My Mass Effect Mod

By Kilbourne, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi all,

I've recently finished creating a Mass Effect Mod for the SW:EoE.

The general concept is that enemy and characters are tougher and require teamwork and powers to bring down their defenses. Please take a look and give some criticism.

The Mod is in a .rar file with a Word Doc for the general rules and 6 Visio flow charts for the talent trees.


Winrar is free and can be downloaded here:

Edited by Kilbourne

Taking Star Wars and turning it into a lesser sci fi franchise makes me sad. I am dissapoint.

Edited by CrunchyDemon

Do you have a regular zip file?

I'm not downloading Visio or MS VisioViewer just to look at this.

I did look at your Word Doc, though...

I don't think Defense and Soak quite cover the vagaries of the Mass Combat defensive layer system. I think your allowing Advantage to whittle it down is a nice step in that direction, but I don't think it quite covers it. Not to mention, at first glance it leaves out how armor and shields interact with Biotics and Techs.

Speaking of which, I think the Biotics and Techs would work better if set up similarly to EotE's Force Power trees. Generalize several powers, and have a tree that branches off to improve them or alter their use in different ways. Push and Pull could definitely be part of the same tree, for example. I also think too many of them have just straight upgrades of +1 this or extra damage that, which isn't all that interesting in this system, and some of that should be covered by increasing the related skill to use them. Take Charge for example: rather than having it deal damage, and increase the range, it could do some different things.

Basic Charge: Activate to move from Close to Engaged and make a Melee or Brawl check as an Action.

Range Upgrade (x3): May move from a further range band to Engaged.

Control Upgrade: When you activate this power, you recharge your shields by 50%.

Control Upgrade: <some ability to knock down your target>

Strength Upgrade (x2): <some ability to knock back your target 1 or 2 range bands>

Control Upgrade: When you activate this power, you recharge your shields by 75%

Magnitude Upgrade (x3): Affect additional engaged, or maybe close, targets with your Strength Upgrade.

Improved damage comes from your improving Melee or Brawl skill.

Also, some of the Biotic and Tech abilities could probably just be Talents, or ranked Talents.

My good fellow, this is a marvelous springboard for genesis. I applaud your efforts and only hope my own can be included among them.