some very good other games out there as well that my playgroups want to try out at some point, but right now people are hooked up, so the question is for how long. Replayability is there, but do you really think re-shuffling up is worth the time and effort? How many Fat Goblins do you need to play until you feel you've done it back and forth?
I was considering making heroes choose 2 heroes each with two different classes with no overlap. Then they would bring one hero of their choice to the next quest (same hero for both encounter obviously). Heroes still share items and gold, and progression is mutual so every hero is at same level. I would probably pick two plot decks as the OL to grant me more choice as well.
Edited by Indalecio