As you can see, we're still working the kinks out of our new website and forums. There are a few issues that are being worked on as we speak.
Clicking on the "Forum" link brings be back to the front page!
Our programmers are working on this one, and hopefully it will be taken care of very soon. The old forums are still up here, and you will be able to post and read them until we get the new forum issues worked out.
I can't find the Upcoming Releases page!
We have a temporary workaround here, but it will soon be added to the site.
My country is not on the list of available countries when I register!
A few countries are missing from the dropdown menu. Certainly, no offense was meant, and they will be added as soon as possible.
My favorite article/scenario is not on the site!
We are going to continue to add items from the old site. If something seems to be missing, please let us know at
[email protected]
Again, thanks for your patience and continued support!