Black Crusade group in London

By Hungerydarkstar, in Black Crusade

Hi, I just got the core rule book and am really liking it so far, so I am now looking to find a group in London that is currently playing/looking to start a active group. I would like to use the D10/D% rules that are in the book. I am starting to understand them and would find it Easter if I could just go straight off that. I would also prefer to do it all face to face as I personally find it more rewarding and fun than any online rping.

Other than that I don't have any real preferences, and although I don't own the plat books would love to play them as well. I don't have to struck a schedule as I work in a pub other than I can't do Saturdays. Given notice I can make almost any time work. So let me know if someone has room for me or wants to form a group.

Talk to you soon I hope :P

Hey, dunno if you've already found a group and it might be difficult as I'm currently quite busy (and in another campaign as well!) but if no-one else has expressed interest I'd definitely be up for it.

For your gaming needs if you do not find a local group and you have access to the internet there is a sizable group of future 40k Warhammer games over at Myth-Weavers. com. I don;t know if your interest in play by post but it may cure your need for a game. Tell them Dramacydle referred you.