Cooperative box expansions

By Beren Eoath, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Looking at the new Game Noght Kits - Season One ant the fact it will be avaliable later this year as a POD for Descent I got a thought why FFG will not release a box expansion in that style. You know a box that would have new cards, rules, quests and more to play this game cooperative.

Such a expansion could also bring new monsters, map tiles and more into the game.

What's more they could use in it all other expansions published so far (Lair of the Wyrm, the Trollfens, Labirynth of Ruin and Shadow of Nerekhall). So maps would use map tiles from other expansions beyond base game for example.

It would be great to see more expansions like Forgotten Souls not only as PODs but in boxes.

Please FFG, this would also fit the market where a good cooperative dungeon crawlers are not common.

If FFG finds an economical interest in publishing a box, why not?

But I would not like to see them include already existing maps, etc. in it.

I thought of making new quest in such boxes but that would use all tiles from previous expansions. I do not want any conversion of existing quests to be played solo/cooperative.

In such a box they would make completly new quests and stories. And could add all new stuff that they would like to that one.

This could be a new type of Descent expansion - the cooperative ones. In this category would fit not only PODs but also box expansions.


I'm sure co-op expansions will come along if they prove to be financially successful. I'm reasonably certain they will, too. Co-op seems to be "a thing" with dungeon crawlers these days - and I can certainly understand why.

I highly doubt that FFG would make such co-op expansions use material from boxes other than the base game and itself - if they're not willing to cross-match between two "vs expansions" then why would a co-op expansion be any different?

I do hope the Games Night kit will include necessary co-op stats for all current expansions. Future "vs expansions" would likely include co-op stats for any new monsters and so on that they introduce, if FFG follows true to form. Extra components that people without the co-op expansion can just ignore.

As for map tiles, I don't recall if they said anything about how the rooms in the co-op dungeon will be generated. If it's randomly generated by drawing from a deck of "room cards," for example, they could easily include new room cards for tiles in each future expansion (co-op or vs) and in that way allow the new content to be integrated.

That's how they handled introducing the radically different game mode of the Advanced Campaign in D1E, anyway.

Edited by Steve-O

Like alway Steve-O, you made some good points.

Like most of us who love dungeon crawlers I want to see more of co-op expansions for Descent. And I'm looking forward how the game will expand with every kind of new product.

From my perspective the Forgotten Souls is just the first step that shows how the game will be evolving in many directions.