I have played one game with all the expansion rules and I was left wondering how a few of the mechanics work in the political Intrigue Phase. Since the last time the FAQ was updated was 3 years ago I wanted some other opinions on how they see this phase supposing to work.
Do you have to send a representative to the galactic council if you do in fact have a viable option? Can you refrain from sending one if you think people are just going to try and kill you?
When you resolve a representative’s spy ability can you target a face up representative or does it have to be a face down one?
When using the Political II strategy card you get to choose who gets the speaker token. Can the token stay with the person who already has it or must it change hands? The only rule I can see governing this is that the person who is chosen to resolve a political card can not receive it. However looking at the rules for the Political strategy card it says that you can not give it to the person who currently holds it.
I'm planning on having a massive 8 player 4 ring game in early April and I want to nail down the rules as best I can before we start playing, it been a long time since we last played. Thank you to everyone who responds.