Looking at the new Game Noght Kits - Season One ant the fact it will be avaliable later this year as a POD for Descent I got a thought why FFG will not release a box expansion in that style. You know a box that would have new cards, rules, quests and more to play this game cooperative.
Such a expansion could also bring new monsters, map tiles and more into the game.
What's more they could use in it all other expansions published so far (Lair of the Wyrm, the Trollfens, Labirynth of Ruin and Shadow of Nerekhall). So maps would use map tiles from other expansions beyond base game for example.
It would be great to see more expansions like Forgotten Souls not only as PODs but in boxes.
Please FFG, this would also fit the market where a good cooperative dungeon crawlers are not common.