My Mass Effect Mod

By Kilbourne, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hi all,

I've recently finished creating a Mass Effect Mod for the SW:EoE.

The general concept is that enemy and characters are tougher and require teamwork and powers to bring down their defenses. Please take a look and give some criticism.

The Mod is in a .rar file with a Word Doc for the general rules and 6 Visio flow charts for the talent trees.


Winrar is free and can be downloaded here

Edited by Kilbourne

It would be nice with an alternative to the vsdx files as I'm no user of MS Visio.

I'd love to see an official Mass Effect RPG from FFG, but I don't think the powers that bEA would allow it...

Would have loved to take a look at this, but the file format prevents it.