Store Championship winning squads

By nimdabew, in X-Wing

I just got back from my first store championship with a win. Gotta love the new range ruler!

Location: Seattle, WA

Players: 12 total


-Draw Their Fire


Jan Ors

-Squad Leader

-Ion Cannon Turret

I want to see what other people are winning with to see if the meta has changed a little bit.

To create some type of continuity of the reports, keep the posts short to essential information.


Number of players

Squad composition

Um, this might be better in the Organized Play or Battle Reports topics... just sayin'...

Maybe. I can't move them after they are made and this gets a lot more traffic.

I just got back from my first store championship with a win. Gotta love the new range ruler!

Location: Seattle, WA

Players: 12 total


-Draw Their Fire


Jan Ors

-Squad Leader

-Ion Cannon Turret

I want to see what other people are winning with to see if the meta has changed a little bit.

To create some type of continuity of the reports, keep the posts short to essential information.


Number of players

Squad composition

I'm curious to know what builds you faced.


14 players

1st place
Garven Xwing

Dutch Ywing + ion turret + R5K6
Rookie Xwing

Rebel HWK + blaster turret + recon spec

2nd place
Han Solo Falcon + Expert Handling + Gunner + Chewbacca crew + MF Title
Rookie Xwing

Rookie Xwing

3rd/4th place (unranked)
Howlrunner TIE

Academy TIE

Academy TIE
Soontir TIEint + PushTheLimit
Turr TIEint + PushTheLimit

Rookie Xwing
Rookie Xwing

Blue Bwing + Engine Upgrade + Advanced Sensors

Blue Bwing + Engine Upgrade + Advanced Sensors

(this player won both the players flying Howlrunner Swarm in the 5th-8th positions via complete wipe!!)

5th-8th place (unranked)
Howlrunner + Determination

Vader + engine upgrade

Academy TIE x4

Howlrunner + ???
Academy TIE x4 + ???

Lando + swarm tactics + ???
Biggs + ???
??? (cant remember if Blue Bwing or Rookie Xwing)

Gold Ywing + ion turret

Gold Ywing + ion turret
Dagger Bwing + Advanced Sensors

Dagger Bwing + Advanced Sensors


No Shuttles, No non-Vader TIEadvanced, No ORS, No TIEbombers, No Awings were present in any of the 14 lists.

Edited by Duraham

South East uk

20 players


Luke skywalker



Red squadron pilot



rookie pilot

2x dagger pilots with adv sensors

Edited by coolfishboy

gr8 thread. im also intersted to see what ppl r playing in store champs.

South East

20 players


Luke skywalker



Red squadron pilot

ne info on other lists that that were there?

South East

20 players


Luke skywalker



Red squadron pilot

ne info on other lists that that were there?

if i can find the out i will post up, to be honest i cant remember them lol

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Players: 5 (lots of late pull outs)


Bounty Hunter - Gunner

Bounty Hunter - Gunner

Saber Sqdn - PtL

Shot a bunch of stuff, used all of the available space.

Hard 2 turn:

Koigan 3: (Removed the focus token that had accidentally been left on from the previous turn and added a stress after this photo was taken)


Wow, cant get much closer!

Played in Sydney today, 4 players not a big turn out of the usual suspects unfortunately.

I pulled the win with my indescisive list that I only nailed down as we put the cards down.

Krassis - HLC, Gunner


3x Academy Pilots

2nd was

Ibitsan - PTL, EU, HLC

2x Blue - HLC

they were tough to take on, they threw down so much **** red die and we was wiping out my TIEs but I wore him down with his low agility

3rd was

2x Blues but one had HLC and the other had AdvS he said he didnt want them both on one to be too much of a target.

2 gold squadron with Ions

this was my 1st match and finished on time with a modified win to me, was such a tough list to wear down.

4th was similar to mine

Krassis - Autoblasters, Gunner

3x Alpha Sq Pilots

he had the worst run of dice hating him all day, think he may be burning those die, he'd got his interceptors in such good positioning and then after killing Backstabber the Academies tore them apart

Edited by Rob Jedi

I'm curious to know what builds you faced.

Faced the whole spectrum.


Turr, stealth, Expose

Fel, Stealth, PTL

Dark Curse

Howl Runner, Adrenalin


Chebacca, Luke Skywalker, Determination(?)


Dagger, Advanced Sensors


Red, R2

Red, R2

Dagger, FCS

Dagger, FCS


OGP, HLC, Adv Sen, Engine Upgrade, Gunner(?)






Final round against the 5 academy and OGP, I was one shooting Ties and spreading dmg out between chewie, Jan, and Biggs which helped me out quite a bit. Overall a very good turnout and good players all around.

Edited by nimdabew

In Grand Rapids, MI at Big Kidz Games

1st place

3 Bounty Hunters

2nd place (I didn't see the full details of this list only the ships)

Lambda Shuttle with Vader

2 Interceptors


3rd place (the squad I used)

Jonus with homing missiles X 2 (TIE Bomber)

Gamma Squadron with Assault Missiles and Cluster Missiles (TIE Bomber)

Gamma Squadron with Assault Missiles and Cluster Missiles (TIE Bomber)

Black Squadron (TIE Fighter)

4th place

Lambda Shuttle (Int Agent, Engine Upgrade, HLC, Fire Control System)

Soontir with PTL and Stealth

Turr with PTL and Stealth

5th place

Luke with Swarm Tactics

Roark with Blaster Turret and Moldy Crow title

Two Blue Squadron

There were ten people at the tournament.

Edited by tie571

RIW in Livonia, MI

9 players

3 rounds, with chance for tie breaker if 2 players are 3-0, ignoring modified wins.

1st place (this was me :P )

Howlrunner + Swarm Tactics

Academy Pilot

Academy Pilot

Academy Pilot

Academy Pilot

Omicron Group Pilot + FCS + Gunner + Engine Upgrade

2nd place

Biggs + Shield Upgrade + R2D2

Blue Squadron Pilot

Blue Squadron Pilot

Blue Squadron Pilot

3rd and 4th (correct me if im wrong!)

Dagger Squadron Pilot + Advanced Sensors

Dagger Squadron Pilot + Advanced Sensors

Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Turret

Gold Squadron Pilot + Ion Turret

Soontir Fel + Swarm Tactics

Turr Phennir + Veteran Instincts

Saber Squadron Pilot + Veteran Instincts

Saber Squadron Pilot + Veteran Instincts

There was also:

7 tie swarm

Howl, Vader, 4 ties.

Biggs, 2B, 1Y

XYAB (Is this right Khyros?)

And one list I didn't get to see! Though I think it was a swarm!

I think I'll write up a report, as each game I played was quite a battle, and I only succeeded with some nice defense dice at clutch times! Also to note, I matched against 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place.

Glad to see this as im looking to track down good local places to play.

In Grand Rapids, MI at Big Kidz Games

1st place

3 Bounty Hunters

2nd place (I didn't see the full details of this list only the ships)

Lambda Shuttle with Vader

2 Interceptors


3rd place (the squad I used)

Jonus with homing missiles X 2 (TIE Bomber)

Gamma Squadron with Assault Missiles and Cluster Missiles (TIE Bomber)

Gamma Squadron with Assault Missiles and Cluster Missiles (TIE Bomber)

Black Squadron (TIE Fighter)

4th place

Lambda Shuttle (Int Agent, Engine Upgrade, HLC, Fire Control System)

Soontir with PTL and Stealth

Turr with PTL and Stealth

5th place

Luke with Swarm Tactics

Roark with Blaster Turret and Moldy Crow title

Two Blue Squadron

There were ten people at the tournament.

I just got back from first Store Championships in Bydgoszcz, Poland. We had 20 participants and we played 4 rounds with Top4 cut after the swiss.

The winner played:

Han Solo (Push the Limit, Gunner, Chewbacca, Millenium Falcon, Concussion Missiles)

Wedge Antilies (Push the Limit, R2 astromech, Engine Upgrade)

... he only fired his missiles ONCE during all of his 6 matches :P

The runner-up played:

Luke Skywalker (R2-D2, Draw Their Fire)

Biggs Darklighter

2x Rookie Pilot

Other Top4 players (they agreed not to play another match, for the prizes were the same):

1. Han Solo (Expert Handling, Gunner, Recon Specialist, Millenium Falcon, Shield Up)

Wedge Antilles (some stuff, don't remember exactly, possibly R2-D2, Shield Up and Determination)

2. Wedge Antilles (R2-D2)

Biggs Darklighter

2x Rookie Pilot

So yup, it was pretty Rebel-heavy, though the first Imperial list palced 5th :P

Rebel heavy seems to be a trend of this topic.Makes me think i shoud switch to Rebels before our store championship.

Right to say that there are more rebel players, wrong to play rebels because of that. Instead, you should build your list with the idea that you would be facing more rebel lists

WOW, some TWO SHIP builds did well. A few YT+2 builds did well. Two Garven/Dutch +2 squads winning with a lot of other four rebel ships squads in the list. A basic Bounty Hunter x3 won along with a Buzzsaw swarm and other large ships showing up with various fighter support. There are even a few swarms in the lists although most don't look "pure". Maybe the most surprising list is four ship Imperial list that is heavy on Bombers.

My next championship next weekend will be with a tie swarm. Day after, I will probably play a 4 x-wing squad. Weekend after that I probably won't play in those two. After, it is going to be a Kath + 2 Saber squad.

3/1/14 - Above Board Games: Fort Mill, SC

1st: 2 BH's with Gunner and 2 AP's

2nd: Biggs, 2 Daggers with Advanced Sensors, Rookie

3rd: Jan and 3 X wings (didn't see the complete list so I don't know the details on upgrades, named pilots, etc.)

4th: 2 Blues with HLC's and 2 Rookies

Edited by D4rkt3mpl4r

I'm curious to know what builds you faced.

Faced the whole spectrum.


Turr, stealth, Expose

Fel, Stealth, PTL

Dark Curse

Howl Runner, Adrenalin


Chebacca, Luke Skywalker, Determination(?)


Dagger, Advanced Sensors


Red, R2

Red, R2

Dagger, FCS

Dagger, FCS


OGP, HLC, Adv Sen, Engine Upgrade, Gunner(?)






Final round against the 5 academy and OGP, I was one shooting Ties and spreading dmg out between chewie, Jan, and Biggs which helped me out quite a bit. Overall a very good turnout and good players all around.

Congrats on the win again, nimdabew. I was your round 3 opponent, with the 2 X's and the 2 B's. The game with you was easily my favorite of the day. I thought you made some brilliant maneuvers with Chewie in the YT slipping through the asteroids after the first engagement round there.

Edited by bgFish

I won a tournament in Omaha with close to 20 players.

My list was

Chewbacca gunner EH

Lando gunner EH

Top four included a triple firespray and two swarms.

The flying pancake can be hard to control. Your game was the hardest of the day and what was I was very worried about going into the tournament. The last game came down to a very close 2 turns at the beginning that went my way.