I'm GMing a game right now, and 2 of my players just bought voss hellguns and pistols but were disapointed when they realized that overall they were bad weapons so I modified the stats of the weapons a bit by combining the traits of the Dlaku hellgun and the Voss one to make one standard Hellgun.
Range 110
ROF 1/3/5
Ammo 40
Damage 1d10+4 Energy
Pen 3
Special Rules
Reliable? (is that a good idea)
Reload 1 Full
Cost 225
Range 35
ROF 1/2/4
Ammo 20
Damage 1d10+3 Energy
Pen 3
Special Rules
Reload 1 Half
Cost 185
I also reduced the reload time for the weapons since its kinda wierd that Hellgun reloads so slowly when it basically uses a charge pack similar to a lasgun.
What are your guy's thoughts, does this make the Hellgun way too powerful?