Now that the full book is coming out when is the Beta for Force and Destiny gonna be available?

By eric0529, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I bought the Beta book the day it hit the local game store and my friends and I have been playing a combined (Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion) since then. Really want to see what trees are in the Force and Destiny so I know how I want to spend my XP. Also, would love to see the Specialization Decks so I have a quicker reference guide for my talents. Love this game!

Many believe it will be released in conjunction with Gencon in August of this year. Here's hoping.

That beta book is basically going to print money for FFG. I am not one to buy beta books, and I'm seriously considering it.

Must … resist … the dark side.

I wasn't going to buy the Beta for Age but I'm glad I did. It really helped us expand our campaign a bit with more diverse characters and it allowed us to have more Force possibilities. I'm really curious to see what the extra 220 pages could possibly hold in the full rulebook for Age that aren't in either the Edge Core book or in my Beta book?? Hoping that I don't need to buy the new one.

I'll totally buy it. I don't even have any current Jedi groupies at my table and I have to know what's in it...... :wacko:

Edited by 2P51

That beta book is basically going to print money for FFG. I am not one to buy beta books, and I'm seriously considering it.

Must … resist … the dark side.

Give in ....

I'm hoping they bring out the beginner set by May at the latest probably the Age of Rebellion RPG at Gencon and then launch the Force & Destiny Beta in November before delaying the final changes until maybe January next year...

Have to admit I'd like to see what they'll do with that Beta, however I'm no fan of Lightsaber having its own skill, Melee works fine its just that they need to give the various Lightsaber fighting forms their own talent trees! :P

Why do you ask?

Because I want to see a lightsaber fight between wannabe Jedi/Sith and have their backsides well and truly kicked by Tapani Duelists thats what!

It also helps if Boba can wield a lightsaber and hold off Darth Vader :o albeit I believe for a few seconds then why not anyone skilled in melee combat! ;)

Also I can't help wondering why not turn the Force Rating into a characteristic so every force power they purchase also grants them access to a skill of the same name allowing for narrative pools...

Luke has a Force Rating of 2 (he spent 20xp after purchasing the Force Sensitive Universal Specialty (20xp)) and decides on Move Object at 2 skill ranks (10xp for the power and then 5 and 10xp respectively for the skill for a total of 65xp spent so far) now when he wants to use that Force Power he has 2 green dice upgraded by his 2 skill in that power to 2 yellow dice and possible the usual 2 purple dice in his dice pool before explaining what his character wants to do...

Maybe spent a destiny point to use this power say if he's trying to lift a starfighter from a swamp (ever heard about piloting lessons Luke? ;) ) but if he fancies doing that to a Star Destroyer (Hey! Close that Force Unleashed book! :P )then thats at least 1 purple die per silhouette let alone a probable upgrade of 2 of those to challenge dice and I'll let you argue out the rest if you want! :P

Anyway... I wonder how wrong I am! :)

Edited by copperbell

I'm hoping they bring out the beginner set by May at the latest probably the Age of Rebellion RPG at Gencon and then launch the Force & Destiny Beta in November before delaying the final changes until maybe January next year...

Why are you hoping for a later-than-expected release for all of those products, if you don't mind me asking? Following the pattern that FFG has already set, we're likely to see the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game in April or May, the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook in May or June, and the Force and Destiny Beta in August at GenCon.

Many believe it will be released in conjunction with Gencon in August of this year. Here's hoping.

I plan on going to Gencon this year, so I will definitely pick up Force & Destiny if its there, as well as play it if they run demos.

Plus get it signed by everyone who worked on it ;-)

Edited by jburgos

@ copperbell: Pretty damned wrong, considering how F&D was slated to be compatible with EotE and AoR, which pretty much would lock in certain aspects of the system (re: " why not ").

I'm hoping they bring out the beginner set by May at the latest probably the Age of Rebellion RPG at Gencon and then launch the Force & Destiny Beta in November before delaying the final changes until maybe January next year...

Why are you hoping for a later-than-expected release for all of those products, if you don't mind me asking? Following the pattern that FFG has already set, we're likely to see the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game in April or May, the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook in May or June, and the Force and Destiny Beta in August at GenCon.

I'm the eternal optimist, I figure if it is earlier than this then I'm pleasantly surprised but I'm sincerely hoping its no later... :)

I'm hoping they bring out the beginner set by May at the latest probably the Age of Rebellion RPG at Gencon and then launch the Force & Destiny Beta in November before delaying the final changes until maybe January next year...

Why are you hoping for a later-than-expected release for all of those products, if you don't mind me asking? Following the pattern that FFG has already set, we're likely to see the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game in April or May, the Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook in May or June, and the Force and Destiny Beta in August at GenCon.

I'm the eternal optimist, I figure if it is earlier than this then I'm pleasantly surprised but I'm sincerely hoping its no later... :)

Fair enough. I totally understand.

Also I can't help wondering why not turn the Force Rating into a characteristic so every force power they purchase also grants them access to a skill of the same name allowing for narrative pools...

Luke has a Force Rating of 2 (he spent 20xp after purchasing the Force Sensitive Universal Specialty (20xp)) and decides on Move Object at 2 skill ranks (10xp for the power and then 5 and 10xp respectively for the skill for a total of 65xp spent so far) now when he wants to use that Force Power he has 2 green dice upgraded by his 2 skill in that power to 2 yellow dice and possible the usual 2 purple dice in his dice pool before explaining what his character wants to do...

Maybe spent a destiny point to use this power say if he's trying to lift a starfighter from a swamp (ever heard about piloting lessons Luke? ;) ) but if he fancies doing that to a Star Destroyer (Hey! Close that Force Unleashed book! :P )then thats at least 1 purple die per silhouette let alone a probable upgrade of 2 of those to challenge dice and I'll let you argue out the rest if you want! :P

Anyway... I wonder how wrong I am! :)

Yeah. Too much baseless wishlisting here and not enough foresight (no offense). For FFG to do this, they would have to wildly diverge from what they've already written, invalidating every single talent, specialization tree tree, power, and upgrade related to the Force that has been printed to date. It would also largely invalidate one of the dice that FFG has already been selling for then 2 years, removing value from those purchases. Not to mention that this would create a disconnect regarding the Force elsewhere in the rules, in the form of the Destiny pool.

You can already lift an X-wing out of a swamp. It only takes 2 or 3 circles, depending how far you are in the power tree. It's already in the book. And it's only a further extrapolation to move a Star Destroyer (which is hilariously easy given a Force Rating of 3 or 4). Everything you've said can already be done. No need for FFG to p*-off their fans by completely changing the game right at the end and preventing every single Force sensitive character from making their goal of becoming a Jedi.

As an aside, this is why I don't like house rules and some (but not all) fan made material. You literally have no idea what you are setting in motion when changing the rules, even though your thought is well-meaning and rational (same-mechanics rules).

Back on topic, I expect the same release schedule as EoE and probably AoR. A Beta some time in the fall, followed in the spring by a Beginner box and spring-summer for the full book. So far, AoR's release hasn't been terribly different than EoE's.

Apologies about that, it was more of a case of getting ahead of myself and not restricting myself to the thread topic!

Apologies about that, it was more of a case of getting ahead of myself and not restricting myself to the thread topic!

No harm, not foul.