Store Championship at Great Escape Games of Sacramento

By elfholme, in X-Wing Organized Play

We had our event last Saturday. It was 4 rounds of Swiss, at the end of which only one player remained undefeated. The Store Champion for Great Escape Games of Sacramento is (drum roll please)...Don Headrick!

Don played a 4 ship Rebel build, with Dutch (Ion, R2), 2 Blue Squadron B-Wings, and an Outer Rim Smuggler. Congratulations Don! :)

We had 24 players, which was twice what we expected! The response was tremendous, and there seemed to be a lot of fun gaming going on the whole time. Though we had quite a few guys who traveled quite a ways to join us, lots of email info was exchanged, so we'll hopefully be able to get a strong regular group.

I should also mention that because of the extreme demand, I was shuffling maps around so we'd have enough play area for everyone. We had a couple players step up and volunteer to let me borrow their maps for the event though, so thanks to awesome players supplementing the 4 my brother and I brought, I was able to get most players playing on pretty "scenery" instead of the plain boards the store has. Thanks especially go out to Kevin, for bringing his 4 beautiful GF9 maps!

Edited by elfholme