I did a bit of work the past couple of days converting BFG Tau ship stats fr using in Rogue Trader.
Here is what I've come up with:
General Tau rules : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3MNEfkfJJocd1JXNzBTanM2dFU/edit
Ship stats: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3MNEfkfJJocWHVhU2Jwd0tLWkE/edit
What I'm not exactly happy with: most stuff seems to be pretty straightforward to port by comparison with Imperial ships, except for macrobatteries (not the broadsides). In the attempt to make frigates more viable as combat ships than they are in fluff (at least that's what I assume) FFG decided to double the str of macrobatteries (1 or 2 in BFG seems to translate 3 or 4 in RT). This has little effect on Imperial ships as most of the cruisers and above rely on broadsides for the bulk of their damage, but a much greater one on Tau. Tau ships don't seem to have broadsides (apart form the Custodian carrier I haven't been able to find anything resembling a broadside). As such, the Tau ships have ended up a bit stronger than they are in BFG because a significant part of their main armament is Railgun batteries and as such benefits from the doubling of the Str.
Edited by LordBlades