New Expansions and monsters propositions!

By ffgfan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, I was thinking about what new expansions could FFg make for this game and I thought of Al-Kalim. One of the Runebound expansions that has no substitute in Descent. I wpuld like to see some new heros that will explore the piramids and the labirynths of sand. With quick sand as traps, pits and others. The monsters could be something like mummys, skeletons, scorpions, sfinks. That would make a really great expansion for Descent.

And one other thing that I was thinking about, what monsters do i miss when playing Descnet. And I miss goblins, hobgoblins, minotaurs, savage orks and my favored Ratmen.

I wpuld like to know what do other gamers think about my idea for expansion and new monsters? Maybe wee could make out off this topic a treasure chest with ideas and maybe will see some of them in the future in expansions for Descent: Journeys In The Dark.

HAHAHA, when I saw the forum name I got all excited because my brain translated it into ffgjaffer who is one of the moderators. I thought this was an official announcement.

I think an expansion to the core game based on what you propose could be interesting. I would really like to see an RtL expansion myself or more expansions things packaged into the core game expansions. Based on the artwork, the AoD heroes appear to be somewhat desert themed though, and don't some of them come from that Runebound expansion?

The Egyptian theme sounds cool. Another option would be a jungle-themed setup, with snakes, large flying insects, etc. Possibly with rules for moving on a skiff down a skinny river? A lot could be done.

I would not be surprised to see another Road to Legend expansion. Another nice thing would be for any future expansions to draw from the other expansions, mainly by providing alternate quest setups the way RtL does.

Yes, the heroes from Sands of Al-Kalim were brought to Descent in AoD, although nothing else about the expansion was especially desert themed. I wouldn't mind seeing a desert expansion for Descent. I also wouldn't mind seeing the expansion boards from Runebound getting RtL overhauls as well, like the base RtL board does with the base Runebound map. =)

Jungle expansion would be cool too.

I actually find the distinct lack of goblins and such to be a refreshing change of pace. Beastmen fill the same role without being the same old greenskinned hordes that almost every other fantasy word has. I suppose it's also worth mentioning the there ARE orcs in Descent and Runebound, although they appear to be a more civilized race who are able to cooperate with the other "hero races." See Kirga, Morgath, etc... Again, I find the change of pace refreshing. I also like the unconventional imagery used for medusas and wendigos in ToI. I wouldn't mind seeing a similarly unique take on minotaurs or ratmen, but not the same old nonsense every fantasy world uses, please. That's just my opinion, of course.

Perhaps an expansion for RTL which gives the heroes access to some OL-like gameplay elements, similar to how RTL worked for the OL w/ lieutenants, avatar cards, etc...

Imagine having to play out sieges where the OL plays a lieutenant & minions in the "hero" role to storm a keep, while the heroes share control of the keep defense forces (with the heroes themselves taking part, if they are present). Always seemed odd to me that breaking a siege involves attacking a lieutenant in some forest glade.

Let's also not forget there is a minotaur named Steelhorns...and for ratmen, well...boggs is a pretty clever little rat, anyway.

I like the jungle idea. I'd like to see some Pygmies(with swarm) or maybe an undead Spider Monkey.

I would love to see an "urban" expansion. Most fantasy assumes you're going out into the wild, but a lot happens right in the heart of towns. Creatures would be more ghost related, thieves (kind of like deep elves), vampires, ghouls, etc.

A far-east expansion would be cool too...


ddm5182 said:

Perhaps an expansion for RTL which gives the heroes access to some OL-like gameplay elements, similar to how RTL worked for the OL w/ lieutenants, avatar cards, etc...

Imagine having to play out sieges where the OL plays a lieutenant & minions in the "hero" role to storm a keep, while the heroes share control of the keep defense forces (with the heroes themselves taking part, if they are present). Always seemed odd to me that breaking a siege involves attacking a lieutenant in some forest glade.

****, I really like that idea.

I think with them finally adding some indoor to outdoor connectors in ToI, there should be at least one RtL encounter map that is based on a village with a coouple buildings in it. You could just use the dungeon tiles as building interiors.

I still want a RtL expansion. Dungeons, encounters, new Avatars etc. However, I'm always open to more basic content as long as they integrate it well with RtL. I like the desert themed expansion idea. Scorpions would be nice. Let's see: two space creatures (like hell hounds but not as squishy) with grapple (pincers), reach and poison. Maybe a bonus to attack if target grappled.

Mummies: Black curse. Slow but strong. Masters have command.

Scarab beetles: Very fast with swarm.

Quick sand: Stops movement like ice and you get a quicksand token. Each turn in quicksand you get another token. You cannot attack if you are in quicksand. Takes 2MP(?) per token to remove.

edroz said:

Quick sand: Stops movement like ice and you get a quicksand token. Each turn in quicksand you get another token. You cannot attack if you are in quicksand. Takes 2MP(?) per token to remove.

I, personally, would make them roll surges for it. Otherwise, quicksand wouldn't be very effective against high movement/high fatigue heroes.

shnar said:

I would love to see an "urban" expansion. Most fantasy assumes you're going out into the wild, but a lot happens right in the heart of towns. Creatures would be more ghost related, thieves (kind of like deep elves), vampires, ghouls, etc.

A far-east expansion would be cool too...


I love, Love, LOVE this idea! An urban expansion would be the shizzle (or something.)

Xandria loves the idea of a lieutenant actually sieging a town, with hordes of critters pouring through holes in the wall, only to be mowed down by a wizard with a Dragon's Breath rune; Razorwings nibbling at the catapult crew and giants lobbing boulders. One can dream, right?

Unfortunately, doing that starts to morph Descent into something like Warhammer. If you want to play a miniature table-top game, go grab Lord of the Rings. It's pretty good.

So I'd keep the game pretty much as it is...


Shnar, now that you mention Lord of the Rings....I've been thinking about buying War of the Ring, but am curious about people's opinions of both that and Lord of the Rings, as far as informing a decision on which to buy. As you are recommending Lord of the Rings, as opposed to War of the Ring, I'm wondering if you've played both and prefer Lord of the Rings, or just haven't tried War of the Ring yet.

I would very much welcome any comparison of those two games. Have you tried War of the Ring? Thanks in advance! I think you make a good point about leaving Descent as it is in that regard.

Are you talking about the Lord of the Rings boardgame from Knizia? The FFG game? Or are you talking about GamesWorkshop miniature table top game called Lord of the Rings? I was referring to GW's game, since they were talking about expanding Descent into even more outdoor and city-raids, etc. effectively morphing it into a HeroClix or Miniature game, which I think is a bad idea. If they want to do that, just buy one of those games, and I think Lord of the Rings is an excellent miniature game for many reasons:

A) the theme is awesome (who doesn't like Tolkien? ;) )
B) the rules are for 'skirmishes' and not full on wars
C) the miniatures are extremely well done
D) the new 'base' game the Mines of Moria isn't too expensive and has really good minis that will last a few sessions before needing to buy more
E) Did I mention it's Tolkien?

How *that* game compares to War of the Ring is apples and oranges. Two *completely* different games and will tickle two different fancies.

Now, if you are asking how Knizia's game compares to War of the Ring, I can't help you. While I own them both (and have all of Knizia's expansions), I have not yet had a chance to play War of the Ring, and feel I probably never will, considering the groups I play with. WotR is a "war" game, much like Risk but way more complicated. Right now in my group, if we are going to play a war game, we'll probably play the new Conan.

But as for Knizia's game, I *love* it. I have all the expansions, and they're all good. It's a co-op game, and a lot of players prefer this kind to others. And it's *really* challenging as a game, so it demands many times through. The only thing I wish it had were rules for Solo-play.


I would like to see, the RTL dungeon cards used in a single scenario type game.

1. Draw 3 dungeon cards. possibly connect them with stairs.

2. Have the characters draw x amount of characters. When one dies, remove him, and pick one from a character pool.

3. 1st level copper, 2nd silver, 3rd gold.

4. Have the monsters stats increase. Use level 5 monsters in copper. Silver monsters in silver, and gold in gold.

If a player (character) dies, he loses weapons, but drops a coin pile token, =400gold.

When bringing a new character, he starts with a treasure on the level the characters are on.

Stat dice increases carry over per player.

On completion of first and second level, Players gain either a +2fatigue, or +4 Life (RTL tokens)

Since we're still playing vanilla JitD, I'll make some suggestions (affirmations) of expansions I'd like to see.

1) Desert - Mummies, Egyptian style animal-headed men, cloaked assasins, scarabs, sphinxes (sphinxi?), traps like sandstorms and heat waves

2) Jungle - More spiders, big cats, lizardmen, snakes, traps like mudslides, swarms of tiny insects, strangler vines and man-eating plants

3) Sea-faring - What if the map were a ship? We could have aquatic heroes, krakens, fish-men and the ever popular sharks with frikkin' magic runes in their foreheads. It could even make use of the swallow rule and have the creature be represented only by tentacles and a gaping maw!

Oh, and of course, since we all suggested these on this thread, we should get copies of the expansion for free gran_risa.gif

ronin3338 said:

...and the ever popular sharks with frikkin' magic runes in their foreheads.

Dude, well done. Well done. aplauso.gif

Shnar, thanks for the reply discussing the various Lord of the Rings games. I guess the one I was asking about ended up being Knizia's, although I'm curious about all of the various offerings. If that one is co-operative, so much the better. As we've seen with Arkham Horror, co-operative games can be great.

I've been intrigued by War of the Ring also, but it sounds like the Knizia Lord of the Rings might be the better option. Unfortunately, I see it is listed as unavailable on the FFG web site. I wonder if it will be available again anytime soon, or if it will be necessary to go to eBay for it..

I'm trying to decide between Cosmic Encounter, War of the Ring and now Lord of the Rings (Knizia) as far as the next game I purchase. I've heard very good things about Cosmic Encounter, but now Knizia's Lord of the Rings sounds attractive too.. War of the Ring might be too much of a good thing.

Where do you live? I didn't see your name listed on the fan location posting that Bashwilly facilitates. If I'm ever in the area, I'll stop by (if allowed) and maybe play a game of War of the Ring, just out of sheer curiousity about it. It must be difficult having the game around and not being able to play it.

I also enjoy the change without goblins and all the other average stuff and as for a new expansion I would also like to see a Jungle themed one with snake and big insects but as well as that I quite like the idea of sea creatures that appear out of water tiles like crocodiles and serpents. Finally I would like to see some allies for the Heroes to use.

Tiny Ogre demonio.gif

I was wondering maybe a new expansion could be in Town Or Sewers? We could get Ratmen, Zombie, Great Worms and all that kind of stuff? I'm would really like to see Descent Heroes geting wet in sewers under a city.

In thinking more, I think I'd rather see an expansion that could be added to any (vanilla) Descent game.

I'm thinking of an expansion that has generic indoor and/or outdoor encounters. It would have a "room" tiles, maybe with a centralized large one, and probably no "hall" tiles. There would be cards to add to the OL deck to generate these encounters, and they could spawn either new monsters or monsters from whichever set/sets you are using. Also add a few new terran types.

Maybe even throw in rules to create random dungeons/scenarios.

I got no monser proposition. However I got this idea.

RTL is where the OL is trying to lay siege to the Runebound World while the heroes tries to explore dungeons, save cities from being besieged.

How about the new expansion have a twist of plots....The heroes are trying to clear a path of dungeon, or take an adventure route to the Capital, Land of Overlord. While the OL task is to stop the invasion into their evil land?