So, Battlefleet Koronus is still one of my favorite RT books (along with Lure, Edge, and Storm), and one of the nice things they gave us is bigger hulls; if you somehow don't think that a Cruiser is doing you justice, two more hulls between that and Battleship (which you still can't have, bar rebuilding a salvaged one) are available. So, here's a little question; what's a good way to actually GET one? Say I want a Repulsive Grand Cruiser. Their SP is the lowest of that size, but still high. If you aren't Aspyce Chorda or Calligos Winterscale, that roll might be pretty tough, even if you perma-burn some PF to up your chances. I'm not sure what you can do to a ship to get that SP 69 to go down, if anything, even though, fluff-wise, most people don't like the Repulsive. Even if you find an empty, stripped hull, it could take years to wait for it to be refitted, just because everything in the Imperium is BIG and SLOW.
Getting it through other means probably means relieving it from a Chaos fleet, and then waiting years for the hull to be purified, the profaned parts removed (because Chaos CAN'T not taint things) and replaced, and the rest of the repairs to be made.
I don't want to seem like I'm trying to get too big a ship for fair; the GM might have to up all the threats if the crew has a Grand Cruiser, and that may be why the only printed RT with one is Winterscale, who is the richest man on the block, but how might a crew get one, without having to have the PF 80+ it almost seems to require to make the check? The hull is there to be used, so how might one? If I really wanted a hull just to be broken, I'd try to reclaim the Light, and dump endless wealth into that hole, watching it never fill. If it doesn't take forever to fix a stripped Grand Cruiser, a Battleship CAN'T really take a ridiculously longer time; you just have to fend off more thieves, and find battleship-class parts, but that is a sort of different problem.
On a separate thought, so I don't have to start a new thread for this equally meh question, what's to like about some of the smaller hulls? At the beginning, you get a scale of PF vs. SP. If you start with a bit less, you get a bigger ship, and vice versa, but almost everything you do increases you Profit Factor, if you do well, so I can see justifying starting with a light cruiser, having a bit lower PF, and expecting to go do a few +3-6 PF missions, making some good money. Bigger ships can carry more, have more guns, et al, so why, other than getting to make Acquisition rolls near the beginning for silly gear, would I want a smaller, more fragile transport, over say a frigate or cruiser? Make me like a smaller craft, when space combat makes me think bigger is better.