Dunhere's Bonus

By joezim007, in Rules questions & answers

Dunhere's ability text says:

Dunhere can target enemies in the staging area when he attacks alone. When doing so, he gains +1 ATT.

Does he need to be attacking an enemy in the staging area AND be attacking alone (Forth Eorlingas! and Ithilien Pit can allow others to attack with him) in order to have the +1 ATT bonus?

Yeah, I would say that he needs to attack alone. This is an effect that was present in the Core set, and isn't written with the technical accuracy that more recent cards try to use. I think it would be written differently if the current designers took a stab at it. But I would expect them to restrict the +attack to times when Dunhere attacks by himself.

The way I understand it is that he has to attack alone to be able to target enemies in the staging area. Then he gets the +1 bonus. He does not get the + when attacking engaged enemies, with or without attacking allies.

Dunhere's ability text says:

Dunhere can target enemies in the staging area when he attacks alone. When doing so, he gains +1 ATT.

Does he need to be attacking an enemy in the staging area AND be attacking alone (Forth Eorlingas! and Ithilien Pit can allow others to attack with him) in order to have the +1 ATT bonus?

I would agree with the two above me.

Forth Eorlingas!, and Ithilien Pit are nice when you want to attack an enemy with an exhausted hero or ally. But as Dunhere's text stands it says that he "can target enemies in the staging area when he attacks alone ." I would say that "alone" is the keyword there.

Whether you attack with an ally that is exhausted or not, if you declare anyone else other than Dunhere as an attacker against 1 enemy his ability will not trigger. A good thing though is that you only declare a target of attack against 1 enemy at a time. So for example you can have Dunhere speed into the engagement area by himself (with his +1 attack) to attack an enemy. Afterwards you can have other allies or heroes declare an attack against a different enemy in the staging area if you have the right effects that allow you to do so.

tacomen253, what are you talking about when you're talking about exhuasted characters? You can't attack with exhausted characters at all.

I think I probably agree with most of you, but the wording could potentially go either way. I kinda feel like "when he attacks alone" is simply a condition, and isn't considered the action, which means that "doing so" could be simply pointing to the action, which is his attack targeting an enemy in the staging area.

tacomen253, what are you talking about when you're talking about exhuasted characters? You can't attack with exhausted characters at all.

I think I probably agree with most of you, but the wording could potentially go either way. I kinda feel like "when he attacks alone" is simply a condition, and isn't considered the action, which means that "doing so" could be simply pointing to the action, which is his attack targeting an enemy in the staging area.

Sorry that was a couple weeks ago, and I cannot remember why I wrote that. Just ignore it and the rest of paragraph works still just fine :) .

Edited by tacomen253