NHL Playoffs

By Stag Lord, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

Stag Lord said:

i hate when the refs just let forwards hammer away at the goalie after he has amde the intila stop and the puck is under him.


anyway. i wonder how the bruins fans are reacting to Walker (i'm going to sucker punch you and don;t get suspended becuase i don;t play for the flyers....seriously....look at what cariccilo got suspended for and then look at what happened in 3 other games (two fo them against the bruins) and then tell me there is no bias in the freaking National Hypocryte League) scoring the Series Winner!?!

Are you still bitter about that first period goal against Biron from a month and a half ago? Jesus.

just found your comment ironic. It would be like me saying i hate when a gaol is scored through the outside of the net and a sabres fan pointing out the irony...

Except that it was a regular season goal in a late season game. but whatever. - you'll get over it eventually.

Lars said:

Stag Lord said:

i hate when the refs just let forwards hammer away at the goalie after he has amde the intila stop and the puck is under him.


anyway. i wonder how the bruins fans are reacting to Walker (i'm going to sucker punch you and don;t get suspended becuase i don;t play for the flyers....seriously....look at what cariccilo got suspended for and then look at what happened in 3 other games (two fo them against the bruins) and then tell me there is no bias in the freaking National Hypocryte League) scoring the Series Winner!?!

This Bruins fan is reacting... poorly. Did you see how quickly Thomas skated out of the net after that goal? That was also me storming out of my bedroom so my string of obscenities wouldn't wake up my wife.

Ugh. Sickening. I really seriously hate the Red Wings. Chicago's chances are looking bleak now. But if there's one thing they don't seem to do, its quit. So I think it'll be tough, but they're not out of it yet. Chicago in 7. Thats the optimist in me I fear though, the other part of me was kicking over a chair and throwing stuff at the tv on Tuesday. :-P

As long as the Pens don't win it all (as a reward for their dirty hits, dives, and all around pansy play), I really don't care who wins.

The crap that the NHL's little darlings are getting away with is making me sick.

i can't watch them anymore. I just can't. i'm just tuning in the Hawks-Wings series and hoping the Canes can rally - but I will not watch that team until i have to.

You're right - its crap.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the frakking Penguins. Back to back trips to the Finals.


Go Wings

$#@%! I'm done. I hope the Wings and Pens somehow elimiate each other and simultaneously explode. F!

SI has a pretty good atricle this week arguing that the Wings are the best franchise in pro sports over the past two decades. I think i agree with that assesment - but I just have a sinking feeling about how this series will play out. i remember the last Finals rematch between the Islanders and the Oilers - and that was the series that sent the Oilers off on a decade long run of dominanace. i hope we aren't seeing history repeat.

Go Wings.

One can only hope for some good hockey. Which means the refs need to get off the Crosby bandwagon and just let them play. Here's hoping.

Pens still don't have what it takes, but they'll be better. Wings in 7.

Now I am seriusly pissed. Not about teh results on teh ice, or teh wings jumping out to teh early 2-0 lead.

At the end of the game last nuight, there was a huge melee - and Malkin got an instigator penalty. An instigator penalty with less than five minutes ot go carries an automatic suspension. But Colin Campbell and the league office are NOT ENFORCING teh suspension - because (they say) it doens't fit the crtieria:

"None of the criteria in this rule applied in this situation," NHL director of hockey operations Colin Campbell said in a statement issued by the league about an hour after the game ended. "Suspensions are applied under this rule when a team attempts to send a message in the last five minutes by having a player instigate a fight. A suspension could also be applied when a player seeks retribution for a prior incident. Neither was the case here and therefore the one game suspension is rescinded."

What a joke. Malkin was absolutley tyring to sned a message heading into Game 3 and he asbolutley shoudl sit. But the freaking penguins literally get preferential treatment - again. God, I hate them.

National Hypocryte League stirkes again!

sadly i'm not suprised.

Surprisingly enough, I get it. I don't think Malkin was sent out there to "make a point". I just think he got caught up in the heat of the moment. I understand your argument though.

This is not the "no sending messages" rule that Carcillo got busted on in the first round. Which, by the way, was a stupid rule, and I'm glad it appears it's not being enforced as harshly as it originally appeared it would be.

This falls under the "instigating/fight in the last 5 mins of a decided game" rule. Malkin was sending a message, but it was of his own making, and not one predetermined when he started his shift.

Just my oppinnion.... I still hate the Pens though ;)

yeah, but would the NHL had bent over as far backwards if it was that adelbekender dude in the same situation?

Pens? Benefit on the PP from a crappy call? ~Never seen that one before.

Yeah - Detroit's power play ahd their chances though last nigth and couldn't cash in. I'm not going to blame that game on the call - here's hoping they bounce back in Game Four.

Will be watching tonight with great interest. Go Wings!

refs are bothering me a bit tonight...i guess it should be expected...bleh still

also stag or anyone else who is inerested isle's draft party (its got some cool stuff going on for free)

I can't beleive Cleay missed that breakaway with 1:30 left. Sigh. Great game - Pens played disciplined and desperate. Whatever happens in Game 7 - they are goign to be a force for years to come.

That sucked - that just sucked.

How do you win Game 5 so convincingly and drop the next two for the title. Sigh.

Oh well! Mathlete's happy, so I can take comfort in that (as long as he doesn't rub it in too much, yeah right).

I was glad it was more about the Penguins, and less about Crosby. Otherwise, I would have puked.

Devils in 2010!!! All we need is a coach who's heart isn't thousands of miles away.

And to not give up goals in the waning seconds of playoff games.

Just sayin'.