Our group is starting up soon and I'll be spliting the revised set and taking the Axis. What might be some good ideas for things to pick up? Any obvious first buys to expand? I do like the look of the more armoured Grenidiers, but that needn't be how I go. I would prefer practicallity and what will help me make the most of what I'll have starting... Though if that would be more of the armoured Grenidiers lol
Starting Axis
Hello there, first and foremost i'm glad you're thinking of getting into warfare its a sweet game and that's coming from a warhammer enthusiast. Secondly I would suggest avoiding this forum, FF games so the distribution rights to the dust ip, which may explain why there arn't any posters here. I prefer the Dust-Devils forums. In regards to your axis question, I play axis myself and really enjoy the army. The Hvy recon grenadiers are a great unit to go with because of their damage resistance and crazy 4/1 damage output. another option is to build a Schwer platoon, the command section, the Hvy Kommandotrupp Is a pretty versitile unit. My favorite aspect of that unit is the Fliegefaust the engineer carrys, If shot with burst it negates cover saves. I'd ramble on but you might never come back to this forum, if so feel free to ask some more questions, we could even swap army lists.
Have a good one!
A good vehicle is the Wotan, the lasers are vicious. And the other configuration is a great piece for urban combat.