While researching the timeline of galactic history I came upon something which was completely shocking:
2 BBY: Corellian Treaty is signed, giving birth to the Rebel Alliance.
Battle of Yavin
4 ABY: Battle for Endor.
Even if the Battle of Yavin is considered a whole year, that means the Rebellion was only seven years. I always thought Luke and Leia were meant to be teens in New Hope and adults in their thirties or forties by Return of the Jedi.
You can check for yourselves here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_galactic_history
Please tell me that Wookieepedia have their facts wrong and that the Rebellion was longer than that. My whole plot rests on a timeline spanning, at least, a decade. If you confirm that the Rebellion was indeed just seven years, I'm going to have to do some rethinking.